44 research outputs found

    Multitarget tracking via restless bandit marginal productivity indices and Kalman Filter in discrete time

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    This paper designs, evaluates, and tests a tractable priority-index policy for scheduling target updates in a discrete-time multitarget tracking model, which aims to be close to optimal relative to a discounted or average performance objective accounting for tracking-error variance and measurement costs. The policy is to be used by a sensor system composed of M phased-array radars coordinated to track the positions of N targets moving according to independent scalar Gauss-Markov linear dynamics, which therefore allows for the use of the Kalman Filter for track estimation. The paper exploits the natural problem formulation as a multiarmed restless bandit problem (MARBP) with real-state projects subject to deterministic dynamics by deploying Whittle's (1988) index policy for the MARBP. The challenging issues of indexability (existence of the index) and index evaluation are resolved by applying a method recently introduced by the first author for the analysis of real-state restless bandits. Computational results are reported demonstrating the tractability of index evaluation, the substantial performance gains that the Whittle's marginal productivity (MP) index policy achieves against myopic policies advocated in previous work and the resulting index policies suboptimality gaps. Further, a preliminary small scale computational study shows that the (MP) index policy exhibits a nearly optimal behavior as the number of distinct objective targets grows with the number of radars per target constant.Multitarget tracking, Sensor management, Phased array radar, Radar scheduling, Scaled track-error variance (STEV), Kalman Filter, Index policy, Marginal productivity (MP) index, Real-state multiarmed restless bandit problems (MARBP)

    Sensor scheduling for hunting elusive hiding targets: a restless bandit index policy

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    We consider a sensor scheduling model where a set of identical sensors are used to hunt a larger set of heterogeneous targets, each of which is located at a corresponding site. Target states change randomly over discrete time slots between “exposed” and ‘hidden,” according to Markovian transition probabilities that depend on whether sites are searched or not, so as to make the targets elusive. Sensors are imperfect, failing to detect an exposed target when searching its site with a positive misdetection probability. We formulate as a partially observable Markov decision process the problem of scheduling the sensors to search the sites so as to maximize the expected total discounted value of rewards earned (when targets are hunted) minus search costs incurred. Given the intractability of finding an optimal policy, we introduce a tractable heuristic search policy of priority index type based on the Whittle’s index for restless bandits. Preliminary computational results are reported showing that such a policy is nearly optimal and can substantially outperform the myopic policy and other simple heuristics.This work has been supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science project MTM2007- 63140 and by the Ministry of Science and Innovation project MTM2010-2080

    Multitarget tracking via restless bandit marginal productivity indices and Kalman Filter in discrete time

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    This paper designs, evaluates, and tests a tractable priority-index policy for scheduling target updates in a discrete-time multitarget tracking model, which aims to be close to optimal relative to a discounted or average performance objective accounting for tracking-error variance and measurement costs. The policy is to be used by a sensor system composed of M phased-array radars coordinated to track the positions of N targets moving according to independent scalar Gauss-Markov linear dynamics, which therefore allows for the use of the Kalman Filter for track estimation. The paper exploits the natural problem formulation as a multiarmed restless bandit problem (MARBP) with real-state projects subject to deterministic dynamics by deploying Whittle's (1988) index policy for the MARBP. The challenging issues of indexability (existence of the index) and index evaluation are resolved by applying a method recently introduced by the first author for the analysis of real-state restless bandits. Computational results are reported demonstrating the tractability of index evaluation, the substantial performance gains that the Whittle's marginal productivity (MP) index policy achieves against myopic policies advocated in previous work and the resulting index policies suboptimality gaps. Further, a preliminary small scale computational study shows that the (MP) index policy exhibits a nearly optimal behavior as the number of distinct objective targets grows with the number of radars per target constant

    Response-adaptive designs for binary responses: How to offer patient benefit while being robust to time trends?

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    Response-adaptive randomisation (RAR) can considerably improve the chances of a successful treatment outcome for patients in a clinical trial by skewing the allocation probability towards better performing treatments as data accumulates. There is considerable interest in using RAR designs in drug development for rare diseases, where traditional designs are not either feasible or ethically questionable. In this paper, we discuss and address a major criticism levelled at RAR: namely, type I error inflation due to an unknown time trend over the course of the trial. The most common cause of this phenomenon is changes in the characteristics of recruited patients-referred to as patient drift. This is a realistic concern for clinical trials in rare diseases due to their lengthly accrual rate. We compute the type I error inflation as a function of the time trend magnitude to determine in which contexts the problem is most exacerbated. We then assess the ability of different correction methods to preserve type I error in these contexts and their performance in terms of other operating characteristics, including patient benefit and power. We make recommendations as to which correction methods are most suitable in the rare disease context for several RAR rules, differentiating between the 2-armed and the multi-armed case. We further propose a RAR design for multi-armed clinical trials, which is computationally efficient and robust to several time trends considered

    Multi-armed Bandit Models for the Optimal Design of Clinical Trials: Benefits and Challenges.

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    Multi-armed bandit problems (MABPs) are a special type of optimal control problem well suited to model resource allocation under uncertainty in a wide variety of contexts. Since the first publication of the optimal solution of the classic MABP by a dynamic index rule, the bandit literature quickly diversified and emerged as an active research topic. Across this literature, the use of bandit models to optimally design clinical trials became a typical motivating application, yet little of the resulting theory has ever been used in the actual design and analysis of clinical trials. To this end, we review two MABP decision-theoretic approaches to the optimal allocation of treatments in a clinical trial: the infinite-horizon Bayesian Bernoulli MABP and the finite-horizon variant. These models possess distinct theoretical properties and lead to separate allocation rules in a clinical trial design context. We evaluate their performance compared to other allocation rules, including fixed randomization. Our results indicate that bandit approaches offer significant advantages, in terms of assigning more patients to better treatments, and severe limitations, in terms of their resulting statistical power. We propose a novel bandit-based patient allocation rule that overcomes the issue of low power, thus removing a potential barrier for their use in practice

    Restless bandit index policies for dynamic sensor scheduling optimization

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    This dissertation addresses two complex stochastic and dynamic resource allocation problems, with application in modern sensor systems: (i) hunting multiple elusive hiding targets and (ii) tracking multiple moving targets. These problems are naturally formulated as Multi-armed Restless Bandit Problems (MARBPs) with real-state variables, which introduces technical difficulties that cause its optimal solution to be intractable. Hence, in this thesis we focus on designing tractable and well-performing heuristic policies of priority-index type. We consider the above MARBPs as Markov Decision Processess (MDPs) with special structure, and we deploy recent extensions to the unifying principle to design a dynamic priority index policy based on a Lagrangian relaxation and decomposition approach. This approach allows to design an index rule based on a structural property of the optimal solution to the decomposed parametric-optimization subproblems. The resulting index is a measure of the Marginal Productivity (MP) of resources invested in the subproblems, and it is then used to define a heuristic priority rule for the original intractable problems. For each of the problems under consideration we perform such a decomposition, to analyze the conditions under which the index recovering the optimal policies for the subproblems exists. We further obtain formulae for the indices which do not admit a closed form expression, but which are approximately computed by a tractable evaluation method. Apart from the practical contribution of deriving the tractable sensor scheduling polices which improve on existing heuristics, the main contributions of this thesis are the following: (i) deploying the recent extensions of Sufficient Indexability Conditions (SIC) to the real state case, for two problems in which direct verification of the SIC and obtaining a closed-form index formula are not possible, (ii) addressing the technical difficulties to analyze PCL-indexability introduced by the uncountable state space of the MARBPs of concern, and the state evolution over it given by non-linear dynamics by exploiting the special structure of the trajectories of the state and the action processes under a threshold policy using properties of M¨obius Transformations, and (iii) providing with a tractable approximate evaluation method for the resulting index policies._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Esta tesis estudia dos problemas dinámicos y estocásticos de asignación de recursos, con aplicación a sistemas modernos de sensores: (i) localización de múltiples objetivos evasivos que se ocultan y (ii) el rastreo de múltiples objetivos que se mueven. Estos problemas son modelizados naturalmente como problemas de “Multi-armed Restless Bandit” con variable de estado real, lo que introduce dificultades técnicas que causan que su solción óptima no sea computacionalmente tratable. Debido a esto, en esta tesis nos concentramos en cambio en diseñar políticas heurísticas de prioridad que sean computacionalmente tratables y cuyo rendimento sea casi óptimo. Modelizamos los problemas arriba mencionados como problemas de decisión Markovianos con estructura especial y les aplicamos resultados existentes en la literatura, los que constituyen un principio unificador para el diseño de políticas de índices de prioridad basadas en la relajación Lagrangiana y la descomposición de esos problemas. Este enfoque nos permite considerar una propiedad de los subproblemas: la indexabilidad, por la cual podemos resolverlos de manera óptima mediante una política índice. El índice resultante es una medida de productividad de los recursos invertidos en los subproblemas, y es usado luego como medidad de la prioridad dinámica para los problemas originales intratables. Para cada uno de los problemas bajo estudio realizamos tal descomposición, y analizamos las condiciones bajo las que una política índice que recupere la solución óptima de los subproblemas existe. Además obtenemos fórmulas para los índices, las que a pesar de no admitir una expresión cerrada, son calculadas aproximadamente de manera eficiente meadiante un método tratable. Aparte de la contribución práctica de obtener reglas heurísticas de índices de prioridad para el funcionamiento de sistemas de múltiples sensores en el contexto de los dos problemas analizados, las principales contribuciones teóricas son las siguientes: (i) la aplicación de las extensiones recientes de las condiciones suficientes de indexabilidad para el caso de variable de estado real, para dos problemas en los que tanto la verificación directa de ellas como la obtención de fórmulas cerradas no son posibles, (ii) el tratamiento de las dificultades técnicas para establecer la indexabilidad introducidas por el espacio de estado infinito de los problemas bajo consideración, y por la evolución sobre este estado dada por dinámicas no lineales, explotando propiedades estructurales de los procesos de la variable de estado y trabajo bajo políticas de umbral como recursiones de Transformaciones de Möbius, and (iii) un método aproximado de evaluación de las políticas de índices resultantes

    A Bayesian adaptive design for clinical trials in rare diseases

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    Development of treatments for rare diseases is challenging due to the limited number of patients available for participation. Learning about treatment effectiveness with a view to treat patients in the larger outside population, as in the traditional fixed randomised design, may not be a plausible goal. An alternative goal is to treat the patients within the trial as effectively as possible. Using the framework of finite-horizon Markov decision processes and dynamic programming (DP), a novel randomised response-adaptive design is proposed which maximises the total number of patient successes in the trial and penalises if a minimum number of patients are not recruited to each treatment arm. Several performance measures of the proposed design are evaluated and compared to alternative designs through extensive simulation studies using a recently published trial as motivation. For simplicity, a two-armed trial with binary endpoints and immediate responses is considered. Simulation results for the proposed design show that: (i) the percentage of patients allocated to the superior arm is much higher than in the traditional fixed randomised design; (ii) relative to the optimal DP design, the power is largely improved upon and (iii) it exhibits only a very small bias and mean squared error of the treatment effect estimator. Furthermore, this design is fully randomised which is an advantage from a practical point of view because it protects the trial against various sources of bias. As such, the proposed design addresses some of the key issues that have been suggested as preventing so-called bandit models from being implemented in clinical practice.We gratefully acknowledge the support of the EPSRC funded STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, Grant No. EP/H023151/1. Sofía S. Villar is grateful to the Biometrika Trust for its research funding. This report is independent research arising in part from Professor Jaki’s Senior Research Fellowship (NIHR-SRF-2015-08-001) supported by the National Institute for Health Research

    Response-adaptive randomization for multi-arm clinical trials using the forward looking Gittins index rule.

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    The Gittins index provides a well established, computationally attractive, optimal solution to a class of resource allocation problems known collectively as the multi-arm bandit problem. Its development was originally motivated by the problem of optimal patient allocation in multi-arm clinical trials. However, it has never been used in practice, possibly for the following reasons: (1) it is fully sequential, i.e., the endpoint must be observable soon after treating a patient, reducing the medical settings to which it is applicable; (2) it is completely deterministic and thus removes randomization from the trial, which would naturally protect against various sources of bias. We propose a novel implementation of the Gittins index rule that overcomes these difficulties, trading off a small deviation from optimality for a fully randomized, adaptive group allocation procedure which offers substantial improvements in terms of patient benefit, especially relevant for small populations. We report the operating characteristics of our approach compared to existing methods of adaptive randomization using a recently published trial as motivation

    A novel statistical test for treatment differences in clinical trials using a response-adaptive forward-looking Gittins Index Rule.

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    The most common objective for response-adaptive clinical trials is to seek to ensure that patients within a trial have a high chance of receiving the best treatment available by altering the chance of allocation on the basis of accumulating data. Approaches that yield good patient benefit properties suffer from low power from a frequentist perspective when testing for a treatment difference at the end of the study due to the high imbalance in treatment allocations. In this work we develop an alternative pairwise test for treatment difference on the basis of allocation probabilities of the covariate-adjusted response-adaptive randomization with forward-looking Gittins Index (CARA-FLGI) Rule for binary responses. The performance of the novel test is evaluated in simulations for two-armed studies and then its applications to multiarmed studies are illustrated. The proposed test has markedly improved power over the traditional Fisher exact test when this class of nonmyopic response adaptation is used. We also find that the test's power is close to the power of a Fisher exact test under equal randomization

    Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s “Consultation on proposals for legislative changes for clinical trials”: a response from the Trials Methodology Research Partnership Adaptive Designs Working Group, with a focus on data sharing

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    In the UK, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency consulted on proposals “to improve and strengthen the UK clinical trials legislation to help us make the UK the best place to research and develop safe and innovative medicines”. The purpose of the consultation was to help finalise the proposals and contribute to the drafting of secondary legislation. We discussed these proposals as members of the Trials Methodology Research Partnership Adaptive Designs Working Group, which is jointly funded by the Medical Research Council and the National Institute for Health and Care Research. Two topics arose frequently in the discussion: the emphasis on legislation, and the absence of questions on data sharing. It is our opinion that the proposals rely heavily on legislation to change practice. However, clinical trials are heterogeneous, and as a result some trials will struggle to comply with all of the proposed legislation. Furthermore, adaptive design clinical trials are even more heterogeneous than their non-adaptive counterparts, and face more challenges. Consequently, it is possible that increased legislation could have a greater negative impact on adaptive designs than non-adaptive designs. Overall, we are sceptical that the introduction of legislation will achieve the desired outcomes, with some exceptions. Meanwhile the topic of data sharing — making anonymised individual-level clinical trial data available to other investigators for further use — is entirely absent from the proposals and the consultation in general. However, as an aspect of the wider concept of open science and reproducible research, data sharing is an increasingly important aspect of clinical trials. The benefits of data sharing include faster innovation, improved surveillance of drug safety and effectiveness and decreasing participant exposure to unnecessary risk. There are already a number of UK-focused documents that discuss and encourage data sharing, for example, the Concordat on Open Research Data and the Medical Research Council’s Data Sharing Policy. We strongly suggest that data sharing should be the norm rather than the exception, and hope that the forthcoming proposals on clinical trials invite discussion on this important topic