60 research outputs found


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    The public's reaction to the act of social deviation, gathering together often reaps various negative responses and tends to be vigilante (eigenrichting). Based on this, it is necessary that the act of gathering together is categorized as a crime through a criminalization policy. The Draft Criminal Code has listed this act as a crime of decency, but in its formulation it needs to be re-examined regarding its impact on society. This study aims to provide an analysis of the extent to which the criminalization of gathering kebo brings social impacts to the community. This research is a normative legal research with a conceptual approach. The data collection technique was carried out by literature study, namely studying primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The analysis used in this research is prescriptive, to find out what should be done to answer the legal issues raised in this paper. The result of this research is that the criminalization of the act of gathering together needs to consider the social aspects of society

    Perancangan Coffee Table Book Semangat Hidup Pedagang Tradisional

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    Pedagang tradisional adalah mereka yang melakukan USAha perorangan atau kelompok yang dalam menjalankan USAhanya menggunakan tempat – tempat fasilitas umum, seperti trotoar, pinggir – pinggir jalan umum, maupun sekitar taman – taman dan bisa dengan cara berkeliling dari rumah ke rumah. Foto – foto yang ditampilkan mewakili sisi – sisi human interest dari pedagang tradisional. Kekuatan foto – foto tersebut diharapkan akan mendapatkan apresiasi dari target audience. Buku ini ingin menyampaikan bahwa di zaman era modern ini itu masih banyak para pedagang tradisional yang mungkin zaman dahulu masih sama hingga saat ini dan untuk menunjukkan kepada masyarakat bahwa sungguh besar semangat hidup para pedagang tradisional dengan berjualan dengan peralatan tradisional di zaman yang serba modern ini. Tujuannya agar masyarakat atau anak muda bisa terinspirasi dan memiliki semangat hidup untuk berjuang demi memenuhi kebutuhan hidup walaupun kadang kita menghadapi suatu hal yang susah sekalipu


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    ABSTRAKSI: Berbagai algoritma pengolahan sinyal digital untuk aplikasi smart antenna telah dikembangkan. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan algoritma eigen atau yang sering disebut dengan istilah downlink eigenbeamforming pada sistem komunikasi bergerak seluler. Algoritma eigen tersebut akan di-uji kinerjanya sebagai persiapan untuk tahap implementasi pada prosesor pengolah sinyal digital Texas Instruments TMS320VC33. Adapun parameter kinerja yang akan diuji meliputi, antara lain: pengaruh akurasi estimasi kanal terhadap pembentukan dan pengarahan pola radiasi maksimum, pengaruh lebar sudut pisah antar 2 user yang berdekatan, serta pengaruh lingkungan multi-user terhadap kinerja algoritma eigenbeamforming dilihat dari parameter Signal-to-Noise-and-Interference Ratio (SNIR) yang diterima di mobile station (MS) user yang dikehendaki. Pada bagian akhir, dapat disimpulkan bahwa akurasi estimasi kanal yang rendah (penguatan noise AWGN hingga 30 dB) dapat menurunkan kinerja berdasarkan penurunan SNR hingga sebesar 60 dB untuk setiap model sel. Sedangkan susunan linier seragam ternyata memberikan derajat kebebasan pengarahan maksima yang bersifat gain-limited untuk model makrosel di kawasan -145 hingga 15 derajat dan 15 hingga 145 derajat azimuth. Untuk mikrosel dan pikosel, kawasan tersebut lebih sempit dibandingkan makrosel. Pada akhirnya, didapat penurunan sebesar 18 hingga 25 dB untuk penambahan jumlah penginterferensi pada simulasi lingkungan multi-user. Disarankan untuk menguji algoritma eigenbeamforming ini dalam suatu lingkungan uji realistis yang melibatkan seluruh komponen sistem komunikasi terpadu dalam suatu sistem software defined radio (SDR).Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: Many digital signal processing algorithms have been developed for the application of smart antenna in wireless cellular communications. One of them is by using the eigenvalue approach or the so called downlink eigenbeamforming. In this paper, the algorithm performance will be studied upon as part of the preparation on the future implementation using Texas Instruments TMS320VC33 processor. The performance study is carried out upon parameters, such as: the impact of channel estimation accuracy upon the beamforming output, the effects of separation angles between two adjacent users on the beam resolution, and also the impact of a multi-user environment upon the SNIR performance of the eigenbeamforming algorithm. Finally, conclusions are presented on the last chapter of this paper. An SNR performance decrease of up to 60 dB will occur along with the 30 dB increase of gaussian noise to degrade channel estimation accuracy. Degree-of-freedom to beamform maximas using uniform linear array is limited to azimuthal angles of minus 145 to minus 15 degree in a macrocell model. While in the microcell and picocell model, the constraints are less. Finally, a 18 to 25 dB of SNIR performance degradation occurs in all cell model because of up to 7 interferers that appear. A recommendation is also given for the next research to establish a more realistic performance study using real life propagation channels and implementation of software-defined radio (SDR).Keyword

    Perancangan Board Game Tentang Manajemen Waktu Dalam Berlalu Lintas

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    Indonesia tepatnyakota Surabaya, merupakankotadenganjumlahpenduduk yang cukuppadat. Tick Tock Go! Merupakan board game yang mengedukasibetapapentingnyamengaturwaktutertutamadalamberlalulintasdengancara yang menyenangkan.Perancanganiniditujukanuntukkonsumenusia 16 tahunkeatas. Diharapkandengandiciptakan Tick Tock Go! Masyarakatdapatlebihdisiplindalammengaturwaktuterutamadalamberlalulintas

    Perancangan Media Promosi Museum Puri Lukisan

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    Perancangan ini dilakukan untuk mempromosikan Museum Puri Lukisan. sebagai satu-satunya museumtertua di Bali yang memiliki koleksi lukisan dan patung khas Bali, serta museum yang menawarkan belajarmembuat kesenian Bali secara langsung bagi para wisatawan

    Shallow Water Habitat Mapping and Reef Fish Stock Estimation Using High Resolution Satellite Data

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    Shallow marine waters comprise diverse benthic types forming habitats for reef fish community, which important for the livelihood of coastal and small island inhabitants. Satellite imagery provide synoptic map of benthic habitat and further utilized to estimate reef fish stock. The objective of this research was to estimate reef fish stock in complex coral reef of Pulau Pari, by utilizing high resolution satellite imagery of the WorldView-2 in combination with field data such as visual census of reef fish. Field survey was conducted between May-August 2013 with 160 sampling points representing four sites (north, south, west, and east). The image was analy-zed and grouped into five classes of benthic habitats i.e., live coral (LC), dead coral (DC), sand (Sa), seagrass (Sg), and mix (Mx) (combination seagrass+coral and seagrass+sand). The overall accuracy of benthic habitat map was 78%. Field survey revealed that the highest live coral cover (58%) was found at the north site with fish density 3.69 and 1.50 ind/m2at 3 and 10 m depth, respectively. Meanwhile, the lowest live coral cover (18%) was found at the south site with fish density 2.79 and 2.18 ind/m2 at 3 and 10 m depth, respectively. Interpolation on fish density data in each habitat class resulted in standing stock reef fish estimation: LC (5,340,698 ind), DC (56,254,356 ind), Sa (13,370,154 ind), Sg (1,776,195 ind) and Mx (14,557,680 ind)

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Kultur dan Prebiotik Ubi Jalar terhadap Sifat Sari Jagung Manis Probiotik

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    Sweet corn extract with the addition of lactic acid bacteria can improve its function as probiotic drinks. Sweet potato as a prebiotic is expected to increase the activity of lactic acid bacteria probiotic sweet corn extract. The use of culture in the making of sweet corn extract probiotics will affect the character of the product. The purpose of this study were: (1) to study the effect of culture concentration on characteristics of probiotic sweet corn extract; (2) to study the effect of red sweet potato extract on characteristics of probiotic sweet corn extract; and (3) to determine the best treatment combination between the culture and the concentration of red sweet potato extract in the production of probiotic sweet corn extract; and comparing commercial in the market. Research using a completely randomized design (CRD) with research factor is the concentration of the culture (2, 3, 4, and 5 %) and red sweet potato extract (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 %). The results showed that the more the concentration of the culture is added, the number of lactic acid bacteria, total acid and viscosity increase; while pH, total dissolved solids, fat and protein concentration decreased. The more sweet potato extract is added, the total dissolved solids and viscosity increased; while the levels of protein and fat decreases. The best treatment combination was at a concentration of 4 % culture and 15 % sweet potato extract. The products have a pH of 3.88, a viscosity of 261.5 cP, lactic acid levels of 0.87 %, 0.05 % fat content, total dissolved solids 19.10 oBrix, and 3.23 % of total protein. Yoghurt is compliant SNI standard yoghurt, except for protein content was lower at 3.23 (SNI according to at least 3.5)

    Nilai Sosial dalam Novel Pesona Cinta Si Jelita Karya Maria Cecilia

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    This research will explain about social value in novel “Pesona Cinta Si Jelita”. This research aims at analyzing social value in that novel written by Maria Cecilia. Method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. Based on the field of this research, library research is the eligible method to find data and information from books or other related references. The subject of this research is novel “Pesona Cinta Si Jelita”, while the object of this research is social value of the novel. The research result shows that there are some social values in that novel, they are social awareness, sacrificial, mercy, friendly and also admiration, by prising and admit someone’s ability. Furthermore, it can be concluded that social value is kind of wisdom gottem by cosial behavior an d social life role


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    Habitat perairan dangkal sangat penting dipetakan diantaranya karena: (1) mendukung perencanaan, manajemen, dan pengambilan keputusan tata ruang pemerintah; (2) mendukung dan mendesain Marine Protected Area (MPA); (3) melakukan program penelitian ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pengetahuan tentang ekosistem bentik dan geologi dasar laut; (4) melakukan penilaian sumber daya dasar laut yang hidup dan tidak hidup untuk tujuan ekonomi dan menajemen, termasuk rancangan cadangan perikanan. Hingga saat ini belum ada standar untuk tingkat kedetailan peta tematik ekosistem pesisir khususnya habitat perairan dangkal sesuai kebutuhan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir dengan skema klasifikasi tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan akurasi peta hasil klasifikasi habitat perairan dangkal antara citra SPOT 6, Sentinel 2A, dan Landsat 8 menggunakan algoritma klasifikasi support vector machine. Lokasi penelitian terletak di Kepulauan Wakatobi, meliputi 2 lokasi yaitu Pulau Kapota dan Pulau Kompoone. Pengambilan data in-situ dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7-11 Juli 2019. Sebanyak 347 ground truth dan foto transek hasil sampling di lapangan telah dianalisis menggunakan coral point count with excel extension (CPCe). Skema klasifikasi yang dihasilkan yaitu 8 kelas habitat bentik, selanjutnya dilakukan klasifikasi dengan mengkelaskan kembali menjadi 6 dan 5 kelas. Hasil yang diperoleh pada citra SPOT-6 untuk semua kelas habitat perairan dangkal yang digunakan memiliki overall accuracy yang lebih besar. Perbedaan ukuran piksel (resolusi spasial) dan jumlah skema klasifikasi sangat memengaruhi hasil akurasi.Shallow water habitat mapping is important to do because: (1) it can support the planning, management, and decision making of government spatial; (2) it can support and design a Marine Protected Area (MPA); (3) it can conduct a scientific research program to determine a knowledge about benthic ecosystem and seabed geology; (4) it can do seabed resource valuation, both biotic and abiotic, for economic and management goals. Nowadays, the standardization of thematic map details level in coastal ecosystem has not determined, especially in shallow water habitat based on coastal management needs in certain scale. The study aims to compare map accuracy level between SPOT 6, Sentinel 2A, and Landsat 8 classification results using support vector machine algorithm. The study site is in Wakatobi Island, including Kapota Island and Kompoone Island. The in-situ data took on July 2019. The 347 ground truth and transect images in the field analyzed using Coral Point Count with Excel Extension (CPCe). The classification scheme that was gotten is 8 habitat benthic classes, then conducted classification with classify them to be 6 and 5 classes. The result from SPOT 6 for 5 habitat classes has the highest overall accuracy. The differences between pixel (spatial resolution) and the amount of classification scheme influence accuracy results
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