251 research outputs found

    Complying and resisting : observing heteronormativity and LGBTQ+ agency in education

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    Suomalaisessa koulutustutkimuksessa on toistuvasti todettu se, miten voimakkaasti heteronormatiivisuus on koulutuksessa lĂ€snĂ€, asettaen ihmiset heidĂ€n sukupuolensa ja seksuaalisen suuntautumisensa perusteella eriarvoiseen asemaan keskenÀÀn. Koulutuksen heteronormatiivisuus vaikuttaa aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella rajoittavan etenkin sateenkaari-ihmisten toimijuutta, kun oppilaitosympĂ€ristössĂ€ vallitseva binÀÀrinen sukupuolikĂ€sitys ja oletus heteroseksuaalisuudesta aiheuttavat esimerkiksi sen, ettei omasta sateenkaarevuudesta usein kerrota muille, vaan syrjinnĂ€n ja kiusatuksi tulemisen riskin vuoksi koulutuksen heteronormatiiviseen jĂ€rjestykseen mukaudutaan. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisen koulutusinstituution heteronormatiivisuutta ja sen vaikutuksia sateenkaari-ihmisten koulutuksessa rakentuvaan toimijuuteen. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu viiden sateenkaari-ihmisen haastatteluista, jotka tuotettiin fokusoitunutta elĂ€mĂ€kerrallista haastattelutapaa soveltaen. Haastatteluaineistoa tarkasteltiin narratiivisella lukutavalla feministisistĂ€ lĂ€htökohdista kĂ€sin, haastateltavien pieniĂ€ koulutusta koskevia kertomuksia ja fiktiivistĂ€ tarinankerrontaa aineiston analyysissa hyödyntĂ€en. Tutkimuksen tulokset luovat kĂ€sitystĂ€ siitĂ€, miten heteronormatiivisuus ja siihen keskeisesti kytkeytyvĂ€ sukupuolittaminen tulevat koulutuksessa tuotetuiksi ja uusinnetuiksi arkisten, rutiininomaisten toistojen kautta yksilöiden toimijuuden rakentumiseen vaikuttaen ja sateenkaarevaa toimijuutta rajoittaen. Heteronormatiivisuuteen mukautumisen vaatimus nĂ€yttĂ€ytyy analyysissa voimakkaana erityisesti peruskoulussa. Toisella asteella heteronormatiivisuuden hegemoninen asema vaikuttaa heikentyvĂ€n, ja korkeakoulutusta koskevista kertomuksista piirtyy kuva sateenkaarevuuden suhteen myönteisestĂ€ ja tiedostavasta ilmapiiristĂ€, joskin joitain eroja eri alojen vĂ€lillĂ€ kĂ€sitetÀÀn asenteissa olevan. Toimijuuden osalta tutkimuksessa ensisijaiseksi asettuu yksilön kĂ€sitys siitĂ€, miten hĂ€nen sosiaalinen ympĂ€ristönsĂ€ ja erityisesti vertaisensa, eli muut oppilaat ja opiskelijat, sateenkaarevuuteen suhtautuvat. MikĂ€li oppilaitosympĂ€ristön kĂ€sitetÀÀn suhtautuvan sateenkaarevuuteen kielteisesti, heteronormatiiviseen jĂ€rjestykseen mukaudutaan ja sateenkaarevuutta piilotellaan, mitĂ€ taas asenteiltaan myönteisenĂ€ nĂ€yttĂ€ytyvĂ€ssĂ€ koulutusympĂ€ristössĂ€ ei usein koeta tarpeelliseksi tehdĂ€.Finnish educational research has repeatedly noted how strongly heteronormativity is present in education, placing people in unequal positions according to their gender and sexual orientation. On the grounds of previous research, it seems that heteronormativity in education affects espe-cially the agency of LGBTQ+ people. The educational environment being predominated by a binary conception of gender and an assumption of heterosexuality, LGBTQ+ people often don’t tell about their gender and/or sexual diversity to others, but instead comply with the het-erosexual order so as to not get discriminated or bullied. This thesis examines heteronormativity in the context of Finnish education and its effects on the educational agency of LGBTQ+ people. The data consists of focused life history interviews conducted with five LGBTQ+ persons. The interviews were analysed through a narrative ap-proach and from a feminist point of view, utilizing the interviewees’ small stories about educa-tion as well as fictional storytelling in the analysis. The analysis builds a conception in which heteronormativity and the order of gender become produced and reproduced in education through everyday, routine-like repetitions, affecting the construction of agency and restricting LGBTQ+ agency. In my data, the requirement of com-plying with heteronormativity seems strong especially in basic education. In upper secondary education the hegemonic position of heteronormativity appears to weaken, and the stories situ-ated in higher education outline a positive and aware atmosphere regarding the diversity of gender and sexuality, even though some differences between fields are understood to exist. In terms of agency it appears that the primary factor is the individual’s impression of what kind of attitudes their social environment and particularly their peers, i.e. other pupils and students, seem to have towards gender and sexual diversity. When the educational environment is viewed to react negatively to LGBTQ+ people, they hide their sexual orientation and/or non-binary gender, which often appears as unnecessary in an educational environment with seem-ingly positive attitudes

    Mansikkahillon vÀÀrentÀmisen osoittaminen kivennÀisaineprofiilia ja kemometriaa hyödyntÀmÀllÀ

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    Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa kĂ€siteltiin mansikan kivennĂ€is- ja hivenainekoostumusta sekĂ€ siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitĂ€. LisĂ€ksi pohdittiin hillon valmistuksen vaikutusta kivennĂ€isaineprofiiliin, hillovÀÀrennöksiĂ€ ilmiönĂ€ sekĂ€ kivennĂ€isaineprofiilin hyödyntĂ€mistĂ€ elintarvikevÀÀrennösten osoittamisessa tilastollisia monimuuttujamenetelmiĂ€ hyödyntĂ€en. Tutkielman kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli tutkia, voiko kivennĂ€isaineprofiilia kĂ€yttÀÀ mansikkahillon aitouden toteamiseen yhdessĂ€ tilastollisten monimuuttujamenetelmien kanssa. Mansikan kivennĂ€isaineprofiilin vaihtelua tutkittiin mÀÀrittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ useiden erilaisten mansikkanĂ€ytteiden kivennĂ€isaineprofiili (n = 51), minkĂ€ lisĂ€ksi mansikka-aineistosta luotiin tilastolliset mallit muiden nĂ€ytteiden luokitteluun. MenetelmĂ€n toimivuutta testattiin mansikkahillosta sekĂ€ omena-, pÀÀrynĂ€- ja kurpitsahilloista sekoitettujen mallivÀÀrennösten (5 %, 10 %, 20 % ja 50 %) avulla. Muiden kasvilajien (n = 10) kivennĂ€isaineprofiilin eroamista mansikan kivennĂ€isaineprofiilista testattiin pienellĂ€ aineistolla. LisĂ€ksi kokeiltiin luokitella kaupallisia mansikkahillonĂ€ytteitĂ€ (n = 33) kivennĂ€isaineprofiilinsa perusteella aidoiksi mansikkahilloiksi tai vÀÀrennöksiksi. KivennĂ€isaineprofiilit (Al, B, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, P, Pb, S, Si ja Zn) mÀÀritettiin induktiivisesti kytkettyyn plasmaan ja optiseen emissiospektrometriaan (ICP–OES) perustuvalla menetelmĂ€llĂ€. NĂ€ytteiden esikĂ€sittelyyn kuului pakkaskuivaus, jauhaminen, mĂ€rkĂ€poltto typpihapon ja vetyperoksidin avulla sekĂ€ laimennus vedellĂ€. MÀÀritykset tapahtuivat ulkoisen standardin menetelmÀÀ hyödyntĂ€en. TulostenkĂ€sittely tapahtui pÀÀkomponenttianalyysillĂ€ (PCA) ja SIMCA-menetelmĂ€llĂ€ (Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogies). MallivÀÀrennökset sekĂ€ omena-, pÀÀrynĂ€- ja kurpitsahillo saatiin erottumaan mansikkahillosta sekĂ€ pÀÀkomponenttianalyysin perusteella ettĂ€ luokiteltua muuksi kuin mansikkahilloksi 95 %:n todennĂ€köisyydellĂ€ SIMCA-mallin perusteella. Tarkin luokittelu saavutettiin kivennĂ€isaineprofiililla Mg, P, S, Ca ja K tai Mg, P, S, Mn, Ca ja K. Muiden kasvinĂ€ytteiden kivennĂ€isaineprofiilit erosivat mansikan profiilista lukuun ottamatta puutarhavadelmaa. Mansikka-aineisto ei jakautunut pÀÀkomponenttianalyysissĂ€ esimerkiksi lajikkeen, kasvupaikkansa tai kasvuajankohtansa mukaan selkeisiin ryhmiin. MenetelmĂ€ ei kuitenkaan soveltunut sellaisenaan vielĂ€ kaupallisten mansikkahillonĂ€ytteiden luotettavaan luokitteluun. LisĂ€tutkimusta tarvitaan ainakin mansikkahillojen valmistuksessa kĂ€ytettyjen ainesosien vaikutuksesta luokitteluun ja mansikan sukulaislajien kivennĂ€isaineprofiilien erottumisesta. LisĂ€ksi kaupallisten mansikkahillonĂ€ytteiden luokitteluun tulisi hankkia teollisuuden kĂ€yttĂ€miĂ€ mansikoita vastaava laaja kivennĂ€isaineprofiilikirjasto. MallivÀÀrennösten ja aidon mansikkahillon erottumista koskevien tulosten perusteella menetelmĂ€ vaikuttaa kehityskelpoiselta ainakin omenalla, pÀÀrynĂ€llĂ€ ja kurpitsalla jatkettujen mansikkahillovÀÀrennöksien toteamiseen.The literature review of this master’s thesis dealt with major and minor mineral composition of strawberries and the factors affecting it. In addition, the effect of jam production on mineral profile and jam adulteration as a phenomenon were discussed as well as using the mineral profile to detect food adulteration using statistical multivariate methods. The aim of the experimental part of this thesis was to study if the mineral profile in combination with statistical multivariate methods could be used to point out the authenticity of strawberry jam. Alterations in the strawberry mineral profile were studied by determining the mineral profile of several different strawberry samples (n = 51). In addition, the strawberry data was used to create models for classification of other samples. The operability of the method was tested using “forged” model jams created by mixing strawberry jam with apple, pear or pumpkin jam (5 %, 10 %, 20 % and 50 %). The differentiation of mineral profiles of other plant species (n = 10) from strawberry mineral composition was tested with small-scale data. Additionally commercial strawberry jams (n = 33) were tried to classify by their mineral profile to be authentic or adulterated. Mineral profiles (Al, B, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, P, Pb, S, Si and Zn) were quantified with inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES). Sample pretreatment included freeze drying, grinding, wet digestion using nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide and dilution with water. Quantification was based on external standard method. Results were processed by principal component analysis (PCA) and soft independent modelling of class analogies (SIMCA). Fabricated model jams and pure apple, pear and pumpkin jams could be separated from strawberry jam both with principal component analysis and with using SIMCA method to classify them to be something else than strawberry jam with 95 percent probability. Most accurate classification was obtained with mineral profiles combining Mg, P, S, Ca and K or Mg, P, S, Mn, Ca and K. Other plant species studied had different mineral profiles compared to strawberries with exception of raspberry. No clear groups were formed on principal component analysis of the strawberry data in respect to cultivar, growth place or time. The method was not yet applicable for the use of classifying commercial strawberry jam samples reliably. There is a need for additional studies about the effect of ingredients used for jam production on the classification. Also the separation between mineral profiles of species related to strawberries should be studied further. In addition mineral profile library of strawberries for industrial processing should be created in order to classify commercial strawberry jam samples. Based on the separation results of fabricated model jams and authentic strawberry jam the method seems to be suitable for further development at least for detecting strawberry jam adulteration by extending with apple, pear or pumpkin

    Palkkatyö työhönvalmennuksen tavoitteena kehitysvammaisilla työnhakijoilla

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    Magneettinen media : Analoginauhan ja sen emulaatioiden vertailevaa analyysiÀ

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    NykyÀÀn suosittujen analogisten audiolaitteiden ja varsinkin analoginauhureiden digitaalisten mallinnusten todenmukaisuus on kiihkeĂ€n debatin aihe joidenkin audioalan ammattilaisten piirissĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena on vertailla kahta analoginauhuria ja kolmea digitaalista nauhaemulaatiota ja selvittÀÀ, kuinka lĂ€helle analogisen nauhan soundia nĂ€mĂ€ emulaatiot pÀÀsevĂ€t. Suoritin tutkimukseni marraskuussa 2016. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€ni nauhurit olivat Studio Kekkosen Otari MTR-12 ja Arabian studiolla sijaitseva Janne Vikstenin Otari MX-5050BII. KerĂ€sin aineiston tutkimustani varten ajamalla vaihtojĂ€nniteimpulsseja sekĂ€ erilaisia audio-signaaleja nauhureiden ja mallintajien lĂ€pi. Analysoin aineistoa lukemalla impulsseista saatuja taajuusvastekĂ€yriĂ€, ja analysoimalla muun audiomateriaalin dynamiikkaa ja kuulokuvaa. Tutkimuksen tuloksista voi vetÀÀ johtopÀÀtöksen, ettĂ€ nauhaemulaatiot kykenevĂ€t matkimaan analoginauhureiden taajuus- ja vaihevastetta. Emulaatioiden dynaaminen kĂ€yttĂ€ytyminen ei kuitenkaan pÀÀssyt tavoitteeseensa. Oikeissa analoginauhureissa signaalin huippuarvon ja tehollisarvon erotus pieneni input-signaalia kasvatettaessa. Emulaatiot eivĂ€t kyenneet vastaavaan, vaan signaalin dynamiikka-alue pysyi pienenemisen sijaan samana. Analogisen nauhan soundin tutkiminen on tĂ€rkeÀÀ, sillĂ€ uusia nauhureita ei enÀÀ valmisteta, ja nauhojenkin valmistajia on jĂ€ljellĂ€ enÀÀ kaksi. Tulevaisuudessa emulaatiot saattavatkin olla ainut taloudellisesti jĂ€rkevĂ€ keino audioalan ammattilaisten enemmistölle saavuttaa nauhan miellyttĂ€vĂ€ soundi.The realism of now popular analog modeling software in music production and especially that of tape emulations has been largely debated throughout the existence of the said software. The objective of this study was to compare two professional tape machines with three emulations in order to find out how close to each other they actually sound. The study was carried out in November 2016. The tape machines used for the study were located in Studio Kekkonen and the studio of the Metropolia Music Department, both located in Helsinki. Data for the study was gathered by sending sinewave impulses and varied audio signals through the aforementioned processors and examined through frequency plot and dynamic range analysis and subjective listening. From the results of this study it can be concluded that while the emulations successfully mimic the behavior of analog tape machines in the realm of frequency and phase response, they fall short in replicating the dynamic response of the measured tape machines. While being measured with test signals of varying levels, the tape machines demonstrated the reduction of the crest factor in the signal that directly correlated with the increase in input level of the signal. In contrast, this kind of behavior, i.e., the reduction of the dynamic range, did not exist in the emulations when tested the same way. The main motivator behind this study and the reason for studying analog tape in general is the fact that recording on analog tape is a dying art. Currently there is no mass manufacturing of professional tape recorders and only two plants – RMGI and ATR – still produce tape reels for analog recording. The results of this study will hopefully raise awareness and incite more research into the matter so that tape emulation software developers could program even better and more accurate algorithms. In the future, possibly the only way to achieve the much coveted sound of analog tape is the usage of these virtual tape emulations

    Changes from 1986 to 2006 in reasons for liking leisure-time physical activity among adolescents

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    Reasons for participating in physical activity (PA) may have changed in accordance with the general modernization of society. The aim is to examine changes in self-reported reasons for liking leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and their association with self-reported LTPA over a 20-year period. Data were collected among nationally representative samples of 13-year-olds in Finland, Norway, and Wales in 1986 and 2006 (N = 9252) as part of the WHO cross-national Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Univariate ANOVAs to establish differences according to gender, year, and country were conducted. In all countries, 13-year-olds in 2006 tended to report higher importance in terms of achievement and social reasons than their counterparts in 1986, while changes in health reasons were minor. These reasons were associated with LTPA in a similar way at both time points. Health reasons for liking LTPA were considered most important, and were the strongest predictor of LTPA. The findings seem robust as they were consistent across countries and genders. Health education constitutes the most viable strategy for promoting adolescents' motivation for PA, and interventions and educational efforts could be improved by an increased focus on LTPA and sport as a social activity

    Overweight Adolescents' Self-Perceived Weight and Weight Control Behaviour: HBSC Study in Finland 1994–2010

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    Introduction. Overweight and perception of being overweight, may lead adolescent to lose weight. The aim of the present study was to investigate overweight adolescents' self-perceived weight, body dissatisfaction, and weight control behaviour during 1994–2010 in Finland. Methods. The country-representative, cross-sectional data of 15-year olds were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study, conducted in 1994 (N = 1194; males: 48%), 1998 (N = 1545; 49%), 2002 (N = 1745; 50%), 2006 (N = 1670; 47%), and 2010 (N = 2082; 48%). Results. The majority of overweight boys (62–69%) and girls (89–100%) assessed themselves as too fat, and their body image was lower than in nonoverweight adolescents. The highest prevalence of current weight controlling was found in 2006 in males (18%) and in 2010 in females (39%). Conclusion. The phenomena were current and gender differences notable, but there was no statistically significant difference in overweight adolescents' self-perceived weight, body dissatisfaction, or weight control behaviour between survey years

    Clustering of energy balance-related behaviours, sleep, and overweight among Finnish adolescents

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    To examine how clusters of energy balance-related behaviours (EBRBs), including sleep related factors, were associated with overweight among adolescents. In Finland, 4262 adolescents, aged 13-15, participated in the cross-national Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. The adolescents completed questionnaires assessing EBRBs [sleep duration, discrepancy and quality, physical activity (PA), screen time, junk food, fruit, and vegetable intake] and height and weight. Clusters were identified with kappa-means cluster analysis and their associations with overweight with logistic regression analyses. Common clusters for boys and girls were labelled "Healthy lifestyle" and "High screen time, unhealthy lifestyle". In addition, the cluster "Low/moderate screen time, unhealthy lifestyle" was identified among boys, and the cluster "Poor sleep, unhealthy lifestyle" among girls. Only girls in the cluster "High screen time, unhealthy lifestyle" were at increased risk for overweight. Girls, whose EBRB was characterized by high screen time and low PA, but not with poor sleep, were at increased risk for overweight. Future studies should examine ways to promote PA among adolescent girls with high interest in screen-based activities.Peer reviewe

    Test-retest reliability of selected items of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey questionnaire in Beijing, China

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    Abstract Background Children's health and health behaviour are essential for their development and it is important to obtain abundant and accurate information to understand young people's health and health behaviour. The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is among the first large-scale international surveys on adolescent health through self-report questionnaires. So far, more than 40 countries in Europe and North America have been involved in the HBSC study. The purpose of this study is to assess the test-retest reliability of selected items in the Chinese version of the HBSC survey questionnaire in a sample of adolescents in Beijing, China. Methods A sample of 95 male and female students aged 11 or 15 years old participated in a test and retest with a three weeks interval. Student Identity numbers of respondents were utilized to permit matching of test-retest questionnaires. 23 items concerning physical activity, sedentary behaviour, sleep and substance use were evaluated by using the percentage of response shifts and the single measure Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) with 95% confidence interval (CI) for all respondents and stratified by gender and age. Items on substance use were only evaluated for school children aged 15 years old. Results The percentage of no response shift between test and retest varied from 32% for the item on computer use at weekends to 92% for the three items on smoking. Of all the 23 items evaluated, 6 items (26%) showed a moderate reliability, 12 items (52%) displayed a substantial reliability and 4 items (17%) indicated almost perfect reliability. No gender and age group difference of the test-retest reliability was found except for a few items on sedentary behaviour. Conclusions The overall findings of this study suggest that most selected indicators in the HBSC survey questionnaire have satisfactory test-retest reliability for the students in Beijing. Further test-retest studies in a large and diverse sample, as well as validity studies, should be considered for the future Chinese HBSC study.peerReviewe

    Daily physical activity in Finnish adolescents with long term illnesses or disabilities: psychosocial associations with participation in sports club

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) in adolescence with long term illnesses or disabilities (LTID) is a public health concern. One way of increasing PA is through participation in sports clubs. Since sports clubs are organised and regular, there are expected to be differences in motivation for physical activity between adolescents that are members and non-members. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of psychosocial factors on sports club membership and daily PA. Methods: Finnish adolescents with self-reported LTID (n=1006) took part in the WHO collaborative Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in 2002 and 2010. Daily self-reported moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) was the outcome variable. Psychosocial variables included intention for future PA, self-perceptions, and educational aspirations. Age and sports club membership was included in binary logistic regression analyses Analyses were done separately for boys and girls.  Results: Adolescents with LTID who were sports club members were two times more likely to be active daily than non-members. However, for girls, there was no significant difference between members and non-members. Moreover, definite intention for future PA, higher self-perceptions, and educational aspirations to other education or training than general upper secondary school were significant predictors. Conclusions: Adolescents with LTID need encouragement to be active daily. One possible way to achieve this is through sports club participation. Implementing adaptive motivating techniques in sports clubs is especially important for girls in clubs. More research is needed on the associations of daily MVPA with different educational aspirations  for adolescents with LTID
