257 research outputs found

    Lineamenti delle prelazioni legali

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    Ho sviluppato una ricerca per la tesi di dottorato, dal titolo “Lineamenti delle prelazioni legali”, che si è soffermata sui profili generali del diritto di prelazione partendo dall'analisi della prelazione in generale, per, poi, esaminare la prelazione volontaria e quella legale, dall'analisi del tema risulta che la prelazione, ineffetti, esprime la priorità riconosciuta ad un soggetto di acquisire, rispetto ad altri soggetti, e a parità di condizioni, la proprietà su determinati beni immobili. Detta priorità, che può derivare da un patto o dalla legge, di qui la distinzione tra prelazione volontaria e legale, ha costituito l'oggetto di indagine della ricerca, che sebbene rivolta, soprattutto, alle prelazioni legali, non può mancare di prestare la sua attenzione anche alle prelazioni pattizie, per meglio comprendere il fondamento, la disciplina e le finalità dell'intera fattispecie prelazionale. La prelazione convenzionale, a causa dell'esiguità del dato normativo, pone ancora oggi molteplici dubbi, per cui non devono meravigliare le numerose attenzioni che dottrina e giurisprudenza hanno continuato a dedicare alla struttura del patto prelatizio, il cui fondamento viene generalmente ravvisato nel principio normativo di libertà degli interessi privati, come sancito dall'art. 1322 c.c.. Molto più complesso si presenta, invece, il tema del fondamento della prelazione legale, poiché, a causa delle numerose e diverse ipotesi previste, è impossibile trovare un comune fondamento. Sulla scia del retratto successorio introdotto dal codice civile del 1942, gli ultimi decenni hanno visto un frequente ricorso da parte del legislatore allo strumento della prelazione legale, come mezzo di contemperamento di interessi confliggenti ascrivibili, da una parte alla proprietà e alla connessa libertà di circolazione della ricchezza, e dall'altra al lavoro o all'impresa. In sostanza, alla figura tradizionale della prelazione legale strutturata in funzione di tutela della proprietà, tipica del retratto successorio, si sono affiancate ipotesi di prelazione legale strutturate in funzione di tutela del lavoro o dell'impresa, tipiche della prelazione agraria, societaria ed urbana. Come è stato osservato in dottrina, alla figura della prelazione propria, caratterizzata dal diritto ad essere preferito a parità di condizioni, si affiancano, figure caratterizzate da un diritto legale all'acquisto, come ad esempio avviene nella prelazione in favore dei partecipanti all'impresa familiare, nel caso di divisione. Infatti, nelle figure più antiche la disciplina legale resta ancorata all'idea tradizionale di prelazione, nel senso di preferenza a parità rigorosa di condizioni, mentre nei casi in cui la prelazione è accordata in funzione di tutela di interessi valutati come socialmente prevalenti su quelli della proprietà, spesso al diritto di preferenza si uniscono vantaggi, diretti o indiretti, che, nel mentre attribuiscono al prelazionario una posizione economicamente poziore rispetto al terzo offerente, incidono nel contempo in senso negativo anche sulla sfera giuridica dell'alienante. Ma al di là della trama frammentaria e spesso fragile della normativa, il legislatore speciale si è sforzato, di volta in volta, di conciliare gli opposti interessi in gioco della proprietà, dell'impresa, della famiglia e del lavoro. É per questo che la figura della prelazione si presenta come modello elettivo per il contemperamento di istanze socialmente contrapposte e, quindi, come strumento tipico dello stato sociale, che consente al legislatore di intervenire sul gioco della libera concorrenza in funzione di tutela degli interessi più deboli, senza, però, sopprimere i valori della libertà e dell'autonomia dei privati. In questo senso alla valutazione negativa della figura, intesa come vincolo alla libera circolazione della ricchezza nella prospettiva propria delle codificazioni liberali, può sostituirsi una valutazione positiva che riconosce allo strumento prelatizio rinnovata dignità nel quadro del sistema di economia mista disegnato dalla Costituzione repubblicana

    Experimental Investigation of Spray Combustion Regimes in Aero-Engine Combustors

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    At ONERA Fauga-Mauzac center, a new air-breathing propulsion test setup, Prométhée-LACOM, has been recently developed. In this paper, both non-reacting and reacting two-phase flows were investigated. In reacting two-phase flow, simultaneous OH-PLIF and Mie scattering imaging were implemented in order to characterize the flame structure. The different behaviours observed in this study seem to support the existence of spray combustion regimes. Moreover, statistical analysis were performed on the spatial distribution of droplets and indicated that the centre-to-centre inter-droplet distance (nearest neighbour) could be described by means of a Log-Normal distribution

    Educação profissional e tecnológica e a sustentabilidade na América latina e no Caribe: Uma abordagem partindo da educação comparada

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    The present work is part of the Research Group - Philosophy and Education - Educogitans. Comparative Education presents itself as an important element to know the most diverse aspects ofProfessional and Technological Education (EFA). The issue of sustainability and sustainable development, in turn, is an increasingly recurrent theme in Education. In view of this, the objective of the present workis to map how sustainability works at EFA in Latin America and the Caribbean. To achieve the proposed objective, a qualitative, bibliographic and documentary research was carried out. It was noted thatEPT is a field that is being discussed more intensely in several scenarios, as well as environmental issues in the perspective of the sustainability of sustainable development. Latin America and the Caribbean,with regard to EFA, it is noted that the countries Brazil and Chile, despite their singularities that deserve and must be respected, have in their Guidelines and Laws indicators that environmental and sustainable issues arepresent in several axes.El presente trabajo es parte del Grupo de Investigación - Filosofía y Educación - Educogitanos. La educación comparativa se presenta como un elemento importante para conocer los aspectos más diversos deEducación Profesional y Tecnológica (EPT). La cuestión de la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo sostenible, a su vez, es un tema cada vez más recurrente en la educación. En vista de esto, el objetivo del presente trabajoes mapear cómo funciona la sostenibilidad en EFA en América Latina y el Caribe. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto, se realizó una investigación cualitativa, bibliográfica y documental. Se notó queLa EPT es un campo que se está debatiendo más intensamente en varios escenarios, así como los problemas ambientales desde la perspectiva del desarrollo sostenible. América Latina y el CaribeCon respecto a la EPT, se observa que los países Brasil y Chile, a pesar de sus singularidades que merecen y deben ser respetadas, tienen en sus Directrices y Leyes indicadores de que los problemas ambientales y sostenibles sonpresente en varios ejes.O presente trabalho forma parte do Grupo de Pesquisa – Filosofia e Educação – Educogitans. A Educação Comparada se apresenta como um importante elemento para conhecer os mais diversos aspectos da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT). A questão da sustentabilidade e do desenvolvimento sustentável, por sua vez, é um tema cada vez mais recorrente na Educação. Frente a isso, o objetivo do presente trabalho é mapear como se trabalha a sustentabilidade na EPT na América Latina e no Caribe. Para consecução do objetivo proposto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, bibliográfico e documental. Notou-se que a EPT é um campo que está sendo discutido com mais afinco em diversos cenários, assim como as questões ambientais na perspectiva da sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento sustentável. A América Latina e o Caribe, com relação a EPT, nota-se que os países Brasil e Chile, apesar de suas singularidades que merecem e devem ser respeitadas, possuem em suas Diretrizes e Leis indicadores de que as questões ambientais e sustentáveis se fazem presente em diversos eixos

    Risk of Cross-Contact for Gluten-Free Pizzas in Shared-Production Restaurants in Relation to Oven Cooking Procedures.

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    To allow celiac patients to have meals out, a growing number of restaurants and pizzas houses that simultaneously provide gluten-free (GF) pizzas and wheat-based (WB) pizzas have recently been opened in Italy. In these restaurants, GF pizzas are prepared with GF raw materials, following procedures that minimize the risk of gluten cross-contact. Here, we evaluate the risk of gluten cross-contact of GF pizzas in relation to the preparation procedures, thus aiming at identifying a safe procedure for cooking GF pizzas. Our results show that, when specific requirements are complied with, the simultaneous cooking of GF and WB pizzas is a procedure as safe as having an oven dedicated to GF pizzas or the alternate cooking of GF and WB pizzas in the same oven

    Nutrients Bioaccessibility and Anti-inflammatory Features of Fermented Bee Pollen: A Comprehensive Investigation

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    We compared raw bee-collected pollen (Raw-BCP), spontaneously fermented BCP (Unstarted-BCP), and BCP fermented with selected microbial starters (Started-BCP) to deepen whether fermentation may favorably affect the nutrients bioaccessibility and functional features of BCP. Under in vitro gastrointestinal batches, the highest serum-availability of phenolic compounds was found in Started-BCP, highlighting the positive effect exerted by selected microbial starters. The same effect was not found in spontaneously fermented BCP. In colon adenocarcinoma cell line-2 (Caco-2) cells stressed by a pro-inflammatory stimulus, the treatment with Started-BCP halted the increase of pro-inflammatory mediator’s level. Started-BCP counteracted efficiently the deleterious effects of inflammatory stimuli on the integrity of the Caco-2 cells monolayer and its barrier function. Started-BCP successfully counteracted the H2O2-induced intracellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Caco-2 cells. A protective role against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation was exerted by Started-BCP in human keratinocytes. The same protective effects on Caco-2 and keratinocyte cell lines were negligible after treatments with Raw-BCP or Unstarted-BCP

    Diversity of oat varieties in eliciting the early inflammatory events in celiac disease

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    Purpose Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy, triggered by dietary gluten. The only treatment is a strict gluten-free diet. Oats are included in the list of gluten-free ingredients by European Regulation, but the safety of oats in CD is still a matter of debate. The present study examined the capability of different oat cultivars of activating the gliadin-induced transglutaminase-2 (TG2)-dependent events in some in vitro models of CD. In addition, we compared this capability with the electrophoresis pattern of peptic\u2013tryptic digests of the proteins of the oat cultivars. Methods K562(S) cells agglutination, transepithelial electrical resistance of T84-cell monolayers, intracellular levels of TG2 and phosphorylated form of protein 42\u201344 in T84 cells were the early gliadin-dependent events studied. Results The results showed that the Nave oat cultivar elicited these events, whereas Irina and Potenza varieties did not. The ability of a cultivar to activate the above-described events was associated with the electrophoretic pattern of oat proteins and their reactivity to anti-gliadin antibodies. Conclusion We found significant differences among oat cultivars in eliciting the TG2-mediated events of CD inflammation. Therefore, the safety of an oat cultivar in CD might be screened in vitro by means of biochemical and biological assays, before starting a clinical trial to definitely assess its safety

    Bioprocessed Brewers’ Spent Grain Improves Nutritional and Antioxidant Properties of Pasta

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    Brewers’ spent grain (BSG), the by-product of brewing, was subjected to a xylanase treatment followed by fermentation with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum PU1. Bioprocessed BSG has been used as ingredient to obtain a fortified semolina pasta which can be labeled as “high fiber” and “source of protein” according to the European Community Regulation No. 1924/2006. Compared to native BSG, the use of bioprocessed BSG led to higher protein digestibility and quality indices (essential amino acid index, biological value, protein efficiency ratio, nutritional index), as well as lower predicted glycemic index. Bioprocessing also improved the technological properties of fortified pasta. Indeed, brightfield and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed the formation of a more homogeneous protein network, resulting from the degradation of the arabinoxylan structure of BSG, and the release of the components entrapped into the cellular compartments. The extensive cell wall disruption contributed to the release of phenols, and conferred enhanced antioxidant activity to the fortified pasta. The persistence of the activity was demonstrated after in vitro-mimicked digestion, evaluating the protective effects of the digested pasta towards induced oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells cultures. The fortified pasta showed a peculiar sensory profile, markedly improved by the pre-treatment, thus confirming the great potential of bioprocessed BSG as health-promoting food ingredient

    Role of extracellular microvesicles in celiac disease as potential pathogenetic agents and biomarkers of intestinal inflammation

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Celiac Disease (CD) is a chronic intestinal disease caused by the ingestion of gluten. Microvesicles (MVs) belong to a heterogeneous population, released by cells both in homeostasis and pathological conditions. MVs can be considered mediators of inflammation and potential biomarkers. The aim of this study is: 1) to evaluate the possible role of MVs in the propagation of inflammation in CD, using MVs purified by supernatant of duodenal biopsies from CD patients; 2) to identify potential biomarkers by proteomic analysis of pasma-derived MVs from CD patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: MVs were isolated by molecular exclusion chromatography and ultracentrifugation respectively from plasma and culture supernatant of duodenal biopsies of 10 active CD, 5 remission CD and 6 controls. Proteomic analysis of plasma-derived MVs was performed by mass spectrometry. The possible effects of duodenal-derived MVs on confluent Caco-2 cells were evaluated by measuring Transepithelial Electrical Resistance (TEER) and analyzing the expression of actin, tissue transglutaminase (TG2) and Zonula Occludens-1 (ZO-1). The dosage of IL-8 in the Caco-2 culture supernatant was carried out by ELISA test. The statistical analysis of the data obtained was performed using the Student's t-test. RESULTS: The proteomic analysis of circulating MVs showed 8 proteins from desmosome and cytoskeleton (desmoglein-1 and gamma-enteric actin) associated with the active phase of the disease. Caco-2 cells, treated with the MVs purified from the duodenal biopsies of active CD patients showed: 1) rearrangement of actin filaments; 2) increased expression of TG2; 3) decreased expression of the ZO-1 protein, although an alteration of intestinal permeability was not observed. The analysis of Caco-2 cell supernatants showed a statistically significant increase in IL-8 (p <0.05), in the presence of MVs isolated from biopsies of active CD patients, compared to remission CD patients and controls. CONCLUSIONS: MVs isolated from plasma of active CD patients could represent potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Although they don’t induce changes in intestinal permeability, MVs could contribute to inflammatory cascade increasing IL-8 production

    Bioprocessed Brewers’ Spent Grain Improves Nutritional and Antioxidant Properties of Pasta

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    Brewers’ spent grain (BSG), the by-product of brewing, was subjected to a xylanase treatment followed by fermentation with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum PU1. Bioprocessed BSG has been used as ingredient to obtain a fortified semolina pasta which can be labeled as “high fiber” and “source of protein” according to the European Community Regulation No. 1924/2006. Compared to native BSG, the use of bioprocessed BSG led to higher protein digestibility and quality indices (essential amino acid index, biological value, protein efficiency ratio, nutritional index), as well as lower predicted glycemic index. Bioprocessing also improved the technological properties of fortified pasta. Indeed, brightfield and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed the formation of a more homogeneous protein network, resulting from the degradation of the arabinoxylan structure of BSG, and the release of the components entrapped into the cellular compartments. The extensive cell wall disruption contributed to the release of phenols, and conferred enhanced antioxidant activity to the fortified pasta. The persistence of the activity was demonstrated after in vitro-mimicked digestion, evaluating the protective effects of the digested pasta towards induced oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells cultures. The fortified pasta showed a peculiar sensory profile, markedly improved by the pre-treatment, thus confirming the great potential of bioprocessed BSG as health-promoting food ingredient