51 research outputs found

    Application of a GOY model to atmospheric boundary layer data

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    This article analyzes the possibility of applying a GOY theoretical model to atmospheric boundary layer data. Bearing this in mind, relative scaling exponents of velocity structure functions are used to compare the model with the data under study. In the model, these exponents are set based on two parameters (q and δ), which are appropriate to define the model that better features a certain atmospheric state.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects CGL 2006-12474- C03-03 and CGL2009-12797-C03-03). GR58/08 program (supported by BSCH and UCM) has also partially financed this work through the Research Group “Micrometeorology and Climate Variability” (no 910437)

    Education Proposal in Intercultural Settings

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    El tema en entorno al cual va a girar este trabajo es la multiculturalidad, es decir, la existencia de varias y diferentes culturas en una misma nación o en una misma realidad geográfica, diversidad que acepta y tolera el mantenimiento de la identidad cultural de todos y cada uno de los grupos minoritarios. Este fenómeno se produce en la escuela debido al movimiento inmigratorio actual. Esta primera parte será más teórica y con ella daremos lugar a una segunda que será práctica en la que se propondrá un proyecto estándar para aquellos centros en los que se visualizan varias culturas. Pretendemos que a través de él, nuestros alumnos (sean inmigrantes o no) se preparen para desenvolverse en las diferentes redes sociales en que participan, dentro de una dinámica de diálogos, contacto con otros centros y exposiciones mediante videoconferencia; nuestros alumnos tendrán la oportunidad de conocer más a fondo otras culturas.The theme around which to rotate this work is multiculturalism, ie the existence of several different cultures in one nation or in the same geographical reality that accepts and tolerates diversity maintaining the cultural identity of each and each of the minority groups. This phenomenon occurs in school due to current immigration movement. This first part is more theoretical and give her a second place to practice that will be offered a standard project for those centers that are displayed in various cultures. We intend that through it, our students (whether immigrants or not) are prepared to function in different social networks in which they participate in a dynamic dialogue, contact with other schools via video conference and exhibition, our students have the opportunity to learn more about other cultures

    Action Plan Guidance and Tutorial for Students in a Situation of Social Disadvantage. Case Study

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    En los sistemas educativos actuales (incluido el nuestro) se da mucha importancia al desarrollo de competencias en el ámbito de lo afectivo, social y personal. Esto contrasta con modelos tradicionales basados en aspectos instructivos. En este terreno la orientación tiene un papel esencial para todo el alumnado y muy especialmente para los alumnos/as con necesidades educativas especiales (ACNEES). En esta comunicación presentamos una propuesta curricular en un entorno de desventaja social.In the current educational systems (including ours) is given much importance to the development of skills in the realm of the emotional, social and personal. This contrasts with traditional models based on instructional issues. Guidance in this area has an essential role for all students and especially for alumni / ae with special educational needs (SEN). In this communication we present a curriculum in an environment of social disadvantage

    New Times, New Ways Of Teaching And Learning: Perception Of The EHEA And Pedagogical Discussion

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    It is 2010, the established deadline of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The Bologna Process is an unstoppable reality. But we can not admit that this change, simply by being a significant change, must be for good. We can not also disregard the potential positive pedagogical reform the Bologna Process offers to us. Then, what is the reality of the Bologna Process in Spain? What is the perception of students and teachers? Are there differences in their responses regarding the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)? What are the pedagogical implications of these answers? This paper provides empirical evidences to these questions through the use of two questionnaires prepared ad hoc according to the pedagogical principles derived from the so-called Bologna Declaration

    Evaluación de distintos métodos de predicción de rachas de viento

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006

    CIBA2008, an experimental campaign on the atmospheric boundary layer: preliminary nocturnal results

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    Durante junio de 2008 se desarrolló una campaña de medidas en la Capa Límite Atmosférica en el CIBA (Centro de Investigaciones de la Baja Atmósfera), que se encuentra sobre un extenso páramo de la meseta norte (41º49’ N, 4º56’ W) de características de terreno homogéneo. Se ha dispuesto de instrumentación sobre una nueva torre meteorológica de 10 m, que incluye en varios niveles sensores de temperatura y humedad, anemómetros de cazoletas y veletas, así como un anemómetro sónico. Se disponía de dos microbarómetros con tecnología de cuarzo en los niveles de 50 y 100m sobre la torre principal (100 m) del CIBA. Además, tres microbarómetros adicionales se situaron en una disposición triangular de unos 200 m de lado en la superficie. Por otra parte, se utilizó un globo cautivo para la determinación de perfiles verticales de temperatura, viento y humedad hasta 1000 m de altura. Finalmente, un monitor de partículas GRIMM (MODELO 365), que permite la medida simultánea y continua de PM10, PM2.5 y PM1 cada 6 segundos, se instaló a 1.5m del suelo. Este trabajo mostrará algunos resultados preliminares de la campaña CIBA2008, analizando los principales procesos físicos presentes en la Capa Límite Nocturna (NBL), los diferentes periodos de estabilidad observados y los correspondientes parámetros turbulentos, así como las estructuras coherentes detectadas. Las perturbaciones de presión medidas en los diferentes microbarómetros permiten estudiar los principales parámetros ondulatorios a través de transformadas wavelet, y comparar dichas estructuras con las detectadas en los registros de viento y de partículas.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects CGL 2006-12474-C03-03 and CGL2009-12797-C03-03). GR58/08 program (supported by BSCH and UCM) has also partially financed this work through the Research Group “Micrometeorology and Climate Variability” (nº 910437)

    Analysis Of Sport Practise In Young Teen Immigrants In The Town Of Cuenca

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    We use the Creative Commons copyright license policy, CC-BY, to maximize the exposure of published manuscripts and remove access and reuse barriers. CC-BY gives researchers the right to copy, share, copy, edit, transform, extend, or republish provided that appropriate credit is given. All copyrights remain with the authors; all we ask is for permission to publish.Adolescence is a critical period for the acquisition of healthy habits. Every day there is more evidence that lifestyle has a deeply influence on the health of individuals. For this reason, the adoption of healthy habits or changing bad habits will provide beneficial effects on both health and people¿s quality of life. Sport practice in adolescents is being analyzed through this paper. Our empirical work has been focused on teen immigrant population who currently lives in the town of Cuenca (Spain). Therefore, a survey has been conducted among this kind of population in order to obtain a complete profile of them and to make a comparison with the teen native population in Cuenca in forthcoming research.Valencia García, A.; Mondéjar Jiménez, J.; Ferándiz Vindel, IM.; Córtes Ramírez, EE.; Segarra Oña, MDV. (2014). Analysis Of Sport Practise In Young Teen Immigrants In The Town Of Cuenca. Journal of International Education Research. 10(1.5):69-74. doi:10.19030/jier.v10i1.5.8461S6974101.

    Cost‐effectiveness and cost‐utility evaluation of individual vs. group transdiagnostic psychological treatment for emotional disorders in primary care (PsicAP‐Costs): a multicentre randomized controlled trial protocol

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    Background: Emotional disorders are common, and they have become more prevalent since the COVID‐19 pan‐ demic. Due to a high attendance burden at the specialized level, most emotional disorders in Spain are treated in primary care, where they are usually misdiagnosed and treated using psychotropic drugs. This contributes to perpetu‐ ate their illness and increase health care costs. Following the IAPT programme and the transdiagnostic approach, the PsicAP project developed a brief group transdiagnostic cognitive‐behavioural therapy (tCBT) as a cost‐effective alternative. However, it is not suitable for everyone; in some cases, one‐on‐one sessions may be more effective. The objective of the present study is to compare, in cost‐benefit terms, group and individual tCBT with the treatment usu‐ ally administered in Spanish primary care (TAU). Methods: A randomized, controlled, multicentre, and single‐blinded trial will be performed. Adults with mild to moderate emotional disorders will be recruited and placed in one of three arms: group tCBT, individual tCBT, or TAU. Medical data and outcomes regarding emotional symptoms, disability, quality of life, and emotion regulation biases will be collected at baseline, immediately after treatment, and 6 and 12 months later. The data will be used to calcu‐ late incremental cost‐effectiveness and cost‐utility ratios. Discussion: This trial aims to contribute to clinical practice research. The involvement of psychologists in primary care and the implementation of a stepped‐care model for mental disorders are recommended. Group therapy and a transdiagnostic approach may help optimize health system resources and unblock waiting lists so that people can spend less time experiencing mental health problems. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04847310; Protocols.io: bx2npqde. (April 19, 2021