33 research outputs found

    The Musashi 1 Controls the Splicing of Photoreceptor-Specific Exons in the Vertebrate Retina

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    Alternative pre-mRNA splicing expands the coding capacity of eukaryotic genomes, potentially enabling a limited number of genes to govern the development of complex anatomical structures. Alternative splicing is particularly prevalent in the vertebrate nervous system, where it is required for neuronal development and function. Here, we show that photoreceptor cells, a type of sensory neuron, express a characteristic splicing program that affects a broad set of transcripts and is initiated prior to the development of the light sensing outer segments. Surprisingly, photoreceptors lack prototypical neuronal splicing factors and their splicing profile is driven to a significant degree by the Musashi 1 (MSI1) protein. A striking feature of the photoreceptor splicing program are exons that display a switch-like pattern of high inclusion levels in photoreceptors and near complete exclusion outside of the retina. Several ubiquitously expressed genes that are involved in the biogenesis and function of primary cilia produce highly photoreceptor specific isoforms through use of such “switchlike” exons. Our results suggest a potential role for alternative splicing in the development of photoreceptors and the conversion of their primary cilia to the light sensing outer segments

    ADP-Ribosylation Factor-Like 2 (ARL2) regulates cilia stability and development of outer segments in rod photoreceptor neurons

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    Photoreceptor cells are specialized neurons with a sensory cilium carrying an elaborate membrane structure, the outer segment (OS). Inherited mutations in genes involved in ciliogenesis frequently result in OS malformation and blindness. ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2 (ARL2) has recently been implicated in OS formation through its association with Binder of ARL2 (BART or ARL2BP), a protein linked to inherited blinding disease. To test the role of ARL2 in vision we created a transgenic mouse model expressing a tagged-dominant active form of human ARL2 (ARL2-Q70L) under a rod-specific promoter. Transgenic ARL2-Q70L animals exhibit reduced photoreceptor cell function as early as post-natal day 16 and progressive rod degeneration. We attribute loss of photoreceptor function to the defective OS morphogenesis in the ARL2-Q70L transgenic model. ARL2-Q70L expression results in shortened inner and outer segments, shortened and mislocalized axonemes and cytoplasmic accumulation of rhodopsin. In conclusion, we show that ARL2-Q70L is crucial for photoreceptor neuron sensory cilium development. Future research will expand upon our hypothesis that ARL2-Q70L mutant interferes with microtubule maintenance and tubulin regulation resulting in impaired growth of the axoneme and elaboration of the photoreceptor outer segment

    Cone Phosphodiesterase-6γ’ Subunit Augments Cone PDE6 Holoenzyme Assembly and Stability in a Mouse Model Lacking Both Rod and Cone PDE6 Catalytic Subunits

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    Rod and cone phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) are key effector enzymes of the vertebrate phototransduction pathway. Rod PDE6 consists of two catalytic subunits PDE6α and PDE6β and two identical inhibitory PDE6γ subunits, while cone PDE6 is composed of two identical PDE6α’ catalytic subunits and two identical cone-specific PDE6γ’ inhibitory subunits. Despite their prominent function in regulating cGMP levels and therefore rod and cone light response properties, it is not known how each subunit contributes to the functional differences between rods and cones. In this study, we generated an rd10/cpfl1 mouse model lacking rod PDE6β and cone PDE6α’ subunits. Both rod and cone photoreceptor cells are degenerated with age and all PDE6 subunits degrade in rd10/cpfl1 mice. We expressed cone PDE6α’ in both rods and cones of rd10/cpfl1 mice by adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated delivery driven by the ubiquitous, constitutive small chicken β-actin promoter. We show that expression of PDE6α’ rescues rod function in rd10/cpfl1 mice, and the restoration of rod light sensitivity is attained through restoration of endogenous rod PDE6γ and formation of a functional PDE6α’γ complex. However, improved photopic cone responses were achieved only after supplementation of both cone PDE6α’ and PDE6γ’ subunits but not by PDE6α’ treatment alone. We observed a two fold increase of PDE6α’ levels in the eyes injected with both PDE6α’ plus PDE6γ’ relative to eyes receiving PDE6α’ alone. Despite the presence of both PDE6γ’ and PDE6γ, the majority of PDE6α’ formed functional complexes with PDE6γ’, suggesting that PDE6α’ has a higher association affinity for PDE6γ’ than for PDE6γ. These results suggest that the presence of PDE6γ’ augments cone PDE6 assembly and enhances its stability. Our finding has important implication for gene therapy of PDE6α’-associated achromatopsia

    Retinal Organoids derived from hiPSCs of an AIPL1-LCA Patient Maintain Cytoarchitecture despite Reduced levels of Mutant AIPL1

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    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) is a photoreceptor-specific chaperone that stabilizes the effector enzyme of phototransduction, cGMP phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6). Mutations in the AIPL1 gene cause a severe inherited retinal dystrophy, Leber congenital amaurosis type 4 (LCA4), that manifests as the loss of vision during the first year of life. In this study, we generated three-dimensional (3D) retinal organoids (ROs) from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) derived from an LCA4 patient carrying a Cys89Arg mutation in AIPL1. This study aimed to (i) explore whether the patient hiPSC-derived ROs recapitulate LCA4 disease phenotype, and (ii) generate a clinically relevant resource to investigate the molecular mechanism of disease and safely test novel therapies for LCA4 in vitro. We demonstrate reduced levels of the mutant AIPL1 and PDE6 proteins in patient organoids, corroborating the findings in animal models; however, patient-derived organoids maintained retinal cell cytoarchitecture despite significantly reduced levels of AIPL1.This work was supported by Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII)/ ERDF (European Research Development Fund), Spain, ((PI16/00409 (DL); DL, AAC, and SE are members of PRB3 supported by a grant (PT17/0019/0024) of the PE I + D + i 2013–2016, funded by ISCIII and ERDF. The work was also supported by ISCIII-ERDF (PI16/00425), CIBERER 06/07/0036, IIS-FJD Biobank PT13/0010/0012, RAREGENOMICS funded by Regional Government of Madrid, (CAM, B2017/BMD3721) and ERDF, the University Chair UAM-IIS-FJD of Genomic Medicine, the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE), the Spanish Fighting Blindness Foundation (FUNDALUCE), and the Ramon Areces Foundation. MC is supported by the Miguel Servet Program (CPII17_00006) from ISCIII. DL is supported by Miguel Servet I Program (CP18/00033). VR is supported by National Institute of Health (R01 EY028035, R01 EY025536). Transcriptome profiling and analyses were supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Eye Institute (ZIAEY000450, ZIAEY000474) and utilized the high-performance computational capabilities of the Biowulf Linux cluster at NIH (http://biowulf.nih.gov)

    Cone Phosphodiesterase-6γ’ Subunit Augments Cone PDE6 Holoenzyme Assembly and Stability in a Mouse Model Lacking Both Rod and Cone PDE6 Catalytic Subunits

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    Rod and cone phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) are key effector enzymes of the vertebrate phototransduction pathway. Rod PDE6 consists of two catalytic subunits PDE6α and PDE6β and two identical inhibitory PDE6γ subunits, while cone PDE6 is composed of two identical PDE6α’ catalytic subunits and two identical cone-specific PDE6γ’ inhibitory subunits. Despite their prominent function in regulating cGMP levels and therefore rod and cone light response properties, it is not known how each subunit contributes to the functional differences between rods and cones. In this study, we generated an rd10/cpfl1 mouse model lacking rod PDE6β and cone PDE6α’ subunits. Both rod and cone photoreceptor cells are degenerated with age and all PDE6 subunits degrade in rd10/cpfl1 mice. We expressed cone PDE6α’ in both rods and cones of rd10/cpfl1 mice by adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated delivery driven by the ubiquitous, constitutive small chicken β-actin promoter. We show that expression of PDE6α’ rescues rod function in rd10/cpfl1 mice, and the restoration of rod light sensitivity is attained through restoration of endogenous rod PDE6γ and formation of a functional PDE6α’γ complex. However, improved photopic cone responses were achieved only after supplementation of both cone PDE6α’ and PDE6γ’ subunits but not by PDE6α’ treatment alone. We observed a two fold increase of PDE6α’ levels in the eyes injected with both PDE6α’ plus PDE6γ’ relative to eyes receiving PDE6α’ alone. Despite the presence of both PDE6γ’ and PDE6γ, the majority of PDE6α’ formed functional complexes with PDE6γ’, suggesting that PDE6α’ has a higher association affinity for PDE6γ’ than for PDE6γ. These results suggest that the presence of PDE6γ’ augments cone PDE6 assembly and enhances its stability. Our finding has important implication for gene therapy of PDE6α’-associated achromatopsia

    Cone phosphodiesterase-6α′ restores rod function and confers distinct physiological properties in the rod phosphodiesterase-6β-deficient rd10 mouse

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    Phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) is the key effector enzyme of the vertebrate phototransduction pathway in rods and cones. Rod PDE6 catalytic core is composed of two distinct subunits, PDE6α and PDE6β, whereas two identical PDE6α′ subunits form the cone PDE6 catalytic core. It is not known whether this difference in PDE6 catalytic subunit identity contributes to the functional differences between rods and cones. To address this question, we expressed cone PDE6α′ in the photoreceptor cells of the retinal degeneration 10 (rd10) mouse that carries a mutation in rod PDEβ subunit. We show that adeno-associated virus-mediated subretinal delivery of PDE6α′ rescues rod electroretinogram responses and preserves retinal structure, indicating that cone PDE6α′ can couple effectively to the rod phototransduction pathway. We also show that restoration of light sensitivity in rd10 rods is attributable to assembly of PDE6α′ with rod PDE6γ. Single-cell recordings revealed that, surprisingly, rods expressing cone PDE6α′ are twofold more sensitive to light than wild-type rods, most likely because of the slower shutoff of their light responses. Unlike in wild-type rods, the response kinetics in PDE6α′-treated rd10 rods accelerated with increasing flash intensity, indicating a possible direct feedback modulation of cone PDE6α′ activity. Together, these results demonstrate that cone PDE6α′ can functionally substitute for rod PDEαβ in vivo, conferring treated rods with distinct physiological properties

    Prominin 1 is crucial for the early development of photoreceptor outer segments

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    Abstract Prominin 1 (PROM1) is a pentaspan transmembrane glycoprotein localized on the nascent photoreceptor discs. Mutations in PROM1 are linked to various retinal diseases. In this study, we assessed the role of PROM1 in photoreceptor biology and physiology using the PROM1 knockout murine model (rd19). Our study found that PROM1 is essential for vision and photoreceptor development. We found an early reduction in photoreceptor response beginning at post-natal day 12 (P12) before eye opening in the absence of PROM1 with no apparent loss in photoreceptor cells. However, at this stage, we observed an increased glial cell activation, indicative of cell damage. Contrary to our expectations, dark rearing did not mitigate photoreceptor degeneration or vision loss in PROM1 knockout mice. In addition to physiological defects seen in PROM1 knockout mice, ultrastructural analysis revealed malformed outer segments characterized by whorl-like continuous membranes instead of stacked disks. In parallel to the reduced rod response at P12, proteomics revealed a significant reduction in the levels of protocadherin, a known interactor of PROM1, and rod photoreceptor outer segment proteins, including rhodopsin. Overall, our results underscore the indispensable role of PROM1 in photoreceptor development and maintenance of healthy vision

    Rod photoreceptor differentiation in fetal and infant human retina

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    Human rods and cones are arranged in a precise spatial mosaic that is critical for optimal functioning of the visual system. However, the molecular processes that underpin specification of cell types within the mosaic are poorly understood. The progressive differentiation of human rods was tracked from fetal week (Fwk) 9 to postnatal (P) 8 months using immunocytochemical markers of key molecules that represent rod progression from post-mitotic precursors to outer segment-bearing functional photoreceptors. We find two phases associated with rod differentiation. The early phase begins in rods on the foveal edge at Fwk 10.5 when rods are first identified, and the rod-specific proteins NRL and NR2e3 are detected. By Fwk 11-12, these rods label for interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein, recoverin, and aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1. The second phase occurs over the next month with the appearance of rod opsin at Fwk 15, closely followed by the outer segment proteins rod GTP-gated sodium channel, rod arrestin, and peripherin. TULP is expressed relatively late at Fwk 18-20 in rods. Each phase proceeds across the retina in a central-peripheral order, such that rods in far peripheral retina are only entering the early phase at the same time that cells in central retina are entering their late phase. During the second half of gestation rods undergo an intracellular reorganization of these proteins, and cellular and OS elongation which continues into infancy. The progression of rod development shown here provides insight into the possible mechanisms underlying human retinal visual dysfunction when there are mutations affecting key rod-related molecules

    Deficiency of Isoprenylcysteine Carboxyl Methyltransferase (ICMT) Leads to Progressive Loss of Photoreceptor Function

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    Retinal neurons use multiple strategies to fine-tune visual signal transduction, including post-translational modifications of proteins, such as addition of an isoprenyl lipid to a carboxyl-terminal cysteine in proteins that terminate with a “CAAX motif.” We previously showed that RAS converting enzyme 1 (RCE1)-mediated processing of isoprenylated proteins is required for photoreceptor maintenance and function. However, it is not yet known whether the requirement for the RCE1-mediated protein processing is related to the absence of the endoproteolytic processing step, the absence of the subsequent methylation step by isoprenylcysteine methyltransferase (ICMT), or both. To approach this issue and to understand the significance of protein methylation, we generated mice lacking Icmt expression in the retina. In the absence of Icmt expression, rod and cone light-mediated responses diminished progressively. Lack of ICMT-mediated methylation led to defective association of isoprenylated transducin and cone phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6α′) with photoreceptor membranes and resulted in decreased levels of transducin, PDE6α′, and cone G-protein coupled receptor kinase-1 (GRK1). In contrast to our earlier findings with retina-specific Rce1 knock-out mice, rod PDE6 in Icmt-deficient mice trafficked normally to the photoreceptor outer segment, suggesting that the failure to remove the −AAX is responsible for blocking the movement of PDE6 to the outer segment. Our findings demonstrate that carboxyl methylation of isoprenylated proteins is crucial for maintenance of photoreceptor function. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In this report, we show that an absence of isoprenylcysteine methyltransferase-mediated protein methylation leads to progressive loss of vision. Photoreceptors also degenerate, although at a slower pace than the rate of visual loss. The reduction in photoresponses is due to defective association of crucial players in phototransduction cascade. Unlike the situation with RCE1 deficiency, where both methylation and removal of −AAX were affected, the transport of isoprenylated proteins in isoprenylcysteine methyltransferase-deficient retinas was not dependent on methylation. This finding implies that the retention of the −AAX in PDE6 catalytic subunits in Rce1(−/−) mice is responsible for impeding their transport to the rod photoreceptor outer segment. In conclusion, lack of methylation of isoprenylcysteines leads to age-dependent photoreceptor dysfunction