322 research outputs found

    TB Specimen Transportation Model as a Strategy for Increasing Service Access through Toss-TBC

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    The proportion of TB RO cases in 2015 was 228 cases, an estimated 2% of new TB cases were 5 cases and 12% of TB re-treatment cases were RO TB cases. access to TB services through island-based TOSS-TB in Ambon City in 2022. This research is a descriptive study with an observational approach and a SWOT analysis using a qualitative SWOT matrix to analyze internal and external factors on the subject and research object, which will then be used to design a model transport of TB specimens. The research results obtained an overview of the TB specimen transportation system network system in Ambon City in 2022 3 health centers TCM laboratory with a network system, there are 19 health centers, TB specimen referral mechanism at the Ambon City Health Service in 2022 carried out by 19 Referral Health Centers, Test examples from aspects of packaging and Referrals at the Ambon City Health Office in 2022 are carried out by 19 Community Health Centers as referral health centers for the process of sending specimens to the TCM Laboratory and Reviewing and analyzing aspects of examination results reporting in the framework of the City of Ambon City Health Service 2022 online using Form TB 05 from the TCM Laboratory Health Center to the Referral Health Center

    Risk Factors for Child Tuberculosis in Ambon City in 2019

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    The percentage of TB globally reaches 6% (530,000 TB patients children/year) while the death of children (with negative HIV status) suffering from TB reaches 74,000 deaths/year or with a percentage of about 8% of the total deaths caused by TB (TB Control Guidelines, 2014 ). The number of TB cases in children in Ambon City in 2018 was 220 cases in 22 Puskesmas, the highest cases of TB in children were in three Puskesmas including Puskesmas Ch.M. Tiahahu, 16 TB cases in children, Air Salobar Health Center with 5 TB cases for children and Rijali Health Center with 1 TB case for children. This study aims to determine whether BCG immunization, nutritional status, LBW, smoking, and household contacts are risks of TB in children in Ambon City in 2019. This type of research uses retrospective correlation analytical case control studies design that identifies patients and their effects or diseases. certain (cases) and groups without cases. The sample in this study consisted of 22 cases of TB for children under five and 64 controls for children under five. The case sampling technique was the total sampling, the comparison of cases and controls was 1: 2. The results of the analysis based on 95% CI obtained a value of OR = 0.101 with a CI 95% LL - UP 0.010-1.024, nutritional status OR = 1.761 with 95% CI LL - UP 0.524-5.921, LBW OR = 3.492 with 95% CI LL - UP 1,141-10,688, smoking behavior OR value = 0.536 with CI 95% LL - UP 0.189-1.521 and household contacts determine the value OR = 31.00 with CI 95% LL - UP 6.029-159,398

    Women's Reproductive Health for Housewives in the Work Area of the Passo Health Center, Ambon City

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    Reproductive health for housewives in the work area of the Passo Health Center is carried out based on problems from the partner group, namely low knowledge and minimal information about women's reproductive health, especially cervical cancer and breast cancer as well as skills in practicing or performing the BSE method resulting in low awareness of the importance women's reproductive health, this is shown through the low behavior of early detection carried out by housewives both the IVA test for early detection of cervical cancer and the application of the BSE method for early detection of breast cancer. With the aim of increasing the knowledge, skills and health of housewives in the target group regarding reproductive health, especially cervical cancer and breast cancer as a prevention effort. As well as increasing the knowledge of mothers about basic clinical information on cervical cancer and breast cancer, methods of detection as prevention and treatment methods, the number of mothers who are detected and can be treated. The solutions applied to the above problems are (1). Counseling to increase the knowledge of housewives about women's reproductive health (cervical Ca and breast Ca); (2). perform early detection of cervical cancer and early detection (screening) of breast cancer. The method used for the implementation of the solution is (1). Lectures, questions and answers and discussions both audio (sound) and visual (pictures and video) to increase mothers' knowledge about women's reproductive health; (2). Visual inspection method with acetic acid, also known as visual inspection with acetic acid (IVA test) for early detection of cervical cancer in housewives of the target group; Evaluation is carried out for each implementation of activities to encourage understanding of housewives to behave healthily towards reproductive health

    Determinants of Hypertension in Adolescents and Adults (18-44 years) at the Karang Panjang Health Center, Ambon City

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    The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia in the young age group based on the 2018 Basic Health Research has increased significantly to 13.2% in the 18-24 year age group, 20.1% in the 25-34 year age group and 31.6% in the 25-44 year age group compared to 2013. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors for family genetic history, obesity, physical activity and psychological stress with the incidence of hypertension. The research method used is Case Control. The number of samples in this study were 146 respondents with details of 73 cases and 73 controls. The data analysis performed was univariate and bivariate with the chi-square test. The results of the analysis showed that family genetic history was a determinant of hypertension with an Odds Ratio (OR) = 72,696 confidence level 95% CI value LL and UL = 22,692 – 232,890; Obesity is a determinant of hypertension with Odds Ratio (OR) = 5.056 confidence level 95% CI value LL and UL = 2.112 – 12.101; Physical activity is not a determinant of hypertension with Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.059 confidence level 95% CI value LL and UL = 0.545 – 2.060; The psychological condition of stress is a determinant of the incidence of hypertension with an Odds Ratio (OR) value = 10,815, 95% CI confidence level, LL and UL values = 4,377 – 26,726. In conclusion, family genetic history, obesity and psychological stress conditions are determinants of the incidence of hypertension. It is recommended for adolescents and adults aged 18-44 years to be able to control eating patterns, carry out regular physical activity and control stress levels and carry out routine blood pressure control every month at health services closest


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    Pendahuluan. Sekitar 60% anak autis mempunyai sistem pencernaan yang kurang baik, sehingga beberapa jenis makanan seperti gluten dan kasein tidak dapat dicerna dengan sempurna. Pada anak autis terjadi kebocoran dinding usus sehingga makanan diserap kembali oleh tubuh anak autis, diteruskan ke otak dan diubah menjadi morfin yang dapat merusak sel-sel otak dan menyebabkan fungsi otak terganggu sehingga meningkatkan hiperaktifitas pada anak autis. Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan pola konsumsi gluten dan kasein dengan perilaku anak autis di Kota Ambon Tahun 2016. Metode. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional study analitik. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 32 anak. Data yang dikumpulan, meliputi data karakteristik anak autis, pola makan dan pengamatan perilaku dengan instrumen Tabel pengamatan Perilaku dan FFQ (Food Frequency Quistionaire). Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji statistik chisquare. Hasil. Jumlah anak autis ditemukan lebih banyak pada laki-laki (87,5%) dibandingkan perempuan. Status gizi pada anak autis lebih banyak dengan kategori normal (84,4%) dan terdapat anak autis dengan gizi lebih (6,2%) serta gizi kurang (9,4%). Anak autis dengan perilaku hiperaktif lebih dominan (81,25%) dibanding yang berperilaku defisit. Pola konsumsi gluten anak autis masih cukup tinggi (62,5) dibanding dengan Pola konsumsi gluten (56,2%). Hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pola konsumsi gluten dengan perilaku hiperaktif anak autis (p=0.001 < ï¡=0,05). Hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara pola konsumsi kasein dengan perilaku hiperaktif anak autis (p=0,064 > ï¡=0,05). Kesimpulan. Terdapat hubungan antara pola konsumsi gluten dengan perilaku hiperaktif anak auti

    Development of an Operating Strategy for On-Demand Earth Observation Missions of the Diwata-2 Microsatellite

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    Diwata-2 is the Philippines’ 2nd microsatellite developed by Tohoku University, Hokkaido University, University of the Philippines, and the Philippine Department of Science and Technology. Its primary purpose is gathering remote sensing data through imaging areas of interest for the Philippines. This paper presents the study of Diwata-2’s initial Earth observation pointing performance, investigation of its Attitude Determination and Control System, the tuning of its Star Tracker sensor parameters, the in-flight target pointing calibration, and the sequential scheduling of its components forming an operation strategy for an effective on-demand earth observation mission. This operation strategy has managed to improve the satellite’s pointing performance from the initial 2.88°±2.06° RMS pointing error to having an accuracy of 0.204°±0.12° RMS for its High Precision Telescope payload. This strategy has been implemented to the university-built microsatellite for over 400 successful Earth observation missions and has covered about 82.8% of the Philippine’s land area with its Spaceborne Multispectral Imager payload

    Mortality comparison between the first and second/third waves among 3,795 critical COVID-19 patients with pneumonia admitted to the ICU: A multicentre retrospective cohort study

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    COVID-19; Mortality comparison; PneumoniaCOVID-19; Comparación de la mortalidad; NeumoníaCOVID-19; Comparació de la mortalitat; PneumòniaBackground It is unclear whether the changes in critical care throughout the pandemic have improved the outcomes in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients admitted to the intensive care units (ICUs). Methods We conducted a retrospective cohort study in adults with COVID-19 pneumonia admitted to 73 ICUs from Spain, Andorra and Ireland between February 2020 and March 2021. The first wave corresponded with the period from February 2020 to June 2020, whereas the second/third waves occurred from July 2020 to March 2021. The primary outcome was ICU mortality between study periods. Mortality predictors and differences in mortality between COVID-19 waves were identified using logistic regression. Findings As of March 2021, the participating ICUs had included 3795 COVID-19 pneumonia patients, 2479 (65·3%) and 1316 (34·7%) belonging to the first and second/third waves, respectively. Illness severity scores predicting mortality were lower in the second/third waves compared with the first wave according with the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation system (median APACHE II score 12 [IQR 9–16] vs 14 [IQR 10–19]) and the organ failure assessment score (median SOFA 4 [3–6] vs 5 [3–7], p<0·001). The need of invasive mechanical ventilation was high (76·1%) during the whole study period. However, a significant increase in the use of high flow nasal cannula (48·7% vs 18·2%, p<0·001) was found in the second/third waves compared with the first surge. Significant changes on treatments prescribed were also observed, highlighting the remarkable increase on the use of corticosteroids to up to 95.9% in the second/third waves. A significant reduction on the use of tocilizumab was found during the study (first wave 28·9% vs second/third waves 6·2%, p<0·001), and a negligible administration of lopinavir/ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, and interferon during the second/third waves compared with the first wave. Overall ICU mortality was 30·7% (n = 1166), without significant differences between study periods (first wave 31·7% vs second/third waves 28·8%, p = 0·06). No significant differences were found in ICU mortality between waves according to age subsets except for the subgroup of 61–75 years of age, in whom a reduced unadjusted ICU mortality was observed in the second/third waves (first 38·7% vs second/third 34·0%, p = 0·048). Non-survivors were older, with higher severity of the disease, had more comorbidities, and developed more complications. After adjusting for confounding factors through a multivariable analysis, no significant association was found between the COVID-19 waves and mortality (OR 0·81, 95% CI 0·64–1·03; p = 0·09). Ventilator-associated pneumonia rate increased significantly during the second/third waves and it was independently associated with ICU mortality (OR 1·48, 95% CI 1·19–1·85, p<0·001). Nevertheless, a significant reduction both in the ICU and hospital length of stay in survivors was observed during the second/third waves. Interpretation Despite substantial changes on supportive care and management, we did not find significant improvement on case-fatality rates among critical COVID-19 pneumonia patients.Ricardo Barri Casanovas Foundation (RBCF2020) and SEMICYUC

    Physical activity level and lifestyle-related risk factors from Catalan physicians.

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    BACKGROUND: Physicians' own Physical Activity (PA) and other health-related habits influence PA promotion. The current study identifies the PA level, according to the current PA recommendations and other health-related habits of physicians from the Catalan Medical Council. METHODS: 2400 physicians (30-55 years) were randomly selected; each received a self-administered mailed questionnaire identifying medical specialization, work setting, health self-perception, body mass index (BMI), PA, and smoking habits. RESULTS: 762 physicians responded (52% female). Almost 1 in 2 (49.3%) exercised sufficiently, nearly all self-perceived good health, while 80.5% were nonsmokers. Almost 6 in 10 males reported overweight or obesity (56.9%) versus 18.2% of females. Active physicians dominated specific groups: (1) aged 45-55 years, (2) specializing either in primary care or surgery, (3) working in the private sector, (4) BMI < 25 kg/m2, (5) perceiving themselves in good health, or (6) having free leisure time. CONCLUSIONS: Only half of Catalan physicians met current PA recommendations; male physicians were particularly at risk for overweight/obesity. Overweight and under-exercise were associated with private workplaces and positive health perceptions, meaning that it is it is now possible to target inactive and/or overweight Catalan physicians in future interventions