91 research outputs found

    Spiritual Care in Advanced Practice Nursing

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    Spiritual care has the potential to improve clients\u27 health and quality of life. Since clients desire spiritual care from their health care providers as they age or as their health worsens, geriatric nurse practitioners (GNPs) were chosen to participate in this study. This cross-sectional, descriptive, survey design investigates the relationships and differences between practicing GNPs spiritual perspectives and their ability to assess clients\u27 spiritual care needs (SCN) and provide specific spiritual care interventions (SCI). Differences and relationships were also investigated based on demographic variables of the GNPs. In addition, participants were asked to define spirituality in an open ended question. Using a conceptual framework based on Newman\u27s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness and the spirituality/spiritual care literature, this research suggested expanding the consciousness of the GNP. This could be accomplished with an increased intrapersonal relationship as well as pattern recognition by the GNP and client within an interpersonal relationship and energy exchange. Practicing GNPs were surveyed using Reed\u27s Spiritual Perspectives Scale and two new tools developed for this research: Vincensi Spiritual Assessment Tool (VSAT) and Vincensi Spiritual Care Intervention Tool (VSCIT). Content validity was completed and internal reliability scores ranged from 0.87 to 0.93 on the new tools. Findings indicated GNPs\u27 spiritual perspectives are high-moderate at 4.73 on a 1-6 Likert scale, and are influenced by religion and ethnicity/race/culture. Significant relationships were not found between the GNPs\u27 spiritual perspectives and subscales of the VSAT and the GNP generated subscale of the VSCIT. Significant differences were found with gender, graduate education on spiritual care, and further education on spirituality/spiritual care outside of the academic setting. The frequency of assessing SCNs and providing SCIs to clients increased when significant differences existed. These findings highlight the importance of including content on spiritual care in graduate curricula and continuing education programs for practicing GNPs. Including spiritual care content in the graduate curricula may increase spiritual self awareness and spiritual care skills for use in practice. The participants\u27 definition of spirituality mapped into the conceptual definition developed for this study, however two new themes emerged. These included spirituality as a moral and ethical base for being and acting in the world, and spirituality as an influence in fulfilling human needs. Further research into the literature is recommended on these two new themes and their relationship to spirituality as they were not part of the research definition or found in the literature

    Empresário em um clique : um estudo sobre os usos diversificados do estatuto de microempreendedor individual

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    Este estudo versa sobre a inserção do microempreendedor individual (MEI) nas suas diversas relações de trabalho. Mais recente categoria de pessoa jurídica, criada no ano de 2009, o estatuto de MEI tem sido utilizado de modos diversos pelos trabalhadores em suas relações de trabalho. Propõe-se que alterações na natureza do trabalho, demostradas pela tese do advento do trabalho imaterial, apresentam-se como uma centralidade renovada, conformando novos modos de se trabalhar na sociedade contemporânea. Partimos do argumento de que, no atual sistema capitalista, denominado pós-fordista, os aspectos cognitivos tornam-se cada vez mais presentes no mundo do trabalho. Assim, o trabalhador passa a atuar por meio de sua capacidade de gestão e criação, responsabilizando-se não só pela gerência de seu próprio trabalho, como também pela produção das condições de sua realização. Portanto, um componente imaterial, subjetivo, referente ao autogerenciamento, torna-se central nas relações de trabalho atuais. Enquanto entidade jurídica, o MEI apresenta características que demonstram uma alta maleabilidade, denominada como plasticidade institucional. Deste modo, tomamos como objeto de análise os usos diversificados do estatuto de MEI nas relações de trabalho e sua relação com as características institucionais. Nosso objetivo foi demonstrar qual a correlação existente entre os usos diversos do estatuto formal de MEI e suas características enquanto ente jurídico. Esta pesquisa é definida como qualitativa, em que foram efetuadas duas frentes de análise empírica. A primeira refere-se a entrevistas semi estruturadas com 11 microempreendedores individuais dos mais diversos perfis, em que foi realizada uma caracterização a partir de cada uso feito pelos microempreendedores, conforme seus objetivos pessoais. A segunda debruça-se sobre as características institucionalizadas do MEI enquanto ente jurídico, evidenciando o quanto elas propiciam os usos diversos do estatuto por parte dos trabalhadores. Todos os entrevistados se encontram inseridos num contexto de heterogeneidade de modos de trabalhar, em que a utilização adaptada de sua condição de MEI, conforme a situação individual de cada trabalhador, é central. Este é o componente imaterial que subjaz todas as relações de trabalho encontradas em campo. Por conseguinte, demonstraremos que, seja a fabricação de um produto material para ser comercializado ou uma prestação de serviço, para a política pública de massa do microempreendedor individual, o que está no centro do programa é justamente um componente imaterial passível de permear a todos os trabalhadores: a habilidade de se autogerenciarem. É a possibilidade de executarem não somente suas atividades profissionais, mas também a produção de suas condições de vida e, principalmente, de trabalho.This study deals with the insertion of the individual microentrepreneur (MEI) in its various working relationships. The most recent category of legal entity, created in the year 2009, the statute of MEI has been used in different ways by workers in their labor relations. It is proposed that changes in the nature of work, demonstrated by the thesis of the advent of immaterial labor, are presented as a renewed centrality, conforming new ways of working in contemporary society. We start from the argument that in the present capitalist system, called post-Fordist, cognitive aspects become increasingly present in the world of work. Thus, the worker begins to act through his capacity of management and creation, taking responsibility not only for the management of his own work, but also for the production of the conditions of its accomplishment. Therefore, an immaterial, subjective component, referring to self-management, becomes central in the current work relations. As a legal entity, the MEI has characteristics that demonstrate a high malleability, denominated as institutional plasticity. Thus, we take as an object of analysis the creative uses of the MEI statute in labor relations and its relationship with institutional characteristics. Our objective was to demonstrate the correlation between the different uses of the MEI formal statute and its characteristics as a legal entity. This research is defined as qualitative, in which two fronts of empirical analysis were made. The first one refers to semi-structured interviews with 11 individual microentrepreneurs of the most diverse profiles, in which a characterization was made from each use made by microentrepreneurs, according to their personal objectives. The second deals with the institutionalized characteristics of the MEI as a legal entity, evidencing how much they provide for the different uses of the statute by the workers. All the interviewees are inserted in a context of heterogeneity of ways of working, in which the adapted use of their MEI condition, according to the individual situation of each worker, is central. This is the immaterial component that underlies all the working relationships found in the field. Therefore, we will demonstrate that, whether it is the fabrication of a material product to be marketed or a service provision, for the mass public policy of the individual microentrepreneur, what is at the heart of the program is precisely an intangible component that can permeate all workers: the ability to self-manage. It is the possibility of performing not only their professional activities but also the production of their living conditions, as well as, working conditions

    A escrita da história militar da Guerra do Paraguai: o exemplo de Emilio Carlos Jourdan*

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    This article investigates the book The War of Paraguay, the author Emilio Carlos Jourdan, military former participant of the war, having as objective to perform an analysis historiographical concerning the work, seeking to understand how Jourdan explained the conflict and the characteristics of their historiography