1,255 research outputs found

    Mechanism for flux guidance by micrometric antidot arrays in superconducting films

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    A study of magnetic flux penetration in a superconducting film patterned with arrays of micron sized antidots (microholes) is reported. Magneto-optical imaging (MOI) of a YBCO film shaped as a long strip with perpendicular antidot arrays revealed both strong guidance of flux, and at the same time large perturbations of the overall flux penetration and flow of current. These results are compared with a numerical flux creep simulation of a thin superconductor with the same antidot pattern. To perform calculations on such a complex geometry, an efficient numerical scheme for handling the boundary conditions of the antidots and the nonlocal electrodynamics was developed. The simulations reproduce essentially all features of the MOI results. In addition, the numerical results give insight into all other key quantities, e.g., the electrical field, which becomes extremely large in the narrow channels connecting the antidots.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Anomalías Geobotánicas Espectrales asociadas con cambios en Litología: Su uso para la cartografíageológica de rocas ultrabásicas, en terrenos totalmente vegetados de la Costa Pacífica Colombiana

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    Se sabe que los suelos desarrollados sobre rocas ultramáficas, inhiben el crecimiento de la vegetación. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se realizó el procesamiento digital de una subescena Landsat TM de la Costa Pacífica Colombiana, en donde aflora el Litodema Ultrabásico de Guapi. La imagen de la división TM4/ TM3, demostró ser poderosa para identificar las anomalías geobotánicas espectrales de vegetación poco densa, relacionadas con un cinturón ultramáfico de tendencia NS a NE-SO, expuesto en toda el área de estudio. La imagen de TM4 con expansión de contraste, permitió diferenciar otros dos lentes ultramáficos diferentes del cinturón, que parecen tener la misma litología.It has long been known that soils developed on ultramafic rocks inhibit the growth of vegetation. Taking into account this, digital processing was carried out in a Colombian Pacific Coast Landsat TM subscene, where the Guapi Ultrabasic Lithodeme outcrops. The ratio TM4/TM3 image proved to be powerful for identifying spectral geobotanical anomalies of sparse vegetation, related to a NS to NE-SW trending ultramafic belt exposed throughout the study area. The contrast stretched TM4 image allowed to diferenciate another two ultramafic lensoid boudins different from the belt, which seem to have the same lithology

    Anomalías Geobotánicas Espectrales asociadas con cambios en Litología: Su uso para la cartografíageológica de rocas ultrabásicas, en terrenos totalmente vegetados de la Costa Pacífica Colombiana

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    Se sabe que los suelos desarrollados sobre rocas ultramáficas, inhiben el crecimiento de la vegetación. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se realizó el procesamiento digital de una subescena Landsat TM de la Costa Pacífica Colombiana, en donde aflora el Litodema Ultrabásico de Guapi. La imagen de la división TM4/ TM3, demostró ser poderosa para identificar las anomalías geobotánicas espectrales de vegetación poco densa, relacionadas con un cinturón ultramáfico de tendencia NS a NE-SO, expuesto en toda el área de estudio. La imagen de TM4 con expansión de contraste, permitió diferenciar otros dos lentes ultramáficos diferentes del cinturón, que parecen tener la misma litología.It has long been known that soils developed on ultramafic rocks inhibit the growth of vegetation. Taking into account this, digital processing was carried out in a Colombian Pacific Coast Landsat TM subscene, where the Guapi Ultrabasic Lithodeme outcrops. The ratio TM4/TM3 image proved to be powerful for identifying spectral geobotanical anomalies of sparse vegetation, related to a NS to NE-SW trending ultramafic belt exposed throughout the study area. The contrast stretched TM4 image allowed to diferenciate another two ultramafic lensoid boudins different from the belt, which seem to have the same lithology

    PUK5 Evaluacion Economica Del Manejo Farmacologico Del Paciente Con Hiperplasia Prostatica Benigna En Colombia

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    Esta evaluación económica busca conocer, dentro de las opciones de tratamiento farmacológico, cuál medicamento (doxazosina, tadalafilo, finasteride, tamsulosina, o terapia combinada de tamsulosina/dutasteride) es más costo-efectivo.Q1A846Pacientes con cancer de próstat

    An assessment of facility-based care of diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure across western Kenya

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    Background: Low- and middle- income countries account for three-fourths of the global non- communicable disease related mortality. In response to the increasing number of non- communicable disease diagnoses in Kenya, the government released a national strategy for non- communicable disease in 2015. The purpose of this study was to assess facility-based care of diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure across western Kenya.Methods: A 71-question cross-sectional survey was administered among facility-based healthcare workers in Siaya County, western Kenya, between October 2015 and January 2016. All Level 4 and 5 facilities, as well as a cohort of lower-level facilities were surveyed.Results: Of the 21 health facilities surveyed, six (31.6%) had specific non-communicable disease clinics. Eleven of the 21 (52.4%) facilities had glucometers, and providers indicated that even these glucometers were often not functional. Three of the 21 facilities (14.3%) had a diabetic registry, one a functioning electrocardiogram machine, and one other a congestive heart failure registry.Conclusions: Facilities at every level were lacking equipment and medications expected by the Kenya’s Essential Package of Health Services. Improvement for follow up and referral services could be achieved through the development of comprehensive non-communicable disease registries

    Air quality in North America's most populous city ? overview of the MCMA-2003 campaign

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    International audienceExploratory field measurements in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) in February 2002 set the stage for a major air quality field measurement campaign in the spring of 2003 (MCMA-2003). Involving over 100 scientists from more than 30 institutions in Mexico, the United States and Europe, MCMA-2003 revealed important new insights into the meteorology, primary pollutant emissions, ambient secondary pollutant precursor concentrations, photochemical oxidant production and secondary aerosol particle formation in North America's most populated and polluted megacity. A description of meteorological and atmospheric chemistry and aerosol microphysics measurements performed during MCMA-2003 is presented. More than 40 published or submitted MCMA-2003 research papers are reviewed and key discoveries pertinent to understanding and improving air quality in Mexico City and similar megacities in the developing world are summarized

    Effect of ripening on physico-chemical properties and bioactive compounds in papaya pulp, skin and seeds

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    Byproducts generated by the food industry represent an alternative to obtain functional ingredients. Byproducts of tropical fruits, such as papaya skin and seeds, represent a source of bioactive compounds (BC), which could change during fruit ripening. Effect of ripening stage (RS) on BC content and antioxidant properties of edible pulp, skin and seeds of papaya cv. Maradol was determined. Papaya skin showed significantly higher ascorbic acid (~250 mg AAE/100 g) content than seeds (~20 mg/100 g), while pulp had the highest values (~600 mg/100 g). However, papaya skin presented higher total phenolic content (~560 mg GAE/100 g) and flavonoids (~1000 mg QE/100 g) than pulp and seeds. Also, papaya skin showed the highest values followed by pulp and seeds with TEAC, FRAP and DPPH. Papaya skin had higher carotenoids and α-tocopherol (~1500 µg/100 g and ~4000 µg/100 g, respectively) content than pulp and seeds. BC content in each byproduct varied in all RS. Therefore, among the papaya byproducts, skin represents a good source of BC with good antioxidant properties, which may be used to extract them for its incorporation in functional foods depending on RS

    Ferromagnetic/superconducting proximity effect in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 / YBa2Cu3O7 superlattices

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    We study the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in high quality YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) / La0.7Ca0.3MnO3(LCMO)superlattices. We find evidence for the YBCO superconductivity depression in presence of the LCMO layers. We show that due to its short coherence length superconductivity survives in the YBCO down to much smaller thickness in presence of the magnetic layer than in low Tc superconductors. We also find that for a fixed thickness of the superconducting layer, superconductivity is depressed over a thickness interval of the magnetic layer in the 100 nm range. This is a much longer length scale than that predicted by the theory of ferromagnetic/superconducting proximity effect.Comment: 10 pages + 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.