37 research outputs found

    Capilla y capellanes reales al servicio del rey en Castilla. La evoluci贸n en 茅poca de Juan II (1406-1454)

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    The Royal Chapel was an ecclesiastical institution founded and governed by the Castilian monarchy for its own service. Many of its members subsequently distinguished themselves as loyal servants of the king. The workings and the composition of the Chapel are analyzed during the reign of John II of Castile.La Capilla Real fue una instituci贸n eclesi谩stica fundada y regida por la Monarqu铆a castellana para su propio servicio. Muchos de sus miembros destacaron despu茅s como fieles servidores del rey. Se analiza el funcionamiento y la composici贸n de la Capilla en 茅poca de Juan II de Castilla

    Castilla y el Concilio de Siena (1423-1424): la embajada regia y su actuaci贸n

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    Historiographical neglect of the Council of Pavia-Siena (1423-1424) has been particularly acute in the Spanish case. The role Castile played in the council鈥檚 bosom has been practically unknown until the present study, which details the actions of the royal embassy of Juan II

    Politics and Rebellion in Fifteenth-Century Andalusia: The Situation in Cordoba during the Infante Henry鈥檚 Expedition (1443-1445)

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    Durante los a帽os 1443 y 1445 se produjo una expedici贸n militar del infante Enrique de Arag贸n en Andaluc铆a, mientras el rey Juan II de Castilla estaba en manos del infante Juan de Arag贸n, que busc贸 poner bajo su control todo el sur del reino castellano. En C贸rdoba, el infante se encontr贸 con diversos apoyos y resistencias, que fueron consecuencia y causa de los cambios en la posici贸n pol铆tica de algunos importantes personajes del reino.The Infante Henry of Aragon鈥檚 military expedition in Andalusia, which sought to control the whole south of the kingdom of Castile. In Cordoba, took place during the years 1443 and 1445, while the king, John II of Castile, was in the hands of the Infante John of Aragon. The infante Henry met diverse allies and opponents, who were a consequence and cause of the changes in the political positions of certain important personages of the kingdom

    Imposing Fear in Late Medieval Castilian Politics

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    Fear was often represented in the sources for Castilian history from the XIVth and XVth centuries. This paper will analyze how fear was presented and whether or not it was used as a political strategy, as well as its principal manifestations, the responses to fear and the consequences that it provoked

    The Training of Diplomats in Late Medieval Castile

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    The sources are very poor in terms of the history of diplomacy in Castile. The same applies to the training of ambassadors, but in a more serious way. In this work, a general analysis is made, based on the ideal vision of the ambassador at that time, and then making a quantitative analysis with the data available today.Si la informaci贸n sobre los embajadores castellanos es, en ocasiones, escasa, lo mismo ocurre en cuanto a la informaci贸n de que disponemos sobre su formaci贸n. A lo largo del presente trabajo se analiza de una forma general lo que conocemos sobre los estudios que pudieron haber tenido esos enviados diplom谩ticos. Partiendo de la visi贸n que en la misma 茅poca se ten铆a sobre la formaci贸n ideal, se realiza despu茅s un an谩lisis cuantitativo sobre los datos de que disponemos hoy

    Castilla y el Concilio de Siena (1423-1424): la embajada regia y su actuaci贸n

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    Historiographical neglect of the Council of Pavia-Siena (1423-1424) has been particularly acute in the Spanish case. The role Castile played in the council鈥檚 bosom has been practically unknown until the present study, which details the actions of the royal embassy of Juan II

    Reyes, obispos y papas en Castilla: el papel de los prelados en las relaciones con el papado (siglos XIII y XV)

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    In this paper, we analyse the presence of lay people and members of the clergy, including prelates, as ambassadors of Castilian kings in the papal Curia between the 13th and 15th centuries. The main goal is to establish a list of royal delegates (through a review of their composition, degrees and studies), with a special focus on prelates. This seeks to delve into the bases on which relationships were developed and, at the same time, facilitate an analysis of their real significance in artistic and cultural transmission with a record of royal delegates.A lo largo del presente trabajo se analiza la presencia de laicos, eclesi谩sticos y, entre ellos, los prelados en las embajadas de la corona de Castilla a la Curia pontificia en los siglos bajomedievales. El objetivo principal es establecer un listado de enviados regios castellanos (analizando su composici贸n, grado y formaci贸n) y el estudio concreto de los prelados. Con ello se busca profundizar en el conocimiento de las bases sobre las que se desarrollaron esas relaciones y, al tiempo, ofrecer un listado que facilite la investigaci贸n de su peso real en la transmisi贸n art铆stica y cultural con la presentaci贸n de una n贸mina de esos enviados

    Diplomacia y construcci贸n mon谩rquica

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    A lo largo del presente trabajo se analiza el desarrollo de la diplomacia regia y la contribuci贸n de algunos eclesi谩sticos, a lo largo de los siglos XIV y XV, en Castilla. A trav茅s del an谩lisis de la aparici贸n y desarrollo de algunos oficios de la corte con especial relevancia para la diplomacia, as铆 como del an谩lisis de algunos casos un tanto especiales de eclesi谩sticos al servicio regio en embajadas, se ofrecen algunas respuestas y otras preguntas para la futura investigaci贸n del funcionamiento y organizaci贸n de la diplomacia castellana