234 research outputs found

    Use of re-esterified palm oils, differing in their acylglycerol structure, in fattening pig diets

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    Re-esterified oils are new fat sources obtained from the chemical esterification of acid oils with glycerol (both economically interesting by-products from oil refining and biodiesel industries, respectively). The different fatty acid (FA) positional distribution and acylglycerol composition of re-esterified oils may enhance the apparent absorption of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and, therefore, their overall nutritive value, which might lead to an increased deposition of SFA. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential use of re-esterified palm oils, in comparison with their corresponding acid and native oils in fattening pig diets, studying their effects on fatty acid apparent absorption, acylglycerol and free fatty acid (FFA) composition of feces, growth performance, carcass-fat depots and fatty acid composition of backfat. Seventy-two crossbred boars and gilts (average weight of 24.7 ± 2.55 kg) were blocked by initial BW (nine blocks of BW for each gender), housed in adjacent individual boxes, and fed one of the four dietary treatments, which were the result of a basal diet supplemented with 4% (as-fed basis) of native palm oil (PN), acid palm oil (PA), re-esterified palm oil low in mono- and diacylglycerols (PEL), or re-esterified palm oil high in mono- and diacylglycerols (PEH). Regarding results from the digestibility balance, PA and PN showed similar apparent absorption coefficients ( P > 0.05), despite the high, FFA content of the former. However, re-esterified palm oils (both PEL and PEH) showed a higher apparent absorption of total FA than did their corresponding native and acid oils ( P 0.05). We conclude that re-esterified oils are interesting fat sources to be considered in fattening pigs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of re-esterified palm oils, differing in their acylglycerol structure, in weaning-piglet diets

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    Re-esterified oils are new fat sources obtained from chemical esterification of acid oils with glycerol (both economically interesting by-products from oil refining and biodiesel industries, respectively). The different fatty acid (FA) positional distribution and acylglycerol composition of re-esterified oils may enhance the apparent absorption of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and, thus, their overall nutritive value. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential use of re-esterified palm oils, in comparison with their corresponding acid and native oils, and also with an unsaturated fat source in weaning-piglet diets. The parameters assessed were: FA apparent absorption, acylglycerol and free fatty acid (FFA) composition of feces, and growth performance. One-hundred and twenty weaning piglets (average weight of 8.50 ± 1.778 kg) were blocked by initial BW (six blocks) and randomly assigned to five dietary treatments, resulting in four piglets per pen and six replicates per treatment. Dietary treatments were a basal diet supplemented with 10% (as-fed basis) of native soybean oil (SN), native palm oil (PN), acid palm oil (PA), re-esterified palm oil low in mono- (MAG) and diacylglycerols (DAG) (PEL), or re-esterified palm oil high in MAG and DAG (PEH). Results from the digestibility balance showed that SN reached the greatest total FA apparent absorption, and statistically different from PN, PA and PEL ( P 0.05), but PEH achieved the greatest total FA apparent absorption. Animals fed PEL, despite the fact that PEL oil contained more sn-2 SFA, did not show an improved absorption of SFA ( P > 0.05). Animals fed PA and PN showed similar apparent absorption coefficients ( P > 0.05), despite the high FFA content of PA oil. The acylglycerol and FFA composition of feces was mainly composed of FFA. There were no significant differences in growth performance ( P > 0.05). Results of the present study suggest that, despite the different acylglycerol structure of re-esterified oils, there were no significant differences in digestibility or performance with respect to their corresponding PN and PA oils in weaning-piglet diets.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of combinations of re-esterified oils, differing in their degree of saturation, in broiler chicken diets

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    Re-esterified oils contain higher proportions of mono- and diacylglycerols, and also higher proportions of saturated fatty acids (SFA) at the sn-2 position of acylglycerol molecules than does a native oil with the same degree of saturation, which enhances the apparent absorption of SFA. Moreover, as happens with native oils, their nutritive value could be further improved by blending re-esterified oils of extreme degrees of saturation. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to assess the effect of increasing the dietary unsaturated-to-saturated fatty acid ratio (UFA:SFA) by adding re-esterified soybean oil in replacement of re-esterified palm oil, on fatty acid (FA) apparent absorption and its consequences on growth performance, carcass fat depots, and FA composition of abdominal adipose tissue. For this purpose, one hundred twenty 1-day-old female broiler chickens were randomly distributed in 30 cages. The 2 pure re-esterified oils, together with 3 re-esterified oil blends, were included in the basal diet at 6%. The increasing dietary UFA:SFA ratio resulted in an improved total FA apparent absorption (linear effect for the starter period, P = 0.001; quadratic effect for the growerfinisher period, P = 0.006) and, therefore, an improved feed conversion ratio (FCR) for the overall period (linear effect, P = 0.003). In the starter period, the improved fat absorption was due to the growing presence of linoleic acid and the enhanced absorption of SFA, mono- and polyunsaturated FA (associative effects among FA; P 0.05). The UFA:SFA ratio of the abdominal adipose tissue varied in the same direction, but to a lesser extent than that of the diet. Whilst the deposited-to-absorbed ratio of polyunsaturated FA remained relatively constant as the dietary UFA:SFA ratio increased, the deposited-to-absorbed ratio of SFA increased, and that of monounsaturated FA decreased. Taken together, the addition of re-esterified soybean oil in replacement of re-esterified palm oil improved fat absorption, but no synergism was observed between re-esterified oils.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The different molecular structure and glycerol-to-fatty acid ratio of palm oils affect their nutritive value in broiler chicken diets

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    The aim of this study is to assess how the fat molecular structure and its glycerol-to-fatty acid ratio (G : FA) affect the fatty acid (FA) apparent absorption of palm oils in broiler chickens. The experimental diets were the result of a basal diet supplemented with 6% of different palm oils. Native palm oil (N), rich in triacylglycerols, was the positive control (T1), and acid palm oil (A), rich in free FA, was the negative control (T2). In order to improve the nutritive value of A, two different nutritional strategies were performed. The first strategy was achieved by adding increasing amounts of free glycerol (G) (4% (T3), 8% (T4) and 16% (T5)) to A, and the second one by adding increasing amounts of mono- (MAG) and diacylglycerols (DAG), coming from re-esterified palm oil (E) (40% (T6), 70% (T7), and 100% (T8)) to A. As a result, eight dietary treatments were formulated with a G : FA ratio ranging from 0.04 to 0.67. These treatments were randomly assigned to 192 one-day-old female broiler chickens (Ross 308), distributed in 48 cages. The results showed how, by keeping the G : FA ratio constant (0.33 mol/mol), the diet with a high MAG and DAG content (T7) achieved higher saturated FA apparent absorption values than did the diet with a high triacylglycerol content (T1) and this, in turn, more than did the diet with a high free FA content (T4). The behavior of oils with high or low G : FA ratio was dependent on whether G was in a free state or esterified as part of acylglycerol molecules. Thus, increasing amounts of G to A did not enhance the total FA apparent absorption, but rather quite the opposite, even impairing the absorption of mono- and polyunsaturated FA. However, increasing amounts of E (rich in MAG and DAG) to A (rich in FFA) did enhance total FA apparent absorption, primarily due to the increased absorption of saturated FA. In conclusion, the greater the G : FA ratio of a palm oil, the greater the absorption of total FA, as long as G is esterified as part of acylglycerol molecules. Thus, the re-esterification process for obtaining E makes sense in order to give added value to A, achieving even greater digestibility values than does its corresponding N

    The effect of genetic defects on pregnancy loss in Swedish dairy cattle

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    The effect of carrier status of 10 lethal recessive genetic defects on pregnancy maintenance in Swedish dairy cattle was examined. The genetic defects were Ayrshire Haplotype 1, Ayrshire Haplotype 2, BTA12, BTA23, and Brown Swiss Haplotype 2 in Red Dairy Cattle (RDC), and Holstein Haplotype 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 (HH1–HH7) in Holstein. Effects of carrier status of BTA12 and HH3 on conception rate (CR), interval from first to last service (FLS), and milk production were also examined. Data were obtained for 1,429 herds in the Swedish milk recording system, while information on carrier status of genetic defects was obtained from the Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation. In total, data on 158,795 inseminations in 28,432 RDC and 22,018 Holstein females were available. Data permitted separate analyses of BTA12 and HH3, but carrier frequencies of other defects were too low to enable further analysis. Pregnancy loss was defined as failure to maintain pregnancy, where pregnancy status was confirmed with manual and chemical pregnancy diagnosis, insemination, calving, sales and culling data. Odds ratios (OR) and probabilities of pregnancy loss and CR were estimated using generalized linear mixed models, while pregnancy loss, CR, FLS, milk, protein, and fat yields were analyzed using linear mixed models. Pregnancy losses were reported on average within the first month post-AI. At-risk matings were more prone to suffer pregnancy loss in BTA12 (OR = 1.79) and HH3 carriers (OR = 1.77) than not-at-risk matings. At-risk matings also had lower CR (OR = 0.62 and 0.63 for BTA12 and HH3, respectively) than not-at-risk matings. Carrier females of BTA12 had longer FLS and higher milk production than noncarriers. Conception rate and pregnancy maintenance could be improved by avoiding at-risk matings. This finding could help reduce pregnancy loss due to genetic defects in the breeding program for improved fertility

    Hidradenitis supurativa con afectación glútea: análisis de 83 pacientes

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    Hidradenitis supurativa; Hidradenitis glútea; InflamaciónHidradenitis supurativa; Hidradenitis glútea; InflamacióHidradenitis suppurativa; Gluteal hidradenitis; InflammationBackground: In 2013, Canoui-Poitrine et al. identified three hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) phenotypes by a latent class (LC) analysis, based on anatomical sites of involvement. Objective: To improve the classification of the gluteal phenotype (LC3) patients given their diverse lesion types and differences in clinical profile. Material and methods: We designed a bicentric study gathering all LC3 patients (n=83) from two hospitals. We conducted a two-step cluster analysis among them and also compared their characteristics with the rest of the HS patients (n=661). Results: Compared with global HS series, LC3 patients were more frequently non-obese men, with smoking habit, an associated arthropathy, and a more frequent history of pilonidal sinus. The analysis of LC3 patients yielded two clusters: cluster 1 (38.3%) included elderly female patients, with later diagnosis of the disease and more sinus tracts; cluster 2 (61.7%) encompassed more men with earlier disease onset and more nodules and folliculitis lesions. Limitations: The study's limitations include its retrospective nature, bicentric design, and small sample size. Conclusion: The heterogeneous clinical presentation of HS makes it essential to have a good classification of the patients. Gluteal phenotype could actually be classified into two "subphenotypes" with a different clinical profiles and management.Antecedentes: En 2013 Canoui-Poitrine et al. identificaron tres fenotipos de hidradenitis supurativa (HS) mediante un análisis de clases latentes (LC) basado en las regiones anatómicas afectadas. Objetivo: Mejorar la clasificación de los pacientes con fenotipo glúteo (LC3) dados los diversos tipos de lesiones y diferencias en el perfil clínico. Material y métodos: Disenamos ˜ un estudio bicéntrico que incluyó a todos los pacientes con LC3 (n = 83) de dos hospitales terciarios espanoles. ˜ Realizamos un análisis de conglomerados en dos etapas dentro del grupo LC3 y también comparamos sus características con el resto de los pacientes con HS (n = 661). Resultados: En comparación con la serie global de HS, los pacientes con LC3 fueron más frecuentemente hombres no obesos, fumadores, con una artritis asociada y con mayor prevalencia de sinus pilonidal. El análisis de los pacientes LC3 resultó en dos grupos: el grupo 1 (38,3%), que incluía pacientes mayores, de sexo femenino, con diagnóstico más tardío de la enfermedad y más trayectos sinusales; y el grupo 2 (61,7%), que englobaba a más hombres con inicio temprano de la enfermedad y más nódulos y lesiones de foliculitis. Limitaciones: Las limitaciones del estudio incluyen su naturaleza retrospectiva, el diseno˜ bicéntrico y el tamano˜ muestral reducido. Conclusión: La presentación clínica heterogénea de la HS hace que sea esencial disponer de una buena clasificación clínica de los pacientes. Como hemos visto, parece que el fenotipo glúteo podría clasificarse en dos «subfenotipos» con perfiles clínicos y, consecuentemente, enfoques terapéuticos diferentes

    New perspectives on the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by the presence of painful nodules, abscesses, chronically draining fistulas, and scarring in apocrine gland-bearing areas of the body. The exact pathogenesis of HS is not yet well understood, but there is a consensus in considering HS a multifactorial disease with a genetic predisposition, an inflammatory dysregulation, and an influence of environmental modifying factors. Therapeutic approach of HS is challenging due to the wide clinical manifestations of the disease and the complex pathogenesis. This review describes evidence for effectiveness of current and emerging HS therapies. Topical therapy, systemic treatments, biological agents, surgery, and light therapy have been used for HS with variable results. Adalimumab is the only US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved biologic agent for moderate-to-severe HS, but new therapeutic options are being studied, targeting different specific cytokines involved in HS pathogenesis. Comparing treatment outcomes between therapies is difficult due to the lack of randomized controlled trials. Treatment strategy should be selected in concordance to disease severity and requires combination of treatments in most cases

    Reliabilities of genomic prediction using combined reference data of the Nordic Red dairy cattle populations

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    AbstractThis study investigated the possibility of increasing the reliability of direct genomic values (DGV) by combining reference populations. The data were from 3,735 bulls from Danish, Swedish, and Finnish Red dairy cattle populations. Single nucleotide polymorphism markers were fitted as random variables in a Bayesian model, using published estimated breeding values as response variables. In total, 17 index traits were analyzed. Reliabilities were estimated using a 5-fold cross validation, and calculated as the within-year squared correlation between estimated breeding values and DGV. Marker effects were estimated using reference populations from individual countries, as well as using a combined reference population from all 3 countries. Single-country reference populations gave mean reliabilities across 17 traits of 0.19 to 0.23, whereas the combined reference gave mean reliabilities of 0.26 for all populations. Using marker effects from 1 population to predict the other 2 gave a loss in mean reliability of 0.14 to 0.21 when predicting Swedish or Finnish animals with Danish marker effects, or vice versa. Using Swedish or Finnish marker effects to predict each other only showed a loss in mean reliability of 0.03 to 0.05. A combined Swedish-Finnish reference population led to an average reliability as high as that from the 3-country reference population, but somewhat different for individual traits. The results from this study show that it is possible to increase the reliability of DGV by combining reference populations from related populations

    Targeted-release organic acids and essential oils improve performance and digestive function in broilers under a necrotic enteritis challenge

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    An experiment was performed to evaluate the effect of four different microencapsulated blends of organic acids (OA) and nature-identical aromatic compounds (AC) on growth performance and gut health of broilers challenged with a recycled NE litter. A total of 600 one-day-old male Ross 308 broilers were randomly assigned to five treatments consisting of a basal diet (as negative control) supplemented with each of the tested microencapsulated blends: OA1 (malic and fumaric acid) + AC; 2.5 g/kg; OA2 (calcium butyrate+fumaric acid) + AC; 1.7 g/kg; MCFA (capric-caprylic; caproic and lauric acid) + AC; 2 g/kg; and MCFA + OA3(calcium butyrate + fumaric and citric acid) + AC; 1.5 g/kg. The AC used was the same for all treatments; including cinnamaldehyde, carvacrol, and thymol (8:1:1), as major compounds. Three tested blends enhanced growth performance by improving intestinal histomorphology (p < 0.001). The tested blends enhanced the abundance of some beneficial families such as Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae; while reducing that of harmful ones such as Enterobacteriaceae and Helicobacteraceae. A further dose-response experiment showed that 0.5 g/kg of the blend 2 and 2 g/kg of the blend 4 improved growth performance and intestinal histomorphology of chickens on d 42 and decreased fecal Enterobacteriaceae and C. perfringens counts. Similar effects to the previous experiment were observed for cecum microbiota
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