614 research outputs found

    Experiments on barotropic–baroclinic conversion and the applicability of linear n-layer internal wave theories

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    Interfacial internal waves in a stratified fluid excited by periodic free-surface perturbations in a closed tank are studied experimentally. Barotropic-baroclinic energy conversion is induced by the presence of a bottom obstacle. The connection between horizontal surface velocities and internal wave amplitudes is investigated, the developing flow patterns are described qualitatively, and the wave speeds of internal waves are systematically analyzed and compared to linear 2- and 3-layer theories. We find that, despite of the fact that the observed internal waves can have considerable amplitudes, a linear 3-layer approximation still gives fairly good agreement with the experimental results

    Density-dependent sex ratio and sex-specific preference for host traits in parasitic bat flies.

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    Deviation of sex ratios from unity in wild animal populations has recently been demonstrated to be far more prevalent than previously thought. Ectoparasites are prominent examples of this bias, given that their sex ratios vary from strongly female- to strongly male-biased both among hosts and at the metapopulation level. To date our knowledge is very limited on how and why these biased sex ratios develop. It was suggested that sex ratio and sex-specific aggregation of ectoparasites might be shaped by the ecology, behaviour and physiology of both hosts and their parasites. Here we investigate a highly specialised, hematophagous bat fly species with strong potential to move between hosts, arguably limited inbreeding effects, off-host developmental stages and extended parental care. We collected a total of 796 Nycteribia kolenatii bat flies from 147 individual bats using fumigation and subsequently determined their sex. We report a balanced sex ratio at the metapopulation level and a highly variable sex ratio among infrapopulations ranging from 100% male to 100% female. We show that infrapopulation sex ratio is not random and is highly correlated with infrapopulation size. Sex ratio is highly male biased in small and highly female biased in large infrapopulations. We show that this pattern is most probably the result of sex-specific preference in bat flies for host traits, most likely combined with a higher mobility of males. We demonstrate that female bat flies exert a strong preference for high host body condition and female hosts, while the distribution of males is more even. Our results suggest that locally biased sex ratios can develop due to sex-specific habitat preference of parasites. Moreover, it is apparent that the sex of both hosts and parasites need to be accounted for when a better understanding of host-parasite systems is targeted

    DGCM-Net: Dense Geometrical Correspondence Matching Network for Incremental Experience-Based Robotic Grasping.

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    This article presents a method for grasping novel objects by learning from experience. Successful attempts are remembered and then used to guide future grasps such that more reliable grasping is achieved over time. To transfer the learned experience to unseen objects, we introduce the dense geometric correspondence matching network (DGCM-Net). This applies metric learning to encode objects with similar geometry nearby in feature space. Retrieving relevant experience for an unseen object is thus a nearest neighbor search with the encoded feature maps. DGCM-Net also reconstructs 3D-3D correspondences using the view-dependent normalized object coordinate space to transform grasp configurations from retrieved samples to unseen objects. In comparison to baseline methods, our approach achieves an equivalent grasp success rate. However, the baselines are significantly improved when fusing the knowledge from experience with their grasp proposal strategy. Offline experiments with a grasping dataset highlight the capability to transfer grasps to new instances as well as to improve success rate over time from increasing experience. Lastly, by learning task-relevant grasps, our approach can prioritize grasp configurations that enable the functional use of objects

    Positive-unlabeled learning for open set domain adaptation

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    Open Set Domain Adaptation (OSDA) focuses on bridging the domain gap between a labeled source domain and an unlabeled target domain, while also rejecting target classes that are not present in the source as unknown. The challenges of this task are closely related to those of Positive-Unlabeled (PU) learning where it is essential to discriminate between positive (known) and negative (unknown) class samples in the unlabeled target data. With this newly discovered connection, we leverage the theoretical framework of PU learning for OSDA and, at the same time, we extend PU learning to tackle uneven data distributions. Our method combines domain adversarial learning with a new non-negative risk estimator for PU learning based on self-supervised sample reconstruction. With experiments on digit recognition and object classification, we validate our risk estimator and demonstrate that our approach allows reducing the domain gap without suffering from negative transfer

    HunOr: A Hungarian-Russian Parallel Corpus

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    Dipole–dipole interaction in superparamagnetic nanocrystalline Fe63.5Cr10Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3

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    Cr-substituted Finemet-type nanocrystalline alloy (Fe63.5Cr10Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3) has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry, x-ray diffraction, Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements. The Curie temperature of the remaining amorphous phase decreases as the crystalline volume fraction increases, reaching values below room temperature. This feature makes the alloy adequate for studying the magnetic decoupling of the ~Fe,Si! nanocrystals at moderated temperatures and, in particular, the superparamagnetic relaxation in broad temperature and crystalline fraction ranges. It was shown that the anomalous dependence of the coercive field on the annealing temperature can be satisfactorily explained assuming a dipolar-type interaction between the crystallites.DGES del Gobierno español-PB97-1119-CO2-01Fondo de investigación del gobierno húngaro-OTKA T-030753Academia de Ciencias de Hungría-AKP 98-25 2,

    A HunOr magyar-orosz párhuzamos korpusz

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    A jelen dolgozatban a HunOr, egy eleddig hiányzó digitalizált magyar–orosz párhuzamos korpusz létrehozásáról számolunk be. A dolgozat a korpuszépítési munka céljáról, jelenlegi állásáról, az eddigi munka során szerzett tapasztalatokról, a munka folyamatáról és eszközeirl, valamint a HunOr korpusz adatairól igyekszik átfogó képet adni. Az ismertetés során részletesen szólunk azokról az elméleti és gyakorlati jelleg problémákról, amelyek az eddig elvégzett és a jelenleg folyó feldolgozási munkák (mondatra bontás, mondatszint párhuzamosítás, NE-annotálás) során elméleti vagy gyakorlati szempontból megoldásra váró feladatként léptek fel

    The Theory of Parallel Climate Realizations

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