47 research outputs found

    Factores asociados al consumo abusivo de alcohol en chicos y chicas mexicanos

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    En el presente estudio se propuso analizar los factores asociados con el consumo abusivo de alcohol en chicos y chicas mexicanos. Se trata de un estudio con 1.245 adolescentes escolarizados, de ambos sexos, de dos centros educativos de secundaria y dos preuniversitarios, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 17 años de edad. Se utilizó un muestreo probabilístico estratifi cado, considerando la proporción del alumnado por grado escolar, grupos y turnos. Los resultados muestran que el tener amigos consumidores de alcohol incrementa signifi cativamente el consumo tanto en chicos como en chicas; en los chicos y no en las chicas el tener padres y hermanos consumidores tiene un efecto de potenciación del consumo abusivo. En las chicas y no en los chicos el consumo abusivo se relaciona con una pobre autoestima emocional y, fi nalmente, el fracaso/reprobación escolar se relaciona con el consumo abusivo en chicos y no en chicas. Estos resultados se discuten en función de los estudios más relevantes en la temática de esta investigación y se hace énfasis en sus limitaciones metodológicas.The present study is set out to analyze the factors associated with the abusive consumption of alcohol in Mexican boys and girls. 1,245 teenagers from both genders where studied, in two High School educational centers and two gyms, between 12 and 17 years old. We used a sampling stratifi ed probabilistic, considering the proportion of students by grade level, groups and shifts. The results show that alcohol consumers' friends signifi cantly increases the consumption both in boys as in girls; boys and not girls having parents and other relatives consumers have the effect of empowerment abusive consumption. While in girls and not in boys the abusive consumption is related to a poor emotional and low self-esteem. Finally, school failure is related to the abusive consumption in boys while not in girls. These results are discussed in the light of the relevant studies in the theme of this research and emphasis is made on their methodological limitations

    Análisis psicosocial del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes mexicanos

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    RESUMEN El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un análisis psicosocial del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes mexicanos, considerando de forma simultánea las variables personales, familiares, escolares y sociales. Se realizó un estudio de tipo explicativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.245 adolescentes de ambos sexos, procedentes de dos centros educativos de secundaria y dos de preparatoria, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 17 años. Se realizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que explicó el 66 % de la varianza y se exploró el efecto moderador del género. Los resultados se discuten en función de los estudios más relevantes en la temática de esta investigación. ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to analyze the psychosocial alcohol consumption in Mexican adolescents, taking into account simultaneously personal, family, school and social variables. The type of study is explanatory. The sample consisted of 1245 adolescents girls and boys form two secondary and preparatory schools, with ages between 12 and 17 years old. A structural equations model explained 66% of the variance and also it was explored the moderating effect of gender. The results are discussed in terms of the relevant studies on the subject of this investigation

    Contextos de socialización y consumo de drogas ilegales en adolescentes escolarizados

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue contrastar un modelo explicativo del consumo de drogas ilegales en adolescentes escolarizados, considerando variables personales (autoestima académica, autoestima social y sintomatología depresiva), familiares (funcionamiento familiar, comunicación familiar madre y padre), escolares (expectativa académica) y sociales (integración y participación comunitaria). La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.285 adolescentes de ambos sexos con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 20 años de edad, procedentes de cuatro centros educativos localizados en Monterrey (México). Se realizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que explicó el 20% de la varianza y se exploró el efecto moderador del género. Los resultados muestran una relación significativa y positiva entre el contexto comunitario y el consumo de drogas ilegales a través de la autoestima social, en el caso de los chicos. Igualmente, se encontró una relación indirecta y positiva entre el contexto familiar y el consumo de drogas, a través de la autoestima social, la autoestima escolar y las expectativas académicas. Además, el contexto familiar mostró una relación negativa con las sintomatología depresiva y esta, a su vez, con el consumo de drogas. ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to test an explanatory model about illegal drug use among schooled adolescents. Different types of variables were used, including personal variables (academic self-esteem, social selfesteem and depressive symptoms), family variables (family functioning, father-mother communication), school variables (academic expectations), and social variables (community integration and participation). A sample of 1,285 adolescents, both males and females, aged between 12 and 20 years old, from four different schools in Monterrey, Mexico, was used. A structural equation model was used, explaining 20% of variance. The moderating effect of gender was explored. Results show a significant positive relationship between community context and illegal drugs use, mediated by social self-esteem only for boys. Likewise, a positive indirect relationship was found between the family context and drug use, mediated by social self-esteem, school self-esteem and academic expectations. Moreover, the family context showed a negative relationship with depressive symptoms, which in turn were related to drug use

    IEOOS, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography integrated ocean Observing System

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    Since its foundation, 100 years ago, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been observing and measuring the ocean characteristics. Some systems like the tide gauges network has been working for more than 60 years. The IEO standard sections began at different moments depending on the local projects, and nowadays there are XXX coastal stations and XXX deep ones that are systematically sampled, taking physical as well as biochemical measurements. At this moment, the IEO Observing System (IEOOS) includes 4 permanent moorings equipped with currentmeters, an open-sea ocean-meteorological buoy offshore Santander and an SST satellital image reception station. It also supports the Spanish contribution to the ARGO international program with 47 deployed profilers, and continuous monitoring thermosalinometers, meteorological stations and ADCP installed on the IEO research vessels. All these networks are linked to international iniciatives like SeaDataNet, Emodnet, IbiROOS and MONGOOS. The system is completed with the IEO contribution to the RAIA and Gibraltar observatories, and the development of regional prediction models. All these systematic measurements allow IEO to give responses to ocean research activities, official agencies requirements and industrial and main society demands

    Metal-Induced Production of a Novel Bioadsorbent Exopolysaccharide in a Native Rhodotorula mucilaginosa from the Mexican Northeastern Region

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    There is a current need to develop low-cost strategies to degrade and eliminate industrially used colorants discharged into the environment. Colorants discharged into natural water streams pose various threats, including: toxicity, degradation of aesthetics and inhibiting sunlight penetration into aquatic ecosystems. Dyes and colorants usually have complex aromatic molecular structures, which make them very stable and difficult to degrade and eliminate by conventional water treatment systems. The results in this work demonstrated that heavy metal-resistant Rhodotorula mucilaginosa strain UANL-001L isolated from the northeast region of Mexico produce an exopolysaccharide (EPS), during growth, which has colorant adsorption potential. The EPS produced was purified by precipitation and dialysis and was then physically and chemically characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, and chemical elemental analysis. Here, the ability of the purified EPS produced to adsorb methylene blue (MB), which served as a model colorant, is studied. MB adsorption by the EPS is found to follow Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm kinetics at 25°C. Further, by calculating the Langmuir constant the adsorption capabilities of the EPS produced by the Rhodotorula mucilaginosa strain UANL-001L is compared to that of other adsorbents, both, microbially produced and from agroindustrial waste. The total adsorption capacity of the EPS, from the Rhodotorula mucilaginosa strain UANL-001L, was found to be two-fold greater than the best bioadsorbents reported in the literature. Finally, apart from determining which heavy metals stimulated EPS production in the strain, the optimal conditions of pH, heavy metal concentration, and rate of agitation of the growing culture for EPS production, was determined. The EPS reported here has the potential of aiding in the efficient removal of colorants both in water treatment plants and in situ in natural water streams

    Reflections Magazine of the Faculty of Education. Volume 3 No. 4 July 1991

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    La formación en el afecto, en los valores, en la moral... ¿Qué mejor ámbito para su análisis e incorporación a una práctica social y pedagógica coherente con ello que la vida cotidiana?...la vida cotidiana escolar o familiar, personal o colectiva. Los afectos, y éstos como fundamento de una educación orientada hacia la formación de sujetos históricos, hombres y mujeres con responsabilidad, compromiso y conciencia sociales, corresponden a una de las formas de contacto cotidiano más importantes, especialmente por la intensidad de los sentimientos que en ellas se establecen: nos referimos a las relaciones entre sujetos. Constituyen expresiones suyas, las relaciones de amistad, el amor, pero también el adío. Aunque una valoración de tales sentimientos solo se logra mediante el análisis del contenido y la motivación — sobre todo de orden moral— de tales sentimientos, podemos afirmar, en general, siguiendo a Agnes Heller que el desarrollo de la moral, de la política, del arte y de la ciencia, es inconcebible sin grandes amores y grandes odios’’.Training in affection, in values, in morality... What better environment for its analysis and incorporation into a coherent social and pedagogical practice than daily life?... daily school or family, personal life or collective. Affections, and these as the foundation of an education oriented towards the formation of historical subjects, men and women with social responsibility, commitment and conscience, correspond to one of the most important forms of daily contact, especially due to the intensity of the feelings that in they are established: we refer to the relations between subjects. Their expressions are friendships, love, but also goodbye. Although an assessment of such feelings can only be achieved through analysis of content and motivation — especially of moral order— of such feelings, we can affirm, in general, following Agnes Heller that the development of morality, politics, art and science is inconceivable without great loves and great hates.Modalidad Presencia