17 research outputs found

    Attitudes Toward Cannabis of Users and Non‑users in Spain: a Concept Mapping Study Among University Students

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    The social perception of cannabis use in Spain is getting more tolerant among young people. This study aims to uncover the attitudes of university students toward cannabis and examine the differences in their attitudes according to their use status. We applied concept mapping, a mixed-methods approach. Participants were recruited from 12 universities. During the first stage, 5 focus groups were conducted with 56 participants to determine the ideas in the concept map. In the second stage, ideas were pile-sorted and rated by 140 participants (77% females; average age = 21.6). Hierarchical cluster analysis of the pile-sort data generated the cluster map. We used t-tests to explore differences in ratings by past-year users and non-users (abstainers and ex-users). Participants generated 70 ideas associated with cannabis during the brainstorming sessions and categorized them into six groups: risks and harms, information, legalization, motives, tobacco and cannabis, and normalization. Users and non-users agree that cannabis has health risks and that smoking it mixed with tobacco is the main route of administration, although they do not perceive that this mode increases the hazards. Both users and non-users demand more information. However, they strongly disagree regarding the rest of the clusters. Users distinguish between sensible and problem use. They associate frequent use and coping motives with difficulties, whereas they perceive that moderate use yields pleasures and benefits. They blame the lack of legalization for the social stigma they still suffer. Non-users reject these considerations. Spanish university students believe that cannabis use is normal among young people. Non-users are tolerant of peers who use cannabis, but users feel stigmatized. There is a divide between the two groups regarding the convenience of implementing legal reforms.Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, Proyecto de investigación 2017 | 52, “Consumo intensivo y regular de cannabis en España” (CIRCE)

    Analysis of perceived value and misinformation about e-cigarettes among spanish youngs

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    Introducción. El tabaco, y su componente principal, la nicotina, continúa siendo uno de los principales problemas de salud a nivel mundial. Actualmente está aumentado el uso de los cigarrillos electrónicos (CE). El objetivo fue analizar el valor percibido y las motivaciones para el consumo de nicotina a través de los cigarrillos electrónicos y su convergencia con las estrategias de desinformación y marketing de la industria de la nicotina. Métodos. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa a través de una revisión centrada en el valor percibido de la nicotina y sus tecnologías de consumo habituales, y entrevistas en profundidad a 15 jóvenes universitarios. Resultados. Se identifican varios componentes del valor percibido de la experiencia de consumir nicotina a través de los CE frente al cigarrillo convencional, en consonancia con la estrategia de desinformación y difusión de fake news de la industria. Estos se refieren a los CE como productos menos perjudiciales que el tabaco convencional, más limpios, atractivos y facilitadores para el abandono del consumo de tabaco. Conclusiones. Se evidencia cómo las marcas están aprovechando la capacidad limitada del consumidor para procesar mensajes en su toma de decisiones a través de la comunicación de marketing realizada, basadas en desinformación y fake news. Es necesario continuar indagando sobre las estrategias de la industria para fomentar el consumo de nicotina en la población, especialmente en los jóvenes. Tobacco, and its main component, nicotine, continues to be one of the main health problems worldwide. The use of electronic cigarettes (EC) is currently increasing. The objective was to analyze the perceived value and motivations for the consumption of nicotine through e-cigarettes and their convergence with the disinformation and marketing strategies of the nicotine industry. Methods. A qualitative methodology was used through a review focused on the perceived value of nicotine and its usual consumption technologies, and in-depth interviews with 15 university students. Results. Several components of the perceived value of the nicotine-consuming experience through EC versus conventional cigarettes are identified, in line with the industry’s disinformation and fake news dissemination strategy. These refer to EC as less harmful, clean, attractive, and facilitating products for the cessation of tobacco use. Conclusions. It is evident how brands are taking advantage of the limited rationality of the consumer in their decision making through the marketing communication made, based on disinformation and fake news. Further research is needed into industry strategies to promote nicotine use in the population, especially among young people.Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas, a través del Proyecto EVICT-7, del Comité Nacional para la Prevención del Tabaquismo

    Profiles and risk factors for teen dating violence in Spain

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    Teen dating violence (TDV) refers to a wide range of partner-directed harmful behaviors among adolescents. Since it was first documented in the 1980s, there is a growing interest in TDV due to its potentially devastating mid- and long-term consequences. Aiming at the early detection of TDV onset with prevention purposes, research has focused on the detection of typologies of perpetrators and/or victims as well as on identifying risk and protective factors for its occurrence. Research with Spanish adolescents, however, is very limited. To fill this gap, we recruited a total of 2,319 adolescents from different regions in Spain, out of which, 1,079 reported having had a romantic partner during the last year. These filled out measures of TDV (perpetration and victimization), school aggression, hostile and benevolent sexism, empathy, assertiveness, psychological inflexibility (general measures), and psychological inflexibility with prejudice thoughts. A cluster analysis revealed that adolescents could be divided into two clusters as a function of their TDV profile: Cluster 1, including close to 76% of the sample (boys and girls), presented low TDV perpetration and victimization; Cluster 2, including 24% of the sample (boys and girls), presented higher TDV perpetration and victimization. Regression analyses revealed that, as compared to those in Cluster 1, adolescents in Cluster 2 were more likely to be older boys who scored high in benevolent sexism, overt and relational school aggression, and personal distress, and low in behavior regulation skills, perspective taking, and practical personal ability. We discuss the implications of these findings for the design of evidence-based TDV prevention campaigns

    Relatório Diagnóstico sobre o ensino superior e a ciência pós-covid-19 na Ibero-América : perspectivas e desafios 2022

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    O principal impacto no ensino a partir da declaração da pandemia foi a transição urgente e não planejada para modalidades de ensino remoto de emergência. A pandemia chegou e surpreendeu os países e instituições de ensino superior com capacidades diferentes para o desenvolvimento do ensino remoto de emergência e isso se refletiu nos resultados desiguais e nos desafios que tiveram que superar. Inicialmente apresentada como breve, a suspensão da presencialidade em muitos países da região ultrapassou 40 semanas e é o período sem aulas presenciais mais longo do mundo. A primeira reação das instituições foi criar comitês de crise para lidar com a emergência e garantir a continuidade do ensino de forma remota. A pandemia da covid-19 obrigou asinstituições universitárias a empreenderem esforços institucionais, acadêmicos,tecnológicos, etc., que não estavam em suas agendas e para os quais, em muitos casos,não houve preparação prévia. Esses esforços não foram apresentados de forma equilibrada no panorama regional. Embora as universidades da região já utilizassem plataformas virtuais de apoio ao ensino e à aprendizagem antes da pandemia, a maioria não eram propostas institucionais, mas sim iniciativas individuais. Esta foi a base para a continuidade da aprendizagem durante a emergência, e como a suspensão da presencialidade durou mais tempo, as instituições foram fortalecendo as propostas pedagógicas remotas de emergência no nível institucional, incorporando ferramentas e capacitação de professores. No nível institucional, para favorecer a continuidade da aprendizagem, as universidades não propuseram uma metodologia única, deixando para o pessoal docente a decisão sobre o uso das salas de aulas virtuais. Nelas, foram ministradas a maioria das aulas on-line sincronizadas, pelo menos em um primeiro momento. Embora os esforços das IES para oferecer apoio à comunidade universitária para garantir a continuidade da aprendizagem nas melhores condições possíveis sejam evidentes, havia limitações tecnológicas, tanto em termos de conectividade quanto de equipamentos, que nem sempre puderam ser cobertas. Também foram evidenciadas limitações pedagógicas, apesar do empenho para desenvolver competências básicas nos professores, visando facilitar o uso das possibilidades da educação a distância; e, por último, limitações socioemocionais, com esforços institucionais para reduzir a ansiedade e o stress gerados pelo isolamento e a desconexão social. A função de P&D universitária produziu um duplo movimento: por um lado, parou o planejamento e as ações em desenvolvimento até o surgimento da pandemia e, por outro, teve que disponibilizar e redirecionar recursos para produzir conhecimento sobre o SARS-CoV-2 e a covid-19, bem como para produzir recursos tecnológicos e auxiliar o sistema de saúde na prevenção do contágio, e no atendimento aos doentes e aos efeitos psicossociais da pandemia. As ações dos atores universitários para a contenção epidemiológica quanto à produção tecnológica e de conhecimento, são muito relevantes. Em alguns casos, surgiram de iniciativas institucionais nas IES com um histórico de capacidade de intervenção sociocomunitária e de articulação com o setor produtivo. Nesse sentido, as decisões políticas implementadas e os resultados obtidos foram, em maior ou menor grau, produto da articulação dos setores científicos e governamentais. No campo das IES, foram realizados muitos estudos e pesquisas sobre a SARS-CoV-2, a covid-19, a pandemia e seus efeitos em diferentes campos disciplinares. Em muitos casos, os esforços institucionais foram orientados para a produção e disponibilidade de recursos tecnológicos ou dispositivos de apoio social, especialmente para lidar com os efeitos dos processos do confinamento e luto pessoal. As pesquisas que não estão ligadas à covid-19 ou que não puderam ser mantidas foram adiadas em muitos países e podem enfrentar severas restrições para sua continuidade. Este risco é maior nas universidades dos países mais pobres que dependem de agências doadoras para o financiamento

    Informe diagnóstico sobre la educación superior y la ciencia post COVID-19 en Iberoamérica : perspectivas y desafíos de futuro 2022

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    El principal efecto en la enseñanza a partir de la declaración de la pandemia fue la transición urgente y sin planificación previa a modalidades de enseñanza remota de emergencia. La desigual capacidad para el desarrollo de enseñanza remota de emergencia con que la pandemia sorprendió a países e instituciones del nivel superior, tiene su correlato en los desiguales resultados y los desafíos que tuvieron que superar. La supresión de la presencialidad, que se presentó inicialmente como breve, en muchos países de la región, superó las 40 semanas y se trata del cierre más prolongado a nivel mundial. La primera reacción de las instituciones fue la conformación de comités de crisis para hacer frente a la emergencia y garantizar la continuidad de la enseñanza de manera remota. La pandemia COVID-19 obligó a que las instituciones universitarias llevaran adelante una serie de esfuerzos institucionales, académicos, tecnológicos, etc., que no estaban en sus agendas y para los cuales, en muchos casos, no había preparación previa. Estos esfuerzos no se presentaron de manera equilibrada en el panorama regional. Si bien las universidades de la región utilizaban plataformas virtuales de apoyo a la enseñanza desde antes de la pandemia, estas no eran en su mayoría propuestas institucionales, sino iniciativas individuales. Esta fue la base de la continuidad pedagógica durante la emergencia y a medida que el cierre de la presencialidad se prolongó, las instituciones fueron fortaleciendo las propuestas pedagógicas remotas de emergencia a nivel institucional, incorporando herramientas e instancias de formación docente. Para favorecer la continuidad pedagógica, las universidades a nivel institucional no propusieron una única metodología, dejando estas decisiones de uso de las aulas virtuales al profesorado, desde donde se dictaron mayoritariamente clases sincrónicas virtualizadas, al menos en una primera instancia. Si bien se evidencian los esfuerzos de las IES para ofrecer soporte a la comunidad universitaria con el objetivo de garantizar la continuidad pedagógica en las mejores condiciones, existen limitaciones de orden tecnológico, ya sea de conectividad o equipamiento, que no siempre han podido ser cubiertos. También se evidenciaron limitaciones de orden pedagógico, pese a los esfuerzos destinados a desarrollar las competencias básicas en los docentes para facilitar el aprovechamiento de las posibilidades de la educación a distancia; y, finalmente, de orden socioemocional, con esfuerzos institucionales tendientes a reducir la ansiedad y el estrés que el aislamiento y la desconexión social generaron

    Changes in Alcohol Consumption Pattern Based on Gender during COVID-19 Confinement in Spain

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    (1) The goal of this study was to analyze the prevalence and pattern of alcohol consumption (frequency of consumption, average daily consumption, and risky consumption) before and during confinement due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the adult population and based on gender. (2) Methods: Data from 3779 individuals were collected via a set of online surveys. The AUDIT alcohol consumption questions (AUDIT-C) were used to measure the frequency of consumption, the average daily consumption, intensive consumption, risky consumption, and standard drink units. (3) Results: During confinement, the prevalence of alcohol consumption declined in both males and females, but only intensive consumption showed significant differences, with a greater reduction in males. The number of females who consumed alcohol four or more times per week doubled, whereas the number of males who did so was multiplied by a factor of 1.5; in both females and males, the percentage who presented intensive consumption doubled. The percentage of females with risky consumption was higher than that of males both before and during confinement. In addition to gender, the interaction between age and the employment situation explain consumption before and during confinement. (4) Conclusions: During confinement due to COVID-19, alcohol consumption declined in both sexes, but alcohol-risk consumers increased their frequency of use. The interaction between gender, age, and employment situation was related to these changes. These findings are relevant for guiding public health and health-risk management policies related to alcohol consumption in environmental situations similar to COVID-19

    Keep Playing or Restart? Questions about the Evaluation of Video Game Addiction from a Systematic Review in the Context of COVID-19

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    This is a systematic review of the impact of COVID-19 confinement on problematic video game use and addiction. The research questions were: (1) What instruments were used to measure problematic gaming and video game addiction in the context of COVID-19; (2) how many studies made comparisons with analogous samples measured at two timepoints (pre-confinement and confinement); and (3) what were the results of these studies in terms of a possible increase of problematic gaming and video game addiction during confinement. The review followed the PRISMA model and used Web of Science and Scopus. Following an initial identification of 99 articles, inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied leaving 31 articles in response to the first two research questions and 6 articles for the third. The results show that a wide variety of instruments were used, with IGDS9-SF and IGD-20 being the most common. A high number of non-validated ad hoc instruments were used. Only six (22.58%) of the 31 studies examined compared pre-confinement measures with measures during confinement. Those studies were inconclusive about the negative impact of confinement on the variables mentioned, with some studies noting an increase in problematic behaviors (n = 4) and others not confirming that (n = 2). The conclusion is a need for more scientific evidence based on validated instruments, consolidation of the concepts related to problematic gaming, and consideration of other theories such as the active user to produce more robust, transferrable findings

    Age and living situation as key factors in understanding changes in alcohol use during COVID-19 confinement

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    (1) The aim of the present study was to evaluate and characterize changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 confinement in a sample of Spanish adults, analyzing their age and living situation as defining life cycle variables. (2) Method: Data from 3779 individuals were collected through a set of online surveys. AUDIT-C was used to measure the frequency of consumption, the average daily consumption, intensive consumption, risky consumption, and Standard Drink Units. (3) Results: Although alcohol consumption during confinement showed a significant general decline, age revealed important differences, with the decline being more pronounced in adults from 18 to 29 years old. The living situation also showed significant differences. The largest decreases in alcohol consumption were found in those who lived with their parents or other relatives, whereas those who lived alone or with a partner even increased their level of consumption. In addition, the data show a significant interaction between these two variables and gender. (4) Conclusions: Age and cohabitation processes are key factors in understanding the life situation of each individual during confinement and, consequently, in explaining consumption patterns. The results obtained provide interesting recommendations for designing prevention policies in both normal and crisis circumstances, emphasizing the need to understand alcohol use from a psychosocial perspective.Universidad Internacional de Valencia | Ref. PII2020_0

    Changes in alcohol consumption pattern based on gender during COVID-19 confinement in Spain

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    The goal of this study was to analyze the prevalence and pattern of alcohol consumption (frequency of consumption, average daily consumption, and risky consumption) before and during confinement due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the adult population and based on gender. (2) Methods: Data from 3779 individuals were collected via a set of online surveys. The AUDIT alcohol consumption questions (AUDIT-C) were used to measure the frequency of consumption, the average daily consumption, intensive consumption, risky consumption, and standard drink units. (3) Results: During confinement, the prevalence of alcohol consumption declined in both males and females, but only intensive consumption showed significant differences, with a greater reduction in males. The number of females who consumed alcohol four or more times per week doubled, whereas the number of males who did so was multiplied by a factor of 1.5; in both females and males, the percentage who presented intensive consumption doubled. The percentage of females with risky consumption was higher than that of males both before and during confinement. In addition to gender, the interaction between age and the employment situation explain consumption before and during confinement. (4) Conclusions: During confinement due to COVID-19, alcohol consumption declined in both sexes, but alcohol-risk consumers increased their frequency of use. The interaction between gender, age, and employment situation was related to these changes. These findings are relevant for guiding public health and health-risk management policies related to alcohol consumption in environmental situations similar to COVID-19.Universidad Internacional de Valencia | Ref. PII2020_0

    Relación entre Agresividad e Inflexibilidad Psicológica Durante la Adolescencia: Resultados Preliminares

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    The objective of this research is to determine the predictive role of psychological inflexibility on aggressiveness in a sample of adolescents, considering the gender perspective. This is a newfangled investigation given that both, the relationship between these two variables, and psychological inflexibility, have been hardly studied with adolescents. To this end, we conducted a transversal descriptive study with 499 Secondary Education students aged between 12 and 16 years. The results show the relevance of psychological inflexibility in the manifestation of aggressiveness, providing interesting results as compared to those reported so far with adults. These findings have important implications for the work of psychologists in professional settings, both at preventive levels and for the psychotherapeutic intervention with adolescents or groups of adolescents with clinical manifestations of aggressive behavior.El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar si la inflexibilidad psicológica actúa como variable predictora de la agresividad en una muestra de adolescentes, considerando la perspectiva de género. Se trata de una investigación novedosa dado que no existe literatura sobre la relación entre ambas variables, y la inflexibilidad psicológica apenas ha sido estudiada en población adolescente. Para ello se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el que han participado 499 estudiantes de educación Secundaria, de entre 12 y 16 años. Los resultados muestran la relevancia que tiene la inflexibilidad psicológica en la manifestación de la agresividad, aportando resultados interesantes con respecto a los conocidos hasta ahora en población adulta. Aunque requiere de mayor investigación, las aplicaciones que puedan tener estos hallazgos son relevantes en los distintos niveles de trabajo del psicólogo en Atención Primaria, tanto en aspectos preventivos como en la intervención psicoterapéutica con adolescentes o grupos de adolescentes con manifestaciones clínicas de conducta agresiv