535 research outputs found

    Evolución clínica de pacientes postquirúrgicos de traqueotomía ingresados Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios del Hospital Escuela Antonio Lenín Fonseca período Enero a Diciembre 2015

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    El presente estudio con titulo Evolución clínica de pacientes post quirúrgicos de traqueos-tomía de Neurocirugía del Hospital Escuela Antonio Lenin Fonseca en el periodo Enero a Diciembre 2015. Es un estudio Descriptivo, retrospectivo, longitudinal y observacional, de tipo Revision de casos. Se estudiaron 96 pacientes a quienes se les realizo traqueotomía electiva del servicio de Neurocirugia, se dividieron en dos grupos de acuerdo al tiempo en que se realizo traqueotomía, pacientes TQp* (antes de 7 dias ) y TQt† (después de 7 dias) y se estudiaron la características demográficas, causas de morbilidad y asociación a con-morbilidades, incidencia de Neumonia asociada a ventilador mecánico (NAV), días de ven-tilación mecánica, estado neurologico en base ECG‡, días de estancia Intrahospitalaria y estado egreso. Se encontró que el sexo masculino encabeza las listas de pacientes neurocríticos que ameritan traqueostomia, además de se tratan de pacientes jóvenes con trauma craneoen-cefálico como primera causa de morbilidad. Se realizo TQp 67 pacientes (69.8%), y TQt 29 pacientes (30.2%), El desarrollo de NAV fue menor en grupo TQt, En promedio de tiempo de ventilación mecánica para la mitad de los pacientes a estudio fue de entre 5-10 dias. El puntaje de ECG mostro un aumento después de realizar tra-queostomía en pacientes que presentan puntuaciones entre 3-8 puntos, aunque no se aplico la correcion al momento de evaluar ECG en dichos pacientes. Al parecer si se realiza traqueotomía precoz disminuye los dias de estancia en NCI y es-tancia hospitalización global. Aunque la traqueotomía precoz no se relaciono directamente con la mortalidad general, puede aportar ventajas al mejorar la dinámica ventilatoria del paciente

    Bridging Vision and Dynamic Legged Locomotion

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    Legged robots have demonstrated remarkable advances regarding robustness and versatility in the past decades. The questions that need to be addressed in this field are increasingly focusing on reasoning about the environment and autonomy rather than locomotion only. To answer some of these questions visual information is essential. If a robot has information about the terrain it can plan and take preventive actions against potential risks. However, building a model of the terrain is often computationally costly, mainly because of the dense nature of visual data. On top of the mapping problem, robots need feasible body trajectories and contact sequences to traverse the terrain safely, which may also require heavy computations. This computational cost has limited the use of visual feedback to contexts that guarantee (quasi-) static stability, or resort to planning schemes where contact sequences and body trajectories are computed before starting to execute motions. In this thesis we propose a set of algorithms that reduces the gap between visual processing and dynamic locomotion. We use machine learning to speed up visual data processing and model predictive control to achieve locomotion robustness. In particular, we devise a novel foothold adaptation strategy that uses a map of the terrain built from on-board vision sensors. This map is sent to a foothold classifier based on a convolutional neural network that allows the robot to adjust the landing position of the feet in a fast and continuous fashion. We then use the convolutional neural network-based classifier to provide safe future contact sequences to a model predictive controller that optimizes target ground reaction forces in order to track a desired center of mass trajectory. We perform simulations and experiments on the hydraulic quadruped robots HyQ and HyQReal. For all experiments the contact sequences, the foothold adaptations, the control inputs and the map are computed and processed entirely on-board. The various tests show that the robot is able to leverage the visual terrain information to handle complex scenarios in a safe, robust and reliable manner

    The Socio-political Dynamics of the Citizen's Revolution. Political Work as the "Art of Serving" that Separates and Unites State and Society

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    Villarreal Velásquez JA. The Socio-political Dynamics of the Citizen's Revolution. Political Work as the "Art of Serving" that Separates and Unites State and Society. ICONOS. 2018;22(60):101-119.This article analyses the relations between politics and society during the so-called citizen's revolution in Ecuador. Drawing on ethnographic research focused on political brokerage or the 'art of serving', the article analyses the particularities of political work by analysing the linkages and tensions that are constructed between the population of a suburb of the city of Guayaquil, the members of the governing political party of the Citizen's Revolution, Movimiento Patria Altiva i Soberana (Alianza PAIS) and State functionaries. Meetings of political socialization and sectorial events- understood as institutional rituals- are taken as scenes in which to observe the interactions and the public performance of the protagonists of the pre-dominant political party in contemporary Ecuador

    Constraints on Assembly Bias from Galaxy Clustering

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    We constrain the newly-introduced decorated Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) model using SDSS DR7 measurements of projected galaxy clustering or r-band luminosity threshold samples. The decorated HOD is a model for the galaxy-halo connection that augments the HOD by allowing for the possibility of galaxy assembly bias: galaxy luminosity may be correlated with dark matter halo properties besides mass, Mvir. We demonstrate that it is not possible to rule out galaxy assembly bias using DR7 measurements of galaxy clustering alone. Moreover, galaxy samples with Mr < -20 and Mr < -20.5 favor strong central galaxy assembly bias. These samples prefer scenarios in which high-concentration are more likely to host a central galaxy relative to low-concentration halos of the same mass. We exclude zero assembly bias with high significance for these samples. Satellite galaxy assembly bias is significant for the faintest sample, Mr < -19. We find no evidence for assembly bias in the Mr < -21 sample. Assembly bias should be accounted for in galaxy clustering analyses or attempts to exploit galaxy clustering to constrain cosmology. In addition to presenting the first constraints on HOD models that accommodate assembly bias, our analysis includes several improvements over previous analyses of these data. Therefore, our inferences supersede previously-published results even in the case of a standard HOD analysis.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to MNRAS. Comments Welcome. Python scripts to perform this analysis and MCMC chains will all be made publicly availabl

    Maturing Satellite Kinematics into a Competitive Probe of the Galaxy-Halo Connection

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    The kinematics of satellite galaxies moving in a dark matter halo are a direct probe of the underlying gravitational potential. Thus, the phase-space distributions of satellites represent a powerful tool to determine the galaxy-halo connection from observations. By stacking the signal of a large number of satellite galaxies this potential can be unlocked even for haloes hosting a few satellites on average. In this work, we test the impact of various modelling assumptions on constraints derived from analysing satellite phase-space distributions in the non-linear, 1-halo regime. We discuss their potential to explain the discrepancy between average halo masses derived from satellite kinematics and gravitational lensing previously reported. Furthermore, we develop an updated, more robust analysis to extract constraints on the galaxy-halo relation from satellite properties in spectroscopic galaxy surveys such as the SDSS. We test the accuracy of this approach using a large number of realistic mock catalogues. Furthermore, we find that constraints derived from such an analysis are complementary and competitive with respect to the commonly used galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing observables.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures; resubmitted to MNRAS after first referee repor

    Updated Results on the Galaxy-Halo Connection from Satellite Kinematics in SDSS

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    We present new results on the relationship between central galaxies and dark matter haloes inferred from observations of satellite kinematics in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR7. We employ an updated analysis framework that includes detailed mock catalogues to model observational effects in SDSS. Our results constrain the colour-dependent conditional luminosity function (CLF) of dark matter haloes, as well as the radial profile of satellite galaxies. Confirming previous results, we find that red central galaxies live in more massive haloes than blue galaxies at fixed luminosity. Additionally, our results suggest that satellite galaxies have a radial profile less centrally concentrated than dark matter but not as cored as resolved subhaloes in dark matter-only simulations. Compared to previous works using satellite kinematics by More et al., we find much more competitive constraints on the galaxy-halo connection, on par with those derived from a combination of galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing. We compare our results on the galaxy-halo connection to other studies using galaxy clustering and group catalogues, showing very good agreement between these different techniques. We discuss future applications of satellite kinematics in the context of constraining cosmology and the relationship between galaxies and dark matter haloes.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcom

    New light curves and ephemeris for the close eclipsing binary V963 PER

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    We have obtained CCD photometry in 2010-11 of V963 Per (=GSC3355 0394), which is a recently identified close binary star with unequal eclipse depths. The seven new eclipse timings yield an improved ephemeris, but we caution that secondary eclipse can be affected by variation of the light curve. This variation seems to be on a monthly timescale at the few percent level.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Bringing Halo Modeling Toward Precision Cosmology

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    The study of cosmology is entering an era of higher quality and higher quantity data that shifts us from limitations due to raw statistics of our data to limitations due to the accuracy of our underlying physical models. A specific set of models where this problem is prominent is the use of halo models to connect the invisible world of dark matter to the visible world of stars and galaxies. Most of these halo models make their predictions by taking the mass of dark matter halos as the sole parameter. The literature has demonstrated that secondary halo properties can have enhanced clustering compared to the general population of dark matter halos, in an effect that is referred to as ``halo assembly bias.'' Neglecting halo assembly bias from our models can result in severe biases. I add to the literature by making the first detailed study on the choice of halo definition on common measures of halo assembly bias. I utilize non-traditional halo definitions seeking a choice that minimizes the impact of environmental effects which may drive halo assembly bias. I find that halo assembly bias is a strong function of halo definition for the properties of halo concentration, halo shape, and halo spin. I demonstrate that the impact of halo redefinition is primarily caused by the changing host halo populations, as neighboring halos are demoted to substructure. I further show that these results are consistent with those of the ``halo splashback radius''; however, halo splashback radius does not increase halo sizes sufficiently to remove halo assembly bias for most scales or masses. I discuss how these results give us insight to the relevant scales of what might be driving these relations and how they give a better understanding of galaxy formation and galaxy evolution. I conclude by laying out a course for the future with multiple paths to better understanding halo assembly bias and constraining how it impacts the models as well as utilizing it as a probe of galaxy formation


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    In this article we present the importance of water for domestic consumption in the district of La Chorrera, republic of Panama. Population growth, rapid economic development, urbanization, adverse effects of global climate change and environmental deterioration itself continue to increase pressure on water resources, thus already registering conditions of apparent scarcity, particularly in rural and peri-urban areas with low or no public investment in water security. It is noted that, with regard to the use of water, there are already demonstrations throughout the national territory, in the different provinces, districts, corrections, places or communities, about the lack of vital resource for different reasons. For the development of the study is taken as a technique, the elaboration of structured surveys to a random sample of adult men and women of the district of La Chorrera. Through which you expect to know the different mechanism that the population uses to obtain water for domestic use in the community. It is recommended to establish national policies that focus the change on the mentality of the population with the importance of caring for and making rational use of water.En este artículo presentamos la importancia del agua para el consumo doméstico en el distrito de La Chorrera, república de Panamá. El crecimiento poblacional, el rápido desarrollo económico, la urbanización, los efectos adversos del cambio climático global y el propio deterioro ambiental, continúan aumentando la presión sobre los recursos hídricos, de tal manera que se registran ya condiciones de aparente escasez, particularmente en zonas rurales y periurbanas con baja o inexistente inversión pública en seguridad hídrica. Se observa que, en cuanto al recurso del agua, ya hay manifestaciones en todo el territorio nacional, en las distintas provincias, distritos, corregimientos, lugares o comunidades, sobre la falta del vital recurso por distintas razones. Para el desarrollo del estudio se toma como técnica, la elaboración de encuestas estructuradas a una muestra al azar de hombres y mujeres adultos del distrito de La Chorrera. A través de la cual se espera conocer los diferentes mecanismos que utiliza la población para la obtención del agua de uso doméstico en la comunidad. Se recomienda establecer políticas nacionales que vayan enfocando el cambio en la mentalidad de la población con la importancia de cuidar y hacer uso racional del agua