165 research outputs found

    Dextrocardia con situs inversus. Análisis cardiológico comprensible

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    Se presenta el caso de una paciente con antecedente de dextrocardia que acude a primera evaluación cardiológica. Clínicamente asintomática con exploración cardiaca realizada en hemitórax derecho. El electrocardiograma presentócaracterísticas típicas de dextrocardia con activación eléctrica atrial izquierda, la radiografía de tórax además de demostrar la malposición cardíaca, evidenció signos de inversión en lateralidad de órganos abdominales, mientras que la ecocardiografía reveló disposición especular de las cámaras cardíacas y grandes vasos. Estos estudios confirmaron el diagnóstico de Dextrocardia con situs inversus.We present the case of a patient with a history of dextrocardia who attended the first cardiological evaluation. Clinicallyasymptomatic with cardiac examination performed on the right hemithorax. The electrocardiogram showed typical characteristics of dextrocardia with left atrial electrical activation, the chest X-ray, in addition to demonstrating cardiac malposition, showed signs of inversion in laterality of abdominal organs, while echocardiography revealed a specular arrangement of the cardiac chambers and great vessels. These studies confirmed the diagnosis of Dextrocardia with situs inversus

    InnoVar - Portal Regional de Innovación

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    En el contexto de Sistemas Regionales de Innovación (SRI) débilmente desarrollados, proyectos de elaboración de un Portal de promoción y asistencia a la innovación puede resultar una herramienta interesante de soporte a la construcción de Entornos favorables para la innovación. El Portal Regional de Innovación-InnoVar (InnoVar-PRI) de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora (FI-UNLZ) plantea como objetivo, la generación de un “Nuevo Punto de Encuentro”, un “Nuevo Espacio de Interacción” entre los actores esenciales del SRI. Los resultados del PRI se pueden visualizar como la creación de un espacio real/virtual, capaz de generar, clasificar, acumular y difundir conocimiento relacionado con el desarrollo efectivo de la innovación, basando su potencialidad en las posibilidades de incrementar las “Capacidades Tecnológicas” del territorio en la modalidad específica de “Capacidad de Encuentro”, más que en una lógica de “Depósito o Biblioteca Tecnológica”, persiguiendo finalmente una mejoría en la “Capacidad Relacional” y la “Capacidad de Eslabonamiento” del SRI. El InnoVar-PRI impacta en factores de Macro-Innovación (sobre el SRI) y Micro-Innovación regional (sobre actores individuales del SRI). Macro-Innovación: instalación social de la temática innovación; definición/dinamización Actores-Estructuras-Instrumentos SRI; incremento Capital Social regional, Capacidad Eslabonamiento-innovación. Micro-Innovación: Empresas, diseño de estrategias y toma de decisiones tecnológicas, herramientas para la mejora continua, los aprendizajes y consecuentemente los niveles de innovación; Instituciones de Gobierno, en el desarrollo de políticas e instrumentos de actuación; Universidad, para el enfoque de sus líneas de investigación, formación, extensión, vinculación y transferencia

    Evolution of the southern dune sector of the Corrubedo complex

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    El estudio de las barreras arenosas costeras es fundamental porque éstas sirven de protección a otros ambientes con elevada importancia ecológica y productividad (marismas, lagunas costeras y estuarios). Sin embargo, estas barreras son ambientes altamente susceptibles a la erosión y se pueden ver afectadas por diferentes factores como cambios en el nivel del mar, oleaje, mareas, corrientes, disponibilidad de sedimento, pendiente y geomorfología del fondo marino, configuración de la línea de costa y la topografía heredada. En este trabajo se presenta una hipótesis de la evolución de la barrera costera de Corrubedo. Para el estudio de esta barrera costera se han utilizado diferentes metodologías, como el análisis de fotografías aéreas, georadar y sondeos. Por otra parte, se han datado distintos niveles mediante OSL y radiocarbono para reconstruir la historia sedimentaria. Se han reconocido un total de cuatro fases principales en el sector sur del complejo de Corrubedo. Estas fases se caracterizan por la alternancia de depósitos de grano fino y de grano grueso. Las dataciones de radiocarbono indican que la sedimentación comenzó con anterioridad a los 4500 años cal BP. En los registros de georadar se observan evidencias de la presencia del basamento a poca profundidad; lo que sugiere la influencia de la topografía heredada sobre la arquitectura resultante debido a: 1) reducción del espacio de acomodación y en consecuencia una reducción de la capacidad de almacenamiento y 2) la posición del basamento proporciona a la vez un substrato fijo que ancle la barrera y mantenga la línea de costa en una posición relativamente estable en el tiempoCoastal sand barriers are of high environmental significance because they provide protection for highly productive landward environments. However, they are also highly vulnerable environments as they can be affected by different factors such as sea-level changes, storm waves, tides, currents, sediment supply, seafloor slope and morphology, coastline development and inherited topography. The hypothesis for the evolution of the coastal barrier system of Corrubedo is presented in this study. The Corrubedo coastal barrier has been studied using a variety of methods, including geomorphologic analysis, GPR and coring for mapping sedimentary 3D architecture. Several samples have been dated using OSL and AMS radiocarbon methods to reconstruct the depositional history. Four major phases of sand barrier evolution have been recognized in the southern part of the Corrubedo complex. These phases are characterized by an alternation on the sedimentation between coarse and fine grained deposits. The radiocarbon ages indicate that sedimentation started sometime before 4500 years cal BP. Evidence of a shallow basement were detected in the GPR profiles in Corrubedo which suggests the influence of an antecedent topography on the resultant architecture by: 1) reducing the accommodation space and, therefore its storage capacity, and 2) providing a substratum for the anchoring of the barrier and maintaining a stable shorelin

    Pseudoaneurisma ventricular izquierdo gigante: utilidad de la imagen multimodal

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    We present the case of a 76-year-old patient with a history of arterial hypertension and smoking, who came for evaluation due to dyspnea and chest pain of three weeks' duration. The electrocardiogram showed signs of necrosis in the lower face. With multimodal imaging, the diagnosis of giant ventricular pseudoaneurysm was made and surgical correction was decided, unfortunately the patient died of pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2.Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 76 años con historia de hipertensión arterial y tabaquismo, quién acude para evaluación por disnea y dolor torácico de tres semanas de evolución. El electrocardiograma mostró signos de necrosis en cara inferior. Con imagen multimodal se hizo el diagnóstico de Pseudoaneurisma ventricular gigante y se decidió por la corrección quirúrgica, lastimosamente el paciente falleció de Neumonía por SARS-CoV-2

    Circular RNA CpG island hypermethylation-associated silencing in human cancer

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    Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as microRNAs and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), participate in cellular transformation. Work done in the last decade has also demonstrated that ncRNAs with growth-inhibitory functions can undergo promoter CpG island hypermethylation-associated silencing in tumorigenesis. Herein, we wondered whether circular RNAs (circRNAs), a type of RNA transcripts lacking 5′-3′ ends and forming closed loops that are gaining relevance in cancer biology, are also a target of epigenetic inactivation in tumors. To tackle this issue, we have used cancer cells genetically deficient for the DNA methyltransferase enzymes in conjuction with circRNA expression microarrays. We have found that the loss of DNA methylation provokes a release of circRNA silencing. In particular, we have identified that promoter CpG island hypermethylation of the genes TUSC3 (tumor suppressor candidate 3), POMT1 (protein O-mannosyltransferase 1), ATRNL1 (attractin-like 1) and SAMD4A (sterile alpha motif domain containing 4A) is linked to the transcriptional downregulation of both linear mRNA and the hosted circRNA. Although some circRNAs regulate the linear transcript, we did not observe changes in TUSC3 mRNA levels upon TUSC3 circ104557 overexpression. Interestingly, we found circRNA-mediated regulation of target miRNAs and an in vivo growth inhibitory effect upon TUSC3 circ104557 transduction. Data mining for 5′-end CpG island methylation of TUSC3, ATRNL1, POMT1 and SAMD4A in cancer cell lines and primary tumors showed that the epigenetic defect was commonly observed among different tumor types in association with the diminished expression of the corresponding transcript. Our findings support a role for circRNA DNA methylation-associated loss in human cancer

    Above- and below-ground trait coordination in tree seedlings depend on the most limiting resource: a test comparing a wet and a dry tropical forest in Mexico

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    The study of above- and below-ground organ plant coordination is crucial for understanding the biophysical constraints and trade-offs involved in species’ performance under different environmental conditions. Environmental stress is expected to increase constraints on species trait combinations, resulting in stronger coordination among the organs involved in the acquisition and processing of the most limiting resource. To test this hypothesis, we compared the coordination of trait combinations in 94 tree seedling species from two tropical forest systems in Mexico: dry and moist. In general, we expected that the water limitation experienced by dry forest species would result in stronger leaf-stem-root coordination than light limitation experienced by moist forest species. Using multiple correlations analyses and tools derived from network theory, we found similar functional trait coordination between forests. However, the most important traits differed between the forest types. While in the dry forest the most central traits were all related to water storage (leaf and stem water content and root thickness), in the moist forest they were related to the capacity to store water in leaves (leaf water content), root efficiency to capture resources (specific root length), and stem toughness (wood density). Our findings indicate that there is a shift in the relative importance of mechanisms to face the most limiting resource in contrasting tropical forests

    Fragilidad en adultos mayores con falla cardiaca crónica en un hospital de Lima:

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of frailty in older adults with heart failure and to examine the association between frailty and socio-demographic and clinical characteristics in patients in the Chronic Heart Failure program of the Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen National Hospital in the period 2018-2020. Materials and methods. Observational, cross-sectional, correlational study with quantitative approach in patients older than 60 years who had a frailty assessment using the Edmonton scale; as non-frail (0-4), apparently vulnerable (5-6), mildly frail (7-8), moderately frail (9-10) and severely frail (11-17). The association of frailty and patient characteristics was assessed using Pearson's Chi-Square test, values of p<0.05. and with a 95% confidence interval were considered significant. Results. The prevalence of frailty was 58.8%, most patients were male (71.8%) and the average age was 72.9 years. Age and number of comorbidities were statistically significant factors associated with frailty with p=0.004 and p<0.001 respectively. Conclusions. The prevalence of frailty was high in patients older than 60 years in the chronic heart failure program. Older patients with more comorbidities were at higher risk of frailty, highlighting the need for comprehensive assessment and screening for frailty in order to design secondary prevention programs in a timely manner.  Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de fragilidad en adultos mayores con falla cardiaca y examinar la asociación entre la fragilidad y las características sociodemográficas y clínicas en pacientes del programa de falla cardiaca crónica del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen en el periodo 2018-2020. Materiales y métodos. Estudio observacional, transversal y correlacional con enfoque cuantitativo en pacientes mayores de 60 años que tuvieron una valoración de fragilidad mediante la escala de Edmonton como no frágil (0-4), aparentemente vulnerable (5-6), levemente frágil (7-8), moderadamente frágil (9-10) y severamente frágil (11-17). La asociación de la fragilidad y las características de los pacientes se evaluó mediante la prueba de chi cuadrado de Pearson; se consideraron significativos los valores de p<0,05. y con un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados. La prevalencia de fragilidad fue de 58,8%, la mayoría de los pacientes fueron del sexo masculino (71,8%) y el promedio de edad fue de 72,9 años. La edad y el número de comorbilidades fueron factores asociados a fragilidad estadísticamente significativos con p=0,004 y p<0,001 respectivamente. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de fragilidad fue alta en pacientes mayores de 60 años del programa de falla cardiaca crónica. Los pacientes de mayor edad y con mayor número de comorbilidades tuvieron mayor riesgo de fragilidad, lo cual destaca la necesidad de una evaluación integral y un cribado de la fragilidad a fin de diseñar programas de prevención secundaria de manera oportuna

    Sex differences in the impact of frailty in elderly outpatients with heart failure

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    Introduction: Frailty is common among patients with heart failure (HF). Our aim was to address the role of frailty in the management and prognosis of elderly men and women with HF. Methods and results: Prospective multicenter registry that included 499 HF outpatients ≥75 years old. Mean age was 81.4 ± 4.3 years, and 193 (38%) were women. Compared with men, women were older (81.9 ± 4.3 vs. 81.0 ± 4.2 years, p = 0.03) and had higher left ventricular ejection fraction (46 vs. 40%, p < 0.001) and less ischemic heart disease (30 vs. 57%, p < 0.001). Women had a higher prevalence of frailty (22 vs. 10% with Clinical Frailty Scale, 34 vs. 15% with FRAIL, and 67% vs. 46% with the mobility visual scale, all p-values < 0.001) and other geriatric conditions (Barthel index ≤90: 14.9 vs. 6.2%, p = 0.003; malnutrition according to Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Formulary ≤11: 55% vs. 42%, p = 0.007; Pfeiffer cognitive test's errors: 1.6 ± 1.7 vs. 1.0 ± 1.6, p < 0.001; depression according to Yesavage test; p < 0.001) and lower comorbidity (Charlson index ≥4: 14.1% vs. 22.1%, p = 0.038). Women also showed worse self-reported quality of life (6.5 ± 2.1 vs. 6.9 ± 1.9, on a scale from 0 to 10, p = 0.012). In the univariate analysis, frailty was an independent predictor of mortality in men [Hazard ratio (HR) 3.18, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.29-7.83, p = 0.012; HR 4.53, 95% CI 2.08-9.89, p < 0.001; and HR 2.61, 95% CI 1.23-5.43, p = 0.010, according to FRAIL, Clinical Frailty Scale, and visual mobility scale, respectively], but not in women. In the multivariable analysis, frailty identified by the visual mobility scale was an independent predictor of mortality (HR 1.95, 95% CI 1.04-3.67, p = 0.03) and mortality/readmission (HR 2.06, 95% CI 1.05-4.04, p = 0.03) in men. Conclusions: In elderly outpatients with HF frailty is more common in women than in men. However, frailty is only associated with mortality in men

    In vitro and in vivo activity of a new small-molecule inhibitor of HDAC6 in mantle cell lymphoma

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    Cancer origin and development is associated not only with genetic alterations, but also with the disturbance of epigenetic profiles.1 In this regard, the tumoral epigenome is characterized by both specific and general shifts in the DNA methylation and histone-modification landscapes.1 However, in contrast to genetic disruption, the effect of epigenetic modifications or marks may potentially be reversed by the use of drugs that target enzymes involved in adding, removing or signaling DNA methylation and histone modifications.1 This basic knowledge has been adopted into clinical practice, and inhibitors of histone deacetylases and DNA demethylating agents have been approved for use in the therapy of hematologic malignancies, such as cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and myelodysplastic syndrome, respectively.2 Other promising epigenetic drugs include inhibitors of histone methyltransferases,2 histone demethylases,2 histone kinases,3 and bromodomain proteins that interfere with the 'reading' of acetylated histone residues