699 research outputs found

    KOESOITTO : Muusikon portti orkesterityöhön

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aihe on syntynyt työelämässä saadun kokemuksen kautta. Orkesterityössä minulle on herännyt mielenkiinto tutustua nykyisten koesoittokäytäntöjen toimivuuteen sekä niiden mielekkyytteen. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, onko nykyinen koesoittokäytäntö paras mahdollinen tapa orkesterien löytää itselleen soittaja. Tutkimusaineistona toimii Sibelius-Akatemian TOIVE-hankkeen yhteydessä julkaistut tutkimustulokset sekä raportit. Lisäksi Suomen Muusikkojen liitto on julkaissut Muusikko-lehdissään(vuosina 2005-2011) artikkeleita koesoittojen ja orkesterityön ympärille rakentuvista aiheista. Tätä kirjallista aineistoa on voitu verrata Oulu Sinfonian muusikoille tehdystä pienryhmähaastattelusta saatuun materiaaliin. Työn näkökulma on muusikkolähtöinen, jossa painottuu erityisesti jousisoittajan työnkuva orkesterissa. Nykyiset koesoittokäytännöt toimivat suurelta osin tuttujen ja hyviksi havaittujen tapojen mukaan. Orkestereiden koesoitot mittaavat hyvin soittajan soittotaitoa, etenkin solistista soittoa. Uuden soittajan valintaprosessissa jäävät kuitenkin lähes täysin huomioimatta hakijan kokonaispersoonallisuuden hahmottaminen tai tietyillä paikoilla orkesterityössä vaadittavat esimies- ja johtamistaidot. Selvityksessä esiin nousi kolme kehitettävissä olevaa koesoittokäytäntöjen osa-aluetta. Koesoittotilanteesta puuttuu yhä usein hakijan haastattelu.Koesoittokäytännöt tai käytäntöjen joustamattomuus eivät myöskään saa olla esteenä hyväksi havaitun työntekijän vakinaistamiselle. Koeajan merkitys on kasvanut orkesterin kiinnittäessä mahdollista uutta jäsentä. Koeaikaa tulisikin nykyistä paremmin osata käyttää molemminpuolisesti sekä orkesterin että koeajalla olevan soittajan hyödyksi. Koesoittolautakunnalla on viime kädessä vastuu siitä että orkesteriin löydetään sopivin hakija, ei välttämättä aina parasta soittajaa. Tämä asettaa haasteita nykyiselle koesoittokäytännölle. Orkesterisoittajan työnhakuprosessin tulee tulevaisuudessa muuttua vastaamaan nykyistä paremmin myös muuttuvaa orkesterimuusikon työnkuvaa.The background to this work comes from several years of working in Finnish orchestras. Are present auditions a good solution for orchestras in recruiting musicians? And are current auditions the best way for orchestras to find the most suitable musician? The study material for this work comes from a reseach project TOIVE at Sibelius-Academy. The Finnish Musicians Union has also published (during years 2005-2011) many articles concerning auditions and working life. These facts are compared to the material got from a tape-recorded group interview on Oulu Symphony musicians. The perspective comes from a musician’s point of view, especially from a string instrument player’s perspective. The current auditions base mostly on old and well tried practices. In auditions you can get a good vision of the player’s musical skills, especially solo playing. But no attention is paid to a musician’s personality nor managerial skills. In the study three sectors arouse which should be developed in audition manners. There is often missing an interview in the auditions. An interview is a good solution to get more information of the applicant. The current audition practices cannot prevent regularising a good musician who has already made a good impact on the orchestra. The meaning of the trial period has grown when Finnish orchestras are regularising musicians. Both orchestras and new orchestra players should more utilise the whole trial period. The audition committee has a resbonsibility in decision-making. They should find the most suitable person for the vacancy, not necessary the best player or soloist. The current auditions have to change so that process of searching for work will meet also the changing tasks in an orchestra player's work

    The effect of working capital on profitability in computer and electrical equipment industry

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    Although working capital is one of the key issues in managing day-to-day operations, it has not gained sufficient emphasis in financial literature until the late 1990s. Since then, efficient working capital management has been highlighted more in both academic research and managerial decision-making, thus raising acknowledgement of competitive advantage it can create. This master's thesis studies the impact of working capital on corporate profitability and shareholder value in 1,683 publicly listed US computer and electrical equipment companies in 1990?2013. Using fixed effects regression methodology in a relatively homogenous sample of 16,481 observations, this thesis contributes to existing literature by presenting an in-depth analysis of working capital management in a specific industry. Previous research mainly supports the theoretical assumption of a negative impact of working capital on profitability. However, unlike most prior papers solely assuming a linear effect of working capital on profitability, this thesis also addresses a quadratic relationship. The empirical results show a concave impact of cash conversion cycle on return on assets, which indicates that there exists an optimal level of working capital, resulting in a balance between risks and returns, hence maximizing profitability. Accordingly, deviations from the optimum reduce return on assets as a too low level of working capital increases the risk of illiquidity and distress costs, whereas too high level increases tied-up capital and thus opportunity costs. By contrast, cash conversion cycle is found to have a negative impact on return on equity and stock return. Consistent with previous studies, this indicates that an in increase in the level of working capital reduces the company value for equity holders. In that way, investors prefer excess funds to be used in long-term investments or paid out as dividends. The findings accentuate the contradiction of different benefits for the company itself and its shareholders regarding working capital management. Different time frames for different measures need also to be taken into account since profitability reflects the magnitude of current earnings, whereas market value shows the future expectations of shareholders. However, shareholders are also more interested in short-term returns, whereas holding a sufficient level of working capital may ensure long-term profitability. Consequently, the level of working capital maximizing return on assets does not necessarily lead to high stock returns and vice versa. Above all, managers in computer and electrical equipment industry can increase returns and market value by paying more attention on effective working capital management and acknowledging the difference of benefits for the company and its shareholders. In any case, working capital is a particularly important topic in computer and electrical equipment industry due to the continuous development of technology and rapid changes in business environment. However, as this thesis is limited to one industry and country only, caution is needed when generalizing the results to different kinds of samples

    Entrepreneurial discovery processes, knowledge creation and knowledge space

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    © 2019 Routledge. Selection and editorial matter, Åge Mariussen, Seija Virkkala, Håkon Finne and Tone Merethe Aasen; individual chapters, the contributors. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process and Regional Development: New Knowledge Emergence, Conversion and Exploitation on 7 January 2019, available online: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351273763fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Growth management in micro-enterprises

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    Abstract. The goal of the thesis is to form a micro-enterprise-focused business maturity model which can later be used in the SoloENTRE project to develop digital tools and new services for micro-entrepreneurs. This goal is fulfilled by using research data collected through a business maturity and growth management chapter, and systematic literature review, which follows the systematic research methodology defined in the thesis. The goal of the business maturity and growth management chapter was to get an understanding of maturity models, business growth management and micro-enterprise growth management. This goal was fulfilled in the thesis, and conclusions were made from the business maturity and growth management chapter. The goal of the systematic literature review was to understand what kind of growth and business maturity models are presented in the literature. This goal was fulfilled by identifying 25 articles through the systematic literature review, which were then reviewed, and conclusions were made out of them. Conclusions made from the business maturity and growth management chapter and the systematic literature review results were then used to form the micro-enterprise maturity model roadmap which was then followed to build the micro-enterprise maturity model structure. The micro-enterprise maturity roadmap is split into four steps, each with questions to be answered by the model creator. The roadmap can be applied to different business areas to build different kinds of maturity models. According to the findings from the systematic literature review, the creation of the micro-enterprise maturity model structure was narrowed to be the goal of the thesis. The micro-enterprise maturity model structure is a five-level matrix structure, which has three key areas: customer relations, human resources, and operations which all have their own performance indicators. The structure is used in future in the SoloENTRE project to create a micro-enterprise maturity model questionnaire, method, and tool which can be used to develop new digital tools and new services for micro-entrepreneurs.Kasvunhallinta mikroyrityksissä. Tiivistelmä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on muodostaa mikroyritys-keskeinen liiketoiminnan kypsyysmalli, jota voidaan myöhemmin käyttää SoloENTRE -projektissa uusien digitaalisten työkalujen ja uusien palveluiden kehittämisessä mikroyrittäjille. Tähän tavoitteeseen päästään käyttämällä tutkimustietoa, joka on kerätty liiketoimintakypsyys ja kasvunhallinta luvun sekä systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta, joka seuraa diplomityössä määriteltyä systemaattista tutkimusmetodologiaa. Liiketoimintakypsyys ja kasvunhallinta luvun tavoitteena oli saada ymmärrys kypsyysmalleista, liiketoiminnan kasvun hallinasta sekä mikroyritysten kasvunhallinnasta. Tämä tavoite täytettiin diplomityössä ja liiketoimintakypsyys ja kasvunhallinta luvun tuloksista tehtiin johtopäätökset. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena oli ymmärtää millaisia kasvun ja liiketoiminnan kypsyysmalleja esiintyy kirjallisuudesta. Tämä tavoite täytettiin tunnistamalla 25 artikkelia systemaattisessa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa, jotka sitten luettiin läpi ja joista sitten tehtiin johtopäätökset. Johtopäätöksiä, jotka tehtiin liiketoimintakypsyys ja kasvunhallinta luvussa ja systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksista hyödynnettiin uuden mikroyrityskeskeisen kypsyysmallietenemissuunnitelman luomiseksi, jota sitten seurattiin mikroyritys kypsyysmallistruktuurin rakentamiseksi. Mikroyrityskeskeisen kypsyysmallietenemissuunnitelma jakaantuu neljään vaiheeseen, joista jokainen sisältää kysymyksiä joihin mallin luoja vastaa. Tätä kypsyysmallietenemissuunnitelma voidaan soveltaa eri liiketoiminta-alueilla erityyppisten kypsyysmallien rakentamiseksi. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten perusteella, työn tavoite rajattiin mikroyritys kypsyysmallistruktuurin rakentamiseen. Mikroyritys kypsyysmallistruktuuri on viisitasoinen struktuuri, jolla on kolme avainaluetta: asiakassuhteet, henkilöstöhallinto sekä toiminnot, joilla kaikilla on omat tulosindikaattorinsa. Kypsyysmallistruktuuria käytetään tulevaisuudessa SoloENTRE -projektissa mikroyritys kypsyysmallikyselyn, -menetelmä sekä -työkalun luonnissa, joita voidaan käyttää digitaalisten työkalujen ja uusien palveluiden kehittämisessä mikroyrittäjille

    “Can any good come from Ireland?”:contrasting images of Ireland and the Irish in the Topography of Ireland by Gerald of Wales

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    Abstract. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine the seeming duality in the representations of Ireland and the Irish in the first recension of the Topography of Ireland (Topographia Hibernica) by Gerald of Wales (c. 1146–1223). The results of the study are threefold. Firstly, by comparing and contrasting the two representations, the study demonstrates that there is a contrast between the overwhelmingly positive portrayal of Ireland and the overwhelmingly negative characterisation of the Irish. Secondly, by comparing these representations with the negative preconceptions conveyed in the author’s preface, it may be said that there is a shift in the image of Ireland, whereas the image of the Irish is only reinforced. More specifically, Ireland seems to be raised to a new status as the home of the “wonders of the West”, while the Irish are marginalised even further. Both descriptions are based on the image of the island as the farthest western periphery. An exploration of the Topography’s historical context indicates that the characterisation of the Irish taps into the contemporary cliché of the peripheral and inferior barbarian. At the same time, the concept of the periphery seems to be rehabilitated where Ireland, the land, is concerned. Thirdly, although the inner logic of the work may be questioned, the author’s personal circumstances indicate that the two representations are not contradictory where authorial interests are concerned in so far as both may be seen to serve the same purpose of demonstrating the superiority of the Self. The Topography of Ireland revolves around notions of superiority and inferiority. The results of the study indicate the centrality of the Self in the work, which raises questions as to its real subject. In any case, although, historically, the Topography’s reputation has centred on its characterisation of the Irish, it is not the Irish—namely, the Other—but the Self that is of real interest in the work.Tiivistelmä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma vertailee Irlannin ja irlantilaisten näennäisen ristiriitaista kuvausta Gerald Walesilaisen (c. 1146–1223) teoksessa Topographia Hibernica. Tutkimus koskee teoksen noin vuonna 1187 ilmestynyttä ensimmäistä versiota. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, että teos esittää Irlannin positiivisessa valossa, mikä korostaa irlantilaisten negatiivista kuvausta. Lisäksi vertaamalla kuvauksia kirjoittajan esipuheessaan esiintuomiin negatiivisiin ennakkokäsityksiin voidaan todeta, että näkemys Irlannista muuttuu teoksen edetessä, kun taas irlantilaisiin liittyviä negatiivisia ennakkokäsityksiä vahvistetaan. Tarkemmin sanoen teos kohottaa Irlannin uuteen asemaan ”lännen ihmeiden” kotipaikkana syventäen irlantilaisten marginalisointia. Molempien kuvausten perustana on käsitys Irlannista kaukaisimpana läntisenä periferiana. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, että teos hyödyntää 1100-luvulle tyypillistä, syrjäseutujen kansoihin liitettyä barbaarisuuden käsitettä irlantilaisten kuvauksessa. Samalla periferian käsitteen voidaan nähdä muuttuvan suotuisammaksi mitä tulee Irlannin kuvaukseen. Vaikka teoksen sisäinen logiikka ontuukin, molempien kuvausten voidaan nähdä palvelevan kirjoittajan etuja, sillä Topographia on ennen kaikkea argumentti minuuden ylemmyydestä. Tutkimustulokset viittaavat minuuden käsitteen keskeiseen rooliin Topographiassa. Tutkielma esittääkin, että vaikka Topographia Hibernican maine on usein painottunut sen esittämään irlantilaisten kuvaukseen, olennaisinta on kuitenkin se, mitä se kertoo kirjoittajastaan ja tämän maailmasta

    Networks of Innovation : Measuring Structure and Dynamics between and within Helices, Regions and Spatial Levels. Empirical Evidence from the Baltic Sea Region

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    In the quantitative, macro-oriented triple helix literature, synergy is measured indirectly, through patent data, firm data and other secondary statistical sources. These macro-level quantitative studies do not open up for understanding how different processes of cooperation create different outcomes, in terms of synergies. This article presents an alternative method of measuring quantitatively how different networks of innovation in a variety of ways create different types of complex synergies. This opens up for an empirical analysis of variations of synergy formation, seen as innovation networks with different structures, formed within and between helices, regions and geographical levels. Data was collected through a snapshot survey in 10 regional cases in the Baltic Sea Region. The analysis presents how different networks of innovation within and between helices are formed by different combinations of expectations, experiences and gaps.© Seija Virkkala and Åge Mariussen, 2021. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.The authors received funding from the project LARS (Learning Among Regions on Smart Specialisation) implementing the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014–2020.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The role of proximity in less-favoured regions : smart experimentation between triple helix actors

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    Entrepreneurial Resilience in the Micro and Small Business Context – Systematic Literature Review

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    The topic of resilience is increasingly gaining momentum as the world shifts from a crisis to another. The operating environment for micro-enterprises has profoundly and irrevocably changed since the COVID-19 crisis’ landfall and war in Ukraine. This systematic literature review based on 36 papers, studies resilience from micro-entrepreneurship perspective focusing on resilience development, the process, and enhancing interventions from intra and interpersonal perspectives. The review indicates three different types of resilience domains: process-related (e.g. Ducheck 2017), individual capability (e.g. Demyen, S. 2022, Ducheck 2017) and resource-based (e.g. Bardoel & Drago, 2021). The connecting factor is that resilience is primarily developed in a learning process when facing challenging situations and crises. Building from those experience, the entrepreneur is more prepared to respond the next time

    Methodologies and methods of transnational learning

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    Introduction Most of the time, cognitive learning (see Chapter 1, this volume) is likely to be enabled and restricted by spatial (see Chapter 2, this volume) and organizational (see Chapter 3, this volume) frameworks, and lock-in mechanisms, which create trajectories. Attempts at transnational learning are often motivated by visions that break with some of these spatial and organizational limitations, sometimes with reference to emergent (Chapter 1) institutional phenomena or megatrends driven by globalization. The examples used in this volume are liberalization (NPM), multilevel governance in Europe (OMC, Smart Specialization), global communities defending the common interests of humanity (World Heritage), and Nordic values (see Chapters 1, 6, 8 and 13, this volume). The special case of Nordic learning is discussed more comprehensively in Chapter 8. This chapter shows how some of these forms of transnational learning may be analyzed within the parameters defined by SECI (see Chapter 3, this volume). The argument is that new knowledge creation facilitated through the analytical and organizational tools of SECI has a potential to change trajectories usually locked in by spatial and organizational restrictions. Accordingly, in the discussion on methods (see below), the chapter refers to approaches and tools that are based on SECI, which may be useful in organizing, monitoring and evaluating processes of transnational learning. In doing so, we draw upon some of the concepts introduced by Mariussen and Virkkala in Chapter 4 of this volume, such as translation and abduction. Finally, in the discussion on the practical application of the outcomes of transnational learning and innovation, the topic of emergence, introduced in Chapter 1, is reopened, from the point of departure of theories of institutional change. It is argued that continued work in this direction enables the development of analytical and methodological tools which may be used to explore empirically how transnational learning can change trajectories (see below).©2013 Routledge. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in Mariussen, Å. (Ed.), Virkkala, S. (Ed.). (2013). Learning Transnational Learning. London: Routledge, on 29 April 2013, available online: https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203427156.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed