19 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad social empresarial : decisiones, reflexiones y casos de estudio

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    Esta obra es resultado del esfuerzo conjunto realizado por miembros de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Casos (ALAC), el Centro Internacional de Casos del Tecnológico de Monterrey (México) y la Universidad del Norte (Colombia). Contiene una selección de trabajos que versan sobre la problemática de la responsabilidad social empresarial en América Latina, la visión de la cultura y el devenir histórico acerca de este tema y una serie de casos que, sin lugar a dudas, se constituyen en un aporte significativo a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje respecto a la ética empresarial y la responsabilidad social

    Colombia la paz como posibilidad histórica: Negociaciones y retos del gobierno Santos y FARC

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    Lograr la paz es difícil, se requiere construir puentes, túneles y hasta replantear la ruta. El caso de Colombia es muy complejo; representa el principio de Estado Nación y también debe cumplir con el orden normativo político que los rige. El gobierno ha tratado de crear un blindaje jurídico político a los posibles acuerdos con las FARC, basado en las prerrogativas de su Constitución Política de 1991, con apoyo de la comunidad internacional.Achieving peace is difficult, it requires building bridges, tunnels and to stake out the route. In case of Colombia is very complex; represents the principle of Nation State and it must also comply with the political normative order that governs them. The government has tried to create a political legal shielding of possible agreements with the FARC, based on the prerogatives of its 1991 Political Constitution, with support of the international community.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaEscuela de Sociologí

    Successful Management of Insulin Allergy and Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 4 with Desensitization Therapy and Glucocorticoid Treatment: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction. Insulin allergy is a rare complication of insulin therapy, especially in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Key manifestations are hypersensitivity-related symptoms and poor metabolic control. T1DM, as well as insulin allergy, may develop in the context of autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS), further complicating management. Case Report. A 17-year-old male patient, diagnosed with T1DM, was treated with various insulin therapy schemes over several months, which resulted in recurrent anaphylactoid reactions and poor glycemic control, after which he was referred to our Endocrinology and Immunology Department. A prick test was carried out for all commercially available insulin presentations and another insulin scheme was designed but proved unsuccessful. A desensitization protocol was started with Glargine alongside administration of Prednisone, which successfully induced tolerance. Observation of skin lesions typical of vitiligo prompted laboratory workup for other autoimmune disorders, which returned positive for autoimmune gastritis/pernicious anemia. These findings are compatible with APS type 4. Discussion. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of insulin allergy in type 4 APS, as well as this particular combination in APS. Etiopathogenic components shared by insulin allergy and APS beg for further research in immunogenetics to further comprehend pathophysiologic aspects of these diseases

    Successful Management of Insulin Allergy and Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 4 with Desensitization Therapy and Glucocorticoid Treatment: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction. Insulin allergy is a rare complication of insulin therapy, especially in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Key manifestations are hypersensitivity-related symptoms and poor metabolic control. T1DM, as well as insulin allergy, may develop in the context of autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS), further complicating management. Case Report. A 17-year-old male patient, diagnosed with T1DM, was treated with various insulin therapy schemes over several months, which resulted in recurrent anaphylactoid reactions and poor glycemic control, after which he was referred to our Endocrinology and Immunology Department. A prick test was carried out for all commercially available insulin presentations and another insulin scheme was designed but proved unsuccessful. A desensitization protocol was started with Glargine alongside administration of Prednisone, which successfully induced tolerance. Observation of skin lesions typical of vitiligo prompted laboratory workup for other autoimmune disorders, which returned positive for autoimmune gastritis/pernicious anemia. These findings are compatible with APS type 4. Discussion. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of insulin allergy in type 4 APS, as well as this particular combination in APS. Etiopathogenic components shared by insulin allergy and APS beg for further research in immunogenetics to further comprehend pathophysiologic aspects of these diseases

    Biogenic silica-based microparticles obtained as a sub-product of the nanocellulose extraction process from pineapple peels

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    Vega-Baudrit, Jose R. ( Jose Roberto Vega Baudrit)Silica in plant tissues has been suggested as a component for enhancing mechanical properties, and as a physical barrier. Pineapples present in their shell and bracts rosette-like microparticles that could be associated to biogenic silica. In this study, we show for the first time that silica-based microparticles are co-purified during the extraction process of nanocellulose from pineapple (Ananas comosus). This shows that vegetable biomass could be an underappreciated source, not only for nanocellulose, but also for a highly valuable sub-product, like 10 µm biogenic rosette-like silica-based microparticles. The recovery yield obtained was 7.2 wt.%; based on the dried initial solid. Due to their size and morphology, the microparticles have potential applications as reinforcement in adhesives, polymer composites, in the biomedical field, and even as a source of silica for fertilizers

    Prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en individuos adultos de las parroquias urbanas de la ciúdad de Cuenca, Ecuador

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    Objetivo: El Síndrome Metabólico (SM) genera gran impacto en la sociedad y alto coste para el ministerio de salud pública, por lo que el objetivo principal de esta investigación, fue determinar la prevalencia de Síndrome Metabólico en la ciudad de Cuenca (Azuay) de acuerdo al consenso (IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009).  ateriales y Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo,  transversal, aleatorio y con muestreo multietápico en 318 individuos de ambos sexos, 182 mujeres (57%) y 136 hombres (43%), a los que se les practicó valoración clínica completa y se determinó niveles de glucosa en ayuno, triacilglicéridos, HDL-C. El diagnóstico de SM se realizó de acuerdo a los criterios de armonización  de la IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009. Las variables cualitativas se  expresaron como frecuencias absolutas y relativas, realizándose un modelo de Regresión Logística para analizar los principales factores asociados al SM. Resultados: La prevalencia de SM en nuestra población fue del 51,6% (n=164) con predominio en el sexo femenino con el 52.7%, en relación al masculino con el 50%. A medida que se incrementa la edad el riesgo para SM también aumenta progresivamente siendo estadísticamente significativo en el grupo de 70 años y más (OR: 13,33; IC95%: 1,22-152,34; p=0,035). La combinación de criterios diagnósticos más frecuente fue circunferencia abdominal elevada con HDL-C bajas y TAG altos. Luego del ajuste de variables independientes para SM, los factores de riesgo asociados a esta entidad fueron la Edad, el estrato socioeconómico, el IMC y el número total de colorías consumidas por día; mientras que la actividad física en tiempo de ocio fue un factor protector. Conclusiones: El síndrome metabólico es altamente prevalente en nuestra población, la circunferencia abdominal elevada es uno de los factores de riesgo que se encuentra con mayor prevalencia, Por lo que se recomienda realizar investigaciones para establecer puntos de corte de circunferencia abdominal, para nuestra realidad socio-cultural. Objective: The Metabolic syndrome (MS) generates big impact on society and high cost to the health ministry, so that the main objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in the Cuenca City (Azuay) according to the consensus (IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009). Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and multistage random sampling study was performed in 318 individuals of both sexes, 182 women (57%) and 136 men (43%), which underwent complete medical history,  the levels of fasting glucose , triglycerides, and HDL-C were determined . The diagnosis of MS was made according to the criteria of harmonization IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009. Qualitative variables were expressed as absolute and relative frequencies; logistic regression model was performed to analyze the main factors associated with MS. Results: The prevalence of MS in our population was 51.6% (n = 164) with a predominance in females with  52.7% compared to the 50% in male. As age increases the risk for SM also progressively increases, being statistically significant in the group of 70 years and older (OR: 13.33, 95% CI 1.22 to 152.34, P = 0.035).The most frequent  combination of diagnostic criteria was high abdominal circumference with low HDL-C and high TAG. After adjustment for independent variables SM, the risk factors associated with this entity were age, socioeconomic status, BMI and the total number of calories consumed per day; while physical activity during leisure time was a protective factor. Conclusions: The metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in our population; the high waist circumference is one of the risk factors that are most prevalent. Therefore is recommended investigations to establish cutoffs of waist circumference for our socio-cultural reality.&nbsp

    Prevalence, awareness, management of hypertension and association with metabolic abnormalities: the Maracaibo city metabolic syndrome prevalence study

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and epidemiologic behavior of Hypertension (HT) in the Maracaibo Municipality, Zulia state, Venezuela. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study, where 2,230 subjects from both genders were randomly selected as part of the Maracaibo city Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study (MMSPS). Complete medical examination, laboratory workup and anthropometry measurements were taken. The quantitative variables were expressed as mean±SD, and comparisons were calculated using t Student test. The qualitative variables were represented as absolute and relative frequencies, and comparisons were obtained using Z test for proportions and associations with c2 test. Results: The prevalence of HT was 19.42% (20.92% in women and 17.75% in men). The prevalence of newly diagnosed individuals was 12.0%, with 8.71% in women and 16.90% in men. The overall percentage of HT was 32.02%, being 29.63% in women and 34.65% in men. Several variables were associated with HT, such as glycemic status (χ2=64.97, p<0.001), insulin resistance (c2=25.58, p<0.001) and body mass index (c2=209.952, p<0.0001). Clinical control of blood pressure was observed in 44.7% of treated and 56.6% of untreated subjects. The most frequent anti-hypertensive drugs were: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors with (n=105), Beta-Blockers (n=97) and Angiotensin Receptor II Blockers (n=32). Conclusion: Even though elevated numbers of AHT are observed in our population combined with low clinical control of blood pressure, there is a lower prevalence of AHT compared to other studies at regional, national or international levels.&nbsp

    Emprendimiento e Innovación para la Construcción de Capital Social

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    Como resultado del trabajo de la Red MUNDO, adscrita al Programa Comercio, Tecnología e Innovación de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales, y en función del problema y perspectivas epistemológicas comunes, en esta obra colectiva sus autores realizan una construcción teórica-conceptual con ejemplificación empírica para responder: ¿cómo las experiencias de emprendimiento e innovación son claves de éxito para la construcción de capital social?, para su uso en la docencia En consecuencia con la construcción de redes de capital social, en el tercer capítulo, discutimos la incidencia que tiene la comunicación de la ciencia y la tecnología en el emprendimiento y la innovación, ejemplificada empíricamente mediante el caso: Museo virtual Saber de Población, aportado por el Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Población(IDESPO), de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

    Emprendimiento e innovación para la construcción de capital social

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    Como resultado del trabajo de la Red MUNDO, adscrita al Programa “Comercio, Tecnología e Innovación”, de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales, y en función del problema y perspectivas epistemológicas comunes, en esta obra colectiva sus autores realizan una construcción teórica-conceptual con ejemplificación empírica para responder: ¿cómo las experiencias de emprendimiento e innovación son claves de éxito para la construcción de capital social?, para su uso en la docencia.Universidad Nacional, Red MUNDOUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigació

    Anáfora: revista literaria de humanidades

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    48 páginas ; fotografías.Colección: HumanidadesFotografías galardonadas en el primer concurso de de fotografía BICROMATO 2022. | Galardonados del IV Concurso de cuento 2021. | Galardonados del I y II Concurso de poesía Palabras al Vuelo.Este primer número de Anáfora reúne los trabajos ganadores de las convocatorias de Cuento, Poesía y Fotografía, que se convoca desde la coordinación de Humanidades del CETYS Preparatoria, campus Tijuana