49 research outputs found

    Ethics and Civil Drones: European Policies and Proposals for the Industry

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    This open access book disseminates some of the results of the European H2020 AiRT Project (Technology transfer of RPAs for the creative industry). In particular, it presents findings related to mitigating safety and security concerns when civil drones are piloted by the service sector (mainly, the creative industry). European policies regarding drones generally focus on outdoor drones, but they are also used indoors. Moreover, a number of European countries have fragmented regulations on drone use, and as a result, European institutions are attempting address these issues. This work is based on a detailed study of the European policies, a comparative analysis of the regulation in various European countries, an analysis of the drone sector in Europe, and primary data from members of the creative industry. The authors created focus groups in Spain, the UK and Belgium in order to discuss with the creative industry the concerns on safety and security when using civil drones for their work. Based on these results, the book offers advice to the European industry, as well as new insights for academics and policymakers

    De cortesanos y burgueses. Los nacionalismos como motor de la conservación y restauración

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    [ES] Este artículo analiza el origen y desarrollo de los restauradores decimonónicos en el ámbito institucional español, a partir del estudio de caso de las ciudades de Madrid y Barcelona, como principales exponentes del desarrollo de la restauración española. Por un lado, la constitución de Madrid como capital política condicionó su mayor relevancia cultural, siendo pionera en la configuración del perfil profesional. Además, el centralismo madrileño justificó el protagonismo de la Rea l Academia de San Fernando como principal órgano de control de las restauraciones y del patrimonio. Por otro lado, Barcelona se erigió en el epicentro de la primera Revolución Industrial en España, hecho que repercutió en la incorporación de nuevos avances científicos en la disciplina de la restauración. Además, el desarrollo del nacionalismo catalán, como respuesta al centralismo castellano, le revistió de unas particularidades propias. En este texto se presentan los rasgos en la gestación de dos modelos diferenciados del restaurador institucional.[PT] Este artigo analisa a origem e o desenvolvimento dos restauradores no século XIX, no âmbito institucional espanhol. A partir do estudo das cidades de Madrid e Barcelona como expoentes principais do desenvolvimento do restauro em Espanha. Por um lado, a constituição de Madrid como capital política proporcionou uma maior relevância cultural, sendo pioneira na configuração do perfil profissional. Para além disso, o centralismo de Madrid justificou o protagonismo da Real Academia de San Fernando como orgã o principal de controlo das intervenções de restauro e do património. Por outro lado, Barcelona estava no epicentro da primeira Revolução Industrial em Espanha, facto que se repercutiu na adopção de novos avanços científicos no campo do restauro. O crescim ento do nacionalismo catalão, como resposta ao centralismo castelhano, também o revestiu de certas particularidades próprias. Neste texto apresentam - se as características de nascimento de dois modelos diferenciados de restaurador institucional.Vicente Rabanaque, MT.; Santamarina Campos, B.; Santamarina Campos, V. (2011). De cortesanos y burgueses. Los nacionalismos como motor de la conservación y restauración. Ge-Conservación. 2:99-111. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/50696S99111

    Cooperative learning and brainstorming as didactic strategies in conservation and restoration of cultural assets

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    [EN] This article exposes the tools of cooperative learning and brainstorming as a didactic strategy, in which teamwork, diversity, interaction between the students and feedback between them are promoted as the main source of learning. In professions related to the conservation and restoration of cultural assets, we work as a team, thus is fundamental that the students' training prepares them for this work reality and enables them to be part of and lead these teams, fostering cross-cutting skills such as communication effective, critical thinking, application and practical thinking among others. We will present the case of a teaching experience, in which cooperative learning is a fundamental tool to solve one of the practices of the subject “Introduction to the Conservation and Restoration of golds and polychromies” of the Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets in Universitat Politècnica de València. The practice consists in the identification of manufacturing techniques, and focuses on the subsequent professionalization and comprehensive training of students. The results obtained from it show how peer learning is an effective, dynamic strategy with infinite possibilities.Carabal Montagud, MA.; Santamarina Campos, V.; Esgueva López, MV.; Vicente Palomino, S. (2020). Cooperative learning and brainstorming as didactic strategies in conservation and restoration of cultural assets. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 63-70. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10089OCS637

    Development of an Indoor Drone Designed for the Needs of the Creative Industries

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    [EN] With this contribution, we want to show how the AiRT system could change the future way of working of a part of the creative industry and what new economic opportunities could arise for them. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), also more commonly known as drones, are now essential tools used by many different companies for their creative outdoor work. However, using this very flexible applicable tool indoor is almost impossible, since safe navigation cannot be guaranteed by the operator due to the lack of a reliable and affordable indoor positioning system which ensures a stable flight, among other issues. Here we present our first results of a European project, which consists of developing an indoor drone for professional footage especially designed for the creative industries. One of the main achievements of this project is the successful implication of the end-users in the overall design process from the very beginning. To ensure safe flight in confined spaces, our drone incorporates a positioning system based on ultra-wide band technology, an RGB-D (depth) camera for 3D environment reconstruction and the possibility to fully pre-program automatic flights. Since we also want to offer this tool for inexperienced pilots, we have always focused on user-friendly handling of the whole system throughout the entire process.The AiRT project has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 732433Santamarina Campos, V.; De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Kröner, SU.; De-Miguel-Molina, B. (2018). Development of an Indoor Drone Designed for the Needs of the Creative Industries. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 12(5):519-523. https://doi.org/10.1999/1307-6892/10009012S51952312

    Regulation, Co-Regulation and Self-Regulation of Civil Unmanned Aircrafts in Europe

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    [EN] Safety and security concerns play a key role during the design of civil UAs (aircraft controlled by a pilot who is not onboard it) by the producers and the offer of different services by the operators. At present, European countries have fragmented regulations about the manufacture and use of civil drones, therefore the European institutions are trying to approach all these regulations into a common one. In this sense, not only law but also ethics can give guidelines to the industry in order to obtain better reports from their clients. With our results, we would like to give advice to the European industry, as well as give new insights to the academia and policymakersThe European Project AiRT has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732433. Reference: H2020-ICT-2016-2017.De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Santamarina Campos, V.; Segarra-Oña, M.; De-Miguel-Molina, B. (2018). Regulation, Co-Regulation and Self-Regulation of Civil Unmanned Aircrafts in Europe. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 12(5):498-501. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/104547S49850112

    Application of Design Thinking for Technology Transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems for the Creative Industry

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    [EN] With this contribution, we want to show a successful example of the application of the Design Thinking methodology, in the European project 'Technology transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for the creative industry'. The use of this methodology has allowed us to design and build a drone, based on the real needs of prospective users. It has demonstrated that this is a powerful tool for generating innovative ideas in the field of robotics, by focusing its effectiveness on understanding and solving real user needs. In this way, with the support of an interdisciplinary team, comprised of creatives, engineers and economists, together with the collaboration of prospective users from three European countries, a non-linear work dynamic has been created. This teamwork has generated a sense of appreciation towards the creative industries, through continuously adaptive, inventive, and playful collaboration and communication, which has facilitated the development of prototypes. These have been designed to enable filming and photography in interior spaces, within 13 sectors of European creative industries: Advertising, Architecture, Fashion, Film, Antiques and Museums, Music, Photography, Televison, Performing Arts, Publishing, Arts and Crafts, Design and Software. Furthermore, it has married the real needs of the creative industries, with what is technologically and commercially viable. As a result, a product of great value has been obtained, which offers new business opportunities for small companies across this sector.The AiRT project has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 732433.Santamarina Campos, V.; De-Miguel-Molina, M.; De-Miguel-Molina, B.; Carabal-Montagud, M. (2018). Application of Design Thinking for Technology Transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems for the Creative Industry. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 12(5):457-463. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/104549S45746312

    Evaluation of discovery learning in the field of cultural heritage

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    [EN] The theory of constructivist learning, also known as discovery learning is a learning methodology in which the student instead of receiving the content passively, discovers the concepts and their relationships and rearranges them to adapt them to their cognitive scheme . This method transforms students into protagonists of the learning process, who develop research skills through an inductive method. Therefore, it is configured as an ideal tool to situate students in a sociocultural dimension, favoring the understanding of the appearance and socio-historical construction of the concept of cultural heritage taking into account the transformations of late modernity and the new current situation defined as globalization This work aims to assess the degree of acceptance and satisfaction of students, in relation to the process of implementation of learning by discovery, through anonymous surveys in which the different strategies and tools used in this methodology are analyzed, with the aim of improving and optimize the design of the programming.Santamarina-Campos, V.; Carabal-Montagud, M.; Esgueva-Lopez, M.; Taroncher-Ballestero, J. (2020). Evaluation of discovery learning in the field of cultural heritage. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 11-19. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10025111