1,389 research outputs found

    Reactive control of autonomous drones

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    Aerial drones, ground robots, and aquatic rovers enable mobile applications that no other technology can realize with comparable flexibility and costs. In existing platforms, the low-level control enabling a drone's autonomous movement is currently realized in a time-triggered fashion, which simplifies implementations. In contrast, we conceive a notion of reactive control that supersedes the time-triggered approach by leveraging the characteristics of existing control logic and of the hardware it runs on. Using reactive control, control decisions are taken only upon recognizing the need to, based on observed changes in the navigation sensors. As a result, the rate of execution dynamically adapts to the circumstances. Compared to time-triggered control, this allows us to: i) attain more timely control decisions, ii) improve hardware utilization, iii) lessen the need to overprovision control rates. Based on 260+ hours of real-world experiments using three aerial drones, three different control logic, and three hardware platforms, we demonstrate, for example, up to 41% improvements in control accuracy and up to 22% improvements in flight time

    HETE Observations of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB030329: Evidence for an Underlying Soft X-ray Component

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    An exceptionally intense gamma-ray burst, GRB030329, was detected and localized by the instruments on board the High Energy Transient Explorer satellite (HETE) at 11:37:14 UT on 29 March 2003. The burst consisted of two \~10s pulses of roughly equal brightness and an X-ray tail lasting >100s. The energy fluence in the 30-400 keV energy band was 1.08e-4 erg/cm2, making GRB030329 one of the brightest GRBs ever detected. Communication of a 2 arcmin error box 73 minutes after the burst allowed the rapid detection of a counterpart in the optical, X-ray, radio and the ensuing discovery of a supernova with most unusual characteristics. Analyses of the burst lightcurves reveal the presence of a distinct, bright, soft X-ray component underlying the main GRB: the 2-10 keV fluence of this component is ~7e-6 erg/cm2. The main pulses of GRB030329 were preceded by two soft, faint, non-thermal bumps. We present details of the HETE observations of GRB030329.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, to be published in ApJ 617, no. 2 (10 December 2004). Referee comments have been incorporated; results of improved spectral analysis are include

    Global Characteristics of X-Ray Flashes and X-Ray-Rich GRBs Observed by HETE-2

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    We describe and discuss the global properties of 45 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed by HETE-2 during the first three years of its mission, focusing on the properties of X-Ray Flashes (XRFs) and X-ray-rich GRBs (XRRs). We find that the numbers of XRFs, XRRs, and GRBs are comparable. We find that the durations and the sky distributions of XRFs and XRRs are similar to those of GRBs. We also find that the spectral properties of XRFs and XRRs are similar to those of GRBs, except that the values of the peak energy EpeakobsE^{\rm obs}_{\rm peak} of the burst spectrum in ΜFΜ\nu F_\nu, the peak energy flux \Fp, and the energy fluence SES_E of XRFs are much smaller -- and those of XRRs are smaller -- than those of GRBs. Finally, we find that the distributions of all three kinds of bursts form a continuum in the [SES_E(2-30 keV),SES_E(30-400) keV]-plane, the [SES_E(2-400 keV), EpeakE_{\rm peak}]-plane, and the [FpeakF_{\rm peak}(50-300 keV), EpeakE_{\rm peak}]-plane. These results provide strong evidence that all three kinds of bursts arise from the same phenomenon.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Ap

    A Superspace Formulation of The BV Action for Higher Derivative Theories

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    We first analyze the anti-BRST and double BRST structures of a certain higher derivative theory that has been known to possess BRST symmetry associated with its higher derivative structure. We discuss the invariance of this theory under shift symmetry in the Batalin Vilkovisky (BV) formalism. We show that the action for this theory can be written in a manifestly extended BRST invariant manner in superspace formalism using one Grassmann coordinate. It can also be written in a manifestly extended BRST invariant manner and on-shell manifestly extended anti-BRST invariant manner in superspace formalism using two Grassmann coordinates.Comment: accepted for publication in EPJ

    HETE-2 Observation of two gamma-ray bursts at z > 3

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    GRB 020124 and GRB 030323 constitute half the sample of gamma-ray bursts with a measured redshift greater than 3. This paper presents the temporal and spectral properties of these two gamma-ray bursts detected and localized with HETE-2. While they have nearly identical redshifts (z=3.20 for GRB 020124, and z=3.37 for GRB 030323), these two GRBs span about an order of magnitude in fluence, thus sampling distinct regions of the GRB luminosity function. The properties of these two bursts are compared with those of the bulk of the GRB population detected by HETE-2. We also discuss the energetics of GRB 020124 and GRB 030323 and show that they are compatible with the Epeak - Eiso relation discovered by Amati et al. (2002). Finally, we compute the maximum redshifts at which these bursts could have been detected by HETE-2 and we address various issues connected with the detection and localization of high-z GRBs.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Towards a consistent Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian global boundary: current state of knowledge

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    New data are presented in relation to the worldwide definition of the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary, i.e. the base of the Kimmeridgian Stage. This data, mostly acquired in the past decade, supports the 2006 proposal to make the uniform boundary of the stages in the Flodigarry section at Staffin Bay on the Isle of Skye, northern Scotland. This boundary is based on the Subboreal-Boreal ammonite successions, and it is distinguished by the Pictonia flodigarriensis horizon at the base of the Subboreal Baylei Zone, and which corresponds precisely to the base of the Boreal Bauhini Zone. The boundary lies in the 0.16 m interval (1.24–1.08 m) below bed 36 in sections F6 at Flodigarry and it is thus proposed as the GSSP for the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary. This boundary is recognized also by other stratigraphical data – palaeontological, geochemical and palaeomagnetic (including its well documented position close to the boundary between magnetozones F3n, and F3r which is placed in the 0.20 m interval – 1.28 m to 1.48 m below bed 36 – the latter corresponding to marine magnetic anomaly M26r).The boundary is clearly recognizable also in other sections of the Subboreal and Boreal areas discussed in the study, including southern England, Pomerania and the Peri-Baltic Syneclise, Russian Platform, Northern Central Siberia, Franz-Josef Land, Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea. It can be recognized also in the Submediterranean-Mediterranean areas of Europe and Asia where it correlates with the boundary between the Hypselum and the Bimmamatum ammonite zones. The changes in ammonite faunas at the boundary of these ammonite zones – mostly of ammonites of the families Aspidoceratidae and Oppeliidae – also enables the recognition of the boundary in the Tethyan and Indo-Pacific areas – such as the central part of the Americas (Cuba, Mexico), southern America, and southern parts of Asia. The climatic and environmental changes near to the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary discussed in the study relate mostly to the European areas. They show that very unstable environments at the end of the Oxfordian were subsequently replaced by more stable conditions representing a generally warming trend during the earliest Kimmeridgian. The definition of the boundary between the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian as given in this study results in its wide correlation potential and means that it can be recognized in the different marine successions of the World
