115 research outputs found

    Spectral measures of factor of i.i.d. processes on vertex-transitive graphs

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    We prove that a measure on [d,d][-d, d] is the spectral measure of a factor of i.i.d. process on a vertex-transitive infinite graph if and only if it is absolutely continuous with respect to the spectral measure of the graph. Moreover, we show that the set of spectral measures of factor of i.i.d. processes and that of dˉ2\bar d_2-limits of factor of i.i.d. processes are the same.Comment: 26 pages; proof of Proposition 9 shortene


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    Világszerte megfigyelhető trend a fenntartható és versenyképes turizmus kialakítása, így a turizmusban érdekelt országokban - így hazánkban is - fontos fejlesztési iránnyá vált a turisztikai desztináció menedzsment (TDM) szemléletű intézményi struktúra létrehozása. Felvetődhet a kérdés, hogy ezen intézményesített együttműködések hazánkban hatékonyan tudnak-e működni, illetve milyen hatásokkal rendelkezhetnek egy-egy térség életében, és azokat lehet-e - ha igen, akkor milyen mutatók segítségével - mérni.</jats:p

    A kortárs képelemzés kognitív szempontú megközelítése

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    Miközben egy reklámot, vagy egy filmjelenetet nézünk, sokszor az elvont dolgokat konkrétabb fogalmakon keresztül ragadjuk meg, amit vizsgálhatunk a kognitív nyelvészet eszközeivel (Lakoff és Johnson, 1980; Forceville és Urios-Aparisi, 2009). A tanulmány olyan kognitív szempontú módszertant mutat be, amellyel elemezhetőek a kortárs műtárgyak és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó művészettörténeti dokumentumok. A módszer a vizuális és a verbális módokra fókuszál, többek között magyarázatot ad arra, hogyan lehetséges, hogy egy tárgynak több jelentése is lehet. Összehasonlíthatóvá teszi a hétköznapi és az egyedi jelentésalkotást, a globális és a lokális kontextus által meghatározott jelentéseket. A módszertant Baglyas Erika „Jó előre gondoljon a jövőjére!” című installációjának elemzése szemlélteti

    „Wild Democracy” – The figurative conceptualization of the Parliament in Hungarian editorial cartoons (1989 – 2019) [védés előtt]

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    The expression of the Parliament is often associated with abstract concepts such as politics, democracy, or nationhood (Kapitány & Kapitány, 2002; Szabó & Oross, 2018) when instead of the literal meaning of the ‘building’, we refer to its figurative meanings. It has already been confirmed that political cartoons are rich in figurative devices (e.g., conceptual metaphor) (i.a. El Refaie, 2009) and they serve as a suitable corpus for the investigation of the figurative meaning of the Parliament. In the case of a conceptual metaphor, for instance, the Parliament (considered as a target domain) is understood via the source domain conceptually different from the target (e.g., COLOSSEUM). In that way, certain characteristic features of the source domain are mapped onto the target domain, and we are able to interpret politics, specifically the Parliament itself as the site of real, dangerous, life-or-death physical battles. All these figurative meanings can influence how we think about politics, its processes, and actors, how we argue in the case of a political problem and how we would try to solve it. The current research aims to examine how the Hungarian Parliament is visually represented in editorial cartoons and how these visual representations – through figurative conceptual devices such as conceptual metaphors and conceptual metonymies – construct the concept of the parliament. Furthermore, the thesis discusses how these cognitive devices cooperate with ironies and cultural references (such as idioms, allusions, and national symbols) which are determinant in evaluation procedures and the creation of emotional bonds between the viewer and the cartoon. In doing so, the dissertation studies the caricaturistic representations of the Parliament in three various periods (Körösényi, 2015); thus, the investigation is longitudinal (describing thirty years since 1989) and comparative. What are the novelties of the research? First, it examines Hungarian editorial cartoons in a cognitive linguistic framework, unlike this, so far Hungarian political cartoons have been discussed by historians (e.g., Tamás, 2014). Second, although the Parliament is an important concept (Kapitány & Kapitány, 2002), its figurative meaning has not been studied so widely yet. Third, it is a multimodal investigation of conceptual processes that fits into the trend of cognitive linguistic research that focuses on the cooperation of different processes. Fourth, this research examines a large data set in context where the contextual factors are limited to three types, namely idioms, allusions, and national symbols (context types are usually not defined in such concrete ways, e.g., Charteris-Black, 2011). Fifth, the dissertation applies Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory (ECMT) (Kövecses, 2020) in practice in a larger corpus. Sixth, it is a diachronic investigation which is rare in the field of cartoon research (e.g., Frantzich, 2013) also in cognitive research, especially in multimodal research. The main results show that 1) the representation of the Parliament is strongly linked to such conceptual procedures as conceptual metonymy and conceptual metaphor. These cognitive devices are likely to cooperate with ironies and cultural references. 2) a limited number of cognitive devices (e.g., the conceptual metonymy THE PARLIAMENT STANDS FOR THE GOVERNMENT, or the conceptual metaphor THE PARLIAMENT IS A PLACE FOR PHYSICAL CONFLICT) are recurring in the corpus during the period between 1989 and 2019. However, regarding the perspectivization, content and function of these cognitive devices, it is said that the compared periods of democracy (Körösényi, 2015) show significant differences based on the diverse preferences and distribution of the cognitive devices with specific cultural references in each era. 3) the increase of more aggressive scenes emerges from the metaphoric domain of PHYSICAL CONFLICT, which goes hand in hand with a change in the use of national symbols referring to the perceived extreme nationalist content, and political slogans which are dominated by the direct elements (literal citations, showing violence overtly). An unexpected result is the detection of a shift in communication acting in the opposite direction, according to which in linguistic changes indirect processes took place (e.g., increasing use of causal type ironies), in visual processes direct changes became predominant, so for instance, violence appeared literally. In sum, the Parliament seems a permanent phenomenon throughout the years, however, this research points to its different meanings and nuances of meaning variants. So even the stability of the meaning of such a strong national symbol can be questioned

    A környezetvédelemmel kapcsolatos hozzáállás középiskolás diákok különböző szegmensei mentén

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    The common aim of sustainable development is to get the consumer society to know a more conscious lifestyle and to implement its norms into their habitual systems. In our current research we examine a group which is yet immature in the field of its daily routine and consumer behaviour, namely the secondary school students. We did it in the way of a questionnaire survey included 1002 members. During previous researches we have already separated four clusters along the criteria of conscious consuming. Then we statistically examined how the age groups differentiate in environmental consciousness and protection within these clusters. The results showed that the thinking- and behavioural patterns are quite different in clusters with various consciousness, therefore giving proper communication (primarily knowledge transmission) and providing opportunities for act are essential for creating a conscious way of life.A fenntartható fejlődés érdekében a közös cél a fogyasztói társadalmat egy tudatosabb életvitellel megismertetni és szokásrendszerükbe implementálni annak normáit. Jelen kutatásban egy napi rutinjaiban és fogyasztói magatartásában még kiforratlan csoportot, a középiskolás korosztályt vizsgáltuk egy 1002 fős kérdőíves felmérés keretében. Korábbi kutatások során már elkülönítettünk négy klasztert a tudatos fogyasztás ismérvei mentén. Ezen a négy klaszteren vizsgáltuk meg statisztikai elemzések segítségével, hogy hogyan differenciálódnak az egyes azonos korosztályhoz tartozó csoportok a környezettudatosság és a környezetvédelem kapcsán. Az eredményeink alapján kiderült, hogy eltérőek a gondolkodás- és a viselkedésminták a különböző szintű tudatosságot mutató klaszterekben, így a tudatos életvitel kialakításához szükséges a célcsoportoknak megfelelő kommunikáció, (elsősorban ismeretátadás), illetve a cselekvési lehetőségek biztosítása.&nbsp

    Kezdjük mozgással!

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    A középiskolások életstílus klaszterei - különös tekintettel a rizikómagatartásra = The lifestyle clusters among secondary school students- focusing on the risk behaviour

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    The young generation – as the economic and social engine of our future – deserves a special attention in social and marketing viewpoint. They are the members of the so-called Z generation who differ from the previous ones not only in the field of the digital skill proficiency, but their attitudes are more differentiated as well. In current study we examined secondary school students, and we were curious about their food consuming habits from the perspective of health consciousness and market demands. The research was based on a questionnaire survey of 1002 members. Our current results came into existence with the help of the statements selected from the category of risk behaviour within health behaviour. We created groups with the method of factor-and cluster analysis. Among the particular lifestyle groups there can be seen a significant difference in the field of consciousness together with the follow-up of the food market trends