681 research outputs found

    Corrosion protection of AA2024 sealed anodic layers using the hydrophobic properties of carboxylic acids

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    The present study investigates the use of carboxylic acids as a post-treatment for sealed AA2024 anodised in tartaric–sulphuric acid electrolyte. Four monocarboxylic acids with different carbon chain lengths were tested ((CH3–(CH2)n–COOH with n=4, 8, 12 and 16). Hydrophobic surface properties after the posttreatment were characterized by contact angle measurements. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was performed to assess the ability of the four carboxylic acids to form protective films. It was shown that stearic acid (n=16) used in its pure molten state was the most efficient. The organic film formed very rapidly (under 5 min) and contributed to the enhancement of the protection in terms of corrosion resistance of the sealed anodic layers. EIS measurements showed the presence of the organic films on the specimen surface

    FESEM and EIS Study of Sealed AA2024 T3 Anodized in Sulfuric Acid Electrolytes: Influence of Tartaric Acid

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    The present study investigates the effect of tartaric acid on anodic film morphology and on corrosion resistance of hydrothermally sealed anodized AA2024. Anodizing treatment was performed in dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte with or without addition of tartaric acid. Hydrothermal sealing was carried out in boiling water for each anodized specimen. The morphology of the sealed anodic films was examined using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was performed to assess sealing quality and corrosion resistance of the anodic films. It was shown that the sealing was more efficient in the case of anodic films formed in tartaric acid electrolyte mainly due to their lower porosity. It was also observed that the properties of the barrier layer were higher when sealing was performed on specimens anodized in the presence of tartaric acid. This suggests a specific role of the species on the barrier layer, which contributes to the enhancement of the performance in terms of corrosion resistance of the sealed anodic films. The present study clearly validates the beneficial role of tartaric acid in anodizing baths for the corrosion protection of AA2024

    Correlates of Depression in First-Year College Students

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    This study aimed to identify and rank the personal, family-related, social, and academic correlates of depressive symptoms in first-year college students. A questionnaire that included the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) was administered to 389 first-year college students (mean age = 18.9; SD = 3.38; 59.4% female). Eight variables contributed uniquely to the variance of depressive symptoms and were, in decreasing order of importance: (1) the absence of personal goals, (2) a high level of anxiety and (3) of dysfunctional thoughts regarding success, (4) a lack of emotional adjustment to college, (5) being female, (6) receiving little warmth and encouragement of autonomy from one’s mother and (7) from one’s father, and (8) being attracted to members of the opposite or both sexes. These results suggest that a multimodal intervention is required to support students’ mental health.  Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  identifier et Ă  hiĂ©rarchiser les corrĂ©lats personnels, familiaux, sociaux et acadĂ©miques des symptĂŽmes de dĂ©pression chez des Ă©lĂšves en premiĂšre annĂ©e d’études collĂ©giales. Ainsi, 389 Ă©tudiants inscrits en premiĂšre annĂ©e d’études collĂ©giales (Ăąge moyen : 18,9 ans; Ă©cart-type : 3,38 ans; 59,4 % de jeunes femmes) ont rempli un questionnaire comprenant l’Inventaire de dĂ©pression de BeckII. Huit facteurs ont contribuĂ© de façon unique Ă  la variance des symptĂŽmes de dĂ©pression et sont, par ordre dĂ©croissant d’importance : (1) l’absence d’objectifs personnels, (2) un niveau d’anxiĂ©tĂ© Ă©levĂ©, (3) des pensĂ©es dysfonctionnelles Ă  propos de la rĂ©ussite, (4) un faible niveau d’adaptation Ă©motionnelle au CĂ©gep, (5) le fait d’ĂȘtre une femme, (6) le fait de recevoir peu d’affection et d’encouragement vers l’autonomie de la part de sa mĂšre et (7) de son pĂšre, et (8) le fait ĂȘtre attirĂ© par des personnes du sexe opposĂ© ou des deux sexes. Ces rĂ©sultats semblent indiquer qu’une intervention multimodale est requise pour soutenir la santĂ© mentale des Ă©lĂšves

    Toxicologia e ergonomia

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    Determinar valores limite para a exposição a produtos tóxicos baseia-se geralmente no seguinte raciocínio: exposto a um produto, presente em média em determinada concentração, um operador médio apresentarå perturbaçÔes funcionais características. Considerando uma margem de segurança pode obter-se um valor limite para a concentração desse produto na atmosfera. Do mesmo modo, o raciocínio que conduz ao estabelecimento de tabelas de doenças ditas profissionais articula-se em torno das mesmas noç..

    FAMILLE+: A Multifamily Group Program for Families with Parental Depression

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    Children living with a parent with a depressive disorder are at higher risk for low adaptive functioning, in terms of social, academic, emotional, and mental health problems (Reupert, Maybery & Kowalenko, 2012).This brief describes FAMILLE+, a multifamily group program for parents with major depressive disorder and their 7 to 11 years old children. Its purpose is to prevent the development of mental health problems in children and to promote family resilience and was specifically adapted to fit the children\u27s developmental (cognitive, attentional and socio-emotional) abilities

    Efficacy of a new single-pill combination of a thiazide-like diuretic and a calcium channel blocker (indapamide sustained release/amlodipine) in essential hypertension

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    Objectives: The current international, 12-week, double-blind, randomized, controlled trial assessed the efficacy and safety of indapamide sustained release/amlodipine single-pill combination (SPC) in mild-to-moderate hypertensive patients. Methods: Following a 4-week run-in period on amlodipine 5 mg, patients (SBP 150–180 mmHg and/or DBP < 110 mmHg) were randomized to indapamide 1.5 mg sustained release/amlodipine 5 mg SPC or amlodipine 5 mg/valsartan 80 mg SPC with conditional uptitration at week 6. Office blood pressure (BP) was assessed at baseline, weeks 6 and 12; ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring (ABPM/HBPM) at baseline and week 12. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar in both groups (57 years, 51% men, BP 160/92 mmHg). 233 patients were randomized to IndSR/Aml and 232 to amlodipine/valsartan, of whom 48 and 57% were uptitrated, respectively. After 12 weeks, office SBP/DBP decreased similarly with both treatments (−21/−8 vs. −20/−8 mmHg) leading to BP control in 50% and BP response in 70% of patients. Uptitration was effective (P < 0.001) with both regimens, in favour of IndSR/Aml (SBP/DBP −12/−6 vs. −7/−3 mmHg, respectively). ABPM (n = 273) and HBPM (n = 194) confirmed 24-h efficacy of both regimens. In the subgroup of patients with sustained uncontrolled hypertension assessed by ABPM (n = 216), office SBP/DBP decreased by −23/−13 vs. −18/−10 mmHg, respectively (P = 0.016/P = 0.135, post-hoc analysis). Both treatments were generally well tolerated. Conclusion: Both regimens produced effective BP reductions confirmed by ABPM/HBPM. Both treatments were well tolerated, in accordance with the individual agents’ safety profile. Trial registration number: EUDRA CT no. 2012-001690-84

    Le raccrochage scolaire au QuĂ©bec : le discours de jeunes adultes quĂ©bĂ©cois inscrits en Centres d'Éducation aux Adultes

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    Nous exposons les rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  partir d'entretiens semi-directifs rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs de 77 jeunes ĂągĂ©s de 18 Ă  26 ans ayant choisi de « raccrocher » (N = 39) ou de poursuivre leur scolaritĂ© (N = 38) dans un Centre d'Éducation aux Adultes (CEA). L'analyse de contenu de leurs propos met en lumiĂšre les points positifs et nĂ©gatifs que ces adultes Ă©mergents relĂšvent quant Ă  leur expĂ©rience au sein de ces centres. Les jeunes « raccrocheurs » disent rencontrer plus de difficultĂ©s, comparativement Ă  ceux qui ont directement intĂ©grĂ© un CEA. Nous discutons des perspectives d'intervention qui en dĂ©coulent.We present results from semi-structured interviews conducted with 77 young people aged 18 to 26 years who decided to pursue (N=38) or to reenter (N=39) school through adult education centers (AEC) in Quebec. The content analysis highlights the positive and negative points that these young people underline about their experience in these centers. Young “re-entryers” underline more difficulties compared to their counterparts who have directly incorporated an AEC. We discuss the prospects of interventions that arise from these results

    An examination of the construct validity of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire

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    The Generalized Pliance Questionnaire (GPQ) was originally validated against measures of psychological flexibility and psychological distress. However, measures which have substantial conceptual overlap with the GPQ (e.g., the Need to Belong Scale [NTBS], Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale [BFNE]) were not examined. The present study seeks to investigate the construct validity of the GPQ-9. As expected, data from a survey of 272 participants indicated significant large correlations between the GPQ-9 and NTBS and BFNE respectively. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the unidimensional structure of the GPQ-9. A structural equation model revealed that the BFNE (and not the GPQ-9 or NTBS) was significantly associated with psychological flexibility and psychological distress. Implications of these tentative preliminary findings suggest that the GPQ may be a more sensitive measure than the BFNE for ACT research

    Prevention of post-mastectomy neuropathic pain with memantine: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    International audienceBackground: N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists are potential therapies for neuropathic pain, and memantine has a good tolerance profile. A preclinical study recently reported that presurgery memantine may prevent neuropathic pain development and cognition dysfunction. Considering the high prevalence of breast cancer and of post-mastectomy neuropathic pain, a clinical trial is carried out to evaluate if memantine may prevent neuropathic pain development and maintain cognitive function and quality of life in cancer patients. Methods/Design: A randomized clinical trial (NCT01536314) includes 40 women with breast cancer undergoing mastectomy at the Oncology Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Memantine (5 to 20 mg/day; n = 20) or placebo (n = 20) is administered for 4 weeks starting 2 weeks before surgery. Intensity of pain, cognitive function, quality of life and of sleep, anxiety and depression are evaluated with questionnaires. The primary endpoint is pain intensity on a 0 to 10) numerical scale at 3 months post-mastectomy. Data analysis is performed using mixed models and the tests are two-sided, with a type I error set at α = 0.05. Discussion: The hypothesis of this translational approach is to confirm in patients the beneficial prophylactic effect of memantine observed in animals. Such a protective action of memantine against neuropathic pain and cognitive dysfunction would greatly improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01536314 on 16 February 201
