222 research outputs found

    Functionally Important Residues in the Predicted 3rd Transmembrane Domain of the Type IIa Sodium-phosphate Cotransporter (NaPi-IIa)

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    The type IIa Na+/Pi, cotransporter (NaPi-IIa) mediates electrogenic transport of three Na+ and one divalent Pi ion (and one net positive charge) across the cell membrane. Sequence comparison of electrogenic NaPi-IIa and IIb isoforms with the electroneutral NaPi-IIc isoform pointed to the third transmembrane domain (TMD-3) as a possibly significant determinant of substrate binding. To elucidate the role of TMD-3 in the topology and mechanism underlying NaPi-IIa function we subjected it to cysteine scanning mutagenesis. The constructs were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and Pi transport kinetics were assayed by electrophysiology and radiotracer uptake. Cys substitution resulted in only marginally altered kinetics of Pi transport in those mutants providing sufficient current for analysis. Only one site, at the extracellular end of TMD-3, appeared to be accessible to methanethiosulfonate reagents. However, additional mutations carried out at D224 (replaced by E, G or N) and N227 (replaced by D or Q) resulted in markedly altered voltage and substrate dependencies of the Pi-dependent currents. Replacing Asp-224 (highly conserved in electrogenic a and b isoforms) with Gly (the residue found in the electroneutral c isoform) resulted in a mutant that mediated electroneutral Na+-dependent Pi transport. Since electrogenic NaPi-II transports 3 Na+/transport cycle, whereas electroneutral NaPi-IIc only transports 2, we speculate that this loss of electrogenicity might result from the loss of one of the three Na+ binding sites in NaPi-II

    Pathways to Sustainable Planetary Science : Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 White Paper

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    Whitepaper #419 submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. Topics: state of the professionThis White Paper focuses on how modifying our activities, particularly associated with academic travel, can affect the carbon footprint of the planetary science community, and it makes recommendations on how the community and the funding agencies could best participate in the cultural change required to mitigate the damage that AGW will cause

    Wireless Communication Textile Based on Passive UHF RFID

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    We present a prototype system of a user scenario created in ideation workshops organized for experienced speech therapists working with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The goal of the workshops was to create concrete user scenarios for people using AAC, by using the possibilities of Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID). Out of the created user scenarios, one was selected to be prototyped and wirelessly evaluated. In this user scenario, a young child with Cerebral Palsy (CP) is sitting in a wheelchair. The child is using Wireless Communication Textile (WCT) patches on the wheelchair table tray to communicate with mother during eating. These WTC patches will create spoken words via a mobile phone application. In this study, we prototyped the user scenario by fabricating the patches with passive Ultra-High Frequency (UHF)RFID technology. Through versatile wireless measurements, we concluded that passive UHFRFID technology with a mobile RFID reader can be used to create a mobile AAC solution for wheelchair users.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy and Safety of Existing TNF Blocking Agents in Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Background and Objectives: Five-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-blockers (infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol and golimumab) are available for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Only few clinical trials compare one TNF-blocker to another. Hence, a systematic review is required to indirectly compare the substances. The aim of our study is to estimate the efficacy and the safety of TNF-blockers in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and indirectly compare all five currently available blockers by combining the results from included randomized clinical trials (RCT). Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted using databases including: MEDLINE, SCOPUS (including EMBASE), Cochrane library and electronic search alerts. Only articles reporting double-blind RCTs of TNF-blockers vs. placebo, with or without concomitant methotrexate (MTX), in treatment of RA were selected. Data collected were information of patients, interventions, controls, outcomes, study methods and eventual sources of bias. Results: Forty-one articles reporting on 26 RCTs were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Five RCTs studied infliximab, seven etanercept, eight adalimumab, three golimumab and three certolizumab. TNF-blockers were more efficacious than placebo at all time points but were comparable to MTX. TNF-blocker and MTX combination was superior to either MTX or TNF-blocker alone. Increasing doses did not improve the efficacy. TNF-blockers were relatively safe compared to either MTX or placebo. Conclusions No single substance clearly rose above others in efficacy, but the results of the safety analyses suggest that etanercept might be the safest alternative. Interestingly, MTX performs nearly identically considering both efficacy and safety aspects with a margin of costs.Peer reviewe

    Diminished salivary epidermal growth factor secretion : a link between Sjogren's syndrome and autoimmune gastritis?

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    Objectives: Healthy human labial salivary glands produce epidermal growth factor (EGF). In Sjogren's syndrome (SS), EGF staining is diminished. SS is also associated with chronic autoimmune corpus gastritis. We therefore hypothesized that EGF secretion would be diminished in SS and that this could affect gastric target cells.Methods: Salivary EGF secretion in SS was compared to that in healthy controls using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). EGF receptor (EGFR) immunoreactive cells in the gastric corpus of healthy human subjects were analysed using immunostaining.Results: Salivary secretion of EGF was diminished in SS patients (232.4, range 52.6-618.4, vs. 756.6, range 105.3-1631.6 pg/min, p=0.002). Proton-pump positive parietal cells were mostly EGFR immunoreactive whereas very few pepsinogen I (PGI)-positive cells were EGFR positive.Conclusions: As EGF is relatively acid resistant, salivary gland-derived EGF might participate in an exo/endocrine mode of parietal cell maintenance in the gastric corpus. Deficiency of salivary gland-derived EGF in SS patients may cause impairment of gastric parietal cells resulting in exposure of immunogenic cryptic antigens and loss of immunological self-tolerance.Peer reviewe

    Diminished salivary epidermal growth factor secretion : a link between Sjogren's syndrome and autoimmune gastritis?

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    Objectives: Healthy human labial salivary glands produce epidermal growth factor (EGF). In Sjogren's syndrome (SS), EGF staining is diminished. SS is also associated with chronic autoimmune corpus gastritis. We therefore hypothesized that EGF secretion would be diminished in SS and that this could affect gastric target cells.Methods: Salivary EGF secretion in SS was compared to that in healthy controls using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). EGF receptor (EGFR) immunoreactive cells in the gastric corpus of healthy human subjects were analysed using immunostaining.Results: Salivary secretion of EGF was diminished in SS patients (232.4, range 52.6-618.4, vs. 756.6, range 105.3-1631.6 pg/min, p=0.002). Proton-pump positive parietal cells were mostly EGFR immunoreactive whereas very few pepsinogen I (PGI)-positive cells were EGFR positive.Conclusions: As EGF is relatively acid resistant, salivary gland-derived EGF might participate in an exo/endocrine mode of parietal cell maintenance in the gastric corpus. Deficiency of salivary gland-derived EGF in SS patients may cause impairment of gastric parietal cells resulting in exposure of immunogenic cryptic antigens and loss of immunological self-tolerance.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of complement receptor 1 on neutrophils in bacterial and viral pneumonia

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    BACKGROUND: A reliable prediction of the causative agent of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is not possible based on clinical features. Our aim was to test, whether the measurement of the expression of complement receptors or Fcγ receptors on neutrophils and monocytes would be a useful preliminary test to differentiate between bacterial and viral pneumonia. METHODS: Sixty-eight patients with CAP were studied prospectively. Thirteen patients had pneumococcal pneumonia; 13 patients, influenza A pneumonia; 5 patients, atypical pneumonia, and 37 patients, aetiologically undefined pneumonia. Leukocyte receptor expression was measured within 2 days of hospital admission. RESULTS: The mean expression of complement receptor 1 (CR1) on neutrophils was significantly higher in the patients with pneumococcal pneumonia than in those with influenza A pneumonia. The mean expression of CR1 was also significantly higher in aetiologically undefined pneumonia than in influenza A pneumonia, but there was no difference between pneumococcal and undefined pneumonia. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the expression of CR1 is higher in classical bacterial pneumonia than in viral pneumonia. Determination of the expression of CR1 may be of value as an additional rapid tool in the aetiological diagnosis, bacterial or viral infection, of CAP. These results are preliminary and more research is needed to assess the utility of this new method in the diagnostics of pneumonia
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