598 research outputs found

    Качество воды в водных объектах природно-исторического парка "Покровское-Стрешнево"

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    В статье представлен материал выполненного анализа данных показателей качества родника «Царевна-Лебедь» и реки Химки за многолетний период для выявления закономерностей в изменении содержания загрязняющих веществ в условиях трансформации антропогенной нагрузки. По результатам проведённых исследований выявлено, что по некоторым показателям качество воды не соответствует нормативам, предъявляемым к водным объектам в зоне рекреации.In an article presents the material of the аnalysis and general conclusions of indicators of the quality of the source «The Swan Princess» and the river Khimki during the year to identify patterns of change in the content of pollutants in the conditions of transformation of anthropogenic load. The results of the research revealed that some indicators the quality of water in water bodies does not match the standards for to water bodies in the recreation area

    Shape of stars and optical quality of the human eye

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    Contiene: fórmulas y 7 ilustraciones.Star images are entoptic phenomena that most people can perceive when looking at bright point sources in darkness. Diffraction and/or ocular aberrations seem to be a plausible cause for the star patterns, but to our knowledge no objective recordings of retinal optical images showing these characteristic patterns have been reported before. We have projected a small Gaussian spot of light onto the retina and registered the aerial image formed externally through a fully dilated pupil $one-and-a-half-pass method [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12, 2385 (1995)]%. We have verified that, for fully dilated pupils (.9 mm), the blur caused by the finite size of the Gaussian spot is small. Consequently, these aerial images are a reasonably good approximation of the (inverted) optical point-spread function of the eye. These objectively recorded images displayed the distinctive radiating patterns of star images, which were compared with subjective patterns sketched out by the same observers. A strikingly close match was found between the objective and the subjective patterns of the same eyes. In addition, we computed the diffraction patterns produced by a simple schematic model of the suture lines of the anterior lens surface, also obtaining star-shaped images. These results support the commonly accepted hypothesis of a purely optical origin of subjective star images. © 1997 Optical Society of America [S0740-3232(97)00402-X].Research supported by the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain) under grant TIC94-0849. Our special thanks go to Francisco Romero, Maurice Rynders, and Ulrike Fempel for acting as observers and to Susana Marcos for help with computer simulations. - This paper was published in Journal of the Optical Society of America A, and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=josaa-14-2-353. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.Peer reviewe

    Клиент-серверное приложение для извлечения гидрометеорологических данных

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    This article describes a Web-based application for automated extracting of unstructured hydrometeorological data from sites on the Internet that provide such information. The software makes it easier to receive weather reports, including encoded in the KN-01, as well as to work with them

    Quality Improvement and Management System Development of School Guidance and Counseling Services

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    The study aimed at developing an appropriate model to improve quality and develop management system of school guidance and counseling services. The study was divided into three phases conducted for three years in different school levels ranging from primary to higher education, in Java and Sumatra. The extension of the study was also conducted in Kindergarten and Special Education setting. The whole study came up with: the general models which provided a basis for developing frame work of guidance and counseling in every school level; frame work of guidance and counseling for every school level; standardized inventory of students\u27 developmental tasks developed in a computerized system; and learning packages developed based on students\u27 needs and development. Research findings show that the models were feasible and applicable and gave an improvement of quality of school guidance and counseling services and managemen

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids in various macroalgal species from north Atlantic and tropical seas

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    Background - In this study the efficacy of using marine macroalgae as a source for polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are associated with the prevention of inflammation, cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders, was investigated. Methods - The fatty acid (FA) composition in lipids from seven sea weed species from the North Sea (Ulva lactuca, Chondrus crispus, Laminaria hyperborea, Fucus serratus, Undaria pinnatifida, Palmaria palmata, Ascophyllum nodosum) and two from tropical seas (Caulerpa taxifolia, Sargassum natans) was determined using GCMS. Four independent replicates were taken from each seaweed species. Results - Omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), were in the concentration range of 2-14 mg/g dry matter (DM), while total lipid content ranged from 7-45 mg/g DM. The n-9 FAs of the selected seaweeds accounted for 3%-56% of total FAs, n-6 FAs for 3%-32% and n-3 FAs for 8%-63%. Red and brown seaweeds contain arachidonic (C20:4, n-6) and/or eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA, C20:5, n-3), the latter being an important "fish" FA, as major PUFAs while in green seaweeds these values are low and mainly C16 FAs were found. A unique observation is the presence of another typical "fish" fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6, n-3) at ˜ 1 mg/g DM in S. natans. The n-6: n-3 ratio is in the range of 0.05-2.75 and in most cases below 1.0. Environmental effects on lipid-bound FA composition in seaweed species are discussed. Conclusion - Marine macroalgae form a good, durable and virtually inexhaustible source for polyunsaturated fatty acids with an (n-6) FA: (n-3) FA ratio of about 1.0. This ratio is recommended by the World Health Organization to be less than 10 in order to prevent inflammatory, cardiovascular and nervous system disorders. Some marine macroalgal species, like P. palmata, contain high proportions of the "fish fatty acid" eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5, n-3), while in S. natans also docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6, n-3) was detected

    Особенности банковской системы США

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    В статье рассматриваются важнейшие моменты в истории банковской системы США, изменения в структуре американской банковской системе на разных этапах ее развития, особенности статуса национальных банков и банков штатов. Делается вывод о том, что своеобразие современной банковской системы США во многом определяется ее историей

    Blueprint for a european calciphylaxis registry initiative. the european calciphylaxis network (eucalnet)

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    Calcific uraemic arteriolopathy (CUA) is a rare disease and continues to be a clinical challenge. The typical course of CUA is characterized by painful skin discolouration and induration evolving to necrotic ulcerations. Medial calcification of cutaneous arterioles and extensive extracellular matrix remodelling are the hallmarks of CUA. The epidemiology and risk factors associated with this disease are still not fully understood. Moreover, CUA treatment strategies vary significantly among centres and expert recommendations are heterogeneous. Registries may provide important insights and information to increase our knowledge about epidemiology and clinical aspects of CUA and may help to optimize its therapeutic management. In 2006, we established an internet-based registry in Germany (www.calciphylaxie.de) to allow online notification of patients with established or suspected CUA. The registry includes a comprehensive database with questions covering >70 parameters and items regarding patient-related and laboratory data, clinical background and presentation as well as therapeutic strategies. The next phase will be to allow international patient registration via www.calciphylaxis.net as part of the multinational EuCalNet (European Calciphylaxis Network) initiative, which is supported by the ERA-EDTA scientific working group 'CKD-MBD'. Based on the valuable experience with the previous German CUA registry, EuCalNet will be a useful tool to collect data on the rare disease CUA and may become a basis for prospective controlled trials in the near future