10 research outputs found

    Усовершенствование технологии обогощения топливо-энергетических полезных ископаемых путём модернизации элементов горнотранспортных комплексов

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    У статті представлено новий підхід зменшення втрат цінного компоненту при збагаченні паливно-енергетичних корисних копалин шляхом використання модернізованого скребкового конвеєру. Для удосконалення технології збагачення паливно-енергетичних корисних копалин запропоновано модернізувати конструкцію скребкового конвеєра шляхом зміни кута скребка до напрямку руху гірничої маси. Отримані закономірності, які описують умови розділення компонентів, дозволять створити методику розрахунку геометричних параметрів скребкового конвеєру для збагачення вугілля за тертям. Запропонована модернізація дає можливість поєднати в одному пристрої два технологічних процеси: збагачення та транспортування.The paper presents a new approach to reduction of losses of valuable component in the enrichment by use of scraper conveyor. With the aim of modernising the design of the scraper conveyor by changing t he angle of the scraper to the direction of movement of the rock mass. The dependence patterns in the movement of material allows to verify the correctness of this upgrade, which is also confirmed by experiment. The proposed upgrade provides the opportunity to combine in one device two options: enrichment and transport.В статье представлен новый подход уменьшения потерь ценного компонента при обогащении топливо-энергетических полезных ископаемых путем использования модернизированного скребкового конвейера. Для усовершенствования технологии обогощения топливо-энергетических полезных ископаемых предложено модернизировать конструкцию скребкового конвейера путем изменения угла скребка к направлению движения горной массы. Полученные зависимости, которые описывают условия деления компонентов позволяют создать методику расчёта геометрических параметров скребкового конвейера для обогощения угля трением. Предложена модернизация дает возможность совместить в одном устройстве два технологических процесса: обогащение и транспортировку

    Розробка геомехатронного комплексу для геотехнічного моніторингу контуру гірської виробки

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    While receiving information under dangerous conditions, at which human presence is difficult or impossible, widely spread are the mobile robotic complexes. Particularly important information to determine the stressed-strained state of the underground workings is data on their geometry. Establishing the values of convergence of underground workings will make it possible to locate dangerous areas and decrease the number of emergency cases. In order to design an experimental sample, we developed basic approaches to create geomechatronic complexes, which define the main tasks, the scope of application, and quality criteria. The motion of the complex along an underground working is accompanied by a spatial change in the position of a distance sensor, which must be considered when establishing the actual values of the profile of a working. As parameters that take into account a change in the position, we proposed six components, three displacements and three Euler angles, which are registered by a microelectronic gyroscope that registers the distance traveled. The proposed algorithm is a cyclical structure, which successively performs data registration from different sensors that define its position, data conversion, and data recording to a memory card. Implementation of the devised algorithm allows us to determine the geometry of a profile of the working with an accuracy of 0.5 cm.Разработан алгоритм процесса мониторинга внутреннего контура горной выработки, позволяющий определить геометрию выработки с учетом особенностей геотехнического мониторинга. В основе алгоритма построения профиля лежат зависимости преобразования координат точки в пространстве при переходе от различных систем координат, которые позволяют учесть отклонение геомехатронного комплекса от первоначального направленияРозроблено алгоритм процесу моніторингу внутрішнього контуру гірської виробки, що дозволяє визначити геометрію виробки з врахуванням особливостей геотехнічного моніторингу. В основі алгоритму побудови профілю лежать залежності перетворювання координат точки в просторі при переході від різних систем координат, які дозволять врахувати відхилення геомехатронного комплексу від прямолінійного рух

    Modeling the competitive environment of the entrepreneurship cluster

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    The paper aims to verify the hypothesis about cooperation expediency of different in scale and similar in activity entities in the form of the entrepreneurship cluster for ensuring energy needs of the region. The integral coefficients of economic development of the innovative component of industrial enterprises on energy activity, the financial component of communal enterprises for heat supply, the readiness of small enterprises operating in the energy industry for innovative transformations has been analysed. Modeling of the competitive environment of the entrepreneurship cluster allowed to reveal logical interrelation between the level of technological changes in industry and technological capabilities of communal and small enterprises and to define their sectoral positions

    Introduction of a Corporate Security Risk Management System: The Experience of Poland

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    To ensure the economic security of companies, it is necessary to introduce a risk management system based on the use of various tools, especially financial ones. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the paradigm of integration of the risk management mechanism into the system of economic security in companies on the basis of risk-oriented management. The main study method was an online survey of 50 Polish companies in January–April 2021 using a developed questionnaire consisting of 40 questions. According to the results of the expert survey, it is determined that regardless of the type of economic activity of the enterprise, the main goal of introducing risk-oriented management is to preserve assets and increase the efficiency of financial and economic processes. The introduction of risk-oriented management is perceived as a tool to increase the value of the company and ensure the achievement of strategic goals. Fraud is a significant risk to the state of economic security for modern enterprises. To prevent the fact of fraud, taking into account the specifics of the operation of companies, it is suggested to conduct an annual examination. As a result, the suggested procedure should include an audit (audit of financial statements, forensics, transition to international financial reporting standards, audit of systems and processes), assessment (assessment for audit and reporting in accordance with international financial reporting standards, risk management assessment in accordance with international standards, assessment of the effectiveness of economic security), tax analytics (identification of tax risks, analysis of compliance with tax legislation, tax audit), and a due diligence procedure for investment objects

    Introduction of a corporate security risk management system: The experience of Poland

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    To ensure the economic security of companies, it is necessary to introduce a risk management system based on the use of various tools, especially financial ones. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the paradigm of integration of the risk management mechanism into the system of economic security in companies on the basis of risk-oriented management. The main study method was an online survey of 50 Polish companies in January-April 2021 using a developed questionnaire consisting of 40 questions. According to the results of the expert survey, it is determined that regardless of the type of economic activity of the enterprise, the main goal of introducing risk-oriented management is to preserve assets and increase the efficiency of financial and economic processes. The introduction of risk-oriented management is perceived as a tool to increase the value of the company and ensure the achievement of strategic goals. Fraud is a significant risk to the state of economic security for modern enterprises. To prevent the fact of fraud, taking into account the specifics of the operation of companies, it is suggested to conduct an annual examination. As a result, the suggested procedure should include an audit (audit of financial statements, forensics, transition to international financial reporting standards, audit of systems and processes), assessment (assessment for audit and reporting in accordance with international financial reporting standards, risk management assessment in accordance with international standards, assessment of the effectiveness of economic security), tax analytics (identification of tax risks, analysis of compliance with tax legislation, tax audit), and a due diligence procedure for investment objects


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       In this study, an analysis of the problem of bullying in secondary schools has been carried out. To do so, comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, theoretical cognition, and analogy methods are utilized. The necessity of pedagogical reacting to the stated problem has been proved. The authors present guidelines for countering the problem of bullying. The importance of humanization of relationships at school, beginning with leadership styles, goal-oriented formation of optimistic positions, and positive thinking of schoolchildren and teachers are emphasized. Particular attention is paid while working with the problem of bullying to the method of reliance on the strengths of an individual and the formation of its leadership qualities. The main components of socially significant knowledge: socio-psychological, socio-legal, and social-integrative, have been outlined. The formation of this knowledge will allow a person to avoid bullying or respond to it at the right moment. The need for a timely diagnosis of bullying has been accentuated

    Abuse of right

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    Based on studying and analyzing the norms inherent in the institution of the abuse of right and legal opinions by scholars of civil jurisprudence and legal precedents, the authors explore the essence of the legal category "the abuse of right". The authors define the meaning of the novels in Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and identify the drawbacks, gaps, and contradictions in the institution of the abuse of right. The authors analyze the theoretical, practical, and social issues affecting the rights and interests of participants in social relations when the right is abused. The relevance and the need for further development and improvement of the institution of the abuse of rights are justified

    Впровадження системи управління ризиками корпоративної безпеки: досвід Польщі

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    To ensure the economic security of companies, it is necessary to introduce a risk management system based on the use of various tools, especially financial ones. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the paradigm of integration of the risk management mechanism into the system of economic security in companies on the basis of risk-oriented management. The main study method was an online survey of 50 Polish companies in January–April 2021 using a developed questionnaire consisting of 40 questions. According to the results of the expert survey, it is determined that regardless of the type of economic activity of the enterprise, the main goal of introducing risk-oriented management is to preserve assets and increase the efficiency of financial and economic processes. The introduction of risk-oriented management is perceived as a tool to increase the value of the company and ensure the achievement of strategic goals. Fraud is a significant risk to the state of economic security for modern enterprises. To prevent the fact of fraud, taking into account the specifics of the operation of companies, it is suggested to conduct an annual examination. As a result, the suggested procedure should include an audit (audit of financial statements, forensics, transition to international financial reporting standards, audit of systems and processes), assessment (assessment for audit and reporting in accordance with international financial reporting standards, risk management assessment in accordance with international standards, assessment of the effectiveness of economic security), tax analytics (identification of tax risks, analysis of compliance with tax legislation, tax audit), and a due diligence procedure for investment objects

    Development of a Geomechatronic Complex for the Geotechnical Monitoring of the Contour of a Mine Working

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    While receiving information under dangerous conditions, at which human presence is difficult or impossible, widely spread are the mobile robotic complexes. Particularly important information to determine the stressed-strained state of the underground workings is data on their geometry. Establishing the values of convergence of underground workings will make it possible to locate dangerous areas and decrease the number of emergency cases. In order to design an experimental sample, we developed basic approaches to create geomechatronic complexes, which define the main tasks, the scope of application, and quality criteria. The motion of the complex along an underground working is accompanied by a spatial change in the position of a distance sensor, which must be considered when establishing the actual values of the profile of a working. As parameters that take into account a change in the position, we proposed six components, three displacements and three Euler angles, which are registered by a microelectronic gyroscope that registers the distance traveled. The proposed algorithm is a cyclical structure, which successively performs data registration from different sensors that define its position, data conversion, and data recording to a memory card. Implementation of the devised algorithm allows us to determine the geometry of a profile of the working with an accuracy of 0.5 cm


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    he paper presents a new approach to reduction of losses of valuable component in the enrichment by use of scraper conveyor. With the aim of modernising the design of the scraper conveyor by changing the angle of the scraper to the direction of movement of the rock mass. The dependence patterns in the movement of material allows to verify the correctness of this upgrade, which is also confirmed by experiment. The proposed upgrade provides the opportunity to combine in one device two options: enrichment and transport.У статті представлено новий підхід зменшення втрат цінного компоненту при збагаченні паливно-енергетичних корисних копалин шляхом використання модернізованого скребкового конвеєру. Для удосконалення технології збагачення паливно-енергетичних корисних копалин запропоновано модернізувати конструкцію скребкового конвеєра шляхом зміни кута скребка до напрямку руху гірничої маси. Отримані закономірності, які описують умови розділення компонентів, дозволять  створити методику розрахунку геометричних параметрів скребкового конвеєру для збагачення вугілля за тертям. Запропонована модернізація дає можливість поєднати в одному пристрої два технологічних процеси: збагачення та транспортування