264 research outputs found

    Nonblockers in hyperspaces

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    AbstractUsing nonblockers in hyperspaces (Illanes and Krupski (2011) [3]), we characterize some classes of locally connected continua: the simple closed curve, the arc, trees, and dendrites. We prove that the simple closed curve is the unique locally connected continuum for which the set of nonblockers of singletons is a continuum. We show that the set of nonblockers is also a continuum for the circle of pseudo-arcs

    Dimensiones de la personalidad y desórdenes emocionales en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud

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    Se buscó encontrar la relación entre la personalidad y desórdenes emocionales en 251 universitarios de ambos sexos, de primero a cuarto año, de 16 a 50 años de diferentes facultades de una Universidad Privada de Huacho; evaluados con el Inventario de Personalidad PEN de Eysenck y Escala API de Evaluación Conductual de Desórdenes Emocionales de Anicama. Resultados: Mujeres tienen más puntajes de psicoticismo e intraversión y los hombres más neuroticismo (p<.01). No existen diferencias significativas en las tres dimensiones según año de estudios, facultades, ni condición laboral. Desórdenes emocionales, en las mujeres son altos (p<.05), no hay diferencias entre facultades, condición laboral, pero si en sub-escala cognitiva (p<.05) para el cuarto año. Hay correlación múltiple positiva altamente significativa (p<.001) entre neuroticismo y psicoticismo con la Escala API. Introversión-extraversión correlaciona negativamente con motora y social (p<.05)

    Cuantificación de las pérdidas no técnicas en el proceso de distribución de energía eléctrica en baja tensión del sector majes siguas perteneciente a la empresa sociedad eléctrica, para su recuperación

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    Las pérdidas de energía y potencia siempre han sido un problema que todas las empresas eléctricas del Perú y del mundo poseen, por lo que el presente informe se enfoca en calcular las pérdidas eléctricas no técnicas en baja tensión, en los componentes de red secundaria que se tiene en los sistemas de distribución a partir de las Subestaciones hasta el consumidor final. Se tomo el sistema de distribución del sector Majes Sihuas como sector de evaluación, perteneciente a la concesión de Seal. Para su desarrollo se utilizó una metodología basada en la utilización de equipos de medición (Totalizadores) y programas computacionales como él (Sielse) que registra toda la información de la base de datos de los clientes de Seal con información detallada desde el inicio de contrato del cliente, información general, registros de lecturas, ordenes de trabajo realizadas al suministro, etc. Este programa Sielse además de contener información de nuestros clientes que forman parte de nuestra concesionaria también nos permite la importación y exportación de datos que luego nos servirán para hacer un análisis, comparación y la realización de cálculos para determinar el porcentaje de las pérdidas eléctricas que se tiene durante ese periodo de análisis. Con una evaluación y comparación de los registros de medición en cada etapa se puede determinar el porcentaje de pérdidas no técnicas mediante cálculos elementales

    Indicadores de control para mejorar la gestión del comercio internacional de la empresa Gandules Inc. S.A.C. ubicada en Lambayeque, Trujillo 2018

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    RESUMEN Hoy en día es fundamental reconocer la importancia de Indicadores de control para mejorar la gestión del comercio internacional de las empresas y que estas puedan así optimizar sus procesos para obtener buenos resultados a corto y largo plazo. La presente investigación realiza un análisis de dichos indicadores y su influencia en la gestión y negociaciones en los mercados internacionales de la empresa Gandules Inc. S.A.C. ubicada en Lambayeque, Trujillo 2018

    Is It Coincidence or Consequence for a Case with Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Overlapping SLE to Develop an Immune Complex Nephropathy Followed by a Nonimmune Complex Podocytopathy?

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    Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) may occur in a primary form or in association with SLE and seldom presents with nephrotic syndrome (NS). We present a case with APS who developed recurrent NS 6 years apart. The first episode of NS occurred with biopsy findings consistent with lupus nephritis (LN) class V (membranous) with no clear evidence of SLE, and responded to a remission with steroids and MMF. On the 2(nd) episode, the biopsy revealed negative immunofluorescent (IF) study for immune complexes and EM findings of complete effacement of foot processes and acellular debris in thickened capillary walls, compatible with healed previous episode of membranous LN and minimal change disease (MCD), a nonimmune complex podocytopathy. The 2(nd) episode responded to a partial remission, primarily with a short-term steroid therapy, and subsequently developed serologic evidence of SLE. Now there is growing evidence that a subset of SLE patients with NS are found to have MCD, likely due to podocyte injury caused by nonimmune complex pathway, called lupus podocytopathy. In LN, serial kidney biopsies often show transformation from one to another class of immune complex-induced glomerular lesions; however there are rare reports describing transformation of an immune complex to a nonimmune complex LN. Since the pathogenic mechanism of lupus podocytopathy is not delineated, and so far there are no reports on transformation of membranous LN, an immune complex nephropathy, to a nonimmune complex lupus podocytopathy, it still remains as a question whether our case with APS overlapping SLE had a concomitant membranous LN and lupus podocytopathy, or consequential membranous LN and lupus podocytopathy 6 years apart

    Miocene sponge assemblages in the face of the Messinian Salinity Crisis—new data from the Atlanto-Mediterranean seaway

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    The Messinian Salinity Crisis is considered as one of the most influential Cenozoic events that impacted negatively on the benthic fauna of the Mediterranean area. Changing environmental conditions, including a sharp reduction of water exchange between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, altered the geographical ranges of many organisms, including sponges (Porifera). Here, we report a unique assemblage of isolated sponge spicules from the upper Miocene of southwestern Spain. The newly recognized sponge fauna was inhabiting the Guadalquivir Basin—the corridor between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean at that time. It represents a taxonomically rich sponge community that consisted of members of “soft” and “lithistid” demosponges and hexactinellids. Demosponges are represented by at least thirty-four taxa, while hexactinellids are significantly rarer; only six taxa have been identified. From among eighteen taxa recognized to the species level, at least eight seem to be inhabiting this area to these days; six are recorded from adjacent areas, such as the Western Mediterranean, South European Atlantic Shelf, and the Azores, and three are present in the Red Sea and/or the Northern Atlantic. Intriguingly, some taxa seem to have their closest relatives in distant areas, such as the Indo-Pacific and Japanese waters which suggests that the range of some once widely-distributed populations shrunk after the isolation of the Mediterranean and the Messinian Salinity Crisis, surviving to the present day only in refugia.This work was supported by EVAMED (PID2020-118999GB-I00) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation/State Research Agency of Spain (AEI)

    GenBrick – A Rapid Multi-Part Assembly Method for BioBricks

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    This BioBricks Foundation Request for Comments (BBF RFC) describes a novel approach, GenBrick, for the rapid assembly of multiple BioBrick RFC10-compatible parts in a single reaction, with completely flexible part order, without recloning or reamplification

    Refactoring bacteriophages as repurposed nanomachines

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    Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses infecting both bacteria and archaea and are thought to be the most numerous biological entities on earth. The recent rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has engendered a renewed interest in the therapeutic uses of bacteriophages: phage therapy [1]. Advancements in molecular and synthetic biology have rendered possible phage engineering both at the structural level and at the genome level, enabling the phage to target different hosts [2] and deliver DNA packages [3], respectively. In Picovirinae, of the tailed phages order (Caudovirales), the connector is central to both capsid (head) formation and tail assembly. Engineering the clip domain of the connector could enable a Picovirinae to assemble a heterologous tail targeting a different host. In order to engineer the connector of Bacillus subtilis phage φ29, the structures of the connectors of phage GA-1 (B. pumilus host) and ΦCPV4 (Clostridium perfringens host) were determined via cryo-electron microscope at a resolution of 3.2 Å and 2.8 Å (FSC=0.143), respectively. This high resolution permits insightful analysis of conserved features of Picovirinae connectors. Conserved regions at the clip domain were used to create two chimeric connectors, the first steps towards redirecting a Bacillus phage to a Clostridium host. Furthermore, the development of a novel method for the delivery of multiple plasmids in one transformation event is presented. This has the potential to be delivered via refactored bacteriophages. Since directed evolution of large complexes and gene pathways may require libraries to be split over several plasmids, the MPD method overcomes a bottleneck in the transformation of multiple plasmids, allowing the delivery of multiple plasmids without losing library-generated diversity