448 research outputs found

    Morphological and multi-level geometrical descriptor analysis in CT and MRI volumes for automatic pancreas segmentation

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    Automatic pancreas segmentation in 3D radiological scans is a critical, yet challenging task. As a prerequisite for computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) systems, accurate pancreas segmentation could generate both quantitative and qualitative information towards establishing the severity of a condition, and thus provide additional guidance for therapy planning. Since the pancreas is an organ of high inter-patient anatomical variability, previous segmentation approaches report lower quantitative accuracy scores in comparison to abdominal organs such as the liver or kidneys. This paper presents a novel approach for automatic pancreas segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computer tomography (CT) scans. This method exploits 3D segmentation that, when coupled with geometrical and morphological characteristics of abdominal tissue, classifies distinct contours in tight pixel-range proximity as “pancreas” or “non-pancreas”. There are three main stages to this approach: (1) identify a major pancreas region and apply contrast enhancement to differentiate between pancreatic and surrounding tissue; (2) perform 3D segmentation via continuous max-flow and min-cuts approach, structured forest edge detection, and a training dataset of annotated pancreata; (3) eliminate non-pancreatic contours from resultant segmentation via morphological operations on area, structure and connectivity between distinct contours. The proposed method is evaluated on a dataset containing 82 CT image volumes, achieving mean Dice Similarity coefficient (DSC) of 79.3 ± 4.4%. Two MRI datasets containing 216 and 132 image volumes are evaluated, achieving mean DSC 79.6 ± 5.7% and 81.6 ± 5.1% respectively. This approach is statistically stable, reflected by lower metrics in standard deviation in comparison to state-of-the-art approaches

    Energy and economic analysis of a residential Solar Organic Rankine plant

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    To answer the actual energy, water, economic, social and environmental challenges, renewable, distributed power plants need to be developed. Among renewables, solar tri-generative power plants can be a solution where there is big low temperature heating/cooling demand and small electricity demand, like many residential and industrial utilities. In this case, solar thermal plants can produce thermal energy with low cost and high efficiency. The higher temperature heat not needed by the user can be exploited via Organic Rankine Cycle to produce electrical energy and desalinized water via reverse osmosis. The present paper analyses, via TRNSYS simulation, a system composed of 50 m2 of CPC solar thermal collectors, 3 m3 of thermal storage, a synthetic heat transfer fluid, 3 kWe ORC, 8 kWth absorber, 200 l/h direct reverse osmosis desalination device. The system is able to produce power, heating/cooling and fresh water needs for a residential house. Although system’s components are well known technologies, the integration to a efficient and economic working system is still a challenge. Global energy and economic analyses have been performed. Low temperature heating/cooling terminals allow to increase not only the use of thermal energy but also the ORCand absorber efficiency. ORC-Absorber configuration and relative fluids and temperatures are central. Government support and/or cost reduction of 30% are necessary to have positive NPV and acceptable PBT and IR

    Experimental tests to recover the photovoltaic power by battery system

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    The uncertainty and variability of the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) power plants within the power grid is an open issue. The present study focuses on the use of batteries to overcome the limitations associated with the photovoltaic inverter operation, trying to maximize the global energy produced. A set of switches, was placed between a few photovoltaic modules and a commercial inverter, capable to change configuration of the plant dynamically. Such system stores the power that the inverter is not able to let into the grid inside batteries. At the base of this optimization, there is the achievement of two main configurations in which the batteries and the photovoltaic modules are electrically connected in an appropriate manner as a function of inverter efficiency and thus solar radiation. A control board and the relative program, to change the configuration, was designed and implemented, based on the value of the measured radiation, current, batteries voltage, and calculated inverter efficiency. Finally from the cost and impact analysis we can say that, today the technology of lithium batteries, for this application, is still too expensive in comparison with lead-acid batteries

    Cognitive behaviour analysis based on facial information using depth sensors

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    Cognitive behaviour analysis is considered of high impor- tance with many innovative applications in a range of sectors including healthcare, education, robotics and entertainment. In healthcare, cogni- tive and emotional behaviour analysis helps to improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Amongst all the different approaches for cognitive behaviour analysis, significant work has been focused on emo- tion analysis through facial expressions using depth and EEG data. Our work introduces an emotion recognition approach using facial expres- sions based on depth data and landmarks. A novel dataset was created that triggers emotions from long or short term memories. This work uses novel features based on a non-linear dimensionality reduction, t-SNE, applied on facial landmarks and depth data. Its performance was eval- uated in a comparative study, proving that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art features

    The Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulates tropical cyclone days on the interannual timescale in the North Pacific Ocean

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    The North Pacific Ocean is the most active region on our planet in terms of tropical cyclone (TC) activity. These storms are responsible for numerous fatalities and economic damages, affecting the livelihood of those living in the impacted areas. Historically the examination of TCs in the North Pacific Ocean has been performed separately for its two main sub-basins: the West North Pacific and the East North Pacific. Here, we consider the TC activity in the North Pacific as a single basin and examine the climate processes responsible for its number of TC days. We show that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulates the number of TC days in the North Pacific Ocean through its connection to the sea surface temperature. The insights from this work will advance the understanding of the climate processes responsible for these storms, and will provide valuable information toward our preparation and adaptation efforts on long timescales

    3D CATBraTS: Channel Attention Transformer for Brain Tumour Semantic Segmentation

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    Brain tumour diagnosis is a challenging task yet crucial for planning treatments to stop or slow the growth of a tumour. In the last decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for their high performance in the automatic segmentation of tumours in medical images. More recently, Vision Transformer (ViT) has become a central focus of medical imaging for its robustness and efficiency when compared to CNNs. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D transformer named 3D CATBraTS for brain tumour semantic segmentation on magnetic resonance images (MRIs) based on the state-of-the-art Swin transformer with a modified CNN-encoder architecture using residual blocks and a channel attention module. The proposed approach is evaluated on the BraTS 2021 dataset and achieved quantitative measures of the mean Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) that surpasses the current state-of-the-art approaches in the validation phase

    State of art of small scale solar powered ORC systems: a review of the different typologies and technology perspectives

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    Abstract Solar thermoelectric, even for small sizes, is continuing to garner more attention, by virtue of maturation of small size organic Rankine cycle generators, and of small size absorption chiller even if cost and reliability are still not optimal. Indeed, solar thermal power technology improvement would consent to stimulate an ambit already present in Europe and Italy with a well-known tradition and established leadership and efforts focused on a single solar technology would bring to positive effects concerning controllable electric and thermal energy uses. In this context, the present work tries to summarize the possible cycles and fluids that can be applied in a small solar thermal power plant. Despite a plethora of simulated and experimental cycles and fluids, the simplest cycle using near isentropic fluids seems to be the best choice for a small ORC-based CHP system, even if particular attention has to be done to all the sizing parameters (electricity, heating and cooling demand; area and type of solar collector; flow and temperature of the thermal carrier; flow, temperature and pressure of the working fluid; storage volumes; etc.). Indeed, efficiency and reliability of the reported systems are very different, but, it seems that global efficiency of even more than 10% and global cost of even less than 10,000 €/kW can be obtained even at size of few kW if adequate systems are constructed and managed

    Intense precipitation events associated with landfalling tropical cyclones in response to a warmer climate and increased CO2

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    In this work the authors investigate possible changes in the intensity of rainfall events associated 28 with tropical cyclones (TCs) under idealized forcing scenarios, including a uniformly warmer climate, with a special focus on landfalling storms. A new set of experiments designed within the U.S. CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group allows disentangling the relative role of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide from that played by sea surface temperature (SST) in changing the amount of precipitation associated with TCs in a warmer world. Compared to the present day simulation, we found an increase in TC precipitation under the scenarios involving SST increases. On the other hand, in a CO2 doubling-only scenario, the changes in TC rainfall are small and we found that, on average, TC rainfall tends to decrease compared to the present day climate. The results of this study highlight the contribution of landfalling TCs to the projected increase in the precipitation changes affecting the tropical coastal regions

    Parametric experimental tests of steam gasification of pine wood in a fluidized bed reactor

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    Among Renewable Energy Sources (RES), biomass represent one of the most common and suitable solution in order to contribute to the global energy supply and to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The disposal of some residual biomass, as pruning from pine trees, represent a problem for agricultural and agro-industrial sectors. But if the residual biomass are used for energy production can become a resource. The most suitable energy conversion technology for the above-mentioned biomass is gasification process because the high C/N ratio and the low moisture content, obtained from the analysis. In this work a small-pilot bubbling-bed gasification plant has been designed, constructed and used in order to obtain, from the pine trees pruning, a syngas with low tar and char contents and high hydrogen content. The activities showed here are part of the activities carried out in the European 7FP UNIfHY project. In particular the aim of this work is to develop experimental test on a bench scale steam blown fluidized bed biomass gasifier. These tests will be utilized in future works for the simulations of a pilot scale steam fluidized bed gasifier (100 kWth) fed with different biomass feedstock. The results of the tests include produced gas and tar composition as well gas, tar and char yield. Tests on a bench scale reactor (8 cm I.D.) were carried out varying steam to biomass ratio from 0.5, 0.7 and 1 to 830°C

    State of Art of Small Scale Biomass Gasification Power Systems: A Review of the Different Typologies

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    The security of supply and climate change issues and the linked recent growth of the local power generation by means of renewable energies technologies are providing real opportunities for the development of small scale biomass gasification systems. The present paper reports the state of art of the small scale gasification power plants. Initial attention has been given to the different biomass feedstock suitable for gasification, focusing on residues with low cost and low environmental impact. Then the two major typologies of gasifiers (fixed and fluidized bed) have been analyzed in terms of raw gas yield, composition and tar and particulate content. The different cold and hot raw gas conditioning systems, highlighting their compatibility with the different gasification system, are described. High efficiency examples of power production by means of internal combustion engine, micro gas turbine, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell or a mix of them, both as realized plants and process simulated ones, have been then reported. The paper provides an overview of the different power plants in terms of efficiency, reliability and cost. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ATI NAZIONALE
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