925 research outputs found

    Impurity and soliton dynamics in a Fermi gas with nearest-neighbor interactions

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    We study spinless fermions with repulsive nearest-neighbor interactions perturbed by an impurity particle or a local potential quench. Using the numerical time-evolving block decimation method and a simplified analytic model, we show that the pertubations create a soliton-antisoliton pair. If solitons are already present in the bath, the two excitations have a drastically different dynamics: The antisoliton does not annihilate with the solitons and is therefore confined close to its origin while the soliton excitation propagates. We discuss the consequences for experiments with ultracold gases.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    TYÖ JA TAVAT TUTUKSI : Perehdytyskansion laatiminen lastensuojeluyksikölle

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa perehdytyskansio lastensuojeluyksikköön. Idea työn tekemiseen tuli kohdeorganisaatiosta, koska heillä ei ollut vielä perehdytyskansiota. Perehdytyskansio on suunnattu uusille työntekijöille ja opiskelijoille. Perehdytyskansion tarkoituksena on auttaa uusia työntekijöitä ja opiskelijoita sopeutumaan työyhteisöön ja auttaa ihmisiä perehtymään perustehtäväänsä. Hyvin hoidettuna perehdyttäminen edistää työn laatua ja työ hyvinvointia. Projektin tekeminen aloitettiin aiheen valinnalla tammikuussa 2012. Sen jälkeen laadittiin työsuunnitelma ja anottiin lupa työlle sekä etsittiin tutkittua tietoa teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsitellään perehdyttämistä, lastensuojelua ja nuorten yleisimpiä psyykkisiä ongelmia. Sisällön suunnittelun apuna perehdytyskansiossa käytettiin haastattelua. Perehdytyskansio on koottu haastatteluun osallistuneiden työntekijöiden ja opiskelijan vastauksista kerätystä materiaalista sekä muista aiheeseen liittyvistä tieto-lähteistä. Perehdytyskansio sisältää yleiset toimintamallit, yksikön säännöt, ohjaajien tehtävät ja ohjeita ohjaajille ongelmatilanteissa. Tavoitteena oli luoda selkeä kansio, joka on ajantasainen ja jota on myös helppo päivittää tulevaisuudessa. Lastensuojeluyksikön käytössä perehdytyskansio on ollut sen valmistumisesta asti.The purpose of this practice-based bachelor´s thesis was to prepare an orientation folder to a child protection unit. The idea to create this folder came from the target organization, because there was no the orientation folder. The aim is to use the folder in the orientation process of new employees and students to help them to adapt to the new work community and to help people to orientate to their basic work task. Well done orientation promotes the quality of work and well-being at work. The project started in January 2012 with choosing the topic. Then a working plan was made, the permission for the thesis was applied and research information was sought for the theoretical framework. The theoretical framework of this bachelor’s thesis includes the following topics: orientation, child welfare and the most common adolescent mental problems. An interview was used as an instrument for planning. The orientation folder was compiled by using the interview and the opinions of the employees and students. The folder includes general guidelines, the rules of the unit, regulations, the nurses´ tasks and advice for problematic situations. The goal of this bachelor’s thesis was to create a clear orientation folder, which is also easy to update in the future. Child protection unit has used this orientation folder from the moment it had been completed

    Suomalaisten synnyttäjien rauskausetäisyyksistä

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    Raskauden ja synnytyksen aiheuttamat kustannukset

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    Sine-Gordon dynamics in spin transport

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    We study spin transport in a one-dimensional finite-length wire connected to fermionic leads. The interacting wire is described by the sine-Gordon model while the leads are either noninteracting or interacting Luttinger liquids. We calculate the spin current driven by a spin bias by solving numerically the classical equation of motion, and find that the cosine term in the sine-Gordon model gives rise to an oscillating spin current when the spin bias exceeds its critical value. We discuss the results in connection with transport experiments with ultracold atoms.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    PAINAD -mittarin hyödynnettävyys dementiapotilaiden kivun arvioinnissa

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    Dementiapotilaiden kivunarviointi voi olla haasteellista, koska potilaan omaa arviota hänen kivustaan pidetään kaikkein luotettavimpana keinona kivunarvioinnissa ja dementianpotilaat eivät välttämättä pysty kommunikoimaan. Siksi dementiapotilaiden kipu on usein alidiagnosoitua ja -hoidettua. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on testata PAINAD -mittarin hyödynnettävyyttä hoitotyössä kivun arvioinnissa dementiaa sairastavilla potilailla. Tutkimus on osa Turun ammattikorkeakoulun Kivun hoidon potilasohjaus -hanketta. Hanke toteutetaan Turun ammattikorkeakoulun terveysala-tulosalueen ja Turun sosiaali- ja terveystoimen yhteistyönä. Opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. PAINAD- mittari esiteltiin kolmen geriatrisen sairaalahoidon osaston ja neljän ympärivuorokautisenhoidon osaston hoitohenkilökunnalle. He käyttivät PAINAD -mittaria neljän viikon ajan dementiapotilaiden kivun arvioinnissa. Neljän viikon jälkeen hoitohenkilökuntaa haastateltiin heidän kokemuksistaan PAINAD -mittarin käytöstä. Tutkimusta ohjasi kolme tutkimuskysymystä, jotka olivat; Miten hoitohenkilökunta voisi hyödyntää PAINAD -mittaria dementiapotilaan kivun arvioinnissa? Miten hoitajien mielipiteet PAINAD -mittarista eroavat toisistaan eri osastoilla? Mitä kritiikkiä ilmeni PAINAD -mittarin käytössä? Tulokset osoittivat hoitohenkilökunnan kokevan PAINAD- mittarin helpottavan todentamaan kipua. Kipulääkkeen käyttö koettiin perustellummaksi ja mittarista koettiin olevan apua myös kivun ja ahdistuksen erottamisessa. Mielipide eroja oli myös lähihoitajien ja sairaanhoitajien mielipiteissä. Kritiikkiä ilmeni PAINAD- mittarin raja-arvojen epäselvyydestä ja arviointi koettiin vaikeaksi niiden potilaiden kohdalla, jotka olivat jatkuvasti levottomia tai jäykkiä. PAINAD- mittarista näytti kuitenkin ollevan hyötyä dementiapotilaiden kivun arvioinnissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää, kun etsitään hyvää kivunarviointia ja -hoitoa dementiapotilaille. PAINAD- mittari osoittautui hyväksi apuvälineeksi kivunarviointiin dementiapotilailla vaikka kritiikkiä ja eroavaisuuksia hoitohenkilökunnan mielipiteissä ilmeni. PAINAD- mittarin hyödynnettävyyttä, luotettavuutta ja soveltuvuutta dementiapotilaiden kivunarviointiin tulee kuitenkin vielä tutkia.Normally, persons’ self-report is kept as the most reliable measurement of pain. Pain assessment in people with dementia can be challenging because demented patients are often unable to communicate, and therefore their pain can often go under-recognized and/or under-treated. The purpose of the study was to test the usefulness of the observational tool PAINAD in pain assessment in patients with dementia. This Bachelor’s thesis is part of the Patient education in pain management project. This project was ran by the Turku University of Applied sciences the Faculty of Health Care and the Department of Health Care and Social Services of the city of Turku. This thesis is a qualitative research. The PAINAD was presented to nursing staff in three geriatric hospital wards and four long term care wards. These wards used the PAINAD- scale for four weeks in assessment of the pain in demented patients. After four weeks, a group interview was held and the nurses' opinions of the PAINAD and its use were clarified. Three questions were used as to help in the research, and they were: How could the nursing staff utilize the PAINAD- scale in evaluating the pain of dementia patient? How do the nurses' opinions of the PAINAD- scale differ from each other in different wards? What criticism did become apparent in the use of the PAINAD- scale? The results of this study showed that nursing staff felt that the PAINAD-scale helped them in their work as it made it easier to register the pain which in turn helped to justify when to use medication for that pain. It also helped them to separate pain from anxiety which isn’t always easy with demented patents. The opinions of the PAINAD varied in different wards quite a lot. The opinions between the nurses and practical nurses were also distinctly different. Criticism was shown in the unclarity of the values of the PAINAD. The assessment of pain was also regarded to be difficult if the patient was constantly restless or stiff. PAINAD- scale, however, seemed to be beneficial in pain assessment in patients with dementia. The results of this study can be utilized when seeking a good pain assessment and care of pain in demented patients. PAINAD proved to be a good tool for the assessment of demented patients' pain even though criticism and differences in opinions appeared. The benefit, reliability and suitability of the PAINAD should still be further examined in demented patients

    Finnish family size: accidental or planned

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    Incidence of urinary tract infections in infants with antenatally diagnosed hydronephrosis-A retrospective single center study

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    Objective: To evaluate the incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in infants with antenatal hydronephrosis (AHN). Materials and Methods: A cohort of AHN patients admitted to our institution between 2003 and 2013 were identified. Altogether 192 patients with nonrefluxing hydronephrosis (HN, n = 135), nonrefluxing hydroureteronephrosis (HUN, n = 21), or vesicoureteral reflux (VUR, n = 36) were identified. Patients with complex anomalies or neonatal decompression of the urinary tract were excluded. Information about UTIs diagnosed among the AHN patients was collected and compared with data from 58 controls. Results: During the median follow-up time of 2.6 (0.3-11.2) years, 24 (13%) patients (15 (10%) males and 9 (19%) females) and 2 (3%) controls experienced at least one UTI (p = 0.033). Eighteen (69%) UTIs were febrile. The males had the first UTI at significantly younger age than the females (0.3, 0.0-1.7 years vs. 1.0, 0.4-4.8 years, p = 0.010). UTI was detected in 15 (63%) patients with grade 4-5 VUR, in 8 (6%) patients with HN, and in one (5%) patient with HUN (p-values 0.999 against the controls). None of the patients with grade = 3 VUR had UTI. Fifty-eight percent of the patients with UTI were on antimicrobial prophylaxis. In five (12%) cases UTI appeared within one week after voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). Conclusions: Infants with AHN and grade 4-5 VUR had the highest risk of UTI. UTIs tented to be more common in females than in males; however, males experienced UTI at younger age than females. VCUG caused UTI in 2.3% in our material. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Prenatal complicated duplex collecting system and ureterocele-Important risk factors for urinary tract infection

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    Purpose: To evaluate the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in infants with prenatally detected complicated duplex collecting system (CDS) or ureterocele. Materials and methods: All patients with prenatally detected CDS (n= 34) or single system ureterocele (n= 7) who were admitted to our institution between 2003 and 2013 were enrolled in this retrospective analysis. Duplex collecting systems with ureterocele (n = 13), vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) (n = 20) or nonrefluxing megaureter without ureterocele (n = 7) were determined as complicated. Twenty-six (63%) patients were females. The prevalence of UTI was compared to 66 controls. Results: The median follow-up time was 5.5 (1.7-12.2) years. Eighteen (44%) patients and 3 (5%) controls had at least one UTI (p <0.001) at themedian age of 0.8 and 0.4 years, respectively (p= 0.481). Fifty-seven percent of the UTIs were breakthrough infections and 82% of those were non-Escherichia coli infections. UTIs occurred prior to any surgical intervention in 4/13 (31%) patients with ureterocele, in 2/14 (14%) patientswith VUR, in 4/7 (57%) patients with both ureterocele and VUR, and in 3/7 (43%) patientswith nonrefluxingmegaureterwithout VUR or ureterocele (p-values 0.012, 0.209, 0.001 and 0.010, respectively, compared to controls). Postoperative UTIswere observed in 29% of the girls and in none of the 11 boys (p = 0.072). The incidence of UTI after perforation of ureterocele was only 14%. Conclusions: Children with prenatally detected ureterocele or duplex collecting system associated with nonrefluxing megaureter are at high risk of UTI despite prophylactic antibiotics. In case of prenatally detected ureterocele we suggest to consider early endoscopic perforation. Level of evidence: III. (c) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Exploring the effects of below-freezing temperatures on smartphone usage

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    While the use of smartphones in extreme temperatures does not necessarily occur every day nor in all parts of the world, numerous use cases can be highlighted where the use of smartphones in cold temperatures is mandatory. Modern smartphones are designed to function in a wide range of temperatures, but when exposed to extreme cold temperatures the performance and reliability can significantly suffer. This paper presents a controlled laboratory experiment, using a clinical cold chamber to expose seven smartphone models to both medium cold (0 degrees C to -20 degrees C) and extreme cold (-30 degrees C) environments. The results showcase the smartphones' sensing software's lack of awareness of the cold environment, as well as reliability issues in the form of device crashes across the whole range of tested devices. We present a strategy for implementing monitoring application designs to both appropriately sense the effect of cold environments, as well as predicting device shutdowns in extreme cold. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe