168 research outputs found


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    34 on the contrary, they show signs of being restrictive. The analysis of intentionality reveals that economicalbenefits are put in the first place in the priority of the publicity and also in the massive exploration of pieceswith sensationalistic proposals. Latent intentions were revealed by the presence of forms of operation of theideology in the pieces. The addresses were treated in a homogenized form, and references to questions ofrace, gender and age were practically absent, and without promoting participation. The values promotedby the media were much more instruments for passivity and dependence than for well-being. The sociopoliticalposture of the professionals of communication, besides not presenting neutrality, was aligned withthe pole of power, and not with its opposite. On the methodology used, the forms of persuasion andideological diffusion were present in the texts. Regarding the moral consciousness of the professionalsof communication, it can be affirmed that the ethical code of journalists was not followed. The datacollected allows only an approximation to the ethical assignments of the producers of the pieces, and totheir responsibility. To this purpose, the conception of language as a producer of social facts seems notto be an object of reflection.Keywords: childhood; mass communication media; ethics.RESUMENLa investigación ha tratado del concepto de infancia difundido por el periódico paranaense Gazeta do Povoy de la “calidad ética” de los reportajes analizados. Fueron catalogadas las piezas periodísticas publicadas enel mes de noviembre de 2000 que conteniesen la palabra ‘infancia’ o similares en el título, o también, en lotres primeros párrafos, incluso aún las que no se encuadraban en ese criterio, pero fueron así consideradaspor tratarse directamente de la infancia. Fueron analizadas 119 piezas. La metodología de análisis fue lapropuesta por Thompson, constando de tres niveles: descripción del contexto de producción, análisis delcontenido, e interpretación y reinterpretación. Las cuestiones éticas formuladas por Sánchez Vidal fueronutilizadas para la interpretación de las pautas éticas de los mensajes publicados sobre la infancia. Sobre lalibertad, el contexto de producción revela una influencia acentuada del poder público local en la produccióndel periódico, y en el análisis de los mensajes no se puede percibir el aumento del grado de libertad de laspersonas, por el contrario, nos dan muestras de seren restrictivas. El análisis de la intencionalidad revelaque los beneficios económicos son colocados en primer plan, tanto por la prioridad a la publicidad, cuantopor la exploración masiva de piezas con propuestas sensacionalistas. Intenciones latentes quedaron explícitaspor la presencia de formas de operación de la ideología en las piezas. Los destinatarios fueron tratados deforma homogeneizada, con referencias prácticamente ausentes a las cuestiones de raza, género y edad, sino afomentar la participación. Los valores promovidos por la comunicación fueron mucho más instrumentosde pasividad y dependencia que del bien-estar. La postura socio-política de los comunicadores, allá deno presentaren neutralidad, fueron aliñadas con el polo del poder, y no con su opuesto. Lo que concierne ala metodología utilizada, las formas de persuasión y difusión ideológica estuvieron presentes en los textos.A respecto de la consciencia moral de los comunicadores, se puede afirmar que el código de ética delos periodistas no fue seguido. Los datos levantados permiten sólo una aproximación a las pautas éticas delos productores de las piezas, y a su responsabilidad. En ese propósito, la concepción del lenguaje comoproductor de los fatos sociales parece no ser objeto de reflexión.This research investigated the concept of childhood spread by the newspaper from Paraná Gazeta do Povoand the “ethical quality” of the analyzed reports. The cataloguing process of this study included journalisticpieces from the month of November 2000 which had the word “childhood” or synonyms in the title oron the three first paragraphs, or if they did not fit into this criterion, they were considered as treating thechildhood directly. Under this criterion 119 pieces were analyzed. The methodology of analysis was the oneproposed by Thompson, including three levels: description of the context of production, content analysis,and interpretation and reinterpretation. The ethical matters formulated by Sánchez Vidal were used for theinterpretation of the ethical release of the messages published about childhood. On freedom, the context ofproduction reveals an accentuated influence of the local public power in the production of the newspaper, andfrom the analysis of the messages it was not possible to find an increase on the level of freedom of people, 34 on the contrary, they show signs of being restrictive. The analysis of intentionality reveals that economicalbenefits are put in the first place in the priority of the publicity and also in the massive exploration of pieceswith sensationalistic proposals. Latent intentions were revealed by the presence of forms of operation of theideology in the pieces. The addresses were treated in a homogenized form, and references to questions ofrace, gender and age were practically absent, and without promoting participation. The values promotedby the media were much more instruments for passivity and dependence than for well-being. The sociopoliticalposture of the professionals of communication, besides not presenting neutrality, was aligned withthe pole of power, and not with its opposite. On the methodology used, the forms of persuasion andideological diffusion were present in the texts. Regarding the moral consciousness of the professionalsof communication, it can be affirmed that the ethical code of journalists was not followed. The datacollected allows only an approximation to the ethical assignments of the producers of the pieces, and totheir responsibility. To this purpose, the conception of language as a producer of social facts seems notto be an object of reflection.A pesquisa tratou do conceito de infância difundido pelo jornal paranaense Gazeta do Povo e da “qualidadeética” das reportagens analisadas. Foram catalogadas as peças jornalísticas publicadas no mês de novembrode 2000 que grafavam a palavra infância ou similares no título ou nos três primeiros parágrafos, ou ainda asque não se enquadravam neste critério, mas foram consideradas como tratando diretamente da infância. Sobestes critérios, foram analisadas 119 peças. A metodologia de análise foi a proposta por Thompson, constandode três níveis: descrição do contexto de produção, análise de conteúdo, e interpretação e reinterpretação.As questões éticas formuladas por Sánchez Vidal foram utilizadas para interpretação das pautas éticas dasmensagens publicadas sobre infância. Sobre a liberdade, o contexto de produção revela uma influênciaacentuada do poder público local na produção do jornal, e da análise das mensagens não se pode percebero aumento do grau de liberdade das pessoas, pelo contrário, dão mostra de serem restritivas. A análiseda intencionalidade revela que os benefícios econômicos são colocados em primeiro plano, tanto pelaprioridade à publicidade, quanto pela exploração massiva de peças com propostas sensacionalistas. Intençõeslatentes ficaram explícitas pela presença de formas de operação da ideologia nas peças. Os destinatáriosforam tratados de forma homogeneizada, com referências praticamente ausentes a questões de raça,gênero e idade, e sem fomentar a participação. Os valores promovidos pela comunicação forammuito mais instrumentos de passividade e dependência que de bem-estar. A postura sociopolítica doscomunicadores, além de não apresentar a neutralidade, foi alinhada com o pólo de poder, e não com seuoposto. Sobre a metodologia utilizada, as formas de persuasão e difusão ideológica estiveram presentesnos textos. A respeito da consciência moral dos comunicadores, pode-se afirmar que o código de éticados jornalistas não foi seguido. Os dados levantados permitem somente uma aproximação às pautas éticasdos produtores das peças, e à sua responsabilidade. A este propósito, a concepção da linguagem comoprodutora de fatos sociais parece não ser objeto de reflexão

    Efeitos dos exercícios pilates na função do tronco e na dor de pacientes com lombalgia / Effects of pilates exercices on trunk function and pain in patients with low back pain

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    Introdução: Evidências científi cas atuais apontam que a falta de resistência da musculatura lombar é o principal fator para desenvolvimento das dores lombares. O exercício físico em geral tem se mostrado benéfi co para recuperação da funcionalidade bem como para melhora dos sintomas clínicos dos pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um treinamento físico por meio dos exercícios de Pilates de solo nas variáveis de dor, flexibilidade, equilíbrio, força e resistência dos músculos lombares em pacientes com lombalgia de origem desconhecida. Método: Foram avaliados 12 pacientes com lombalgia crônica (idade média de 33 anos), que realizaram um período de treinamento com o método tradicional de 13 exercícios Pilates (básico e intermediário no mat), duas vezes na semana, com duração de uma hora, durante um total de 11 semanas. As principais medidas de resultados analisadas pré- e pós-treinamento Pilates foram: (1) flexibilidade (Banco de Wells), (2) equilíbrio unipodal (plataforma de força), (3) força lombar (dinamometria), (4) resistência lombar (teste de Sorensen), e dor (Escala Visual Analógica: EVA). Resultados: A amostra fi nal do estudo foi de quatro voluntários devido à perda experimental. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição significativa da dor (P < 0.05), mas nenhuma diferença significativa entre pré- e pós-treinamento Pilates para as demais variáveis, apesar da leve melhora na fl exibilidade e força. Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo apresentaram efeitos benéfi cos do treinamento Pilates para diminuir os sintomas de dor. Entretanto, novos estudos com maior número amostral devem ser realizados para melhor estabelecer os protocolos de exercícios Pilates em pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Introduction: Scientific evidences report that poor back muscle endurance is the most risk factor for developing low back pain. Overall, physical exercise has been effective to recovery of the functioning as well as to improve the clinical symptoms of patients with low back pain. Objective: To assess the effects of Pilates training on mat in variables of flexibility, balance, strength and endurance of the lumbar extensor muscles in patients with low back pain unknown. Method: 16 patients with chronic low back pain (mean age 33 yrs) performed a training program with a mat method of 13 Pilates exercises (basic and intermediate), 2 x a week for a session of approximately 1h, during 11 weeks. The main outcome measures analyzed before (pre-) and post-Pilates training were: fl exibility (sit-and-reach during a Wells test), unipodal support (under a force platform), strength (lumbar dynamometer) and endurance (Sorensen test) of lumbar muscles and pain (VAS). Results: Significant decrease of the pain was found (P < 0.05). However, no significant changes were found for other variables analyzing in pre- and post-training, although the slight improvement in the flexibility and strength. Conclusions: The results of the present study showed the effi cacy of the Pilates exercises to decrease pain. However, more studies would be conducted using much more subjects to establish better standardization of Pilates exercises in patients with low back pain


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    Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa com a finalidade de analisar de forma científica a música como forma de linguagem e expressão artística e a influência que ela exerce nos alunos do Ensino Médio Integrado,IF-SC Campus Chapecó

    Transition Metals Doped Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications

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    Doping is a technique that makes it possible to incorporate substitutional ions into the crystalline structure of materials, generating exciting properties. This book chapter will comment on the transition metals (TM) doped nanocrystals (NCs) and how doping and concentration influence applications and biocompatibility. In the NCs doped with TM, there is a strong interaction of sp-d exchange between the NCs’ charge carriers and the unpaired electrons of the MT, generating new and exciting properties. These doped NCs can be nanopowders or be embedded in glass matrices, depending on the application of interest. Therefore, we show the group results of synthesis, characterization, and applications of iron or copper-doped ZnO nanopowders and chromium-doped Bi2S3, nickel-doped ZnTe, and manganese-doped CdTe quantum dots in the glass matrices

    A Simple Artificial Life Model Explains Irrational Behavior in Human Decision-Making

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    Although praised for their rationality, humans often make poor decisions, even in simple situations. In the repeated binary choice experiment, an individual has to choose repeatedly between the same two alternatives, where a reward is assigned to one of them with fixed probability. The optimal strategy is to perseverate with choosing the alternative with the best expected return. Whereas many species perseverate, humans tend to match the frequencies of their choices to the frequencies of the alternatives, a sub-optimal strategy known as probability matching. Our goal was to find the primary cognitive constraints under which a set of simple evolutionary rules can lead to such contrasting behaviors. We simulated the evolution of artificial populations, wherein the fitness of each animat (artificial animal) depended on its ability to predict the next element of a sequence made up of a repeating binary string of varying size. When the string was short relative to the animats’ neural capacity, they could learn it and correctly predict the next element of the sequence. When it was long, they could not learn it, turning to the next best option: to perseverate. Animats from the last generation then performed the task of predicting the next element of a non-periodical binary sequence. We found that, whereas animats with smaller neural capacity kept perseverating with the best alternative as before, animats with larger neural capacity, which had previously been able to learn the pattern of repeating strings, adopted probability matching, being outperformed by the perseverating animats. Our results demonstrate how the ability to make predictions in an environment endowed with regular patterns may lead to probability matching under less structured conditions. They point to probability matching as a likely by-product of adaptive cognitive strategies that were crucial in human evolution, but may lead to sub-optimal performances in other environments

    Photobiomodulation reduces the cytokine storm syndrome associated with Covid-19 in the zebrafish model

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    Although the exact mechanism of the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is not fully understood, oxidative stress and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines have been highlighted as playing a vital role in the pathogenesis of the disease. In this sense, alternative treatments are needed to reduce the inflammation caused by COVID-19. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the potential effect of red PBM as an attractive therapy to downregulate the cytokine storm caused by COVID-19 from a zebrafish model. RT-PCR analyses and protein-protein interaction prediction among SARS-CoV-2 and Danio rerio proteins showed that rSpike was responsible for generating systemic inflammatory processes with significantly increased pro-inflammatory (il1b, il6, tnfa, and nfkbiab), oxidative stress (romo1) and energy metabolism (slc2a1a, coa1) mRNA markers, with a pattern like those observed in COVID-19 cases in humans. On the other hand, PBM treatment decreased the mRNA levels of these pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress markers compared with rSpike in various tissues, promoting an anti-inflammatory response. Conversely, PBM promotes cellular and tissue repair of injured tissues and significantly increases the survival rate of rSpike-inoculated individuals. Additionally, metabolomics analysis showed that the most impacted metabolic pathways between PBM and the rSpike-treated groups were related to steroid metabolism, immune system, and lipids metabolism. Together, our findings suggest that the inflammatory process is an incisive feature of COVID-19, and red PBM can be used as a novel therapeutic agent for COVID-19 by regulating the inflammatory response. Nevertheless, the need for more clinical trials remains, and there is a significant gap to overcome before clinical trials.publishedVersio