288 research outputs found

    Will the Sustainable Development Goals address the links between poverty and the natural environment?

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    The relationships between the natural environment and poverty have been a central theme in the sustainability and development literatures. However, they have been less influential in mainstream international development and conservation policies, which often neglect or fail to adequately address these relationships. This paper examines how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) may influence the framing of environment-poverty relationships. We argue that the SDGs’ comprehensive nature could provide an opportunity for better environment-poverty integration. To realise this potential, SDG-related activities will need to challenge the institutional status quo; transform how we measure, understand and implement development; design interventions that reflect local visions of development; make trade-offs between SDGs explicit; and address ultimate drivers of environmental degradation and poverty.Cambridge Humanities Research Gran

    The Stochastic Quasi-Gradient Method Applied to a Facility Location Problem

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    This paper explores the computational aspects of using the stochastic quasi-gradient method (SQG) to solve some facility location problems. The problems addressed belong to a general class of resource allocation problems with random demand. An algorithm is first developed for the simplest formulation, where a convex objective function is minimized, and results are shown for the location of high schools in Turin, Italy. Fixed charges are then introduced in the objective function, giving rise to a non-convex problem possessing many local minima, and some numerical results for the same case study are reported

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Akuntansi

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    Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Akuntansi siswa melalui Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Siswa Kelas X Akuntansi 1 SMK Muhammadiyah Wonosari Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X Akuntansi 1 yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dengan membandingkan persentase skor Aktivitas Belajar Akuntansi siswa pada siklus I dan siklus II. Analisis data kualitatif dianalisis dengan teknik analisis interaktif yaitu Reduksi Data, Penyajian Data, Penarikan Kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) dapat meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Akuntansi siswa. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan persentase skor rata-rata Aktivitas Belajar Akuntansi siswa sebesar 36,04%. Hasil observasi siklus I diperoleh rata-rata skor Aktivitas Belajar Akuntansi siswa sebesar 50,93%. Pada siklus II diperoleh skor sebesar 86,97%

    Variational assimilation of IASI SO2 plume height and total column retrievals in the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull using the SILAM v5.3 chemistry transport model

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    This study focuses on two new aspects of inverse modelling of volcanic emissions. First, we derive an observation operator for satellite retrievals of plume height, and second, we solve the inverse problem using an algorithm based on the 4D-Var data assimilation method. The approach is first tested in a twin experiment with simulated observations and further evaluated by assimilating IASI SO2 plume height and total column retrievals in a source term inversion for the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull. The inversion resulted in temporal and vertical reconstruction of the SO2 emissions during 1–20 May 2010 with formal vertical and temporal resolutions of 500 m and 12 h.The plume height observation operator is based on simultaneous assimilation of the plume height and total column retrievals. The plume height is taken to represent the vertical centre of mass, which is transformed into the first moment of mass (centre of mass times total mass). This makes the observation operator linear and simple to implement. The necessary modifications to the observation error covariance matrix are derived.Regularization by truncated iteration is investigated as a simple and efficient regularization method for the 4D-Var-based inversion. In the twin experiments, the truncated iteration was found to perform similarly to the commonly used Tikhonov regularization, which in turn is equivalent to a Gaussian a priori source term. However, the truncated iteration allows the level of regularization to be determined a posteriori without repeating the inversion.In the twin experiments, assimilating the plume height retrievals resulted in a 5–20 % improvement in root mean squared error but simultaneously introduced a 10–20 % low bias on the total emission depending on assumed emission profile. The results are consistent with those obtained with real data. For Eyjafjallajökull, comparisons with observations showed that assimilating the plume height retrievals reduced the overestimation of injection height during individual periods of 1–3 days, but for most of the simulated 20 days, the injection height was constrained by meteorological conditions, and assimilation of the plume height retrievals had only small impact. The a posteriori source term for Eyjafjallajökull consisted of 0.29 Tg (with total column and plume height retrievals) or 0.33 Tg (with total column retrievals only) erupted SO2 of which 95 % was injected below 11 or 12 km, respectively

    Towards the operational application of inverse modelling for the source identification and plume forecast of an accidental release of radionuclides

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    International audienceIn the event of an accidental atmospheric release of radionuclides from a nuclear power plant, accurate real-time forecasting of the activity concentrations of radionuclides is required by the decision makers for the preparation of adequate countermeasures. Yet, the accuracy of the forecast plume is highly dependent on the source term estimation. Inverse modelling and data assimilation techniques should help in that respect. In this presentation, a semi-automatic method is proposed for the sequential reconstruction of the plume, by implementing a sequential data assimilation algorithm based on inverse modelling, with a care to develop realistic methods for operational risk agencies. The performance of the assimilation scheme has been assessed through the intercomparison between French and Finnish frameworks. Three dispersion models have been used: Polair3D, with or without plume-in-grid, both developed at CEREA, and SILAM, developed at FMI. Different release locations, as well as different meteorological situations are tested. The existing and newly planned surveillance networks are used and realistically large observational errors are assumed. Statistical indicators to evaluate the efficiency of the method are presented and the results are discussed. In addition, in the case where the power plant responsible for the accidental release is not known, robust statistical tools aredeveloped and tested to discriminate candidate release sites

    Towards the operational estimation of a radiological plume using data assimilation after a radiological accidental atmospheric release

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    International audienceIn the event of an accidental atmospheric release of radionuclides from a nuclear power plant, accurate real-time forecasting of the activity concentrations of radionuclides is required by the decision makers for the preparation of adequate countermeasures. The accuracy of the forecast plume is highly dependent on the source term estimation. On several academic test cases, including real data, inverse modelling and data assimilation techniques were proven to help in the assessment of the source term. In this paper, a semi-automatic method is proposed for the sequential reconstruction of the plume, by implementing a sequential data assimilation algorithm based on inverse modelling, with a care to develop realistic methods for operational risk agencies. The performance of the assimilation scheme has been assessed through the intercomparison between French and Finnish frameworks. Two dispersion models have been used: Polair3D and Silam developed in two different research centres. Different release locations, as well as different meteorological situations are tested. The existing and newly planned surveillance networks are used and realistically large multiplicative observational errors are assumed. The inverse modelling scheme accounts for strong error bias encountered with such errors. The efficiency of the data assimilation system is tested via statistical indicators. For France and Finland, the average performance of the data assimilation system is strong. However there are outlying situations where the inversion fails because of a too poor observability. In addition, in the case where the power plant responsible for the accidental release is not known, robust statistical tools are developed and tested to discriminate candidate release sites

    Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Lahan Peruntukkan Kawasan Permukiman Berdasarkan RTRW Kota Tomohon Tahun 2013 – 2033

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    Abstrak Evaluasi merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan setiap 5 tahun sekali untuk meninjau suatu produk perencanaan. Peruntukkan kawasan permukiman adalah salah satu hasil dari rencana yang tertuang dalam RTRW setiap wilayah. Adanya perubahan pemanfaatan lahan pada Kota Tomohon mempengaruhi keberadaaan kawasan peruntukkan ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya masih terdapat peruntukkan PKP yang berada pada Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunung Api. Untuk itu, penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi sebaran pemanfaatan lahan peruntukkan PKP agar mendapatkan lokasi dan luas peruntukkan PKP Kota Tomohon yang masih berada pada Negative List : Kawasan Lindung dan Kawasan Rawan Bencana selanjutnya memberikan tinjauan daerah potensional dalam pengembangan PKP. Metode yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisa data spasial (overlay peta dan skoring) yang memberikan keluaran berupa kesesuaian lahan permukiman dan kemampuan pengembangannya sehingga dapat dievaluasi pemanfaatan lahan peruntukkan permukiman Kota Tomohon. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat diketahui luas lahan pemanfaatan lahan PKP adalah sebesar 1156,93 ha sedangkan untuk PKP yang direncanakan adalah sebesar 1232,74 ha. Luas PKP yang berada pada Kawasan Lindung yakni Hutan Lindung adalah 0,615ha, Resapan Air adalah 9,67 ha, Sempadan Sungai adalah 38,42 ha, Sekitar Danau adalah 7,23 ha, Sempadan Mata Air adalah 2,31 ha. Kawasan Rawan Bencana yakni Gunung Berapi sebesar 127,09 ha.  Sedangkan untuk daerah potensional untuk pengembangan PKP adalah sebesar 4134,02 ha dari total luas wilayah Kota Tomohon. Kata kunci : Kawasan Negative List; Permukiman; Analisa Spasial; Daerah Potensional.Abstract Evaluation is an activity carried out every five years to review a planning product. The plan for this designation of settlements area contained in Regional Spatial Plan (RSP) of each region has. The change of land use in Tomohon City affects the existence of this designation area. Based on the results of previous research, there are still found settlements which located in Volcano Disaster-Prone Areas. Therefore, this study will identify the distribution of land use designated for settlement to obtain the location and area of Tomohon City which is still on the Negative List: Protected Areas and Disaster-Prone Areas then provides an overview of the potential areas for settlements development. The method used is the spatial data analysis technique (map overlay and scoring) which provides output in the form of the suitability land and its development capability so that the use of land designated for settlements in Tomohon City can be evaluated. The results of this study shown the currently settlement is 1156,93 ha, while the planned is 1232,74 ha. Also there are still settlement located in the Protected Area, namely Protected Forest is 0,615 ha, Water Catchment Area is 9.67 ha, River Border is 38.42 ha, Around Lake is 7,23 ha, Spring Boundary is 2.31 ha. Meanwhile in Disaster-Prone Areas, namely Volcanoes of 127.09 ha. The potential area for settlement development in Tomohon City is 4134.02 ha. Keywords: Negative List; Residential; Spatial Analysis; Potentional Area

    Cyclodextrin-Based Contrast Agents for Medical Imaging

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    Cyclodextrins (CDs) are naturally occurring cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of multiple glucose subunits. CDs are widely used in host–guest chemistry and biochemistry due to their structural advantages, biocompatibility, and ability to form inclusion complexes. Recently, CDs have become of high interest in the field of medical imaging as a potential scaffold for the development of a large variety of the contrast agents suitable for magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging, photoacoustic imaging, positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, and computed tomography. The aim of this review is to summarize and highlight the achievements in the field of cyclodextrin-based contrast agents for medical imaging

    Cleaner Fuels for Ships Provide Public Health Benefits with Climate Tradeoffs

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    We evaluate public health and climate impacts of low-sulphur fuels in global shipping. Using high-resolution emissions inventories, integrated atmospheric models, and health risk functions, we assess ship-related PM 2.5 pollution impacts in 2020 with and without the use of low-sulphur fuels. Cleaner marine fuels will reduce ship-related premature mortality and morbidity by 34 and 54%, respectively, representing a ~ 2.6% global reduction in PM 2.5 cardiovascular and lung cancer deaths and a ~3.6% global reduction in childhood asthma. Despite these reductions, low-sulphur marine fuels will still account for ~250k deaths and ~6.4 M childhood asthma cases annually, and more stringent standards beyond 2020 may provide additional health benefits. Lower sulphur fuels also reduce radiative cooling from ship aerosols by ~80%, equating to a ~3% increase in current estimates of total anthropogenic forcing. Therefore, stronger international shipping policies may need to achieve climate and health targets by jointly reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution


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    Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, merupakan salah satu wilayah tujuan wisata di Indonesia yang memiliki berbagai objek wisata baik objek wisata alam maupun wisata budaya. Objek wisata Bukit Kasih Kanonang merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata di Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang banyak diminati oleh wisatawan.Namun keberadaan objek wisata ini belum didukung dengan pengelolaan yang baik sehingga ada kesan terabaikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini sendiri adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi dan sikap wisatawan terhadap Objek Wisata Bukit Kasih Kanonang. Penelitian ini pengambilan sampel untuk responden akan dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling dimana peneliti memilh sendiri sampel yang akan diwawancara dan kemudian dianalisa menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa persepsi wisatawan terhadap kebersihan objek wisata dan keadaan fasilitas umum kurang baik dan harus diperhatikan lagi sedangkan untuk kualitas alam dan karamahtamahan masyarakat sekitar sangat diapresiasi baik oleh responden.Sikap positif responden juga diberikan untuk keadaan alam dan keramahtamahan masyarakat sekitar objek wisata Bukit Kasih ini.   Kata kunci : Persepsi, Sikap, Wisatawan, Objek Wisat