14 research outputs found

    AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF Xylopia aromatica AND Annona crassiflora ON MARANDU GRASS (Brachiaria brizantha) AND SOYBEAN

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    The inhibitory effect of Xylopia aromatica and Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae) aqueous extracts on marandu grass (Brachiaria brizantha) and soybean (Glycine max) was evaluated. For such purpose germination tests (25 ºC and photoperiod of 12 h) and radicle and hypocotyl development (25 ºC and photoperiod of 24 h), were measured during 10 days. Extracts were obtained through plant infusion in distilled water for 24 h. Treatments were arranged in 3 x 6 factorial scheme in randomized block design using four replications. Extracts of seeds, leaves, and branches of X. aromatica or A. crassiflora were used in the concentrations of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 g dm-3, besides an absolute check in distilled water. With exceptions of the extracts with 20 g dm-3 (branches of X. aromatica and A. crassiflora) and 40 g dm-3 (leaves of X. aromatica), all treatments with aqueous extracts inhibited germination of B. brizantha, showing the allelopathic activity of X. aromatica and A. crassiflora. It was verified that extracts of A. crassiflora interfered on the radicle development of B. brizantha. However, only seeds extracts of A. crassiflora interfered in the soybean germination.Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito inibitório de extratos aquosos de Xylopia aromatica e Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae) sobre o capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha) e a soja (Glycine max). Foram realizados testes de germinação (25 ºC e fotoperíodo de 12 h) e de desenvolvimento de radícula e hipocótilo (25 ºC e fotoperíodo de 24 h), ambos durante 10 dias. Os extratos foram obtidos por meio de imersão em água destilada durante 24 h. Para cada experimento foi adotado o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 3 x 6, em quatro repetições. Foram utilizados extratos provenientes de sementes, folhas e ramos de X. aromatica ou de A. crassiflora nas concentrações de 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 g dm-3, além de uma testemunha em água destilada. Exceto nos extratos preparados com 20 g dm-3 (ramos de X. aromatica e A. crassiflora) e 40 g dm-3 (folhas de X. aromatica), todos os demais tratamentos com extratos aquosos inibiram a germinação de B. brizantha, evidenciando o potencial alelopático de X. aromatica e A. crassiflora. Verificou-se que extratos de A. crassiflora interferiram no desenvolvimento da radícula de B. brizantha. Somente extratos provenientes das sementes de A. crassiflora interferiram na germinação da soja

    Environmental stratification, adaptability and stability of grain production of soybean genotypes (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) in Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and São Paulo

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a representatividade dos locais de ensaios por meio de estratificação ambiental em Minas Gerais e Mato Grosso, e estudar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de soja nos Estados de Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso e São Paulo. Para verificar a representatividade dos locais, foram utilizados o método tradicional de estratificação ambiental e análise de fatores. Foram utilizados dois métodos de análise de adaptabilidade e estabilidade: EBERHART e RUSSELL (1966) e LIN e BINNS (1988), modificado por CARNEIRO (1998). O trabalho foi realizado com dados de produtividade de grãos obtidos de ensaios finais de avaliação de genótipos de soja. Em todos os Estados, os ensaios foram delineados em blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Em Minas Gerais, avaliaram-se 18 genótipos de ciclo semiprecoce/médio e 17 de ciclo semitardio/tardio, em seis ambientes (Capinópolis em duas épocas de plantio, Tupaciguara, Florestal, Paracatú e Unaí), na safra 2001/2002. Foram consideradas duas safras em Mato Grosso. Em 2000/2001 avaliaram-se 11 genótipos de ciclo semiprecoce/médio e 10 de ciclo semitardio/tardio em seis ambientes (Itiquira em três épocas de plantio, Primavera do Leste em duas épocas de plantio e Lucas do Rio Verde). Na safra 2001/2002, foi estudado o comportamento de 16 genótipos de ciclo semiprecoce/médio em 5 ambientes (Itiquira em três épocas de plantio, Primavera do Leste e Nova Mutum) e 14 genótipos de ciclo semitardio/tardio em três ambientes (Itiquira em duas épocas de plantio e Nova Mutum). Em São Paulo, foram avaliados 20 genótipos de soja em três ambientes (Nuporanga, Morro Agudo e Guaíra), na safra 2001/2002. Os genótipos foram provenientes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Soja do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Verificou-se que em Minas Gerais e Mato Grosso, apesar de existir interação genótipo x ambiente significativa na análise de variância conjunta, foi possível verificar padrões de similaridades de resposta dos cultivares e linhagens avaliados nos diferentes locais. A estratificação pela análise de fatores mostrou resultados semelhantes ao método tradicional. Os estudos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade, revelaram a existência de genótipos de diferentes grupos de maturação com ampla adaptabilidade e estabilidade, como os padrões de ciclo semitardio, Monarca e Conquista, os padrões de ciclo tardio DM-339 e UFV-18 (Patos de Minas) e as linhagens UFV98-267FRC11, UFV98-1640CRR73 e UFV98-U16-53, em Minas Gerais. Em Mato Grosso, na safra 2000/2001, destacaram- se o padrão de ciclo semiprecoce Conquista, o padrão CAC-1 e os cultivares UFV-17 (Minas Gerais) e UFVS-2002 de ciclo médio, o cultivar de ciclo semitardio/tardio UFV-18 (Patos de Minas) e a linhagem UFV95-370A 604. Na safra 2001/2002, as linhagens UFV98-9391140 e UFV97-61297212, de ciclo semiprecoce, o padrão Uirapurú e o cultivar UFVS-2003 de ciclo semitardio/tardio, apresentaram adaptabilidade geral e estabilidade. Foi possível, em São Paulo, indicar cultivares e linhagens com ampla adaptabilidade e estabilidade, se destacando os cultivares UFV-16 (Capinópolis), o padrão Conquista e as linhagens UFV98-833994 e UFV97-64322605.The objective of this work was to evaluate the representativity of local essays using environmental stratification in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, and also to study the adaptability and stability of soybean genotypes in three States: Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and São Paulo. The traditional method for environmental stratification and the factors analysis were used in order to verify the representativity of locals. For the evaluation of the adaptability and stability two methods were used: a) the EBERHART and RUSSELL (1966), and b) the LIN and BINNS (1988) modified by CARNEIRO (1998). This work was developed based on the grain production data obtained from final essays with soybean genotypes. In all locations, essays were designed in plots established randomly and three repetitions were carried out. In Minas Gerais, 18 genotypes with semi early/medium cycle and 17 with semi later/later cycle were evaluated in six environments: Capinópolis (planted in two different periods), Tupaciguara, Florestal, Paracatú and Unaí, in the harvest of 2001/2002. In Mato Grosso two harvest times were considered. In the harvest of 2000/2001, 11 genotypes with the semi early/medium cycle and 10 with the semi later/later cycle were evaluated in six environments: Itiquira (planted in three different periods), Primavera do Leste (planted in two different periods) and Lucas do Rio Verde. In the harvest of 2001/2002 the behavior of 16 genotypes with the semi early/medium was studied in five environments: Itiquira (planted in three different periods), Primavera do Leste and Nova Mutum. It was also evaluated in the same harvest year, 14 genotypes with semi later/later cycle in three environments: Itiquira (planted in two different periods) and Nova Mutum. In São Paulo 20 genotypes of soybean in three environments (Nuporanga, Morro Agudo e Guaíra) were analyzed in the harvest of 2001/2002. All genotypes were provided by the Program of Genetic Improvement of Soybean of the Fitotecnia Department of the Federal University of Viçosa. According to results, in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso it was possible to verify patterns of similarity in the cultivars and lineages evaluated at different localities, despite the existing interaction of genotype x environment detected in the analysis of variance. The stratification using the Factors Analysis was similar to the Traditional Method. Studies of the adaptability and stability indicated the existence of genotypes with different maturation periods and large adaptability and stability, such as: the Monarca and Conquista pattern with semi later cycle, the DM-339 and UFV-18 (Patos de Minas) patterns with semi later cycle; and the lineages UFV98-267FRC11, UFV98-1640CRR73 and UFV98-U16-53 in Minas Gerais. In Mato Grosso, at the harvest of 2000/2001, best results were verified in the patterns: Conquista with semi early cycle and CAC-1; in the cultivars: UFV-17 (Minas Gerais), UFVS-2002, both with average cycle, and UFV-18 (Patos de Minas) with semi later/later cycle; and the lineage UFV95-370A 604. At the harvest year of 2001/2002, the lineages UFV98-9391140 and UFV97-61297212 with semi early cycle; the Uirapurú pattern and the cultivar UFVS-2003 with semi later/later cycle showed general adaptability and stability. In São Paulo it was possible to indicate the cultivars and lineages that showed large adaptability and stability, such as: the cultivar UFV-16 (Capinópolis); the Conquista pattern, and the lineages UFV98-833994 and UFV97-64322605.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic


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    Entre as técnicas culturais que afetam a produtividade do arroz, estão o espaçamento, a densidade de semeadura e o arranjo populacional. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho de cultivares de arroz de terras altas em diferentes espaçamentos no município de Tangará da Serra, M T. O experimento foi conduzido na Área Experimental da Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso UNEMAT Foram avaliados os cultivares de arroz Primavera e Cambará, em três espaçamentos entrelinhas (17, 25 e 34 cm), com a mesma população (1.800.000 plantas ha-1). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2x3 com 4 repetições. As características avaliadas foram sanidade de grãos, altura de plantas, número de perfilhos/planta, número de panículas/planta, produtividade, massa de mil grãos em casca, rendimento de benefício, rendimento de grãos inteiros e incidência de doenças a campo. Os cultivares apresentaram pouca incidência de fungos associados aos grãos. Não se observaram diferenças na produtividade dos cultivares em função dos espaçamentos utilizados. O cultivar Primavera apresentou maior massa de mil grãos em casca nos espaçamentos de 25 e 34 cm entrelinhas. O cultivar Cambará foi superior em todos os espaçamentos para rendimento de grãos inteiros. As características número de perfilhos e panículas/planta não diferiram em relação aos cultivares, nem aos espaçamentos testados

    Divergência genética entre genótipos de soja ausentes de enzimas lipoxigenases

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    Este trabalho objetivou quantificar a divergência genética entre oito linhagens de soja ausentes de enzimas lipoxigenases e duas variedades, por meio de análise de agupamento, utilizando-se duas medidas de dissimilaridade, e verificar a importância relativa de cada característica paia a divergência genética. As linhagens e variedades foram agrupadas de acordo com o método de otimização de Tocher, com base na distância generalizada de Mahalanobis e na distância euclidiana. OS agrupamentos diferiram de acordo com as medidas de dissimilaridade. UtiIizando-se o método de Tocher e a distância euclidiana, verificou-se a formação de três grupos. comparado com o método de Tocher com base na distância generalizada de Mahalanobis, em que se formaram apenas dois. A caracteristica que mais contribuiu pata a divergencia genética foi a Mura de planta, nas duas metodologias.The purpose of this work was to quantify the genetic divergence among eight soybean lines without lipoxigenases and two varieties, by means of grouping analysis using two measures of dissimilarity and to verify the relative importance of each characteristic for genetic divergence. The genotypes were grouped aCcording to the Tocher optimization method, based on the widespread distance of Mahalanobis and the Euclidean distance. It was concluded that the grouping differed according to the dissimilarity measures applied. The Tocher method and the Euclidean distance allowed the formation of three groaps, as compared to the Tocher method and the widespread distance of Mahalanobis, which formed only two groapsThe characteristic plant height contributed the most to genetic divergence for both methodologies

    Effect of coconut water on growth of olive embryos cultured in vitro Efeito da água de coco no crescimento de embriões de oliveira cultivados in vitro

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    The experiment was carried out to determine the appropriate dose of coconut water as supplement for in vitro cultivation of zygotic embryos from 19 olive genotypes. The isolated embryos of the olive seeds were immersed on culture medium containing 0 (control), 25, 50, and 100mL L-1 of fresh and sterile coconut water and kept for 45 days under controlled environment. The percentage of germination, shoot length, number of roots, number of leaves and number of internodes were measured for all 19 olive genotypes. The ANOVA of the parameters evaluated showed significant genotypes x doses of coconut water interaction for shoot length, number of leaves and number of internodes and the dose of 100mL L-1 produced the best results overall as indicated by the means of measured parameters. However, the study showed the importance of determining the appropriate dose of coconut water for each genotype under consideration as shown by significant genotype x dose of coconut water interaction effect.O experimento foi realizado para determinar a dose adequada de água de coco como suplemento para cultivo in vitro de embriões zigóticos de 19 genótipos de oliveira. Os embriões isolados das sementes de oliveira foram imersos em meio de cultura contendo 0 (controle), 25, 50, e 100mL L-1 de água de coco fresca e estéril, em condição de ambiente controlado durante 45 dias. A porcentagem de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea, número de raízes, número de folhas e número de internódios foram medidos para todos os 19 genótipos de oliveira. A ANOVA dos parâmetros avaliados apresentou interação significativa entre genótipos e dose de água de coco para o comprimento da parte aérea, número de folhas e número de internódios, e a dose de 100mL L-1, de forma geral, produziu os melhores resultados, como indicado pelas médias dos parâmetros analisados. No entanto, como mostra a interação significativa observada entre genótipos e tratamentos, é importante determinar a dose adequada de água de coco para cada genótipo

    Karyotype abnormalities and their clinical significance in a group of chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), karyotyping is a valuable tool for monitoring engraftment and disease status. Few studies have examined the prognostic significance of karyotypes in patients who underwent HSCT for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The objective of this study was to evaluate the significance of pretransplantation cytogenetic status in relation to outcomes following HSCT in CML patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Case series study at Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: Cytogenetic analysis was performed by G banding on 39 patients treated with HSCT. RESULTS: Thirty-one patients were in the chronic phase and eight were in the accelerated phase. Prior to HSCT, additional chromosomal abnormalities on the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome were found in 11 patients. The most frequent additional abnormality was a double Ph, which was observed in four cases. Following HSCT, full chimeras were observed in 31 patients (79.5%). Among these, 23 (82.3%) had presented Ph as the sole abnormality. Mixed chimeras were observed in seven patients, of which three had additional abnormalities. Only one case did not present any cytogenetic response. Five patients presented cytogenetic relapse associated with clinical relapse following HSCT. Twenty-seven patients are still alive and present complete hematological and cytogenetic remission. CONCLUSION: In our study, the presence of additional abnormalities was not associated with worse outcome and relapse risk. Also, no differences in survival rates were observed. Our study supports the view that classical cytogenetic analysis remains an important tool regarding HSCT outcome

    The Masticatory Activity Interference in Quantitative Estimation of CA1, CA3 and Dentate Gyrus Hippocampal Astrocytes of Aged Murine Models and under Environmental Stimulation

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    Studies indicating the influence of masticatory dysfunction, due to a soft diet or lack of molars, on impairing spatial memory and learning have led to research about neuronal connections between areas and cell populations possibly affected. In this sense, with scarce detailed data on the subfields of hippocampus in dementia neurodegeneration, there is no information about astrocytic responses in its different layers. Thus, considering this context, the present study evaluated the effects of deprivation and rehabilitation of masticatory activity, aging, and environmental enrichment on the stereological quantification of hippocampal astrocytes from layers CA1, CA3, and DG. For this purpose, we examined mature (6-month-old; 6M), and aged (18-month-old; 18M) mice, subjected to distinct masticatory regimens and environments. Three different regimens of masticatory activity were applied: continuous normal mastication with hard pellets (HD); normal mastication followed by deprived mastication with equal periods of pellets followed by soft powder (HD/SD); or rehabilitated masticatory activity with equal periods of HD, followed by powder, followed by pellets (HD/SD/HD). Under each specific regimen, half of the animals were raised in standard cages (impoverished environment (IE)) and the other half in enriched cages (enriched environment (EE)), mimicking sedentary or active lifestyles. Microscopic stereological, systematic, and random sampling approaches with an optical dissector of GFAP-immunolabeled astrocytes were done, allowing for an astrocyte numerical estimate. Stratum moleculare and hilus, from the dentate gyrus (DG) and Strata Lacunosum-Moleculare, Oriens, and Radiatum, similarly to the dentate gyrus, showed no significant change in any of the investigated variables (age, diet, or environment) in these layers. However, in Stratum radiatum, it was possible to observe significant differences associated with diet regimens and age. Therefore, diet-related differences were found when the HD 18M IE group was compared to the HD/SD/HD 18-month-old group in the same environment (IE) (p = 0.007). In the present study, we present modulatory factors (masticatory function, environmental enrichment, and aging) for the differentiated quantitative laminar response in the hippocampal regions, suggesting other studies to read the plasticity and responsiveness of astrocytes, including the molecular background