107 research outputs found

    Indicazioni di policy per il turismo religioso in provincia di Foggia

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    This study is developed within the activity context run by the Tourism Observatory of the Economics Department of the University of Foggia. Through the use of a questionnaire it attempts to analyze the religious tourism phenomenon in the territory of the province of Foggia. A total number of three-hundred pilgrims (one-hundred for each specific site) was interviewed with the aim of understanding the main features characterizing the specific tourism demand related to the Sanctuaries of Incoronata, Monte Sant’Angelo and San Giovanni Rotondo. The study represents a first attempt to help the identification of some reorganizational strategies to pursue a better use of the cultural and spiritual resources existing at the local level

    A Clinical Decision Support System based on fuzzy rules and classification algorithms for monitoring the physiological parameters of type-2 diabetic patients

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    The use of different types of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) makes possible the improvement of the quality of the therapeutic and diagnostic efficiency in health field. Those systems, properly implemented, are able to simulate human expert clinician reasoning in order to suggest decisions on treatment of patients. In this paper, we exploit fuzzy inference machines to improve the quality of the day-by-day clinical care of type-2 diabetic patients of Anti-Diabetes Centre (CAD) of the Local Health Authority ASL Naples 1 (Naples, Italy). All the designed functionalities were developed thanks to the experience on the field, through different phases (data collection and adjustment, Fuzzy Inference System development and its validation on real cases) executed by an interdisciplinary research team comprising doctors, clinicians and IT engineers. The proposed approach also allows the remote monitoring of patients' clinical conditions and, hence, can help to reduce hospitalizations

    Importance of Echocardiography and Clinical "Red Flags" in Guiding Genetic Screening for Fabry Disease

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    Aim of this study was to evaluate, in a metropolitan area not already explored, the prevalence of Anderson-Fabry disease, by genetic screening, in patients with echocardiographic evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) of unknown origin and "clinical red flags"

    SIRT1 pharmacological activation rescues vascular dysfunction and prevents thrombosis in MTHFR deficiency

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    Beyond well-assessed risk factors, cardiovascular events could be also associated with the presence of epigenetic and genetic alterations, such as the methylenetetrahydrofolate-reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism. This gene variant is related to increased circulating levels of homocysteine (Hcy) and cardiovascular risk. However, heterozygous carriers have an augmented risk of cardiovascular accidents independently from normal Hcy levels, suggesting the presence of additional deregulated processes in MTHFR C677T carriers. Here, we hypothesize that targeting Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) could be an alternative mechanism to control the cardiovascular risk associated to MTHFR deficiency condition. Flow Mediated Dilatation (FMD) and light transmission aggregometry assay were performed in subjects carrying MTHFR C677T allele after administration of resveratrol, the most powerful natural clinical usable compound that owns SIRT1 activating properties. MTHFR C677T carriers with normal Hcy levels revealed endothelial dysfunction and enhanced platelet aggregation associated with SIRT1 downregulation. SIRT1 activity stimulation by resveratrol intake was able to override these abnormalities without affecting Hcy levels. Impaired endothelial function, bleeding time, and wire-induced thrombus formation were rescued in a heterozygous Mthfr-deficient (Mthfr+/-) mouse model after resveratrol treatment. Using a cell-based high-throughput multiplexed screening (HTS) assay, a novel selective synthetic SIRT1 activator, namely ISIDE11, was identified. Ex vivo and in vivo treatment of Mthfr+/- mice with ISIDE11 rescues endothelial vasorelaxation and reduces wire-induced thrombus formation, effects that were abolished by SIRT1 inhibitor. Moreover, platelets from MTHFR C677T allele carriers treated with ISIDE11 showed normalization of their typical hyper-reactivity. These results candidate SIRT1 activation as a new therapeutic strategy to contain cardio and cerebrovascular events in MTHFR carriers