31 research outputs found

    RÎle et régulation de l'apeline au cours du vieillissement musculaire

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    Le vieillissement de la population est un phĂ©nomĂšne universel dont l'amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie est la principale cause. Cependant, dans 20% des cas, l'avancĂ©e en Ăąge s'accompagne aussi d'une perte de l'autonomie qui nĂ©cessite une prise en charge institutionnelle lourde pour le patient et la sociĂ©tĂ©. Une des principales causes de cette transition fragilitĂ©/dĂ©pendance rĂ©side dans la diminution dramatique de la masse et de la fonction musculaire, aussi appelĂ©e sarcopĂ©nie. Dans ce contexte, il devient primordial de mieux caractĂ©riser cette pathologie afin de mettre au point de nouvelles stratĂ©gies thĂ©rapeutiques. Dans cette optique, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l'apeline, un peptide endogĂšne circulant, dont le rĂŽle favorable sur le mĂ©tabolisme Ă©nergĂ©tique du muscle squelettique a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence au sein du laboratoire dans un contexte d'obĂ©sitĂ©. A partir de ces prĂ©cĂ©dents rĂ©sultats nous avons donc Ă©mis l'hypothĂšse d'un rĂŽle bĂ©nĂ©fique de l'apeline sur la physiologie du tissu musculaire au cours du vieillissement. Dans un premier temps, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que la contraction du muscle striĂ© squelettique in vitro et in vivo chez la souris et l'homme, gĂ©nĂ©rait une production et une sĂ©crĂ©tion musculaire d'apeline. Cette rĂ©gulation par l'exercice physique est apparue altĂ©rĂ©e chez les souris ĂągĂ©es, et ceci s'accompagne d'une diminution des taux d'apeline plasmatiques chez la souris, comme chez l'individu ĂągĂ©. De plus, nous avons pu dĂ©montrer, chez l'homme ĂągĂ© pratiquant un exercice chronique, l'existence d'une corrĂ©lation entre les capacitĂ©s d'augmentation de l'apelinĂ©mie et l'efficacitĂ© de l'exercice en termes de force physique. ParallĂšlement, nous avons pu mettre en Ă©vidence une augmentation significative de la masse et de la fonction musculaire de souris ĂągĂ©es suite Ă  une supplĂ©mentation (pharmacologique ou gĂ©nique) chronique en apeline. Ces effets s'expliquent en partie par l'activation du mĂ©tabolisme Ă©nergĂ©tique des fibres musculaires, nĂ©cessitant l'activation de l'axe AMPK-PGC1a qui permet une potentialisation de la biogĂ©nĂšse mitochondriale. D'autre part, des expĂ©riences de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration musculaire dĂ©montrent que l'apeline est Ă©galement capable d'activer les cellules satellites, cellules souches rĂ©sidentes du muscle squelettique. Au cƓur de diffĂ©rentes approches (prĂ©dictive, prĂ©ventive et thĂ©rapeutique), l'apeline s'inscrit dans un nouvel axe de recherche quant Ă  la dĂ©tection (biomarqueur) et la prise en charge (traitement pharmacologique) des faiblesses musculaires associĂ©es au vieillissement.Population aging is universal phenomenon explained mostly by improvement of living condition. However, in 20% of cases, aging is associated with loss of autonomy needing high intensity care for both patients and society. Dramatic loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, called sarcopenia, is the main cause of transition from frailty to dependency. It becomes essential to precisely characterize this pathology in order to develop new therapeutic strategy. In this context, we focused on apelin, a circulating endogenous peptide, which has been described in our lab as energetic metabolism booster of obese mice skeletal muscle. From this previous work, we made the hypothesis that apelin could have a beneficial role on skeletal muscle physiology during aging. First, we put out, in vitro and in vivo, that mice and human muscle contraction lead to muscle apelin production and secretion. This regulation appeared blunt in aged mice, combined with decrease of plasma apelin in aged mice and elderly. Furthermore, in old patient, there is a positive correlation between rising plasma apelin ability and success of training on improvement of skeletal muscle function. Beside, pharmacologic or gene chronic apelin supplementation leads to significative gain of skeletal muscle mass and function in old mice. Explanation takes place in improvement of energetic metabolism of muscle fibers through mitochondrial biogenesis in an AMPK-PGC1a dependant pathway. In another hand, muscle regeneration experiments showed activation of satellite cells, skeletal muscle resident stem cells, by apelin supplementation. Apelin appeared to be in the crossroad of distinct approaches (predictive, preventive and therapeutic) in future research angle as biomarker and pharmacological treatment of age-induced skeletal muscle weakness

    The use of urinary proteomics in the assessment of suitability of mouse models for ageing

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    Ageing is a complex process characterised by a systemic and progressive deterioration of biological functions. As ageing is associated with an increased prevalence of age-related chronic disorders, understanding its underlying molecular mechanisms can pave the way for therapeutic interventions and managing complications. Animal models such as mice are commonly used in ageing research as they have a shorter lifespan in comparison to humans and are also genetically close to humans. To assess the translatability of mouse ageing to human ageing, the urinary proteome in 89 wild-type (C57BL/6) mice aged between 8–96 weeks was investigated using capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS). Using age as a continuous variable, 295 peptides significantly correlated with age in mice were identified. To investigate the relevance of using mouse models in human ageing studies, a comparison was performed with a previous correlation analysis using 1227 healthy subjects. In mice and humans, a decrease in urinary excretion of fibrillar collagens and an increase of uromodulin fragments was observed with advanced age. Of the 295 peptides correlating with age, 49 had a strong homology to the respective human age-related peptides. These ortholog peptides including several collagen (N = 44) and uromodulin (N = 5) fragments were used to generate an ageing classifier that was able to discriminate the age among both wild-type mice and healthy subjects. Additionally, the ageing classifier depicted that telomerase knock-out mice were older than their chronological age. Hence, with a focus on ortholog urinary peptides mouse ageing can be translated to human ageing

    Microglia promote glioblastoma via mTOR-mediated immunosuppression of the tumour microenvironment

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    Tumour-associated microglia/macrophages (TAM) are the most numerous non-neoplastic populations in the tumour microenvironment in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most common malignant brain tumour in adulthood. The mTOR pathway, an important regulator of cell survival/proliferation, is upregulated in GBM, but little is known about the potential role of this pathway in TAM. Here, we show that GBM-initiating cells induce mTOR signalling in the microglia but not bone marrow-derived macrophages in both in vitro and in vivo GBM mouse models. mTOR-dependent regulation of STAT3 and NF-ÎșB activity promotes an immunosuppressive microglial phenotype. This hinders effector T-cell infiltration, proliferation and immune reactivity, thereby contributing to tumour immune evasion and promoting tumour growth in mouse models. The translational value of our results is demonstrated in whole transcriptome datasets of human GBM and in a novel in vitro model, whereby expanded-potential stem cells (EPSC)-derived microglia-like cells are conditioned by syngeneic patient-derived GBM-initiating cells. These results raise the possibility that microglia could be the primary target of mTOR inhibition, rather than the intrinsic tumour cells in GBM

    Role and regulation of apelin during skeletal muscle aging

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    Le vieillissement de la population est un phĂ©nomĂšne universel dont l'amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie est la principale cause. Cependant, dans 20% des cas, l'avancĂ©e en Ăąge s'accompagne aussi d'une perte de l'autonomie qui nĂ©cessite une prise en charge institutionnelle lourde pour le patient et la sociĂ©tĂ©. Une des principales causes de cette transition fragilitĂ©/dĂ©pendance rĂ©side dans la diminution dramatique de la masse et de la fonction musculaire, aussi appelĂ©e sarcopĂ©nie. Dans ce contexte, il devient primordial de mieux caractĂ©riser cette pathologie afin de mettre au point de nouvelles stratĂ©gies thĂ©rapeutiques. Dans cette optique, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l'apeline, un peptide endogĂšne circulant, dont le rĂŽle favorable sur le mĂ©tabolisme Ă©nergĂ©tique du muscle squelettique a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence au sein du laboratoire dans un contexte d'obĂ©sitĂ©. A partir de ces prĂ©cĂ©dents rĂ©sultats nous avons donc Ă©mis l'hypothĂšse d'un rĂŽle bĂ©nĂ©fique de l'apeline sur la physiologie du tissu musculaire au cours du vieillissement. Dans un premier temps, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que la contraction du muscle striĂ© squelettique in vitro et in vivo chez la souris et l'homme, gĂ©nĂ©rait une production et une sĂ©crĂ©tion musculaire d'apeline. Cette rĂ©gulation par l'exercice physique est apparue altĂ©rĂ©e chez les souris ĂągĂ©es, et ceci s'accompagne d'une diminution des taux d'apeline plasmatiques chez la souris, comme chez l'individu ĂągĂ©. De plus, nous avons pu dĂ©montrer, chez l'homme ĂągĂ© pratiquant un exercice chronique, l'existence d'une corrĂ©lation entre les capacitĂ©s d'augmentation de l'apelinĂ©mie et l'efficacitĂ© de l'exercice en termes de force physique. ParallĂšlement, nous avons pu mettre en Ă©vidence une augmentation significative de la masse et de la fonction musculaire de souris ĂągĂ©es suite Ă  une supplĂ©mentation (pharmacologique ou gĂ©nique) chronique en apeline. Ces effets s'expliquent en partie par l'activation du mĂ©tabolisme Ă©nergĂ©tique des fibres musculaires, nĂ©cessitant l'activation de l'axe AMPK-PGC1a qui permet une potentialisation de la biogĂ©nĂšse mitochondriale. D'autre part, des expĂ©riences de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration musculaire dĂ©montrent que l'apeline est Ă©galement capable d'activer les cellules satellites, cellules souches rĂ©sidentes du muscle squelettique. Au cƓur de diffĂ©rentes approches (prĂ©dictive, prĂ©ventive et thĂ©rapeutique), l'apeline s'inscrit dans un nouvel axe de recherche quant Ă  la dĂ©tection (biomarqueur) et la prise en charge (traitement pharmacologique) des faiblesses musculaires associĂ©es au vieillissement.Population aging is universal phenomenon explained mostly by improvement of living condition. However, in 20% of cases, aging is associated with loss of autonomy needing high intensity care for both patients and society. Dramatic loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, called sarcopenia, is the main cause of transition from frailty to dependency. It becomes essential to precisely characterize this pathology in order to develop new therapeutic strategy. In this context, we focused on apelin, a circulating endogenous peptide, which has been described in our lab as energetic metabolism booster of obese mice skeletal muscle. From this previous work, we made the hypothesis that apelin could have a beneficial role on skeletal muscle physiology during aging. First, we put out, in vitro and in vivo, that mice and human muscle contraction lead to muscle apelin production and secretion. This regulation appeared blunt in aged mice, combined with decrease of plasma apelin in aged mice and elderly. Furthermore, in old patient, there is a positive correlation between rising plasma apelin ability and success of training on improvement of skeletal muscle function. Beside, pharmacologic or gene chronic apelin supplementation leads to significative gain of skeletal muscle mass and function in old mice. Explanation takes place in improvement of energetic metabolism of muscle fibers through mitochondrial biogenesis in an AMPK-PGC1a dependant pathway. In another hand, muscle regeneration experiments showed activation of satellite cells, skeletal muscle resident stem cells, by apelin supplementation. Apelin appeared to be in the crossroad of distinct approaches (predictive, preventive and therapeutic) in future research angle as biomarker and pharmacological treatment of age-induced skeletal muscle weakness

    Isoprostanes as markers for muscle aging in older athletes

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    Introduction: Production of isoprostanes (IsoPs) is enhanced after acute, intense, and prolonged exercise, in untrained subjects. This effect is greater in older subjects. The present study aims to delineate the profile of acute-exercise-induced IsoPs levels in young and older endurance-trained subjects. Methods: All included subjects were male, young (n = 6; 29 yrs ± 5.7) or older (n = 6; 63.7 yrs ± 2.3), and competitors. The kinetics of F2-IsoPs in blood-sera was assessed at rest, for the maximal aerobic exercise power (MAP) corresponding to the cardio-respiratory fitness index and after a 30-min recovery period. Results: No significant time effect on F2-IsoPs kinetics was identified in young subjects. However, in older athletes, F2-IsoPs blood-concentrations at the MAP were higher than at rest, whereas these blood-concentrations did not differ between rest and after the 30-min recovery period. Conclusion: Because plasma glutathione (GSH) promotes the formation of some F2-IsoPs, we suggest that the surprising decrease in F2-IsoPs levels in older subjects would be caused by decreased GSH under major ROS production in older subjects. We argue that the assessment F2-IsoPs in plasma as biomarkers of the aging process should be challenged by exercise to improve the assessment of the functional response against reactive oxygen species in older subjects. Keywords: Isoprostanes, Aging, Exercise, Trainin

    CD4(+) T cells promote the transition from hypertrophy to heart failure during chronic pressure overload.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The mechanisms by which the heart adapts to chronic pressure overload, producing compensated hypertrophy and eventually heart failure (HF), are still not well defined. We aimed to investigate the involvement of T cells in the progression to HF using a transverse aortic constriction (TAC) model. METHODS AND RESULTS: Chronic HF was associated with accumulation of T lymphocytes and activated/effector CD4(+) T cells within cardiac tissue. After TAC, enlarged heart mediastinal draining lymph nodes showed a high density of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell subsets. To investigate the role of T cells in HF, TAC was performed on mice deficient for recombination activating gene 2 expression (RAG2KO) lacking B and T lymphocytes. Compared with wild-type TAC mice, RAG2KO mice did not develop cardiac dilation and showed improved contractile function and blunted adverse remodeling. Reconstitution of the T-cell compartment into RAG2KO mice before TAC enhanced contractile dysfunction, fibrosis, collagen accumulation, and cross-linking. To determine the involvement of a specific T-cell subset, we performed TAC on mice lacking CD4(+) (MHCIIKO) and CD8(+) T-cell subsets (CD8KO). In contrast to CD8KO mice, MHCIIKO mice did not develop ventricular dilation and dysfunction. MHCIIKO mice also displayed very low fibrosis, collagen accumulation, and cross-linking within cardiac tissue. Interestingly, mice with transgenic CD4(+) T-cell receptor specific for ovalbumin failed to develop HF and adverse remodeling. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate for the first time a crucial role of CD4(+) T cells and specific antigen recognition in the progression from compensated cardiac hypertrophy to HF

    Apelin affects the mouse aging urinary peptidome with minimal effects on kidney

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    International audienceKidney function is altered by age together with a declined filtration capacity of 5-10% per decade after 35 years. Renal aging shares many characteristics with chronic kidney disease. Plasma levels of the bioactive peptide apelin also decline with age and apelin has been shown to be protective in chronic kidney disease. Therefore we evaluated whether apelin could also improve aging-induced renal lesions and function in mice. Since urine is for the major part composed of proteins and peptides originating from the kidney, we first studied apelin-induced changes, in the aging urinary peptidome. Despite the recently published age-associated plasma decrease of apelin, expression of the peptide and its receptor was increased in the kidneys of 24 months old mice. Twenty-eight days treatment with apelin significantly modified the urinary peptidome of 3 and 24 months old mice towards a signature suggesting more advanced age at 3 months, and a younger age at 24 months. The latter was accompanied by a decreased staining of collagen (Sirius red staining) in 24 months old apelin-treated mice, without changing aging-induced glomerular hypertrophy. In addition, apelin was without effect on aging-induced renal autophagy, apoptosis, inflammation and reduced renal function. In conclusion, treatment of aged mice with apelin had a limited effect on kidney lesions although modifying the urinary peptidome towards a younger signature. This supports evidence of apelin inducing more general beneficial effects on other aging organs, muscles in particular, as recently shown for sarcopenia, markers of which end up via the glomerular filtration in urine

    The intestinal glucose-apelin cycle controls carbohydrate absorption in mice.: Regulation and role of apelin in mouse intestine

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    International audienceBACKGROUND & AIMS: Glucose is absorbed into intestine cells via the sodium glucose transporter 1 (SGLT-1) and glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2); various peptides and hormones control this process. Apelin is a peptide that regulates glucose homeostasis and is produced by proximal digestive cells; we studied whether glucose modulates apelin secretion by enterocytes and the effects of apelin on intestinal glucose absorption. METHODS: We characterized glucose-related luminal apelin secretion in vivo and ex vivo by mass spectroscopy and immunologic techniques. The effects of apelin on (14)C-labeled glucose transport were determined in jejunal loops and in mice following apelin gavage. We determined levels of GLUT2 and SGLT-1 proteins and phosphorylation of AMPKα2 by immunoblotting. The net effect of apelin on intestinal glucose transepithelial transport was determined in mice. RESULTS: Glucose stimulated luminal secretion of the pyroglutaminated apelin-13 isoform ([Pyr-1]-apelin-13) in the small intestine of mice. Apelin increased specific glucose flux through the gastric epithelial barrier in jejunal loops and in vivo following oral glucose administration. Conversely, pharmacologic apelin blockade in the intestine reduced the increased glycemia that occurs following oral glucose administration. Apelin activity was associated with phosphorylation of AMPKα2 and a rapid increase of the GLUT2/SGLT-1 protein ratio in the brush border membrane. CONCLUSIONS: Glucose amplifies its own transport from the intestinal lumen to the bloodstream by increasing luminal apelin secretion. In the lumen, active apelin regulates carbohydrate flux through enterocytes by promoting AMPKα2 phosphorylation and modifying the ratio of SGLT-1:GLUT2. The glucose-apelin cycle might be pharmacologically handled to regulate glucose absorption and assess better control of glucose homeostasis

    Collecter, interprĂ©ter, enseigner l’écriture

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    La didactique de l’écriture a profondĂ©ment Ă©voluĂ© ces trente derniĂšres annĂ©es, du fait des apports conjoints de la psychologie cognitive, de la linguistique de l’écrit et de la didactique de la production d’écrits. Les paradigmes linguistiques ont renouvelĂ© l’analyse des productions Ă©crites dans leurs dimensions textuelles, et notamment : i) les problĂšmes de (dis)continuitĂ© thĂ©matique et de cohĂ©sion textuelle et gĂ©nĂ©rique ; ii) les procĂ©dures de cohĂ©rence Ă©nonciative, dans le rapport au rĂ©fĂ©rent et au contexte de l’écriture. Au plan didactique, le travail rĂ©alisĂ© autour de l’évaluation des Ă©crits des Ă©lĂšves puis de la rĂ©vision des textes a dĂ©placĂ© le regard de l’étude des normes orthographiques et morphosyntaxiques Ă  celle des composantes sĂ©mantiques, Ă©nonciatives et discursives des textes. Le prĂ©sent numĂ©ro de RepĂšres s’inscrit dans ces perspectives et s’ouvre Ă  des recherches prĂ©sentant de nouvelles dimensions pour l’analyse des Ă©crits d’élĂšves, dans une dynamique de la scription qui comprend toujours le processus de mise en mots (ou en phrases), mais dĂ©crit aussi, plus largement, les phĂ©nomĂšnes de mise en texte, afin de comprendre les relations entre production de formes et production de sens. Les diffĂ©rentes contributions s’attachent ainsi Ă  analyser l’ensemble du processus d’écriture, et pas seulement son rĂ©sultat. Elles montrent chacune comment les scripteurs novices parviennent Ă  faire fonctionner le systĂšme de la langue Ă  travers les mouvements de leur Ă©criture. The didactics of writing has changed profoundly over the last thirty years, due to the combined contributions of cognitive psychology, the linguistics of writing and the didactics of writing production. Linguistic paradigms have renewed the analysis of written productions in their textual dimensions, and in particular: i) the problems of thematic (dis)continuity and textual and generic cohesion; ii) the procedures of enunciative coherence, in relation to the referent and the context of writing. At the didactic level, the work carried out around the evaluation of students’ writings and the revision of texts shifted the focus from the study of orthographic and morphosyntactic norms to that of the semantic, enunciative and discursive components of texts. This issue of RepĂšres is part of these perspectives and opens up to research with new dimensions for the analysis of student writings, in a dynamic of writing that always includes the process of putting into words (or sentences), but also describes, more broadly, the phenomena of putting into text, in order to understand the relationships between the production of forms and the production of meaning. The various contributions thus seek to analyse the entire writing process, and not just its result. They each show how novice writers manage to make the language system work through the movements of their writing

    Liberté / Libertés

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    « LibertĂ© » : concept exaltant et souvent exaltĂ© dont l'Ă©vidence semble absolue mais qui se dĂ©cline diffĂ©remment selon les cultures nationales ou selon que le locuteur est historien, juriste, philosophe ou homme de la rue. RevendiquĂ©e par toutes les civilisations occidentales, l'idĂ©e de libertĂ© se rĂ©vĂšle protĂ©iforme Ă  l'infini mais contingente, modelĂ©e par l'Ă©poque et les circonstances, et souvent limitĂ©e par ses incertitudes. Si on peut vouloir mourir pour la libertĂ©, on sait rarement quel est son visage. 2Notre pratique d'anglicistes ou d'amĂ©ricanistes nous rend particuliĂšrement sensibles Ă  ce hiatus qui s'Ă©tablit entre l'apparent consensus de nos civilisations sur la libertĂ© comme valeur suprĂȘme et les rĂ©alitĂ©s qu'elles ont placĂ©es derriĂšre ce terme. C'est la raison de ce colloque oĂč s'engage une rĂ©flexion qui permet de percevoir les bĂ©ances et les certitudes obsĂ©dantes de l'idĂ©e de libertĂ© dans nos cultures française, anglaise, amĂ©ricaine, de mĂȘme qu'elle nous en fait analyser les tĂątonnements et les bifurcations