455 research outputs found

    Development of an electric stimulation system to analyze muscle damage in 3D Duchenne muscular dystrophy muscle culture

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive muscle wasting disease that impairs the ability of myotubes to handle mechanical stress. Thus, muscle contraction leads to membrane damage in the form of sarcolemmal tears. Electrical pulse stimulation (EPS) can replace motor neuron activation in muscle tissues, allowing in vitro muscle contraction-related studies. This work aimed to provide a practical solution for the stimulation of 3D skeletal muscle tissues as an alternative to overcome the limitations of existing commercial systems. To this end, we developed an intuitive electric stimulation system tailored to the needs of the laboratory. Our system was divided into two parts designed from the ground up. The first part allowed the user to choose which samples to stimulate, while the second part delivered the stimulation signal via graphite electrodes. The system developed in this study was used to induce contraction in healthy and DMD affected samples under different stimulation regimes, and ELISA assays were used to quantify creatine kinase leakage as a muscle damage marker. Our system facilitated higher throughput experiments using multiple samples, proving its potential to serve as a valuable tool for future research in drug testing and DMD treatments.The authors want to express our gratitude to all the members of the Biosensors for Bioengineering laboratory from IBEC. This work is supported in part by Duchenne Parent Project Spain

    Optical Properties of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors

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    We measured the optical absorptance of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors. We found that 200-nm-pitch, 50%-fill-factor devices had an average absorptance of 21% for normally-incident front-illumination of 1.55-um-wavelength light polarized parallel to the nanowires, and only 10% for perpendicularly-polarized light. We also measured devices with lower fill-factors and narrower wires that were five times more sensitive to parallel-polarized photons than perpendicular-polarized photons. We developed a numerical model that predicts the absorptance of our structures. We also used our measurements, coupled with measurements of device detection efficiencies, to determine the probability of photon detection after an absorption event. We found that, remarkably, absorbed parallel-polarized photons were more likely to result in detection events than perpendicular-polarized photons, and we present a hypothesis that qualitatively explains this result. Finally, we also determined the enhancement of device detection efficiency and absorptance due to the inclusion of an integrated optical cavity over a range of wavelengths (700-1700 nm) on a number of devices, and found good agreement with our numerical model.Comment: will appear in optics express with minor revision

    RASPV: A robotics framework for augmented simulated prosthetic vision

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    One of the main challenges of visual prostheses is to augment the perceived information to improve the experience of its wearers. Given the limited access to implanted patients, in order to facilitate the experimentation of new techniques, this is often evaluated via Simulated Prosthetic Vision (SPV) with sighted people. In this work, we introduce a novel SPV framework and implementation that presents major advantages with respect to previous approaches. First, it is integrated into a robotics framework, which allows us to benefit from a wide range of methods and algorithms from the field (e.g. object recognition, obstacle avoidance, autonomous navigation, deep learning). Second, we go beyond traditional image processing with 3D point clouds processing using an RGB-D camera, allowing us to robustly detect the floor, obstacles and the structure of the scene. Third, it works either with a real camera or in a virtual environment, which gives us endless possibilities for immersive experimentation through a head-mounted display. Fourth, we incorporate a validated temporal phosphene model that replicates time effects into the generation of visual stimuli. Finally, we have proposed, developed and tested several applications within this framework, such as avoiding moving obstacles, providing a general understanding of the scene, staircase detection, helping the subject to navigate an unfamiliar space, and object and person detection. We provide experimental results in real and virtual environments. The code is publicly available at https://www.github.com/aperezyus/RASP

    Moments of Inertia of Nuclei in the Rare Earth Region: A Relativistic versus Non-Relativistic Investigation

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    A parameter free investigation of the moments of inertia of ground state rotational bands in well deformed rare-earth nuclei is carried out using Cranked Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (CRHB) and non-relativistic Cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (CHFB) theories. In CRHB theory, the relativistic fields are determined by the non-linear Lagrangian with the NL1 force and the pairing interaction by the central part of finite range Gogny D1S force. In CHFB theory, the properties in particle-hole and particle-particle channels are defined solely by Gogny D1S forces. Using an approximate particle number projection before variation by means of the Lipkin Nogami method improves the agreement with the experimental data, especially in CRHB theory. The effect of the particle number projection on the moments of inertia and pairing energies is larger in relativistic than in non-relativistic theory.Comment: 18 pages + 2 PostScript figure

    Sistema de realidad virtual para exploración 3D con visión protésica simulada

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    Recent advances in visual prostheses have demonstrated that it is possible to restore part of the vision in certain cases of visual impairment, yet with limitations such as low resolution or a reduced field of view. To experiment more easily, visual prosthesis simulators (VPS) are used. An immersive, flexible and realistic SPV is presented using a virtual reality system, so that environments created by a computer can be explored by integrating the real movement of the user's head in the simulation thanks to the virtual reality goggles Oculus Rift DK2 and allowing a movement through the scenario using a controller or joystick in order to explore the environment as completely and realistically as possible.Los recientes avances en las prótesis visuales han demostrado que es posible restaurar parte de la visión en determinados casos de deficiencia visual, aunque con limitaciones como la baja resolución o un campo de visión reducido. Para experimentar más fácilmente se utilizan los simuladores de prótesis visuales (SPV). Se presenta un SPV inmersivo, flexible y realista mediante un sistema de realidad virtual, de forma que se puedan explorar entornos creados por un ordenador integrando el movimiento real de la cabeza del usuario en la simulación gracias a las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rift DK2 y permitiendo un desplazamiento por el escenario mediante un mando o joystick para poder explorar el entorno de la forma más completa y realista posible

    Real-time lossless compression of multibeam echosounder water column data

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    Multibeam echosounders can generate vast amounts of data when recording the complete water column, which poses logistic, economic and technical challenges. Lossy data compression can reduce data size up to one or two orders of magnitude, but often at the expense of significant image distortion. Lossless compression ratios tend to be modest and at a high computing cost. In this work we test a high-performance data compression algorithm, FAPEC, initially developed for Space data communications with low computing requirements. FAPEC provides good compression ratios and supports tailored pre-processing stages. Here we show its advantages over standard and high-end lossless compression solutions currently available, both in terms of ratios and speedR+D work on FAPEC is supported by the ESA Business Incubation Programme through Barcelona Activa, by the MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Economy) – FEDER through grants ESP2014-55996-C2-1-R, AYA2014-59084-P and MDM-2014-0369 of ICCUB (Unidad de Excelencia ‘María de Maeztu’), and by the AGAUR. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 658358 (D. Amblas). The authors acknowledge funding received from the Spanish RTD grant NUREIEV (CTM2013-44598-R) and from EC contract MIDAS (GA-603418). GRC Geociencies Marines is recognized by Generalitat de Catalunya as an excellence research group (ref. 2014 SGR 1068)

    Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra fauna

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    88 p. : ill. (1 col.), maps ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-70)."Fossil mammal and other vertebrate remains from the Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra in Baja California Norte, Mexico, provide an opportunity to examine the utility of continental scale geochronologies based on land mammal faunas. Early reports proposed a late Paleocene to early Eocene age for this fauna. Recent fieldwork and considerations of cumulative fossil discoveries strongly indicate that the Baja fauna represents the Wasatchian Land Mammal Age (early Eocene) and is strikingly similar to faunas of this age from the western interior of the United States. Wasatchian-age taxa represented in the Baja assemblage include Hyracotherium, Hyopsodus, Meniscotherium (also possibly from Clarkforkian assemblages), Diacodexis, and Prolimnocyon. Also present in the fauna are excellent specimens of Wyolestes and Esteslestes, a new genus of didelphid marsupial, as well as a badly distorted skull of a pantodont. An early Eocene age assignment is supported by analysis of the marine section adjacent to the Tetas de Cabra sequence. The marine organisms are consistent with a middle Ypresian (early Eocene) age assignment. Paleomagnetic analyses of both the terrestrial and marine sections also corroborate this age assignment. These new results substantiate the validity of the Wasatchian as a discrete temporal interval that can be applied at a continental scale. The Wasatchian thus fulfills the expectations for a mammal-based chronology. Similarities, rather than differences, between the Baja assemblage and other Wasatchian-age faunas is the dominant pattern. A choice among dispersal theories for the sources of Wasatchian mammals is not clearly indicated by the faunal evidence"--P. 3

    Protocol for the detection and nutritional management of high-output stomas

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    Introduction: An issue of recent research interest is excessive stoma output and its relation to electrolyte abnormalities. Some studies have identified this as a precursor of dehydration and renal dysfunction. A prospective study was performed of the complications associated with high-output stomas, to identify their causes, consequences and management.Materials and methods: This study was carried out by a multidisciplinary team of surgeons, gastroenterologists, nutritionists and hospital pharmacists. High-output stoma (HOS) was defined as output ≥1500 ml for two consecutive days. The subjects included in the study population, 43 patients with a new permanent or temporary stoma, were classified according to the time of HOS onset as early HOS (<3 weeks after initial surgery) or late HOS (≥3 weeks after surgery). Circumstances permitting, a specific protocol for response to HOS was applied. Each patient was followed up until the fourth month after surgery.Results: Early HOS was observed in 7 (16 %) of the sample population of 43 hospital patients, and late HOS, in 6 of the 37 (16 %) non-early HOS population. By type of stoma, nearly all HOS cases affected ileostomy, rather than colostomy, patients. The patients with early HOS remained in hospital for 18 days post surgery, significantly longer than those with no HOS (12 days). The protocol was applied to the majority of EHOS patients and achieved 100 % effectiveness. 50 % of readmissions were due to altered electrolyte balance. Hypomagnesaemia was observed in 33 % of the late HOS patients.Conclusion: The protocol developed at our hospital for the detection and management of HOS effectively addresses possible long-term complications arising from poor nutritional status and chronic electrolyte alteration