44 research outputs found

    Folytonosság és megszakítottság a debreceni pedagógiai iskola képző tevékenységében, működésében = Continuity and Turning Points in the Activity of the Educational School of The University of Debrecen

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    Kutatásunk a debreceni pedagógiai iskola tevékenységében megmutatkozó sajátosságok feltárására vállalkozott, szervesen folytatva A „debreceni iskola” OTKA T043016 c. pályázatot. Pályázatunkban a debreceni pedagógiai iskolát úgy határoztuk meg, mint amely – a tudományegyetemek 20. századi sajátosságaiból adódóan – háromféle képző funkciót látott el, jórészt párhuzamosan: • Gondoskodott saját szakterületén a tudományos utánpótlás neveléséről, a mindenkori egyetemi jogosítványoknak megfelelően tudományosan kvalifikálta az alkalmasnak ítélt jelölteket • Szakos képzést folytatott saját szaktudományában, illetve pedagógiai kollégiumokat hirdetett a hallgatóság érdeklődő köre számára • A tanárképzés mindenkori rendjének megfelelően ellátta a tanárképzés elméleti pedagógiai kollégiumainak oktatási feladatait. A koronként erősen változó tanárképzési feladatmegoszlásban ennél tágabb és a gyakorlati képzéshez közelebb álló feladatok is hárultak a neveléstudomány egyetemi egységeire Feldolgoztuk az egyetem képzésre vonatkozó, ebből a szempontból viszont még fel nem tárt rektori és kari dokumentumait, a Tanárképző Intézet és a Gyakorlógimnázium hozzáférhető iratanyagát. Jelen kutatás során mindenekelőtt azt a területet igyekeztünk vizsgálni, ahol leginkább megfigyelhetőek voltak markáns folyamatossági összefüggések és határt-kijelölő szakadások a debreceni pedagógiai iskola életében: a tanárképző funkciót, különös tekintettel a tanárképzés gyakorlati összefüggéseire. | The study examines the educational theory and educational experience of the so called „Debrecen School of Educational Thought” continuing the “Debrecen School” research (OTKA T043016). The outcome of our investigation is the statement that the work of the professors of education of the so called „Debrecen School” form good shaped and continuous educational paradigms. As far as the educational school at the University of Debrecen has three traditional function - the education of the next generation of the scholars, - the education of the students of the Department of Education, - taking part in the teacher’s training, this functions are the focus points of our research. Analyzing the documents of the Debrecen University, the Faculty of Arts and the Institute of Teacher’s training we can find several elements of continuity (mainly at the first two aspects or functions), but some certain points of discontinuity also. Mainly at the third aspect, where you can see period marking gaps in the function, the organization and the activity of the Institute of Teacher’s training

    Effects of capture on the behavior and breeding success of urban and forest Great Tits

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    Behavioral research often involves capturing and video-recording birds, but these procedures may have undesired effects on the behavior of birds that have rarely been quantified. In addition, birds in urban and more natural areas may differ in their sensitivity to disturbance. We examined the possible effects of both capturing, weighing and measuring, and taking a blood sample, and the presence of video-cameras on the behavior of male and female Great Tits (Parus major) breeding in urban and forest habitats. Using a 2 × 2 block design, we compared the behavior and breeding success of parents that either were or were not captured on their nests a few days before behavioral observations, and of parents that either were or were not habituated to the presence of a concealed video-recorder mounted on nest boxes. We found no significant effects of habituation to the camera on bird behavior, but males captured in their nest boxes were more vigilant and hesitated longer before entering nest boxes, and also had slightly lower provisioning rates than males that had not been captured. Captured females also tended to be more vigilant than females that had not been captured, but their provisioning rates were not affected. Capturing males also influenced the behavior of their non-captured mates, but capturing females had no effect on the behavior of their non-captured mates. We found no difference in the effects of capture on Great Tits in urban and forest habitats, and our treatments also had no effect on the mass, size, and survival of nestlings until fledging. Our results suggest that, for Great Tits, being captured results in sex-dependent behavioral effects that can last for at least several days. As such, we suggest that the possibility of similar effects in other species of birds should be considered in behavioral studies where birds must be captured, and recommend either that behavioral data be collected before capturing birds or that all birds in a study should be captured and handled in a standardized way

    Successful Tacrolimus Therapy Extended by Everolimus in Retroperitoneal Angiomyolipoma after Lung Transplantation: A Case Report

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    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disease that affects women, especially in child-bearing age. Clinical manifestations include angiomyolipoma, pneumothorax, chylothorax, cystic changes of lungs and progressive pulmonary failure. In this article, we report a case of lung transplantation (LuTX) for end stage pulmonary LAM and the treatment of angiomyolipoma showing growth after LuTX resulting in complete remission with combination therapy of everolimus and tacrolimus. Keywords Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, Everolimus, Angiomyolipoma, Lung Transplan

    Ferric maltol therapy for iron deficiency anaemia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: long-term extension data from a Phase 3 study

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    Background Ferric maltol was effective and well-tolerated in iron deficiency anaemia patients with inflammatory bowel disease during a 12-week placebo-controlled trial. Aim To perform a Phase 3 extension study evaluating long-term efficacy and safety with ferric maltol in inflammatory bowel disease patients in whom oral ferrous therapies had failed to correct iron deficiency anaemia. Methods After 12 weeks of randomised, double-blind treatment, patients with iron deficiency anaemia and mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease received open-label ferric maltol 30 mg b.d. for 52 weeks. Results 111 patients completed randomised treatment and 97 entered the open-label ferric maltol extension. In patients randomised to ferric maltol ('continued'; n = 50), mean +/- s.d. haemoglobin increased by 3.07 +/- 1.46 g/dL between baseline and Week 64. In patients randomised to placebo ('switch'; n = 47), haemoglobin increased by 2.19 +/- 1.61 g/dL. Normal haemoglobin was achieved in high proportions of both continued and switch patients (89% and 83% at Week 64, respectively). Serum ferritin increased from 8.9 lg/L (baseline) to 26.0 lg/L (Week 12) in ferric maltol-treated patients, and to 57.4 lg/L amongst all patients at Week 64. In total, 80% of patients reported = 1 adverse event by Week 64. Adverse events considered related to ferric maltol were recorded in 27/111 (24%) patients: 8/18 discontinuations due to adverse events were treatment-related. One patient was withdrawn due to increased ulcerative colitis activity. Conclusions Normal haemoglobin was observed in = 80% of patients from weeks 20-64 of long-term ferric maltol treatment, with concomitant increases in iron storage parameters. Ferric maltol was well-tolerated throughout this 64-week study

    Ferric maltol is effective in correcting iron deficiency anemia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: results from a phase-3 clinical trial program

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    BACKGROUND: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is frequently seen in inflammatory bowel disease. Traditionally, oral iron supplementation is linked to extensive gastrointestinal side effects and possible disease exacerbation. This multicenter phase-3 study tested the efficacy and safety of ferric maltol, a complex of ferric (Fe) iron with maltol (3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone), as a novel oral iron therapy for IDA. METHODS: Adult patients with quiescent or mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, mild-to-moderate IDA (9.5-12.0 g/dL and 9.5-13.0 g/dL in females and males, respectively), and documented failure on previous oral ferrous products received oral ferric maltol capsules (30 mg twice a day) or identical placebo for 12 weeks according to a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study design. The primary efficacy endpoint was change in hemoglobin (Hb) from baseline to week 12. Safety and tolerability were assessed. RESULTS: Of 329 patients screened, 128 received randomized therapy (64 ferric maltol-treated and 64 placebo-treated patients) and comprised the intent-to-treat efficacy analysis: 55 ferric maltol patients (86%) and 53 placebo patients (83%) completed the trial. Significant improvements in Hb were observed with ferric maltol versus placebo at weeks 4, 8, and 12: mean (SE) 1.04 (0.11) g/dL, 1.76 (0.15) g/dL, and 2.25 (0.19) g/dL, respectively (P < 0.0001 at all time-points; analysis of covariance). Hb was normalized in two-thirds of patients by week 12. The safety profile of ferric maltol was comparable with placebo, with no impact on inflammatory bowel disease severity. CONCLUSIONS: Ferric maltol provided rapid clinically meaningful improvements in Hb and showed a favorable safety profile, suggesting its possible use as an alternative to intravenous iron in IDA inflammatory bowel disease

    The characteristics and prognostic role of acute abdominal on-admission pain in acute pancreatitis: A prospective cohort analysis of 1432 cases

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    Introduction Pain is the most common symptom in acute pancreatitis (AP) and is among the diagnostic criteria. Therefore, we aimed to characterize acute abdominal pain in AP. Methods The Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group prospectively collected multicentre clinical data on 1435 adult AP patients between 2012 and 2017. Pain was characterized by its intensity (mild or intense), duration prior to admission (hours), localization (nine regions of the abdomen) and type (sharp, dull or cramping). Results 97.3% of patients (n = 1394) had pain on admission. Of the initial population with acute abdominal pain, 727 patients answered questions about pain intensity, 1148 about pain type, 1134 about pain localization and 1202 about pain duration. Pain was mostly intense (70%, n = 511/727), characterized by cramping (61%, n = 705/1148), mostly starting less than 24 h prior to admission (56.7%, n = 682/1202). Interestingly, 50.9% of the patients (n = 577/1134) had atypical pain, which means pain other than epigastric or belt-like upper abdominal pain. We observed a higher proportion of peripancreatic fluid collection (19.5% vs. 11.0%; p = 0.009) and oedematous pancreas (8.4% vs. 3.1%; p = 0.016) with intense pain. Sharp pain was associated with AP severity (OR = 2.481 95% CI: 1.550-3.969) and increased mortality (OR = 2.263, 95% CI: 1.199-4.059) compared to other types. Longstanding pain (>72 h) on admission was not associated with outcomes. Pain characteristics showed little association with the patient's baseline characteristics. Conclusion A comprehensive patient interview should include questions about pain characteristics, including pain type. Patients with sharp and intense pain might need special monitoring and tailored pain management. Significance Acute abdominal pain is the leading presenting symptom in acute pancreatitis; however, we currently lack specific guidelines for pain assessment and management. In our cohort analysis, intense and sharp pain on admission was associated with higher odds for severe AP and several systemic and local complications. Therefore, a comprehensive patient interview should include questions about pain characteristics and patients with intense and sharp pain might need closer monitoring

    Újdonságok a tápcsatorna endoszkópiájában = Novelties in the endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract

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    Összefoglaló közleményünket az endoszkópos szakmacsoport neves hazai szakemberei által kiválasztott, a nemzetközi szakirodalomban az elmúlt évben megjelent legfontosabb közleményekből állítottuk össze. Közleményünk segítséget nyújthat a hazai endoszkópos és gasztroenterológus kollégáknak a szakmai újdonságok követésében és a legfontosabb nemzetközi irányelveknek való megfelelésben, ezáltal javítva a hazai mindennapos betegellátás színvonalát és hatékonyságát