16 research outputs found

    Role of peripheral cannabinoid receptors in the regulation of food intake

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    Mentoroinnin elementit korkeakoulutettujen naisten työelämään siirtymisen tueksi ja segregaation purkamiseksi

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda mentoroinnin elementeistä mallinnos, jota toimeksiantaja voi hyödyntää tulevaisuudessa mentorointihankkeessaan. Toimeksiantajana on Suomen Akateemisten Naisten Liitto (SANL) – Finlands Kvinnliga Akademikers Förbund ry. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia, minkälaisten huolien kanssa korkeakoulutetut nuoret naiset kamppailevat valmistumisen ja työelämään siirtymisen vaiheissa, miten mentorointia tulisi järjestää, jotta nuori nainen saa tarvitseman tuen sekä miten mentorointia voidaan hyödyntää sukupuoleen perustuvan segregaation vähentämiseksi. Opinnäytetyön kokonaisvaltaisen teoreettisen viitekehityksen muodostaa mentorointi ja sukupuoleen perustuvaa segregaatio mentoroinnissa. Teoriapohjassa esitellään, mitä mentorointi on, mihin sitä käytetään, keitä ovat mentoroinnin osapuolet sekä miten toteutetaan mentoroinnissa jatkuva oppiminen. Lisäksi keskitytään sukupuoleen perustuvaan segregaatioon kertomalla, mitä segregaation on ja miten se näkyy yhteiskunnassa. Lopuksi esitellään aiempien tutkimuksien avulla, miten mentorointia on hyödynnetty segregaation purkamiseksi. Opinnäytetyössä on käytetty laadullista tutkimusotetta. Menetelmänä on käytetty teemahaastattelua eli puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Tavoitteena oli saada kokemusperäistä tietoa korkeakoulutuilta naisilta, jotta mentorointia voidaan järjestää vastaamaan heidän tarpeitaan. Haastateltavina oli kahdeksan korkeakoulusta valmistumassa olevaa tai vastavalmistunutta nuorta naista. Haastattelujen avulla selvitettiin, että naiset kaipaavat tukea ja ohjausta työelämän alkuvaiheissa monimuotoisesti, kuten työnhakuun, osaamisen tunnistamiseksi sekä työssä jaksamiseen. Lisäksi mentoroinnin kautta haluttaisiin verkostoitua yrityksien ja muiden työorganisaatioiden kanssa. Naisia tulisi rohkaista työllistymään miesvaltaisille työtehtäviin tarjoamalla kattavaa tietoa ja esittelemällä roolimalleja, koska nuoret kokivat, etteivät he saa tarpeeksi tietoa erilaisista urapolkumahdollisuuksista. Tuloksena koottiin mallinnokseksi mentoroinnin elementit, joita tulisi tulevaan mentorointiin sisällyttää

    Olfactory perceptual learning requires action of noradrenaline in the olfactory bulb: comparison with olfactory associative learning

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    International audienceNoradrenaline contributes to olfactory-guided behaviors but its role in olfactory learning during adulthood is poorly documented. We investigated its implication in olfactory associative and perceptual learning using local infusion of mixed a1-b adrenergic receptor antagonist (labetalol) in the adult mouse olfactory bulb. We reported that associative learning, as opposed to perceptual learning, was not affected by labetalol infusions in the olfactory bulb. Accordingly, this treatment during associative learning did not affect the survival of bulbar adult-born neurons. Altogether, our results suggest that the noradrenergic system plays different parts in specific olfactory learning tasks and their neurogenic correlates

    Bile Routing Modification Reproduces Key Features of Gastric Bypass in Rat

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    International audienceMINI-ABSTRACTWe performed bile diversions matching the modified biliary flow occurring after gastric bypass (GBP)in rats. Our results strongly suggest that the only modification of bile routing mimics the mainmetabolic benefits of GBP: 1) improved glucose control, 2) decreased food intake because ofdisinterest in high calorie food.STRUCTURED ABSTRACTObjective: To evaluate the role of bile routing modification on the beneficial effects of gastric bypasssurgery on glucose and energy metabolism.Summary background data: Gastric bypass surgery (GBP) promotes early improvements in glucoseand energy homeostasis in obese diabetic patients. A suggested mechanism associates a decrease inhepatic glucose production (HGP) to an enhanced intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGN). Moreover,plasma bile acids are elevated after GBP and bile acids are inhibitors of gluconeogenesis.Methods: In male Sprague-Dawley rats, we performed bile diversions from the bile duct to the midjejunumor the mid-ileum to match the modified bile delivery in the gut occurring in GBP. Bodyweight, food intake, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and food preference were analyzed. Theexpression of gluconeogenesis genes was evaluated in both the liver and the intestine.Results: Bile diversions mimicking GBP promote an increase in plasma bile acids and a markedimprovement in glucose control. Bile bioavailability modification is causal since a bile acidsequestrant suppresses the beneficial effects of bile diversions on glucose control. In agreement withthe inhibitory role of bile acids on gluconeogenesis, bile diversions promote a blunting in HGP,whereas IGN is increased in the gut segments devoid of bile. In rats fed a high fat-high sucrose diet,bile diversions improve glucose control and dramatically decrease food intake due to an acquireddisinterest in fatty food.Conclusion: This study shows that bile routing modification is a key mechanistic feature in thebeneficial outcomes of GBP

    Absence of Role of Dietary Protein Sensing in the Metabolic Benefits of Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass in the Mouse

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    International audienceRoux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) induces remission or substantial improvement of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) but underlying mechanisms are still unclear. The beneficial effects of dietary proteins on energy and glucose homeostasis are mediated by the antagonist effects of peptides toward mu-opioid receptors (MORs), which are highly expressed in the distal gut. We hypothesized that the beneficial effects of RYGB could depend at least in part on the interaction of peptides from food with intestinal MORs. Duodenal-jejunal bypass (DJB) was performed in obese and lean wild-type (WT) or MOR deficient (MOR-/-) mice. Food intake and body weight was monitored daily during 3 weeks. Glucose homeostasis was assessed from glucose and insulin tolerance tests. In obese WT and MOR-/- mice, DJB induced a rapid and sustained weight loss partly independent of food intake, and a rapid improvement in glycaemic parameters. Weight loss was a major determinant of the improvements observed. In lean WT and MOR-/- mice, DJB had no effect on weight loss but significantly enhanced glucose tolerance. We found that MORs are not essential in the metabolic beneficial effects of DJB, suggesting that protein sensing in the distal gut is not a link in the metabolic benefits of gastric surgery

    Microbiota-Generated Metabolites Promote Metabolic Benefits via Gut-Brain Neural Circuits

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    International audienceSoluble dietary fibers promote metabolic benefits on body weight and glucose control, but underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Recent evidence indicates that intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGN) has beneficial effects on glucose and energy homeostasis. Here, we show that the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) propionate and butyrate, which are generated by fermentation of soluble fiber by the gut microbiota, activate IGN via complementary mechanisms. Butyrate activates IGN gene expression through a cAMP-dependent mechanism, while propionate, itself a substrate of IGN, activates IGN gene expression via a gut-brain neural circuit involving the fatty acid receptor FFAR3. The metabolic benefits on body weight and glucose control induced by SCFAs or dietary fiber in normal mice are absent in mice deficient for IGN, despite similar modifications in gut microbiota composition. Thus, the regulation of IGN is necessary for the metabolic benefits associated with SCFAs and soluble fiber