329 research outputs found

    Oral lactate intensifies insulin toxicity during severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia in mice

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    We investigated whether oral lactate could prevent seizures and deaths in mice with severe hypoglycemia induced by a high dose of insulin. For this purpose, mice were fasted for 15 h and then given an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (5.0 U/kg or 10.0 U/kg). Immediately after insulin injection, the mice received an oral dose of saline (control), glucose (5.5 mmol/kg), or lactate (18.0 mmol/kg). Glucose and lactate levels were measured in the blood and brain before and after the seizures began. Glucose and lactate delayed (p < 0.05) the onset of seizures associated with severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Elevated (p < 0.05) brain levels of lactate were associated with an absence of seizures in mice that received glucose or lactate, suggesting that lactate could prevent convulsions associated with severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia. However, the same oral dose of lactate that delayed the onset of convulsions also increased the mortality rate. In contrast, diazepam (3.0 mg/kg) prevented seizures and markedly decreased the frequency of death during severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia. The results demonstrated that in contrast to oral glucose, oral lactate intensifies insulin toxicity

    Whey And Soy Protein Supplements Changes Body Composition In Patients With Crohn's Disease Undergoing Azathioprine And Anti-tnf-alpha Therapy.

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    Crohn´s disease (CD) is a chronic transmural inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown cause. Malnutrition associated with active CD has been reduced although obesity has increased. Dietary strategies such as those with high-protein have been proposed to reduce body fat. This study compares the effects of two supplements on the nutritional status of CD patients. 68 CD patients were randomized in two groups: whey protein group (WP) and soy protein group (SP). Using bioimpedance analysis, anthropometry and albumin and pre-albumin dosages the nutritional status was measured before starting the intervention and after 8 and 16 weeks. The disease activity was determined by Crohn's Disease Activity Index and serum C-reactive protein dosage and dietary intake by 24h dietary recalls. Forty-one patients concluded the study and both supplements changed body composition similarly. Triceps skin fold thickness (p< 0.001) and body fat percentage (p=0.001) decreased, whereas mid-arm muscle circumference (p=0.004), corrected arm muscle area (p=0.005) and body lean percentage (p=0.001) increased. For Crohn's disease patients undergoing anti TNF-alpha and azatioprine therapies, supplementation with whey and soy proteins changes body composition through reduction of body fat and thus contributes to control inflammation.311603-161

    Efeito da técnica isostretching no equilíbrio postural

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da técnica isostretching em alterações posturais. Doze voluntários com aumento da cifose torácica, escoliose, protrusão de cabeça e ombros foram tratados com a técnica isostretching três vezes por semana em sessões de 1 hora cada. Foram divididos em dois grupos, segundo o número de sessões de tratamento que freqüentaram: grupo 1 (n=8), mais de 30 sessões e grupo 2 (n=4), menos de 30 sessões. Para a avaliação postural, os voluntários foram fotografados antes e após o tratamento no plano frontal anterior e posterior, no plano sagital ereto e em flexão anterior de tronco. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. No grupo 1, os resultados foram satisfatórios quanto às modificações no alinhamento do triângulo de Talles (&#916;T) esquerdo (f=0,00), ângulo coxofemoral (f=0,00), ângulo tibiotársico (f=0,00) e alinhamento da coluna torácica (f=0,01). Nos indivíduos do grupo 2, os resultados foram satisfatórios quanto ao alinhamento do joelho esquerdo (f=0,03), &#916;T esquerdo (f=0,00), &#916;T direito (f=0,01), alinhamento da coluna torácica (f=0,03) e alinhamento da cabeça (f=0,02). A técnica de isostretching, nas posturas adotadas neste estudo, foi pois eficaz no alinhamento da coluna vertebral torácica nos dois grupos, bem como na melhora da flexibilidade no grupo 1; entretanto, não houve melhora nas assimetrias posturais no plano frontal, independente do número de sessões freqüentadas pelos sujeitos.The purpose was to assess the effects of the isostretching technique on postural changes. Twelve subjects with increased thoracic kyphosis, scoliosis, head and shoulders protusion were treated with the isostretching technique in three one-hour weekly sessions. Subjects were dividded into two groups according to the number of sessions attended: group 1 (n=8), over 30 sessions; and group 2 (n=4) attended less than 30 sessions. In order to assess postural changes, subjects were photographed before and after treatment at anterior and posterior frontal planes, at upright sagittal plane and at anterior trunk flexion. Data were statistically analysed and significance level set at 5%. Group 1 results were satisfactory as to changes in letf Talles triangle (T&#916;) alignment (f=0.00), hip angle (f=0.00), tibiotarsal angle (f=0.01), and thoracic kyphosis alignment (f=0.00). In group 2 subjects, results were satisfactory as to left knee angle (f=0.03), left T&#916; f=0.00) and right T&#916; (f=0.01) alignment, thoracic kyphosis (f=0.03) and head alignment (f=0.02). The isostretching technique, in the postures here adopted, was efficient in aligning thoracic spine in both groups and in improving flexibility in group 1; however, regardless of the number of sessions attended, no changes in frontal plane posture asymmetries were noticed

    Potassium phosphite on the control of downy mildew of grapevine and physicochemical characteristics of Merlot grapes

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses crescentes de duas formulações de fosfito de potássio, sobre a severidade do míldio da videira, produtividade e características físico‑químicas de uvas Merlot. Foram avaliadas duas formulações de fosfito de potássio (Phi A e B), nas doses 0, 1,2, 2,5, 3,7 e 5,0 g L-1 de P2O5, comparadas com um fertilizante foliar e fungicidas, nas safras de 2009/2010 e 2010/2011. Observou-se efeito linear das doses de fosfito sobre a redução da severidade do míldio, nas duas safras. A maior dose de Phi A proporcionou controle médio de 60,5% e a de Phi B de 57,7%, semelhante ao controle pelos fungicidas (64,3%) e pelo fertilizante foliar (53,3%). Na primeira safra, Phi B proporcionou maior produtividade e, na segunda, não diferiu do tratamento com o fungicida. Os tratamentos somente produziram efeito sobre teor de sólidos solúveis, pH e acidez total titulável do mosto na segunda safra. Phi B e fungicidas proporcionaram os maiores teores de compostos fenólicos solúveis totais das cascas, porém, não produziram efeito sobre os teores de antocianinas. A aplicação de fosfito de potássio aumenta o teor de sólidos solúveis totais e o pH, reduz a acidez total titulável das bagas, não afeta o teor de antocianinas e é alternativa eficaz para o controle do míldio da videira, com resposta similar à proporcionada por fungicidas.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of increasing doses of two formulations of potassium phosphite, on the severity of downy mildew of grapevine, yield and on physicochemical characteristics of Merlot grapes. Two formulations of potassium phosphite (Phi A and B) were evaluated at the doses 0, 1.2, 2.5, 3.7 and 5.0 g L-1 of P2O5, in comparison with a foliar fertilizer and fungicides, during the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 crop seasons. There was a linear effect of phosphite doses on the reduction of the downy mildew severity, in the two crop seasons. The Phi A highest dose provided an average control of 60.5%, and Phi B, 57.7%, similar to the control by the fungicides (64.3%) and fertilizer (53.3%). In the first harvest, Phi B provided a greater productivity, while, in the second, it did not differ from the treatment with fungicides. Treatments only affected soluble solids, pH and total acidity of the grape must in the second season. Phi B and fungicides provided the highest levels of total soluble phenolic compounds at the grape peel, however, had no effect on the levels of anthocyanins. Potassium phosphite application increases total soluble solids and pH, reduces total titratable acidity of the berries, does not affect anthocyanin contents, and it is an effective alternative for the control of downy mildew, with response similar to that of fungicides

    Vitamin D3 as adjuvant in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: modulation of genomic and biochemical instability

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    Erratum in - Corrigendum: Vitamin D3 as adjuvant in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: modulation of genomic and biochemical instability. Fagundes GE, Macan TP, Rohr P, Damiani AP, Da Rocha FR, Pereira M, Longaretti LM, Vilela TC, Ceretta LB, Mendes C, Silveira PCL, Teixeira JPF, de Andrade VM. Mutagenesis. 2019 May 29;34(2):215. doi: 10.1093/mutage/gez006.Type 2 diabetes mellitus has undergone a worldwide growth in incidence in the world and has now acquired epidemic status. There is a strong link between type 2 diabetes and vitamin D deficiency. Because vitamin D has beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of vitamin D3 supplementation on the modulation of glycaemic control and other metabolic effects, as well as modulation of genomic instability in patients with type 2 diabetes. We evaluated 75 patients with type 2 diabetes, registered in the Integrated Clinics of the University of Southern Santa Catarina. Participants received 4000 IU of vitamin D3 (25(OH)D) supplementation daily for 8 weeks. Blood samples were collected at the beginning and at the end of the supplementation, and 4 weeks after the end of supplementation. The glycidic and lipid profiles [total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides], oxidative stress, DNA damage and 25(OH)D levels were evaluated. Vitamin D3 supplementation for 8 weeks showed enough to significantly increase blood levels of 25(OH)D. A significant difference in lipid profile was observed only in non-HDL cholesterol. Significant changes were observed in glucose homeostasis (fasting glucose and serum insulin) and, in addition, a reduction in the parameters of oxidative stress and DNA damage. There was a significant reduction in the values of 25(OH)D 4 weeks after the end of the supplementation, but levels still remained above baseline. Use of vitamin D supplementation can be an ally in the health modulation of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusThis work was supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC) and Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde/ Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comportamentos de proteção contra a infecção por SARS-CoV-2: um estudo de coorte

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Nós elaboramos um estudo prospectivo com o objetivo de avaliar fatores (adesão ao distanciamento social, uso de EPI’s, etc.) que poderiam ser determinantes no desenvolvimento da COVID-19 que poderá subsidiar o desenvolvimento de estratégias de saúde eficazes no combate da infecção no município de Passos - Minas Gerais, Brasil, seja em ambientes hospitalar ou não-hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo coorte longitudinal onde foram incluídos 343 indivíduos da população que foram selecionados aleatoriamente por conglomerado. Os indivíduos selecionados responderam a um questionário relacionado às características clínicas, medidas preventivas, comorbidades e uso de medicamentos. Na ocasião foi realizado teste rápido nos indivíduos para detecção de anticorpos IgG e IgM. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de seis meses e, durante o acompanhamento, manteve-se contato telefônico a cada duas semanas. Ao final do seguimento, novo teste sorológico foi realizado e calculado o risco associado à presença de fatores de risco e à incidência da doença. RESULTADOS: Verificamos que 27,3% dos participantes que se infectaram no seguimento faziam uso ivermectina e hidroxicloroquina como forma de prevenção, enquanto nós não infectados, 11,3% usavam esses medicamentos. Para os indivíduos que apresentaram a doença durante o seguimento 21,2% relataram respeitar o isolamento social, 27,3% relataram que saíram para trabalhar e 42,14% relataram que frequentaram ambientes hospitalares. Entre os participantes que tiveram a infecção, 12,1% relataram contato apenas com familiares, 9,1% com familiares e colegas de trabalho e 75,8% com profissionais de saúde. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo forneceu dados epidemiológicos de indivíduos infectados pelo COVID-19, que podem contribuir com o sistema de saúde no estabelecimento de medidas preventivas.INTRODUCTION: We designed a prospective study aiming to assess factors (adherence to social distancing, use of PPE, etc.) that could be determinants in the development of COVID-19 that may subsidize the development of effective health strategies to combat the infection in the municipality of Passos - Minas Gerais, Brazil, whether in the hospital or non-hospital settings. METHODS: This is a longitudinal cohort study where 343 individuals from the population were included and randomly selected by clusters. The selected individuals answered a questionnaire related to clinical characteristics, preventive measures, comorbidities, and medication use. A rapid test was performed on the individuals to detect IgG and IgM antibodies. The average follow-up period was six months, and during the follow-up, telephone contact was maintained every two weeks. At the end of the follow-up, a new serological test was performed, and the risk associated with risk factors and disease incidence was calculated. RESULTS: We found that 27.3% of patients who became infected during follow-up were using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as a means of prevention, while in non-infected patients, 11.3% used these drugs. (p = 0.024). For patients who had the disease during follow-up, 21.2% reported respecting social isolation, 27.3% reported leaving for work, and 42.14% reported having attended hospital environments (p = 0.004). Among the participants who had the infection, 12.1% reported contact only with family members, 9.1% with family members and co-workers, and 75.8% with health professionals (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study provided epidemiological data on patients infected with COVID-19, which can contribute to the health system's establishment of preventive measures

    The Prevalence of Adenoid Hypertrophy among Children with Zika Related Microcephaly.

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    Upper respiratory obstruction is a common sequela in children with Zika-related microcephaly (ZRM). As a cross-sectional analysis nested in a cohort study, this study aims to investigate the prevalence of adenoid hypertrophy (AH) in children with ZRM and symptoms of respiratory obstruction. The data were collected in the first three years of life from children with ZRM who were followed in two reference centers for otorhinolaryngological care of patients with congenital Zika syndrome. Out of 92 children with confirmed ZRM, 57 were evaluated by nasopharyngoscopy after presenting with upper respiratory obstruction symptoms. In this study, 31 of the 57 (54%) children with ZRM who were evaluated had obstructive AH. Thirteen children with obstructive AH were submitted to surgery, which resulted in the complete resolution of symptoms for 11, partial resolution in 1, and no improvement in 1. No evidence of direct involvement by Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in the adenoid tissues was demonstrated by histology or immunohistochemistry. Our results suggest that there is a high prevalence and early presentation of AH in children with ZRM, with consequent upper airway obstruction causing upper airway obstructive disorder, secretory otitis media, and dysphagia

    Coalizão talonavicular parcial: Partial talonavicular coalition

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    Introdução: Coalizão tarsal se refere à fusão congênita entre dois ou mais ossos do mediopé ou retropé, podendo ser de ordem óssea, cartilaginosa ou fibrosa. O subtipo talonavicular é menos prevalente, já que a coalizão talocalcânea e calcâneonavicular são responsáveis por mais de 90% de todos os casos de coalização tarsal. Apresentação do Caso: LVP, feminino, 24 anos, com queixa de dor crônica em pé direito e dificuldade de deambulação há 10 anos. Clinicamente, observou-se dor à mobilização passiva e diminuição da amplitude de movimento, sendo realizada tomografia computadorizada (TC) de pé direito, que evidenciou coalizão talonavicular parcial. Discussão: A apresentação clínica é frequentemente assintomática, favorecendo maior progressão de doença e evolução para complicações que acarretam maior morbidade, como a osteoartrite de mediopé. O tratamento conservador deve ser indicado inicialmente e, em casos de refratariedade à abordagem clínica, recomenda-se a ressecção cirúrgica da coalizão com interposição de enxerto tecidual. Conclusão: A coalizão talonavicular é um subtipo raro e infrequente dentre as coalizões tarsais, sendo uma causa subdiagnosticada de dor crônica no tornozelo e pé, associando-se, portanto, com maior morbidade em virtude do diagnóstico tardio.&nbsp

    Enfisema bolhoso idiopático gigante em paciente jovem: Giant idiopathic bullous Emphysema in a young patient

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    Introdução: O enfisema bolhoso é uma condição crônica e progressiva que ocorre em consequência da degeneração do espaço aéreo pulmonar e formação de uma ou múltiplas bolhas. Apresentação do caso:&nbsp; Homem, 45 anos, caucasiano com ascendência europeia, apresentou-se ao setor de urgência e emergência de um serviço particular da cidade de Brasília, com queixa de dispnéia há aproximadamente 18 meses. Inicialmente associada a atividades físicas intensas, que evoluiu progressivamente no decorrer dos meses. Discussão: Inicialmente, o caso em análise demonstrou características evidentes de enfisema bolhoso gigante (GBE) os quais podem ser percebidos pelos seguintes pontos. A princípio, evidencia-se que o local de trabalho do paciente foi fator fundamental para a evolução do quadro, visto que permanecia por 8 horas diária em uma carvoaria desde a infância. Logo, em decorrência houve o desencadeamento de dispneia aos pequenos esforços, insônia, perda de peso, sensação de aperto no peito e febre. Conclusão: é evidente que o conhecimento científico adequado por parte do médico possibilita a orientação adequada a seu paciente e a elaboração de um plano eficaz, de modo a proporcionar um diagnóstico precoce e a tomada de decisões em tempo hábil. Com isso é possível melhorar o prognóstico do paciente, evitar maiores danos e futuras complicações