938 research outputs found

    Fluctuation relation for a L\'evy particle

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    We study the work fluctuations of a particle subjected to a deterministic drag force plus a random forcing whose statistics is of the L\'evy type. In the stationary regime, the probability density of the work is found to have ``fat'' power-law tails which assign a relatively high probability to large fluctuations compared with the case where the random forcing is Gaussian. These tails lead to a strong violation of existing fluctuation theorems, as the ratio of the probabilities of positive and negative work fluctuations of equal magnitude behaves in a non-monotonic way. Possible experiments that could probe these features are proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX4; v2: minor corrections and references added; v3: typos corrected, new conclusion, close to published versio

    Dynamics of a tracer granular particle as a non-equilibrium Markov process

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    The dynamics of a tracer particle in a stationary driven granular gas is investigated. We show how to transform the linear Boltzmann equation describing the dynamics of the tracer into a master equation for a continuous Markov process. The transition rates depend upon the stationary velocity distribution of the gas. When the gas has a Gaussian velocity probability distribution function (pdf), the stationary velocity pdf of the tracer is Gaussian with a lower temperature and satisfies detailed balance for any value of the restitution coefficient α\alpha. As soon as the velocity pdf of the gas departs from the Gaussian form, detailed balance is violated. This non-equilibrium state can be characterized in terms of a Lebowitz-Spohn action functional W(τ)W(\tau) defined over trajectories of time duration τ\tau. We discuss the properties of this functional and of a similar functional Wˉ(τ)\bar{W}(\tau) which differs from the first for a term which is non-extensive in time. On the one hand we show that in numerical experiments, i.e. at finite times τ\tau, the two functionals have different fluctuations and Wˉ\bar{W} always satisfies an Evans-Searles-like symmetry. On the other hand we cannot observe the verification of the Lebowitz-Spohn-Gallavotti-Cohen (LS-GC) relation, which is expected for W(τ)W(\tau) at very large times τ\tau. We give an argument for the possible failure of the LS-GC relation in this situation. We also suggest practical recipes for measuring W(τ)W(\tau) and Wˉ(τ)\bar{W}(\tau) in experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Dark Matter searches using gravitational wave bar detectors: quark nuggets and newtorites

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    Many experiments have searched for supersymmetric WIMP dark matter, with null results. This may suggest to look for more exotic possibilities, for example compact ultra-dense quark nuggets, widely discussed in literature with several different names. Nuclearites are an example of candidate compact objects with atomic size cross section. After a short discussion on nuclearites, the result of a nuclearite search with the gravitational wave bar detectors Nautilus and Explorer is reported. The geometrical acceptance of the bar detectors is 19.5 m2\rm m^2 sr, that is smaller than that of other detectors used for similar searches. However, the detection mechanism is completely different and is more straightforward than in other detectors. The experimental limits we obtain are of interest because, for nuclearites of mass less than 10510^{-5} g, we find a flux smaller than that one predicted considering nuclearites as dark matter candidates. Particles with gravitational only interactions (newtorites) are another example. In this case the sensitivity is quite poor and a short discussion is reported on possible improvements.Comment: published on Astroparticle Physics Sept 25th 2016 replaced fig 1

    Quark nuggets search using 2350 Kg gravitational waves aluminum bar detectors

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    The gravitational wave resonant detectors can be used as detectors of quark nuggets, like nuclearites (nuclear matter with a strange quark). This search has been carried out using data from two 2350 Kg, 2 K cooled, aluminum bar detectors: NAUTILUS, located in Frascati (Italy), and EXPLORER, that was located in CERN Geneva (CH). Both antennas are equipped with cosmic ray shower detectors: signals in the bar due to showers are continuously detected and used to characterize the antenna performances. The bar excitation mechanism is based on the so called thermo-acoustic effect, studied on dedicated experiments that use particle beams. This mechanism predicts that vibrations of bars are induced by the heat deposited in the bar from the particle. The geometrical acceptance of the bar detectors is 19.5 m2\rm m^2 sr, that is smaller than that of other detectors used for similar searches. However, the detection mechanism is completely different and is more straightforward than in other detectors. We will show the results of ten years of data from NAUTILUS (2003-2012) and 7 years from EXPLORER (2003-2009). The experimental limits we obtain are of interest because, for nuclearites of mass less than 10410^{-4} grams, we find a flux smaller than that one predicted considering nuclearites as dark matter candidates.Comment: presented to the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference Rio de Janeiro 201

    Granular Brownian motion

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    We study the stochastic motion of an intruder in a dilute driven granular gas. All particles are coupled to a thermostat, representing the external energy source, which is the sum of random forces and a viscous drag. The dynamics of the intruder, in the large mass limit, is well described by a linear Langevin equation, combining the effects of the external bath and of the "granular bath". The drag and diffusion coefficients are calculated under few assumptions, whose validity is well verified in numerical simulations. We also discuss the non-equilibrium properties of the intruder dynamics, as well as the corrections due to finite packing fraction or finite intruder mass.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, in press on Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

    Relevance of initial and final conditions for the Fluctuation Relation in Markov processes

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    Numerical observations on a Markov chain and on the continuous Markov process performed by a granular tracer show that the ``usual'' fluctuation relation for a given observable is not verified for finite (but arbitrarily large) times. This suggests that some terms which are usually expected to be negligible, i.e. ``border terms'' dependent only on initial and final states, in fact cannot be neglected. Furthermore, the Markov chain and the granular tracer behave in a quite similar fashion.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Is it possible to experimentally verify the fluctuation relation? A review of theoretical motivations and numerical evidence

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    The theoretical motivations to perform experimental tests of the stationary state fluctuation relation are reviewed. The difficulties involved in such tests, evidenced by numerical simulations, are also discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures. Extended version of a presentation to the discussion "Is it possible to experimentally verify the fluctuation theorem?", IHP, Paris, December 1, 2006. Comments are very welcom

    Adhesive and Rheological Features of Ecofriendly Coatings with Antifouling Properties

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    In this work, formulations of "environmentally compatible" silicone-based antifouling, synthesized in the laboratory and based on copper and silver on silica/titania oxides, have been characterized. These formulations are capable of replacing the non-ecological antifouling paints currently available on the market. The texture properties and the morphological analysis of these powders with an antifouling action indicate that their activity is linked to the nanometric size of the particles and to the homogeneous dispersion of the metal on the substrate. The presence of two metal species on the same support limits the formation of nanometric species and, therefore, the formation of homogeneous compounds. The presence of the antifouling filler, specifically the one based on titania (TiO2) and silver (Ag), facilitates the achievement of a higher degree of cross-linking of the resin, and therefore, a better compactness and completeness of the coating than that attained with the pure resin. Thus, a high degree of adhesion to the tie-coat and, consequently, to the steel support used for the construction of the boats was achieved in the presence of the silver-titania antifouling

    Grain Yield of Rice, Corn, and Sorghum to Low External Input Agriculture Practices in Maliana, Bobonaro, Timor Leste

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    A farmers’ field yield trial during the 2018 dry season was conducted in Maliana, Bobonaro District, Timor Leste to evaluate the compatibility of selected hybrid and inbred varieties of rice, maize, and sorghum to low external input crop management practices common to subsistence farmers in the region. In rice, grain yield performance as influenced by genotype (hybrid or inbred) and planting density (single or double row spacing) was assessed by measuring grain yield and selected agronomic traits. In rice, grain yield was not significantly different, between hybrid and inbred varieties, but higher planting densities gave 17-27% advantage for hybrids and 36-45% for inbred varieties. The observed yield from farmers’ field was, however, 60-70% lower than yield obtained from experimental fields.  Agronomic traits (plant height, tiller, panicle, and spikelet counts) were found to have very strong genotype x planting density interaction effects, and although post-hoc analyses revealed marginal differences on selected yield-related components between the two planting densities, these differences were not statistically significant, and did not contribute to improvement in rice grain yield.  Hybrid and inbred varieties of maize and sorghum showed comparable yield levels in two independent yield trials, and although agronomic traits showed significant differences between varieties, these did not account for any yield advantage.

    Analysis of 3 years of data from the gravitational wave detectors EXPLORER and NAUTILUS

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    We performed a search for short gravitational wave bursts using about 3 years of data of the resonant bar detectors Nautilus and Explorer. Two types of analysis were performed: a search for coincidences with a low background of accidentals (0.1 over the entire period), and the calculation of upper limits on the rate of gravitational wave bursts. Here we give a detailed account of the methodology and we report the results: a null search for coincident events and an upper limit that improves over all previous limits from resonant antennas, and is competitive, in the range h_rss ~1E-19, with limits from interferometric detectors. Some new methodological features are introduced that have proven successful in the upper limits evaluation.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure