725 research outputs found

    A spectroscopic study of the globular Cluster NGC 4147

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceWe present the abundance analysis for a sample of 18 red giant branch stars in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4147 based on medium- and high-resolution spectra. This is the first extensive spectroscopic study of this cluster. We derive abundances of C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Y, Ba, and Eu. We find a metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.84 +/- 0.02 and an alpha-enhancement of +0.38 +/- 0.05 (errors on the mean), typical of halo globular clusters in this metallicity regime. A significant spread is observed in the abundances of light elements C, N, O, Na, and Al. In particular, we found an Na-O anticorrelation and Na-Al correlation. The cluster contains only similar to 15 per cent of stars that belong to the first generation (Na-poor and O-rich). This implies that it suffered a severe mass-loss during its lifetime. Its [Ca/Fe] and [Ti/Fe] mean values agree better with the Galactic halo trend than with the trend of extragalactic environments at the cluster metallicity. This possibly suggests that NGC 4147 is a genuine Galactic object at odd with what claimed by some author that proposed the cluster to be member of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. An antirelation between the light s-process element Y and Na may also be present.https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/mnras/stw114

    The cosmological Lithium problem outside the Galaxy: the Sagittarius globular cluster M54

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    The cosmological Li problem is the observed discrepancy between Li abundance, A(Li), measured in Galactic dwarf, old and metal-poor stars (traditionally assumed to be equal to the initial value A(Li)_0), and that predicted by standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis calculations (A(Li)_{BBN}). Here we attack the Li problem by considering an alternative diagnostic, namely the surface Li abundance of red giant branch stars that in a colour magnitude diagram populate the region between the completion of the first dredge-up and the red giant branch bump. We obtained high-resolution spectra with the FLAMES facility at the Very Large Telescope for a sample of red giants in the globular cluster M54, belonging to the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. We obtain A(Li)=+0.93+-0.11 dex, translating -- after taking into account the dilution due to the dredge up-- to initial abundances (A(Li)_0) in the range 2.35--2.29 dex, depending on whether or not atomic diffusion is considered. This is the first measurement of Li in the Sagittarius galaxy and the more distant estimate of A(Li)_0 in old stars obtained so far. The A(Li)_0 estimated in M54 is lower by ~0.35 dex than A(Li)_{BBN}, hence incompatible at a level of ~3sigma. Our result shows that this discrepancy is a universal problem concerning both the Milky Way and extra-galactic systems. Either modifications of BBN calculations, or a combination of atomic diffusion plus a suitably tuned additional mixing during the main sequence, need to be invoked to solve the discrepancy.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    A double stellar generation in the Globular Cluster NGC6656 (M 22). Two stellar groups with different iron and s-process element abundance

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    AIMS. In this paper we present the chemical abundance analysis from high resolution UVES spectra of seventeen bright giant stars of the Globular Cluster M~22. RESULTS. We obtained an average iron abundance of [Fe/H]=-1.76\pm0.02 (internal errors only) and an \alpha enhancement of 0.36\pm0.04 (internal errors only). Na and O, and Al and O follow the well known anti-correlation found in many other GCs. We identified two groups of stars with significantly different abundances of the s-process elements Y, Zr and Ba. The relative numbers of the two group members are very similar to the ratio of the stars in the two SGBs of M22 recently found by Piotto (2009). Y and Ba abundances do not correlate with Na, O and Al. The s-element rich stars are also richer in iron and have higher Ca abundances. The results from high resolution spectra have been further confirmed by lower resolution GIRAFFE spectra of fourteen additional M22 stars. GIRAFFE spectra show also that the Eu -- a pure r-process element -- abundance is not related to the iron content. We discuss the chemical abundance pattern of M22 stars in the context of the multiple stellar populations in GC scenario.Comment: 17 Pages, 21 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Detailed abundances in stars belonging to ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies

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    We report preliminary results concerning the detailed chemical composition of metal poor stars belonging to close ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (hereafter UfDSphs). The abundances have been determined thanks to spectra obtained with X-Shooter, a high efficiency spectrograph installed on one of the ESO VLT units. The sample of ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal stars have abundance ratios slightly lower to what is measured in field halo star of the same metallicity.We did not find extreme abundances in our Hercules stars as the one found by Koch for his 2 Hercules stars. The synthesis of the neutron capture elements Ba and Sr seems to originate from the same nucleosynthetic process in operation during the early stages of the galactic evolution.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; OMEG11 conference (Tokyo, Nov 2011

    Clues on the Galactic evolution of sulphur from star clusters

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    (Abridged) The abundances of alpha-elements are a powerful diagnostic of the star formation history and chemical evolution of a galaxy. Sulphur, being moderately volatile, can be reliably measured in the interstellar medium (ISM) of damped Ly-alpha galaxies and extragalactic HII regions. Measurements in stars of different metallicity in our Galaxy can then be readily compared to the abundances in external galaxies. Such a comparison is not possible for Si or Ca that suffer depletion onto dust in the ISM. Furthermore, studying sulphur is interesting because it probes nucleosynthetic conditions that are very different from those of O or Mg. The measurements in star clusters are a reliable tracers of the Galactic evolution of sulphur. We find NLTE=6.11+/-0.04 for M 4, NLTE=7.17+/-0.02 for NGC 2477, and NLTE=7.13+/-0.06 for NGC 5822. For the only star studied in Trumpler 5 we find A(S)NLTE=6.43+/-0.03 and A(S)LTE=6.94+/-0.05. Our measurements show that, by and large, the S abundances in Galactic clusters trace reliably those in field stars. The only possible exception is Trumpler 5, for which the NLTE sulphur abundance implies an [S/Fe] ratio lower by roughly 0.4 dex than observed in field stars of comparable metallicity, even though its LTE sulphur abundance is in line with abundances of field stars. Moreover the LTE sulphur abundance is consistent only with the abundance of another alpha-element, Mg, in the same star, while the low NLTE value is consistent with Si and Ca. The S abundances in our sample of stars in clusters imply that the clusters are chemically homogeneous for S within 0.05 dex.Comment: A&A in pres

    New HST WFC3/UVIS observations augment the stellar-population complexity of omega Centauri

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    We used archival multi-band Hubble Space Telescope observations obtained with the Wide-Field Camera 3 in the UV-optical channel to present new important observational findings on the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the Galactic globular cluster omega Centauri. The ultraviolet WFC3 data have been coupled with available WFC/ACS optical-band data. The new CMDs, obtained from the combination of colors coming from eight different bands, disclose an even more complex stellar population than previously identified. This paper discusses the detailed morphology of the CMDs.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures (11 in low res), 3 tables. Accepted for publication in AJ on June 19, 201

    The C+N+O abundance of Omega Centauri giant stars: implications on the chemical enrichment scenario and the relative ages of different stellar populations

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    We present a chemical-composition analysis of 77 red-giant stars in Omega Centauri. We have measured abundances for carbon and nitrogen, and combined our results with abundances of O, Na, La, and Fe that we determined in our previous work. Our aim is to better understand the peculiar chemical-enrichment history of this cluster, by studying how the total C+N+O content varies among the different-metallicity stellar groups, and among stars at different places along the Na-O anticorrelation. We find the (anti)correlations among the light elements that would be expected on theoretical ground for matter that has been nuclearly processed via high-temperature proton captures. The overall [(C+N+O)/Fe] increases by 0.5 dex from [Fe/H] -2.0 to [Fe/H] -0.9. Our results provide insight into the chemical-enrichment history of the cluster, and the measured CNO variations provide important corrections for estimating the relative ages of the different stellar populations.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure - Accepted for publication in Ap
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