221 research outputs found

    Hot and Salty: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire streams at community, population, and molecular levels

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    Literature Review: Hydropower and Iceland\u27s Environment

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    This paper seeks to answer the question: To what extent do hydropower plants affect the surrounding environment? Through a literature review and personal accounts found on blogs and website articles, there were many conclusions that came from this research. A review of the literature indicated that use of hydropower influences the ecology around the plant. The power plant’s redirection of the river\u27s water flow and reservoir submergence cause many problems for the surrounding environments. Hydropower plants can change the landscape due to the fact that the water they use is no longer providing the right nutrients to the previously flourishing landscape as a result of the rerouting of rivers. Specifically, the hydroelectric power plants affect soil sediment around the plants, destroys habitats, impacts certain fish migration patterns, and ruins water quality. The plants were also found to uproot flora, change the sediment content and cause erosion, disrupt nesting grounds, and change whole migration patterns of some birds. These factors all contribute to the negative effects of hydropower on the nearby ecosystems. Research has identified that the change caused by the redirected and distributed water flow affects animals and vegetation in the adjacent areas and, eventually, leads to the destruction of habitats. The researcher briefly researched how this could affect eco-tourism, which was found to be quickly growing and a huge part of Iceland\u27s economy. These effects also play a negative role in Iceland\u27s nature tourism industry, as it is changing much of the wildlife sought out by these tourists. It must be stated above all that plants do have a great negative effect on the environment and surrounding ecology. How can this problem be mitigated? A few suggestions made were to move the plants to more isolated countries or implement nature preservation programs directly correlated to the plants. There have been few speculations on how to mitigate the effects of the power plants on the animals that reside in the water areas around the plant. One of the suggestion is to make “small adjustments to river flow regimes might help to restore river ecosystems” (Poff & Schmidt, 2016). Further research also suggested since not many studies were conducted on this topic, especially ones that were originally written in English

    Salt and Streams: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire watersheds at community, population, and molecular levels

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    Preparation of Intra-articular Drug Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease of the articular joints that affects over 240 million people globally. Despite its overwhelming prevalence, there is no disease modifying agent currently available to treat the disease, and many treatment options remain palliative in nature. Potentially effective treatments for OA are limited by probable systemic side effects. Intra-articular drug delivery systems present a new opportunity for the treatment of OA; encapsulated therapeutics can be injected directly into the joint, at the area of injury, thereby bypassing systemic administration and diminishing the chance for side effects. This thesis describes the research and development of novel polymeric drug delivery systems for intra-articular administration. Initially, a polymer particle delivery platform using poly(ester amide) (PEA) was developed to encapsulate the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib. Drug-loaded particles were successfully prepared, and were characterized physicochemically and biologically using in vitro and in vivo techniques. Drug was released in vitro from particles over a period of months, and the particles did not cause significant cellular toxicity. The particles elicit a minimal host response in vivo when tested in an ovine model. The PEA particle delivery platform was further developed to encapsulate and deliver the small molecule, GSK3787, which had been previously implicated as a potential disease modifying agent for OA. The physicochemical properties of the particles were characterized including the measurement of the mechanical properties of individual particles by atomic force microscopy, and it was found that the modulus was in the range of articular cartilage. The drug-loaded and empty particles exhibited low toxicity to mammalian cells. In order to establish an even more prolonged release, and greater control over the system, a hybrid drug delivery system consisting of GSK3787-loaded PEA particles embedded within a thermally-responsive hydrogel was prepared. This system was evaluated to understand the effects of particle and drug incorporation on the gel properties including syneresis, Young’s modulus, degradation, and toxicity. The release of GSK3787 from the hybrid system was slower in vitro than from hydrogel into which drug was directly loaded without particles. The hybrid system is promising for further in vivo evaluation. Overall, this thesis furthered the understanding of polymer drug delivery systems for intra-articular use, and led to the development of three new systems for potential use in treating OA. Furthermore, for the first time, a means to deliver the potential disease modifying agent GSK3787 was developed

    O potencial do whatsapp como ferramenta pedagógica: um aliado para o ensino de matemática em tempos de pandemia

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    A crise de saúde desencadeada pela COVID-19 exige medidas de distanciamento social. Desde março de 2020 as atividades presenciais foram suspensas em todo o Brasil e isso colocou em debate a continuação do ano letivo dos estudantes. O setor educacional passou por mudanças radicais, sendo o ensino presencial substituído temporariamente pelo método de ensino remoto e isso possibilitou a ampliação do uso da tecnologia digital de informação e comunicação para ministrar aulas à distância. Os professores tiveram que revisar seus métodos e se adaptarem à nova realidade. Desde então, esses profissionais passaram a lecionar remotamente por meio de plataformas online. Neste trabalho com abordagem qualitativa, foi destacado o potencial da utilização do WhatsApp como ferramenta pedagógica no ensino de matemática. Na educação, isso se tornou uma ferramenta indispensável. Portanto, este artigo tem como objetivo fazer referência ao ensino de Matemática em tempos de pandemia bem como refletir sobre a potencialidade do WhatsApp para ensinar e aprender a Matemática apoiado nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Esta pesquisa visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas voltadas ao uso das tecnologias de comunicação. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que o aplicativo WhatsApp pode ser uma importante ferramenta de aprendizagem e motivação para promover a aprendizagem da Matemática não somente fora da sala de aula física mas também dentro dela

    Polymer particles for the intra-articular delivery of drugs to treat osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of chronic disability. It is a progressive disease, involving pathological changes to the entire joint, resulting in joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of mobility. There is currently no disease-modifying pharmaceutical treatment for OA, and the treatments that do exist suffer from significant side effects. An increasing understanding of the molecular pathways involved in OA is leading to many potential drug targets. However, both current and new therapies can benefit from a targeted approach that delivers drugs selectively to joints at therapeutic concentrations, while limiting systemic exposure to the drugs. Delivery systems including hydrogels, liposomes, and various types of particles have been explored for intra-articular drug delivery. This review will describe progress over the past several years in the development of polymer-based particles for OA treatment, as well as their in vitro, in vivo, and clinical evaluation. Systems based on biopolymers such as polysaccharides and polypeptides, as well as synthetic polyesters, poly(ester amide)s, thermoresponsive polymers, poly(vinyl alcohol), amphiphilic polymers, and dendrimers will be described. We will discuss the role of particle size, biodegradability, and mechanical properties in the behavior of the particles in the joint, and the challenges to be addressed in future research


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    Introdução: O envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno que merece atenção por implicar em mudanças a curto e médio prazo nos aspectos gerais da sociedade, como economia, cultura, moradia, previdência social e cuidados com a saúde. Ele não é um fenômeno homogêneo e equânime de modo que encerra em si as contradições e desigualdades da nossa estrutura social. O Brasil é exemplo disso, onde o envelhecimento da população é acompanhado com o aumento do número de pessoas idosas vivendo em vulnerabilidade social. Não obstante, a distinção das condições de vida entre as áreas urbana e rural está implicada na histórica desigualdade social brasileira, ampliando o risco de vulnerabilidade de pessoas envelhecidas nessas áreas.  Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica exploratória em artigos científicos, investigando a produção acadêmica sobre mulheres idosas residentes em zona rural. Metodologia: Realizou-se buscas nas bases de dados Google Scholar, Scielo e Universidades, usando os seguintes descritores: “Área rural”, “Mulheres”, “Questões de gênero”, “Sexualidade” e “Terceira idade”. Foram considerados os trabalhos escritos em língua portuguesa e publicados no período de 2016 a 2021 e que continham relação com o tema desta pesquisa, resultando em 19 artigos, sendo que 10 deles foram idealizados por psicólogos.  Considerações: A análise do material permitiu perceber que a produção a respeito da temática destaca a mobilização de mulheres rurais na reivindicação por espaço  de participação na proposição de políticas referentes a temas como renda, acesso à terra e recursos naturais, empregabilidade, agroecologia e segurança alimentar; destaca a desigualdade das condições de envelhecimento entre a zona urbana e rural e as vulnerabilidades decorrentes disso; e investigam sobre a vivência da sexualidade na terceira idade e o impacto que os valores religiosos tem nisso.  Percebe-se a importância dessas pesquisas por ajudarem na compreensão das vicissitudes da experiência de envelhecer no campo o que contribui para a noção de que o envelhecimento é um processo heterogêneo e coaduna com as condições sociais e culturais em que ocorre; para o campo da psicologia, as pesquisa entregam informações relevantes para o trabalho,  além de incrementar a noção comum da necessidade de se ampliar a realização de pesquisa-ação e projetos interventivos nesses contextos e com essa população.&nbsp


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    O presente estudo aborda as dificuldades na Resolução de Problemas Matemáticos identificadas na Escola Cidadã Integral Técnica (ECIT) Chiquinho Cartaxo, uma Escola Estadual Cidadã Integral Técnica localizada na cidade de Sousa, no interior da Paraíba. O interesse por esse tema surgiu tanto das vivências práticas na sala de aula, em uma turma do Ensino Médio, como também do anseio de analisar as principais dificuldades da aprendizagem no tocante a resolução de problemas matemáticos. Utilizou-se dados qualitativos, como instrumento de coleta de dados, foi utilizado um questionário objetivo, aplicados com alunos de uma turma da 1º série do Ensino Médio Integral. O trabalho destaca um breve resgate a respeito das contribuições de alguns autores e dos documentos oficiais, e também uma análise dos dados coletados. Observa-se através da pesquisa, que a principal dificuldade em relação à resolução de problemas é a falta de compreensão dos enunciados e a interpretação dos problemas como um todo. Dessa forma, entende-se que o tema abordado é fundamental para o ensino de Matemática, pois possibilita ao aluno o desenvolvimento de habilidades que estimulam a formação intelectual, crítica e questionadora

    GSK3787-Loaded poly(Ester Amide) particles for intra-articular drug delivery

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    © 2020 by the authors. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating joint disorder affecting more than 240 million people. There is no disease modifying therapeutic, and drugs that are used to alleviate OA symptoms result in side effects. Recent research indicates that inhibition of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ffi (PPARffi) in cartilage may attenuate the development or progression of OA. PPARffi antagonists such as GSK3787 exist, but would benefit from delivery to joints to avoid side effects. Described here is the loading of GSK3787 into poly(ester amide) (PEA) particles. The particles contained 8 wt. % drug and had mean diameters of about 600 nm. Differential scanning calorimetry indicated the drug was in crystalline domains in the particles. Atomic force microscopy was used to measure the Young\u27s moduli of individual particles as 2.8 MPa. In vitro drug release studies showed 11% GSK3787 was released over 30 days. Studies in immature murine articular cartilage (IMAC) cells indicated low toxicity from the drug, empty particles, and drug-loaded particles and that the particles were not taken up by the cells. Ex vivo studies on murine joints showed that the particles could be injected into the joint space and resided there for at least 7 days. Overall, these results indicate that GSK3787-loaded PEA particles warrant further investigation as a delivery system for potential OA therapy