140 research outputs found

    Autonomous management in contemporary art territory (Argentina 2001-2015): A methodological proposal from the possibilities of the ARS

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    El presente trabajo aborda las gestiones autónomas en el arte argentino entre los años 2001 al 2015. El enfoque de análisis propuesto se centra en el concepto de territorio desde una perspectiva transdisciplinaria y en particular, en relación al campo de las artes visuales contemporáneas. En este sentido, la pregunta que configura nuestro trabajo es si, estos proyectos que se autoperciben autónomos, logran una soberanía real en función de sus prácticas o quedan sujetos a decisiones de carácter geopolítico que terminan siempre por condicionarlas. De esta manera, se trabaja en una primera instancia con los datos relevados por el Proyecto C.A.R.A. y posteriormente se realiza un diseño metodológico que nos permite configurar dos planteos cartográficos a partir del ARS trabajando sincrónicamente las redes y matrices obtenidas. A partir de lo cual se busca graficar, a través del software UCINET, las gestiones autónomas en territorio y, su vez, realizar la creación de una matriz cromática relacional basada en los registros conductuales que nos permita conformar un mapeo del territorio simbólico hacia el interior de las gestiones. Los resultados obtenidos dan cuenta de una perspectiva histórica de los proyectos de gestión autónoma en el país, cómo ha sido la distribución de este tipo de propuestas en relación a 6 regiones que se encuentran regidas por políticas de administración del patrimonio cultural nacional y por último, de la configuración de un territorio propio en el que se observa cómo han sido las formas de operar del conjunto de gestiones relevadas en relación a la agenda de actividades, las fuentes de financiamiento y las vías de comunicación utilizadas.The present work addresses the autonomous management in Argentine art between 2001 and 2015. The proposed analysis approach focuses on the concept of territory from a transdisciplinary perspective and in particular, in relation to the field of contemporary visual arts. In this sense, the question that shapes our work is whether these projects, which perceive themselves as autonomous, achieve real sovereignty based on their practices or are they subject to geopolitical decisions that always end up conditioning them?. In this way, we work in the first instance with the data collected by the C.A.R.A. and later a methodological design is carried out that allows us to configure two cartographic proposals based on the ARS working synchronously with the networks and matrices obtained. From which it is sought to graph, through the UCINET software, the autonomous management in the territory and, in turn, to create a relational chromatic matrix based on behavioral registers that allows us to form a mapping of the symbolic territory towards the interior of the procedures. The results obtained give account of a historical perspective of the autonomous management projects in the country, how the distribution of this type of proposals has been in relation to 6 regions that are governed by administration policies of the national cultural heritage and finally, of the configuration of its own territory in which it is observed how the ways of operating the set of procedures surveyed have been in relation to the agenda of activities, the sources of financing and the communication channels used.Fil: Benito, Patricia Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Respuesta de la frecuencia cardiaca de anticipación y recuperación en función del nivel de entrenamiento aeróbico

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    Respuesta de la frecuencia cardiaca de anticipación y recuperación en función del nivel de entrenamiento aeróbico en deportista

    Mindfulness y experiencias psicóticas en estudiantes universitarios

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    The study of the relation between psychotic experiences and mindfulness in the general population is linked to research into factors of risk and protection against the development of a psychotic disorder. This study looks into the presence of psychotic experiences in a sample of university students and whether there is any variation according to gender. It also analyzes the predictive and discriminant relation of mindfulness with these experiences. The sample consisted of 526 university students (72.8% women) with a mean age of 21.39 years (SD = 3.53). The results showed the presence of psychotic experiences with differing levels of intensity, with variations according to gender, and an inverse relationship between mindfulness and psychotic experiences. Results indicated that students with high scores in psychotic experiences had lower scores in mindfulness. Our findings imply that mindfulness may be a factor of protection against psychotic experiences and its training may have a role to play in the development and implementation of preventive and early intervention programs in risk groups in the general and clinical population.El estudio de la relación entre experiencias psicóticas y mindfulness en la población general se asocia con la investigación de factores de riesgo y protección frente al desarrollo de un trastorno psicótico. Con este estudio se pretende examinar la presencia de experiencias psicóticas en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios y sus diferencias según el sexo, así como analizar la relación predictiva y discriminante de mindfulness con estas experiencias. Los participantes fueron 526 estudiantes universitarios (72.8% mujeres) con una media de edad de 21.39 años (DT = 3.53). Los resultados mostraron la presencia de experiencias psicóticas con diferentes niveles de intensidad, diferencias según el sexo en las mismas, y una relación inversa entre mindfulness y las experiencias psicóticas, y se encontró que las personas con altas puntuaciones en experiencias psicóticas contaron con menores puntuaciones en mindfulness. Estos resultados suponen que mindfulness puede ser un factor de protección en la experimentación de experiencias psicóticas y su entrenamiento puede ser útil para implementación y desarrollo de programas preventivos y de intervención precoz en grupos de riesgo en población general y clínica

    Estimación de la carga de rotura en probetas entalladas de aluminio AL7075-T651 mediante el uso del concepto del material equivalente combinado con el criterio de la densidad de energía de deformación

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    El principal objetivo de este artículo es la aplicación del criterio de la Densidad de Energía de Deformación (SED), combinado con el Concepto de Material Equivalente (EMC) para predecir la carga de rotura de probetas CT de la aleación de aluminio Al7075-T651 que contienen entallas en U. Con este propósito, se han realizado 24 ensayos de fractura combinando 6 radios de entalla diferente, que cubren desde probetas fisuradas (0 mm) hasta probetas de 2 mm de radio de entalla. Las probetas fisuradas se han empleado para obtener las propiedades de fractura del material y el resto de los ensayos, se han usado para comprobar y comparar la carga de fractura obtenida experimentalmente con las predicciones que devuelven los métodos mencionados anteriormente: SED, SED-EMC. Los resultados teóricos de las predicciones de la carga de rotura para el material imaginario obtenido mediante el empleo del EMC, concuerdan con los resultados experimentales derivados de las muestras reales

    Spontaneous gram-negative bacillary meningitis in adult patients : characteristics and outcome

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    Background: Spontaneous meningitis caused by gram-negative bacilli in adult patients is uncommon and poorly characterized. Our objective is to describe and compare the characteristics and the outcome of adult patients with spontaneous gram-negative bacilli meningitis (GNBM) and spontaneous meningitis due to other pathogens. Methods: Prospective single hospital-based observational cohort study conducted between 1982 and 2006 in a university tertiary hospital in Barcelona (Spain). The Main Outcome Measure: In-hospital mortality. Results: Gram-negative bacilli meningitis was diagnosed in 40 (7%) of 544 episodes of spontaneous acute bacterial meningitis. The most common pathogens were Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas species. On admission, characteristics associated with spontaneous gram-negative bacilli meningitis by multivariate modeling were advanced age, history of cancer, nosocomial acquisition of infection, urinary tract infection as distant focus of infection, absence of rash, hypotension, and a high cerebrospinal fluid white-cell count. Nine (23%) episodes were acquired in the hospital and they were most commonly caused by Pseudomonas. The in-hospital mortality rate was 53%. The mortality rate was higher among patients with Gram-negative bacillary meningitis than among those with other bacterial meningitis and their risk of death was twenty times higher than among patients infected with Neisseria meningitidis (odds ratio 20.47; 95% confidence interval 4.03-103.93; p<0.001). Conclusions: Gram-negative bacilli cause 9% of spontaneous bacterial meningitis of known etiology in adults. Characteristics associated with GNBM include advanced age, history of cancer, nosocomial acquisition, and urinary tract infection as distant focus of infection. The mortality rate is higher among patients with gram-negative bacillary meningitis than among those with other bacterial meningitides

    Estimation of Fracture Loads in AL7075-T651 Notched Specimens Using the Equivalent Material Concept Combined with the Strain Energy Density Criterion and with the Theory of Critical Distances

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    The main goal of this paper is the application of the Strain Energy Density (SED) criterion and the Theory of Critical Distances (TCD), both of them in combination with the Equivalent Material Concept (EMC), to predict the fracture loads of aluminum alloy Al7075-T651 Compact Tension (CT) specimens containing U-shaped notches. For this purpose, 45 fracture tests were performed combining two rolling orientations (transverse and longitudinal) and 6 notch radii, which cover from crack-type defects (0 mm) up to 2 mm-notch radius. Crack-type specimens are used to define the fracture properties of the material and the rest of the tests are used to check and compare the experimental fracture loads with the loads predicted using the different aforementioned criteria: SED, EMC-SED and EMC-TCD. The theoretical results of the fracture load predictions for the virtual brittle material obtained employing the EMC are in good agreement with the experimental results reported for real samples.The authors of this work would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the financial support of the Project MAT2014-58443-P: “Análisis del comportamiento en fractura de componentes estructurales con defectos en condiciones debajo confinamiento tensional”, on the results of which this paper is based

    Critical distance default values for structural steels and a simple formulation to estimate the apparent fracture toughness in u-notched conditions

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    The structural integrity assessment of components containing notch-type defects has been the subject of extensive research in the last few decades. The assumption that notches behave as cracks is generally too conservative, making it necessary to develop assessment methodologies that consider the specific nature of notches, providing accurate safe predictions of failure loads or defect sizes. Among the different theories or models that have been developed to address this issue the Theory of Critical Distances (TCD) is one of the most widely applied and extended. This theory is actually a group of methodologies that have in common the use of the material toughness and a length parameter that depends on the material (the critical distance; L). This length parameter requires calibration in those situations where there is a certain non-linear behavior on the micro or the macro scale. This calibration process constitutes the main practical barrier for an extensive use of the TCD in structural steels. The main purpose of this paper is to provide, through a set of proposed default values, a simple methodology to accurately estimate both the critical distance of structural steels and the corresponding apparent fracture toughness predictions derived from the TCD.The authors of this work would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the financial support of the Project MAT2014-58443-P: “Análisis del comportamiento en fractura de componentes estructurales con defectos en condiciones de bajo confinamiento tensional”, on the results of which this paper is based

    Perfiles de personalidad en víctimas de acoso escolar

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    Nuestro trabajo pretende obtener información sobre qué variables de Personalidad, presentan un mayor poder de discriminación o cuantifican mejor las diferencias entre los distintos niveles de victimización en el acoso escolar. La muestra total estaba formada por 700 adolescentes estudiantes, 43% mujeres y 57% varones con una media de edad de 13,98 años. Hemos utilizado el Cuestionario de Convivencia Escolar (Defensor del Pueblo, 2006) y el cuestionario BFQ-NA (Big Five Questionnaire- Niños y Adolescentes) creado por Barbaranelli, Caprara y Rabasca (Barbaranelli, Caprara & Rabasca, 1998; Barbaranelli, Caprara, Rabasca & Pastorelli, 2003), compuesto de un total de cinco factores o dimensiones que representan la personalidad del adolescente: Conciencia, Apertura, Amabilidad, Extraversión e Inestabilidad Emocional o Neuroticismo. Respecto a los resultados de nuestra investigación, podemos concluir que niveles altos de victimización en el acoso escolar, estarían caracterizados por puntuaciones altas en Neuroticismo e Inestabilidad emocional.Our work aims to obtain information on that Personality variables have an increased discrimination power or better quantify the differences between levels of victimization in bullying. The total sample consisted of 700 adolescent students, 43 % women and 57 % men with a mean age of 13.98 years. We used the questionnaire Coexistence School (Ombudsman, 2006) and the BFQ-NA questionnaire (Big Five Questionnaire-Children and Teens) created by Barbaranelli, Caprara and Rabasca (Barbaranelli, Caprara & Rabasca, 1998; Barbaranelli, Caprara, Rabasca & Pastorelli, 2003), consisting of a total of five factors or dimensions that represent the personality of the adolescent: Consciousness, opening, Friendliness, Extraversion and Neuroticism or Emotional Instability. Regarding the results of our research, we can conclude that high levels of victimization in bullying, would be characterized by high scores on Neuroticism and emotional instability.peerReviewe