37 research outputs found

    Creencias ecológico-ambientales en la infancia : estudio transcultural

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    Aquest article aborda les creences que es construeixen en la infància sobre algunes qüestions ecologicoambientals, concretament les que tenen a veure amb les formes de vida i el seu manteniment. Demanem a infants escolaritzats de 9 i 11 anys -colombians, espanyols i anglesos- que s'imaginin una illa deserta on aniran a viure, ja que el coneixement de les seves possibilitats en enfrontar-se amb aquest medi desconegut, amb tots els recursos de què vulguin disposar, proporcionarà una bona oportunitat per determinar si l'educació ecologicoambiental que reben segueix directrius no depredadores. Analitzades les respostes del que s'endurien i farien a l'illa, hem trobat una concepció etnocèntrica ingènua d'acord amb el desenvolupament tecnològic de la cultura occidental.This paper addresses the beliefs constructed in childhood about some ecological-environmental issues, in particular those related to lifestyle and the conception of the needs linked to keeping these. We asked some 9 and 11 year-old Colombian, Spanish and English school children to imagine a desert island in which they were supposed to go to live. This knowledge about their possibilities/abilities when facing an unknown medium, and using all kind of resources they choose to have, will provide a good opportunity to determine if the ecological-environmental education they receive follows the no depredation guidelines. After analysing the responses on what they would take and what would they do in the island, we have found a naïve ethnocentric conception following the technological developments of Western culture.Este artículo aborda las creencias que se construyen en la infancia acerca de algunas cuestiones ecológico-ambientales, concretamente las que tienen que ver con las formas de vida y su mantenimiento. Pedimos a niños/as escolarizados/as de 9 y 11 años -colombianos, españoles e ingleses- que imaginen una isla desierta donde van a vivir, ya que el conocimiento de sus posibilidades al enfrentarse a este medio desconocido, con todos los recursos de los que deseen disponer, proporcionará una buena oportunidad para determinar si la educación ecológico-ambiental que reciben sigue directrices no depredadoras. Analizadas las respuestas de lo que llevarían y harían en la isla, hemos encontrado una concepción etnocéntrica ingénua, acorde al desarrollo tecnológico de la cultura occidental

    Representaciones ecológicas en la infancia y estilos de vida

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    En aquest treball, hi analitzem diferents concepcions de les funcions simbòliques de les representacions, i des d'aquest plantejament indaguem si els nens i les nenes de diferents cultures i edats mostren similituds en els estils i en les maneres d'entendre la vida i el seu manteniment. Estudiem els dibuixos d'una illa imaginària que han produït nens i nenes -de sis a dotze anys- de l'Argentina, Colòmbia, l'Espanya i Anglaterra. Un dibuix de com la veurien en el moment d'arribar-hi i un altre de la mateixa illa després d'un any de viure-hi. Les produccions pictòriques han permès fer l'apropament a les representacions ecològiques dels infants dels diferents països i a les transformacions que introdueixen en l'ambient natural per a la seva adaptació.In this paper, we analyse the different conceptions of the symbolic functions of representations. Based on this we explore if boys and girls of different cultures and age groups show similarities in their ways of understanding life and how it is maintained. We studied two pictures of an imaginary island drawn by six to twelve year-old children from Argentina, Colombia, Spain and Great Britain. One of the pictures represented the island as they would see it on arrival to the island and the other one represented the island one year later. The pictures allowed us to approach the ecological representations of the children in their different countries as well as the transformations that they introduce in the natural environment to adapt to it.En este trabajo, analizamos diferentes concepciones de las funciones simbólicas de las representaciones, y desde este planteamiento indagamos si niños y niñas de distintas culturas y edades muestran similitudes en los estilos y formas de entender la vida y su mantenimiento. Estudiamos dos dibujos de una isla imaginaria que han producido niños y niñas -de seis a doce años- de Argentina, Colombia, España e Inglaterra. Un dibujo de cómo la verían a la llegada y otro de la misma isla pasado un año de vivir en ella. Las producciones pictóricas han permitido el acercamiento a las representaciones ecológicas de los niños y las niñas de los diferentes países y a las transformaciones que introducen en el ambiente natural para su adaptación a él

    Analysis of leakage properties and guiding conditions of rib antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides

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    Power leakage properties and guiding conditions of rib antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides (rib-ARROW) have been theoretically and experimentally studied as a function of wavelength and polarization of the light for different geometrical and optical parameters that characterize the rib-ARROW structure. Obtained results show that rib-ARROWs can only be fabricated with low losses in a wavelength range when determined rib configurations are adopted. Furthermore, these waveguides exhibit a polarization sensitivity that largely depends on the core-substrate refractive index difference. Together with the experimental results, theoretical calculations from different modeling methods are also presented and discussed

    Educar 35 001-147

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    Resum Aquest article aborda les creences que es construeixen en la infància sobre algunes qües-tions ecologicoambientals, concretament les que tenen a veure amb les formes de vida i el seu manteniment. Demanem a infants escolaritzats de 9 i 11 anys -colombians, espanyols i anglesos-que s'imaginin una illa deserta on aniran a viure, ja que el coneixement de les seves possibilitats en enfrontar-se amb aquest medi desconegut, amb tots els recursos de què vulguin disposar, proporcionarà una bona oportunitat per determinar si l'educació ecologicoambiental que reben segueix directrius no depredadores. Analitzades les respostes del que s'endurien i farien a l'illa, hem trobat una concepció etnocèntrica ingènua d'acord amb el desenvolupament tecnològic de la cultura occidental. Paraules clau: construcció cultural, significativitat ecològica de creences, necessitats vitals a la infància amb gènere. Abstract This paper addresses the beliefs constructed in childhood about some ecological-environmental issues, in particular those related to lifestyle and the conception of the needs linked to keeping these. We asked some 9 and 11 year-old Colombian, Spanish and English school children to imagine a desert island in which they were supposed to go to live. This knowledge about their possibilities/abilities when facing an unknown medium, and using all kind of resources they choose to have, will provide a good opportunity to determine if the ecological-environmental education they receive follows the no depredation guidelines. After analysing the responses on what they would take and what would they do in the island, we have found a naïve ethnocentric conception following the technological developments of Western culture. Key words: cultural construction, ecological significance of beliefs, vital needs in childhood with gender. Resumen Este artículo aborda las creencias que se construyen en la infancia acerca de algunas cuestiones ecológico-ambientales, concretamente las que tienen que ver con las formas de vida y su mantenimiento. Pedimos a niños/as escolarizados/as de 9 y 11 años -colombianos, Educar 35, 2005 115-134 Creencias ecológico-ambientales en la infancia: estudio transcultura

    Growth of silver on ZnO and SnO2 thin films intended for low emissivity applications

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    In the present work we have investigated the relationships existing between the optical properties and the growth mechanism, microstructure and surface roughness of SnO2 and ZnO oxide films prepared by magnetron sputtering under conditions resembling those utilized in industry. Thin films of these oxides with different thicknesses were characterized by atomic force microscopy, glancing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), X-ray reflectometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry. The roughness evolution of the film properties (density, surface roughness and refraction index) as a function of their thickness has been evaluated within the concepts of the Dynamic Scaling Theory of thin film growth. Zinc oxide films were rougher than tin oxide films of similar thickness, indicating a different growing mechanism for the two materials. Silver was evaporated onto the surface of the two oxide thin films and its earlier stages of nucleation studied by background analysis of the X-ray photoemission spectra. A different nucleation mechanism was found depending on the nature of the oxide acting as substrate. The superior performance of the zinc oxide based low emissive coatings is related with a better wetting of silver on the surface of this oxide despite the comparatively lower roughness of the tin oxide layers.Junta de Andalucía P09-CTS- 5189 TEP5283 FQM-6900España Ministerio de Competitividad CONSOLIDER CSD2008-00023 MAT2010-21228 MAT2010-1844

    Contextualización y caracterización geológico-geomorfológica de un domo salino mediante teledetección y SIG. El caso único del Ambal ridge, Irán

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    El uso de imágenes Landsat como herramienta para la detección geológica es de gran ayuda en la contextualización geológica del área de estudio regional y, con ésta, el entendimiento de la estructura de Ambal ridge. Esta estructura cubre 4 km2, es un domo salino producido en la Formación Gachsaran con una significativa exposición de sal en contacto directo con el Río Karum en las Montañas Zagros. Presenta una enorme red de cavidades y una elevada karstificación que actualmente se encuentra sumergida por el embalse de Gotvand, el se-gundo más grande de Irán. Las evidencias geomorfológicas, incluyendo el desvío del cauce del Río Karum y los barrancos obturados indican que la zona de Ambal es una estructura halocinética activa, probablemente provocada por una pérdida de carga debido a la erosión. El análisis GIS de esta estructura nos permite localizar, medir y entender las diferentes morfologías presentes en ella. El domo salino se encuentra afectado por grandes desliza-mientos de hasta 54256577m3 en volumen. El gran incremento de la pendiente relacionado con la erosión fluvial y el ascenso halocinético del domo parecen ser los factores principales. Un total de 693 dolinas han sido identificadas (170 dolinas/km2). Las depresiones ocurren preferentemente a lo largo de un cinturón con un elevado grado de agrupamiento (NNI=0.3). Esta distribución espacial es controlada por la proximidad del río, la pendiente y el contenido en halita del sustrato. Una gran depresión compuesta, cuyo fondo se encuentra por debajo del nivel máximo normal de embalse ya ha generado un lago. El recrecimiento del embalse ha inducido unas peculiares estructuras de colapso de 220-280m de longitud que se traduce en superficie en un complejo sistema de fisuras y escarpes. Es de esperar que la rápida disolución superficial salina genere y reactive un gran número de dolinas y pueda reactivar deslizamientos debido a la perdida de soporte basal por erosión

    “Coneixement, innovació i tecnologia”, treballem junts per millorar la seguretat del pacient: aplicació proactiva en seguretat dels pacients proSP

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    Seguretat del pacient; TIC; proSPSeguridad del paciente; TIC; proSPPatient safety; ICT; proSPEn aquest article es presenta l'aplicació proSP amb l’objectiu de millorar la seguretat dels pacients en l’entorn assistencial

    Left atrial geometry and outcome of atrial fibrillation ablation: results from the multicentre LAGO-AF study

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    Aims: Left atrial (LA) remodelling is a key determinant of atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation outcome. Optimal methods to assess this process are scarce. LA sphericity is a shape-based parameter shown to be independently associated to procedural success. In a multicentre study, we aimed to test the feasibility of assessing LA sphericity and evaluate its capability to predict procedural outcomes. Methods and results: This study included consecutive patients undergoing first AF ablation during 2013. A 3D model of the LA chamber, excluding pulmonary veins and LA appendage, was used to quantify LA volume (LAV) and LA sphericity (≥82.1% was considered spherical LA). In total, 243 patients were included across 9 centres (71% men, aged 56 ± 10 years, 44% with hypertension and 76% CHA2DS2-VASc ≤ 1). Most patients had paroxysmal AF (66%) and underwent radiofrequency ablation (60%). Mean LA diameter (LAD), LAV, and LA sphericity were 42 ± 6 mm, 100 ± 33 mL, and 82.6 ± 3.5%, respectively. Adjusted Cox models identified paroxysmal AF [hazard ratio (HR 0.54, P = 0.032)] and LA sphericity (HR 1.87, P = 0.035) as independent predictors for AF recurrence. A combined clinical-imaging score [Left Atrial Geometry and Outcome (LAGO)] including five items (AF phenotype, structural heart disease, CHA2DS2-VASc ≤ 1, LAD, and LA sphericity) classified patients at low (≤2 points) and high risk (≥3 points) of procedural failure (35% vs. 82% recurrence at 3-year follow-up, respectively; HR 3.10, P < 0.001). Conclusion: In this multicentre, real-life cohort, LA sphericity and AF phenotype were the strongest predictors of AF ablation outcome after adjustment for covariates. The LAGO score was easy to implement, identified high risk of procedural failure, and could help select optimal candidates. Clinical Trial Registration Information: NCT02373982 (http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02373982)

    Personalized assessment of the cumulative complication risk of the atrial fibrillation ablation track: The AF-TRACK calculator

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation strategy is associated with a non-negligible risk of complications and often requires repeat procedures (AF ablation track), implying repetitive exposure to procedural risk.The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a model to estimate individualized cumulative risk of complications in patients undergoing the AF ablation track (Atrial Fibrillation TRAck Complication risK [AF-TRACK] calculator).The model was derived from a multicenter cohort including 3762 AF ablation procedures in 2943 patients. A first regression model was fitted to predict the propensity for repeat ablation. The AF-TRACK calculator computed the risk of AF ablation track complications, considering the propensity for repeat ablation. Internal (cross-validation) and external (independent cohort) validation were assessed for discrimination capacity (area under the curve [AUC]) and goodness of fit (Hosmer-Lemeshow [HL] test).Complications (N = 111) occurred in 3.7% of patients (2.9% of procedures). Predictors included female sex, heart failure, sleep apnea syndrome, and repeat procedures. The model showed fair discrimination capacity to predict complications (AUC 0.61 [0.55-0.67]) and likelihood of repeat procedure (AUC 0.62 [0.60-0.64]), with good calibration (HL χ2 12.5; P = .13). The model maintained adequate discrimination capacity (AUC 0.67 [0.57-0.77]) and calibration (HL χ2 5.6; P = .23) in the external validation cohort. The validated model was used to create the Web-based AF-TRACK calculator.The proposed risk model provides individualized estimates of the cumulative risk of complications of undergoing the AF ablation track. The AF-TRACK calculator is a validated, easy-to-use, Web-based clinical tool to calibrate the risk-to-benefit ratio of this treatment strategy.© 2022 Heart Rhythm Society. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Nasal mask for the sleep apnea

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    [EN] GASMEDI, who supplies home delivered respiratory therapies, has developed in collaboration with Biomechanics Institute of Valencia a new nasal mask for the treatment of the sleep apnea disease. To this end, the person oriented innovation model has been adopted, specially focused on the elderly population. The application of such innovation model has made possible the development of a nasal mask that overcomes the usability and injury drawbacks of current masks. Besides, the nasal mask has been designed in such a way that can be easily used by the aged people.[ES] La empresa GASMEDI, proveedora asal para la apnea del sueño de terapias respiratorias a domicilio, ha desarrollado, en colaboración con el Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV), una nueva mascarilla para el tratamiento de la apnea del sueño. Para su desarrollo se ha seguido el modelo de innovación orientada por las personas, prestando especial atención a las personas de edad avanzada. La aplicación de dicho modelo de innovación perseguía superar los problemas de usabilidad y lesiones que presentan las mascarillas nasales actuales. Asimismo, la mascarilla se ha diseñado de forma que sea fácilmente utilizable por personas mayores.Proyecot desarrollado a través del II Plan de Competitividad de la Empresa Valenciana (PCEV) de IMPIVA, cofinanciado por los fondos FEDER, dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2007-2013.Morales Martín, I.; Atienza Vicente, CM.; Villuendas Ros, A.; Carmona Gutiérrez, C.; Vidal Calvo, L.; Nacher Fernandez, B.; Navarro Garcia, FJ.... (2013). Mascarilla nasal para la apnea del sueño. Revista de biomecánica. 59:51-53. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38678S51535