108 research outputs found

    Későglaciális és holocén oxigénizotóp-alapú klímarekonstrukció hibahatár-becslése tavi üledékek elemzése alapján

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    A stabilizotóp-arány tavi üledékek paleoklimatológiai tanulmányozásában történő használata a vizek 18O/16O arányának a klímával, főként a hőmérséklettel való összefüggésén alapul (Dansgaard, W. 1964). Adott területen a hőmérséklet változásával változik a csapadék izotóp-összetétele is. Rövidtávon ez az évszakonkénti változást, ezeréves léptékben pedig a klímaváltozás mértékét tükrözi (Clarke, I. D. – Fritz, P. 1997). A tavi üledékszelvények δ18O vizsgálata klasszikusan az üledék biogén karbonát és/vagy karbonátvázas biogén alkotóin történik (Morley, D. W. et al. 2004; Barker, P. – Leng, M. J. 2006; Swann, G. E. A. – Leng, M. J. 2009). Karbonátmentes környezetben azonban más megoldást kell találnunk, melyre legalkalmasabbnak az üledékben megőrzött diatómák1 (kovamoszatok, Bacillariophyceae) vázainak szilícium-dioxidja bizonyult, melybe az oxigén a tó vizéből épül be növekedésük során (Magyari, E. K. et al. 2012)

    Service marketing examination of Opusztaszer Heritage Park as a rural destination

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    Today the service industries are developing rapidly therefore the service marketing tasks are getting more and more into the focus. Those who are engaged in the subject do researches to explore the emotions, attitudes and purchasing motives in decision-making and the purchasing processes of different services. Decisions are made not only by companies but costumers, parents, families and circles of friends, too, when they plan their programs for the weekend considering their income and expenses. That is why we feel important to examine our subject on the basis of the service marketing of the Opusztaszer National Heritage Park, which takes a prominent part in the cultural life of the Southern Hungarian Plain, in order to render help to improve the services of the institution. The examination is complemented with a non-representative questionnaire survey which, nevertheless, is suitable to give the background to a wider survey. On the basis of the answers given some chances of improvement have been seen which we are planning to recommend for the Opusztaszer National Heritage Park

    Service marketing examination of Opusztaszer Heritage Park as a rural destination

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    Today the service industries are developing rapidly therefore the service marketing tasks are getting more and more into the focus. Those who are engaged in the subject do researches to explore the emotions, attitudes and purchasing motives in decision-making and the purchasing processes of different services. Decisions are made not only by companies but costumers, parents, families and circles of friends, too, when they plan their programs for the weekend considering their income and expenses. That is why we feel important to examine our subject on the basis of the service marketing of the Opusztaszer National Heritage Park, which takes a prominent part in the cultural life of the Southern Hungarian Plain, in order to render help to improve the services of the institution. The examination is complemented with a non-representative questionnaire survey which, nevertheless, is suitable to give the background to a wider survey. On the basis of the answers given some chances of improvement have been seen which we are planning to recommend for the Opusztaszer National Heritage Park

    Limnological changes and chironomid-inferred summer air temperature from the Late Pleniglacial to the Early Holocene in the East Carpathians

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    Here we provide the first chironomid record and associated summer air-temperature (T VII ) reconstruction between ca. 16,800-9100 cal yr BP from Lake Saint Anne (SZA), situated in the Eastern Carpathians. SZA was formed by the youngest volcanic eruption of Ciomadul volcano at ca. 29,600 cal yr BP. Our main goals in this study are to test whether warming after Heinrich event 1 (H1; ca. 16,200 cal yr BP) had similar amplitude to the late glacial warming, while Younger Dryas (YD) summers remained relatively warm in this region of Europe. We found the most remarkable chironomid assemblage change with a T VII increase of ~3.5-3.8°C at ca. 16,350 cal yr BP at SZA, followed by another slight T VII increase of ~0.8-1.0°C at ca. 14,450 cal yr BP. Only very minor temperature variations were recorded between 14,450 cal yr BP and 11,700 cal yr BP, with an unexpected T VII decrease in the Early Holocene. Variations in water depth together with increasing analogue problems and paludification from ca. 14,200 cal yr BP onwards may have influenced the reliability of our paleotemperature record obtained from SZA. In addition, Sphagnum -indicated decreasing pH, and hence decreasing nutrient level, likely overrode the effect of summer air-temperature changes during the Early Holocene, and this may explain the bias in the chironomid-inferred summer air-temperature reconstruction in the Early Holocene section

    Társas megküzdési minták és identitáskonstrukciós folyamatok azonosítása történelmi tárgyú elbeszélésekben = Exploring coping strategies and processes of identity construction in fictional and non-fictional historical narratives

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    Kísérleti kutatásokkal igazoltuk, hogy a csoportközi észlelésben a saját csoport iránti pozitív elfogultság, illetve a külső csoportok negatív megkülönböztetése akkor jelentkezik, ha a helyzetben a csoportok közötti történelmi konfliktus aktualizálódik. Az észlelésben megnyilvánuló elfogultság függ a személyek nemzeti azonosulásának típusától és mértékétől. Ugyanebben a kísérletsorozatban kidolgoztuk és igazoltuk a történelmi pályához kapcsolódó kollektív érzelmek kategóriáját. A kutatás céljára kifejlesztett tartalomelemző eszközökkel három történelmi esemény (honfoglalás, kiegyezés, Trianoni békeszerződés) szöveges bemutatását elemeztük 1900-tól napjainkig megjelent középiskolás történelem könyvekben, illetve 16 történelmi eseményt elemeztünk kortárs általános-és középiskolai tankönyvekben valamint egy 500 fős mintától nyert laikus történelmi elbeszélésekben. Az eredmények azt mutatták, hogy mind a történelemkönyvek, mind a laikus elbeszélések a magyar csoportot illetően alacsony ágenciájú identitást közvetítenek. A huszadik századi traumatikus események kognitív elaborációja csak az utóbbi évtizedben indult meg. A történelmi regények identitás közvetítő funkciójának tartalomelemzéses vizsgálatiban megállapítottuk, hogy a csoportközi konfliktust elbeszélő szövegek kategoriális empátiát hívnak elő. A regények magyar szereplőinek érzelmi készletét a depresszív dinamika jellemzi. Nagy számban jelennek meg a történelmi pályához kapcsolódó érzelmek. | Experimental research provided evidence that ingroup favoritism in intergroup perception is enhanced by actualization of historical intergroup conflict. Ingroup favoritism depends on type and strength of national identification. In a series of experiments we have elaborated and verified the category of historical trajectory related emotions as a type of collective emotions. Content analytic tools which have been developed for the purpose of studying historical texts were used to analyzing three historical events in high school history books published from 1900 on. Similar study was carried out with 16 historical events in contemporary secondary school and high school history books, and with lay history stories gathered from a stratified sample of 500 subjects. Results show that both history books and lay stories transmit a kind of national identity which is characterized by low agency. Cognitive elaboration of the traumatic events of the twentieth century has begin only int he past decade. Studies of historical novels' functions in mediating national identity provided evidence that narratives on intergroup conflicts evoke categorial empathy. Emotional repository of Hungarian characters is dominated by depressive dynamics. There is a high frequency of historical trajectory related emotions

    Holocene treeline and timberline changes in the South Carpathians (Romania): Climatic and anthropogenic drivers on the southern slopes of the Retezat Mountains

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    Two high-altitude lake-sediment sequences (Lake Lia, 1910 m a.s.l. and Lake Bucura, 2040 m a.s.l.) from the Retezat Mountains (South Carpathians, Romania) were analysed using multi-proxy methods to study responses of treeline, timberline and alpine/subalpine vegetation to climate change and human impact during the past 16,000 years. Woody species (Pinus mugo, Pinus cembra, Picea abies and Juniperus communis) reached Lake Lia between 12,000 and 11,800 cal. yr BP, whereas P. mugo colonised the shores of Lake Bucura at 9600 cal. yr BP. Lake Lia was in the timberline ecotone between 8000 and 3200 cal. yr BP, in semi-open P. cembra and Picea abies woodland, probably mixed with P. mugo on the steeper slopes. Lake Bucura was surrounded by the upper part of the krummholz zone during the mid-Holocene. The increase in P. cembra after c. 6000 cal. yr BP around Lake Lia suggests that the composition of the timberline forest changed. The disappearance of P. cembra and Picea abies around Lake Lia at ~3000 cal. yr BP reflects descent of the timberline. A large mean July temperature decline between 3300 and 2800 cal. yr BP may have driven or at least contributed to the descent of the Picea abies?P. cembra forests. An increase in human indicator pollen types in Lake Bucura around 4200 cal. yr BP may reflect human impact in the naturally open alpine zone in the Late Bronze Age. In contrast, human impact likely appeared considerably later, around 2650 cal. yr BP (Early Iron Age) around Lake Lia in the upper subalpine zone. Human impact likely intensified after 2200 cal. yr BP at both sites that resulted in the lowering of the krummholz zone. We conclude that climate change and human impact both played an important role in the lowering of the treeline and timberline in the late-Holocene
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