12 research outputs found

    Sobre los robledales del Llano de La Selva (Gerona).

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    El Llano de la Selva (Gerona) es una depresión que presenta condiciones climáticas y geológicas especiales que favorecen al bosque caducifolio frente al perennifolio de las Sierras vecinas. Se trata de robledales de Quercus pubescens de los cuales se describe una nueva subasociación.Two oak groves from Selva country (NE part of Iberian Peninsula) has been studied. The central part of this country (Selva Depression) have special geological and climatical characteristics which favour decidous species instead evergreen ones, which are common in the neighbouring mountains

    "Diphasiastrum complanatum" (L.) Holub in "Preslia" 47:108 (1975), un licopodio que no forma parte de la flora española

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    El elemento endémico en la flora del Pirineo occidental español

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    Aproximación a la bibliografía relacionada con Sessé, Castillo y su actitud científica

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    "Cypripedium calceolus" L. ("Orchidaceae") en el Pirineo

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    We comment the discovery of two new Pyrenean localities for Cypripedium calceolus L. (Orchidaceae), its chorology and ecology. Until now, we only know two specimens conserved in herbaría, respectively collected during the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries.Se comenta el hallazgo de dos poblaciones del zueco (Cypripedium calceolus L.) en el Pirineo catalán y aragonés, añadiendo datos corológicos y ecológicos sobre esta rara orquídea, de la que solo hemos podido ver dos pliegos recolectados en los siglos XVIII y XIX

    Myrrhis sulcata Lag. (Umbelliferae) belongs, after all, in Myrrhys

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    La flora del Pirineo aragonés: Banco de datos y Atlas = The Flora of Aragonese Pyrenees: Data Banks and Atlas

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    Sur la flore endémique et menacée des pyrénées (Aragon et Navarre)

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    On the basis of the information collected from some Herbaria (MCA, ARAN. IT and data banks, we have established a critical list of the 316 endemic plants (iberian and pyrenean) to be found on the western half of the Pyrenees (Aragon and Navarre). Their altitudinal range and ecology have also been studied. Among 2554 species and subspecies living in the area, we have distinguished several types of rarity and threat arriving to a list of 81 taxa. Many of these rants (endemic or not) are affected by the public works such as new ways and by the degradation of wet areas as well. Nevertheless, few taxa are critically threatened