773 research outputs found

    Impleamentation of reverse logistics in a firm. The case of Danone

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2019/2020Over the past decades, we have witnessed unprecedented growth in demand for resources, due to rapid industrialization of emerging economies and continued high use of resources in developed countries. Linking economic development to the consumption of raw materials, the basis of the linear economy, represents an unsustainable model for the economy, society and the environment (Dominguez, 2014). According to the United Nations (UN, 2013) the negative impact is expected to increase, estimating an increase in the world population of 8.6 billion by 2030. In addition, due to the increase in the standard of living in developing countries, the middle class will reach 3 billion, which will consolidate the increase in consumption, generating waste at a speed that is undesirable for global sustainability. In addition, it is necessary to mention the environmental impact associated with the production and consumption model of the linear economy. Not only does the linear economy present risks at the level of resource scarcity, but the growing generation of waste that accompanies it, which rapidly contaminates terrestrial and marine ecosystems, is particularly alarming. The main environmental problem associated with the linear economy is that it is initially making use of non-renewable resources for its activities, but these resources are being depleted, causing major climate change and the loss of biodiversity (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2014) . It is in this context that the circular economy appears, since it represents an opportunity to change our production and consumption model, as well as to significantly impact the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015). This is thanks to the fact that this new production model makes it possible to improve the efficiency of resource use and works to minimise the generation of waste and reintroduce it back into the production cycle thanks to a regenerative vision based on innovation, collaboration and awareness (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2014). The difference between linear and circular economy is key to the environment. Reverse logistics is a key element in the circular economy, a new type of logistics that ensures the recovery of materials already used. Although there are many companies from different sectors that are already leading the transition to a circular economy and applying reverse logistics, there is still a long way to go to achieve a circular ecosystem (Ruiz, 2018). Despite the benefits, the application of this model can be slowed down or even rejected by companies, as it requires several changes that companies are not always prepared to face. Taking into account the previous aspects, insofar as this can contribute to facilitating the development of business models based on the circular economy, the objective of this work are to deepen into the knowledge of reverse logistics and the barriers that companies usually face when it comes to implementing it correctly in their production processes and to illustrate how a specific firm develops its reverse logistics. In order to achieve these objectives, in the first part of the work we will delve into the concept of reverse logistics and examine the dimensions or elements that make up reverse logistics in the company. Next, we will review the possible barriers that companies have to face when incorporating reverse logistics. In the second part of the work, we complement this theoretical review with a case study in which we describe how a company with a strong commitment towards sustainability issues implements its reverse logistics. Specifically, the work analyses the process and environmental initiatives carried out by the company Danone in its reverse logistics


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    O estudo aponta uma investigação sobre o ensino da Arte com uma visão sensível na Educação Básica, envolvendo a linguagem da modelagem em argila, a fim de compreender os processos de ensino-aprendizagem em Artes Visuais que envolvem a modelagem em argila e a educação sensível. Cabe ressaltar que este estudo é de caráter etnográfico,caracterizando-se pela pesquisa-ação “Refletir na ação e da ação”, e tem sua abordagem na pesquisa qualitativa; a análise dos dados apoia-se na fenomenologia. O estudo é resultado da aplicação de planos de intervenção, sob a forma de oficinas de Artes Visuais com alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma Escola de Educação Básica da rede estadual de ensino no Município de São Miguel do Oeste, SC. Este estudo aborda a modelagem em argila como processo de apreensão sensível; percebeu-se que o contato com o barro é uma maneira de os alunos se expressarem trabalhando a sua sensibilidade, pois o trabalho com argila é uma possibilidade de produção tridimensional, capaz de gerar saberes sensíveis no educando. O barro auxilia no encontro do indivíduo com o seu interior e sua sensibilidade, que se fez possível por meio da modelagem. Assim, durante a prática, os alunos se envolveram intensamente nas atividades propostas, refletindo sobre as características sensoriais existentes nas relações estabelecidas com o meio em que vivem. Palavras-chave: Ensino da Arte. Modelagem. Saber sensível. Tocar no barro.

    Mc Jess: a força da mulher sapatona

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    Descreve-se o processo de realização do curta-metragem desde a concepção do roteiro até a montagem. O filme acompanha o cotidiano de uma poeta negra, lésbica e moradora da favela da Maré que busca na arte uma forma de libertação e acolhimento. Busca-se discutir a falta de representatividade lésbica no cinema brasileiro, a valorização da arte na periferia e as fronteiras entre cinema ficcional e documental

    3D culture of adult mouse neural stem cells within functionalized self-assembling peptide scaffolds

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    Three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models of cell culture aim to fill the gap between the standard two-dimensional cell studies and the in vivo environment. Especially for neural tissue regeneration approaches where there is little regenerative capacity, these models are important for mimicking the extracellular matrix in providing support, allowing the natural flow of oxygen, nutrients, and growth factors, and possibly favoring neural cell regrowth. We have previously demonstrated that a new self-assembling nanostructured biomaterial, based on matrigel, was able to support adult neural stem cell (NSC) culture. In this study, we developed a new 3D cell culture system that takes advantage of the nano- and microfiber assembling process, under physiologic conditions, of these biomaterials. The assembled scaffold forms an intricate and biologically active matrix that displays specifically designed functional motifs: RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp), BMHP1 (bone marrow homing peptide 1), and BMHP2, for the culture of adult NSCs. These scaffolds were prepared at different concentrations, and microscopic examination of the cell-embedded scaffolds showed that NSCs are viable and they proliferate and differentiate within the nanostructured environment of the scaffold. Such a model has the potential to be tailored to develop ad hoc designed peptides for specific cell lines


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    ABSTRACTThe growth of urban areas, the unfamiliarity of people with wildlife, the spread of cities into wilderness and the loss of natural habitats cause animals and humans to live in close proximity in and around urban areas. This situation imposes many challenges to both parties and occasionally generates conflicts. When managing conflict situations, the traditional approach considers almost exclusively conservation, with little or no regard for animal welfare. This work aimed to discuss the concept of compassionate conservation and its application in practice by addressing three relevant wildlife conservation issues. The compassionate conservation approach unites conservation and animal welfare in an effort for more enlightened decision making and, consequently, improvement in animal and human welfare and environment aspects. In an overview of some wildlife management methods, the approaches are compared regarding strengths and weaknesses on animal welfare and conservation

    Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Solid Dispersions for the Solubilization of Fenretinide

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    Fenretinide (4-HPR), a retinoid derivative, has shown high antitumor activity, a low toxicological profile, and no induction of resistance. Despite these favorable features, the variability in oral absorption due to its low solubility combined with the high hepatic first pass effect strongly reduce clinical outcomes. To overcome the solubility and dissolution challenges of poorly water-soluble 4-HPR, we prepared a solid dispersion of the drug (4-HPR-P5) using a hydrophilic copolymer (P5) previously synthesized by our team as the solubilizing agent. The molecularly dispersed drug was obtained by antisolvent co-precipitation, an easy and up-scalable technique. A higher drug apparent solubility (1134-fold increase) and a markedly faster dissolution were obtained. In water, the colloidal dispersion showed a mean hydrodynamic diameter of 249 nm and positive zeta potential (+41.3 mV), confirming the suitability of the formulation for intravenous administration. The solid nanoparticles were also characterized by a high drug payload (37%), as was also evidenced by a chemometric-assisted Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) investigation. The 4-HPR-P5 exhibited antiproliferative activity, with IC50 values of 1.25 and 1.93 µM on IMR-32 and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, respectively. Our data confirmed that the 4-HPR-P5 formulation developed herein was able to increase drug apparent aqueous solubility and provide an extended release over time, thus suggesting that it represents an efficient approach to improve 4-HPR bioavailability

    Túnel musical

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    Con la intención de fomentar el desarrollo del aprendizaje en los niños al momento en el que se divierten, nació la idea de crear un túnel musical. Dicho túnel consta de un conjunto de cuatro bloques que toman la forma de un trapecio creado con dimensiones adecuadas para la talla de un rango de edad específico, teniendo siempre como objetivo principal impulsar a los niños desde los tres hasta los seis años a relacionar de una manera divertida los colores y sonidos. El proyecto se llevó a cabo aplicando los conocimientos en electrónica, programación y áreas psicosociales adquiridos a lo largo de los 3 últimos años de colegio; unificando a la especialidad de mecatrónica y ciencias experimentales. Tuvo su inicio en el diciembre del 2018 y concluyó en mayo del 2019

    Microwave-Assisted and Conventional Extractions of Volatile Compounds from Rosa x damascena Mill. Fresh Petals for Cosmetic Applications

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    Rosa x damascena Mill. essential oil is mainly used in the cosmetics and perfumery industry, but it also finds application in the food industry as a flavoring agent. The chemical composition of essential oils is affected by environment, soil, harvesting technique, storage condition, and extraction methods. Nowadays, the study and design of greener, more efficient, and sustainable extractive procedures is the main and strategic focus in the chemical research and development of botanical derivatives, especially as regards fragrances and essential oils. Several technologies are available, and the best method to use depends on the desired chemicals, but conventional extractive processes are often laborious and time-consuming, involve large amounts of solvents, and may cause the partial loss of volatiles, affecting the quality of the final product. In the last decade, microwave irradiation has been successfully applied to classical techniques, often improving the general extractive efficiency and extract quality. In the present paper, as a preliminary analytical screening approach, two microwave-mediated techniques, Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction (SFME) and Microwave Hydrodiffusion and Gravity (MHG), and two conventional procedures, Hydrodistillation (HD) and Steam Distillation (SD), were applied and compared for the extraction of volatile compounds from R. x damascena fresh petals to highlight differences and advantages of the selected procedure and of the obtained extracts useful in a cosmetic context as fragrances or active ingredients. The chemical composition of the extracts was investigated by GC-MS and GC-FID. Sixty-one components, distributed in the four techniques, were identified. SD and HD are dominated by oxygenated terpenes (59.01% and 50.06%, respectively), while MHG and SFME extracts are dominated by alcohols (61.67% and 46.81%, respectively). A relevant variability in the composition of the extracts relating to the extraction techniques used was observed. To point out the correlation between the process and composition of the obtained natural products, principal component analysis (PCA) of the data extracted from GC-FID was used. Taking into account a cosmetic application, SFME shows several advantages when compared with the other procedures. The extract (obtained in a significantly higher amount) contains a meaningful lower level of potential fragrance allergenic compounds and quite a double amount of benzyl alcohol and 2-phenyl ethanol that can also enhance the preservative action in personal care products


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    En el presente artículo se explora la aplicabilidad en las organizaciones actuales de la Teoría Científica desarrollada por Frederick Taylor. Primeramente, se hace una revisión de algunos aportes teóricos relacionados con dicha teoría, posteriormente se revisan los principales planteamientos del taylorismo para analizar y retomar aquellos que son viables en la actualidad, estableciéndose como principales conclusiones, que dicha teoría excluye la posibilidad de que el trabajador genere innovación en la organización, siendo este un recurso para incrementar la competitividad, sin embargo, si esta teoría se aplica con los mismos principios de Taylor, tendría beneficios en toda la comunidad


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    En el presente artículo se explora la aplicabilidad en las organizaciones actuales de la Teoría Científica desarrollada por Frederick Taylor. Primeramente, se hace una revisión de algunos aportes teóricos relacionados con dicha teoría, posteriormente se revisan los principales planteamientos del taylorismo para analizar y retomar aquellos que son viables en la actualidad, estableciéndose como principales conclusiones, que dicha teoría excluye la posibilidad de que el trabajador genere innovación en la organización, siendo este un recurso para incrementar la competitividad, sin embargo, si esta teoría se aplica con los mismos principios de Taylor, tendría beneficios en toda la comunidad