1,760 research outputs found

    Consideraciones para la definición de una norma sobre eficiencia energética de vehículos ligeros en México

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    100 páginas. Maestría en Economía.En la presente investigación se analiza la importancia de implementar una norma sobre eficiencia energética en México para automóviles ligeros, se realiza una revisión sobre el estado en el que se encuentra el desarrollo de la misma en nuestro país, así como el papel que debe jugar el Estado para la implementación y cumplimiento de dicha norma con el fin de que los vehículos ligeros que se comercializan en México incrementen su eficiencia energética y al mismo tiempo disminuyan sus emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero. Por otro lado, se propone un modelo para la cadena productiva de la industria automotriz en México con el fin de identificar aquellas tecnologías que permitirán incrementar la eficiencia energética de los vehículos ligeros. Al final del documento se presentan algunos elementos importantes que deben considerarse al elaborar un análisis costo – beneficio acerca del incremento en la eficiencia energética de los vehículos ligeros, tomando en cuenta que los costos se deben a la compra de vehículos con nuevas tecnologías que permiten un consumo más eficiente de la energía, mientras que los beneficios reflejan el ahorro de combustible y la disminución de externalidades negativas debidas a la emisión de los contaminantes que se generan.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)

    The Sosa Standard: What Does It Mean for Future ATS Litigation?

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    Conformational Dynamics of Cytochrome P450cam Upon Ligand Binding

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    Cytochrome P450s are a superfamily of metalloenzymes that are responsible for the monooxygenation of their hydrophobic substrates. P450’s retain the same general structural scaffold, however are able to bind promiscuously to substrates with distinct physico-chemical properties. It is believed that they possess considerable flexibility in the substrate binding regions as well as their active site to accomplish the diverse binding and catalytic chemistry with high regio- and stereo-specificity. In order to investigate the conformational dynamics inherent in these enzymes, especially in context of binding different ligands, we carried out amide proton exchange studies via NMR spectroscopy on a model P450 system of cytochrome P450cam (CYP101). These studies were performed in both camphor-bound and substrate-free forms of CYP101 and provide information on the motional properties of residues on slow timescales. Comparison of the exchange rates obtained from these studies for the two forms show that overall the substrate-free form is more dynamic than the camphor-bound form on the millisecond-second timescale due to its faster exchange rates, with regions being part of the substrate access site and active site in particular showing the largest differences in exchange rates. This study is the first of its kind looking at the residue-level changes in conformational dynamics upon ligand binding in a P450 and identifies specific regions where slow dynamic changes occur. Results from these studies help provide mechanistic insights into the process of differential ligand recognition by P450s

    Carboxylation and Decarboxylation of Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles Using Bifunctional Carboxylic Acids and Octylamine

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    The carboxylation of alumina nanoparticles (NPs), with bifunctional carboxylic acids, provides molecular anchors that are used for building more complexed structures via either physisorption or chemisorption. Colloidal suspensions of the NPs may be prepared by covalently bonding a series of carboxylic acids with secondary functional groups (HO2C-R-X) to the surface of the NPs: lysine (X = NH2), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (X = OH), fumaric acid (X = CO2H), and 4-formylbenzoic acid (X = C(O)H). Subsequent reaction with octylamine at either 25°C or 70°C was investigated. Fourier transform IR-attenuated reflectance spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) along with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis were used to characterize the bifunctionalized monolayers and/or multilayer corona surrounding the alumina NPs and investigate the reaction mechanism of octylamine with the functional groups (X) of the NPs. Except for the fumaric functionalized NPs, addition of octylamine to the functionalized NPs leads to removal of excess carboxylic acid corona from the surface via an amide formation. The extent of the multilayer is dependent on the strength of the acid⋯acid interaction

    Lacrimomimetic effect of lopieal cyclosporins A in canine keratoconjunctivitis

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    Realizou descrição dos resultados obtidos com o uso tópico da Cielosporina A em casos clínicos de ceratoconjuntivite seca em cães. Observam que em todos os casos tratados houve o aumento dos valores da prova de Schirmer, melhora marcada do estado clínico dos olhos e depositado sobre a córnea.The authors make a description of the results attained with the topical use of keratoconjunctivitis sicca. In all treated cases they observed an increase in the values of the Schirmer tear test marked improvement of the eyes and furthermore an attenuation of the melanic pigment deposited on the cornea

    Using importance–performance analysis (IPA) to improve golf club management: the gap between users and managers’ perceptions

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    This work is carried out in order to provide new evidence on the usefulness of the Importance–Performance Analysis (IPA) in the management of golf courses, identifying the main strengths, weaknesses, and discrepancies between managers and users. This information will make it possible to identify potentially mistaken beliefs of managers regarding the service and to design improvement strategies based on the results. The participants were 11 managers, with an average age of 35.4 years (σ 6.5), of whom 72.7% were men and 27.3% were women, and 891 users, with an average age of 47.5 years (σ 12.3), of whom 81.7% were men and 18.3% were women. The instrument used was the Q-Golf scale, and among others, it was applied to the IPA. The results obtained show how the perception of managers regarding the service is worse than that of users. Additionally, the global assessment of the users is higher than the average assessment of each of the items of the club. This positive halo effect, which is not found in the case of managers, is very interesting from the point of view of the loyalty of golf users

    Microwave treatment of a hot mill sludge from the steel industry: en route to recycling an industrial waste

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    Oily hot rolling mill (HRM) sludge containing a high percentage of iron oxides has been treated under microwave irradiation, and the products compared to hexane washed and thermal treated sludges. Metals present in the sludge act as a highly microwave-absorbent material, creating hot spots that trigger the stripping of the water and oils under air. The sludge looses 5 wt% of water and volatiles under 5 min of microwave irradiation (1000 W at 2450 MHz), which represents a similar reduction in weight as 4 h heating at 200 °C, but with savings in energy and time. Most importantly, after microwave irradiation, the material also shows an improvement in its rheological properties (free flowing and smaller particle size) and changes in its chemical composition. Microwaved samples are less oxidized than heated ones (lower Fe3+ content), which is an advantage recycling the sludge as a source of iron with lower oxidation state necessitates a lower coke:ore ratio for blast furnace operation

    Crece ULL. Encuestas para valorar la calidad de las actividades divulgativas y formativas de la Universidad de La Laguna

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    Máster Universitario en Educación y Tecnologías de la Información y ComunicOn this document, we treat the creation and application of surveys to students of Primary School, High School and teachers to measure of the quality of the formative and training activities directed by the Department of Didactics of the Experimental Sciences of the University of La Laguna. The surveys that are focused on students are made on digital and manipulative supports, adapting each one to the ages of the samples. On the other hand, the surveys directed to teachers want to reach a general vision of the quality, utility, and benefits that these activities can offer to the students that participate on scientific fairs and other events with similar characteristics.En este documento se aborda la creación y aplicación de encuestas dirigidas a alumnos y alumnas de Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional, así como a maestros, maestras, profesores y profesoras para medir la calidad de las actividades divulgativas y formativas dirigidas por el Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales de la Universidad de La Laguna. Las encuestas dirigidas al alumnado se han realizado en soportes manipulativos y digitales, adecuando cada uno a las edades de la muestra que se trate en cada caso. Por otro lado, las encuestas elaboradas para los profesionales de la enseñanza pretenden lograr una visión general de la calidad, utilidad y beneficios que dichas actividades pueden ofrecer al alumnado participante en ferias científicas y otros eventos y jornadas de características similares

    Pandemia do COVID-19: Impacto numa corporação de bombeiros voluntários

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    Introdução: Os corpos de Bombeiros, seja qual for a instituição que representem (voluntários, sapadores, municipais), têm, de há um ano a esta parte, a responsabilidade acrescida de dar resposta a um número inigualável de ocorrências relacionadas, ou não, com a COVID-19, devendo, para o efeito, estar preparados tanto a nível emocional como físico, técnico e operacional. Objetivos: Analisar o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 numa corporação de bombeiros voluntários e desenvolver um projeto de intervenção de acordo com as necessidades encontradas. Método: Com base na Metodologia do Planeamento em Saúde, foi desenvolvido um projeto de intervenção comunitária, dirigido a uma corporação de bombeiros voluntários do Alentejo Central. Os dados obtidos no diagnóstico de situação e avaliação foram tratados através do excel e software estatístico “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” (SPSS) para Windows. Resultados: Verificaram-se alguns défices de conhecimento da população estudada em questões relacionadas com a cadeia de transmissão do vírus SARS-COV-2 e uso correto de equipamentos de proteção individual, bem como a existência de maiores níveis de ansiedade e stress face à atual pandemia. No final do projeto de intervenção, observou-se um aumento do nível de conhecimentos e de adesão a estratégias de cooping. Conclusão: O empoderamento dos bombeiros e chefias revelou ser uma estratégia eficaz, contribuindo para a capacitação e promoção da saúde física e mental da corporação. A experiência no cargo, a idade mais avançada, a função e o cargo na corporação revelaram também impactos positivos no combate à pandemia da COVID-19