15 research outputs found

    Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Chernobyl

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    © 2018 American Chemical Society. Aquatic organisms at Chernobyl have now been chronically exposed to environmental radiation for three decades. The biological effects of acute exposure to radiation are relatively well documented, but much less is known about the long-term effects of chronic exposure of organisms in their natural environment. Highly exposed fish in freshwater systems at Chernobyl showed morphological changes in their reproductive system in the years after the accident. However, the relatively limited scope of past studies did not allow robust conclusions to be drawn. Moreover, the level of the radiation dose at which significant effects on wildlife occur is still under debate. In the most comprehensive evaluation of the effects of chronic radiation on wild fish populations to date, the present study measures specific activities of 137Cs, 90Sr, and transuranium elements (238Pu, 239,240Pu, and 241Am), index conditions, distribution and size of oocytes, as well as environmental and biological confounding factors in two fish species perch (Perca fluviatilis) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) from seven lakes. In addition, relative species abundance was examined. The results showed that both fish species are, perhaps surprisingly, in good general physiological and reproductive health. Perch, however, appeared to be more sensitive to radiation than roach: in the most contaminated lakes, a delay of the maturation of the gonads and the presence of several undeveloped phenotypes were evident only for perch and not for roach

    Epidemiology of the vestibular schwannomas in Ukraine and our experience of surgical and radiosurgical treatment

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    Aim: Figuring out the occurrence of vestibular schwannomas (VS) and their management tendencies in Ukraine.Materials and methods: Data about VS detection and treatment were collected among all Ukrainian neurosurgical and radiological facilities which are enrolled in providing care for these patients. Together with those who were treated overseas the total number in 2016-2018 was 903 people. There were 665 cases (73.6  %) treated surgically, 124 cases (13.8  %) irradiated and 114 (12.6  %) observed via serial imaging.Results: The prevalence of VS in Ukraine is about 7.27 per 1 million people which corresponds to data around the world (CBTRUS trial suggested VS incidence 10-20 people per 1 million during 2004-2009).Most of verified VSs were treated surgically (73.6  %), lesser part was irradiated (13.8  %) and 12.7 % were followed-up by wait-and-scan strategy. Our data regarding surgical management was higher than worldwide. At the same time, the volume of detected tumors was much larger in comparison to published data. Seventy-three per cent of all cases were Koos T4 tumors as a possible result of poor diagnosis and lack of alertness making surgical interventions more common and difficult.Total and subtotal resection rate was 79  % as the result of combined microsurgical and endoscopic techniques under intraoperative electrophysiological neuromonitoring guidance. The facial nerve was preserved in 94.2  % of cases, cochlear — in 8.5  % of cases. The average mortality rate during 2016-2018 in Ukraine was 3.1  % with 1.3  % in Subtentorial Neurooncology Department of the Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute.Conclusions: For further improvements and development of optimal management strategies for patients with VS, it is necessary to improve earlier diagnosis and reasonable to provide neurosurgical care in high-volume centers based on the profound expertise with further advances in technologies for functionally favorable outcomes

    Wire Production Development of Special Aluminum Alloys Based on Electromagnetic Mold Casting Method and Continuous Extrusion Process Known as Conform

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    Изложены перспективы использования специальных алюминиевых сплавов для производства бортовых проводов летательных аппаратов. Приведено описание плавильно-литейного комплекса с электромагнитным кристаллизатором для производства непрерывно- литых слитков малого сечения. Представлены преимущества электромагнитного литья, структуры и механические свойства слитков и проволоки из сплава 01417м. Предложена технологическая схема производства проволоки, включающая в себя литье непрерывной заготовки в электромагнитный кристаллизатор и ее последующую пластическую деформацию способом конформ. Приведены преимущества данной схемы и перспективы ее внедрения в промышленностиIt sets out the perspectives of special aluminum alloys use for the production of aircraft onboard wires. The description of the melt-casting complex based on electromagnetic mold method for casting of continuously cast ingots of small cross section area. Presented the advantages of electromagnetic casting method for structure and mechanical properties of ingots and wire of 01417m alloy. Wire technological production scheme is shown, which includes casting method of continuous blank in electromagnetic mold and next step of plastic deformation process known as conform. Discussed the advantages of this production scheme and perspectives of its implementation in industr

    Nanosecond-Laser-Induced Breakdown of Aqueous Colloidal Solutions of Dysprosium Nanoparticles: The Influence of Nanoparticle Concentration on the Breakdown Plasma and the Intensity of Physical and Chemical Processes

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    This paper studies the dynamics of the development of laser breakdown plasma in aqueous colloids of dysprosium nanoparticles by analyzing the time patterns of plasma images obtained using a high-speed streak camera. In addition, the distribution of plasma flashes in space and their luminosity were studied, and the amplitude of acoustic signals and the rate of generation of new chemical products were studied depending on the concentration of dysprosium nanoparticles in the colloid. Laser breakdown was initiated by pulsed radiation from a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser. It is shown that the size of the plasma flash, the speed of motion of the plasma–liquid interface, and the lifetime of the plasma flash decrease with an increasing concentration of nanoparticles in the colloid. In this case, the time delay between the beginning of the laser pulse and the moment the plasma flash reaches its maximum intensity increases with increasing concentrations of nanoparticles. Varying the laser fluence in the range from 67 J/cm2 to 134 J/cm2 does not lead to noticeable changes in these parameters, due to the transition of the breakdown plasma to the critical regime. For dysprosium nanoparticles during laser breakdown of colloids, a decrease in the yield of hydrogen peroxide and an increase in the rate of formation of hydroxyl radicals per water molecule, characteristic of nanoparticles of rare earth metals, are observed, which may be due to the participation of nanoparticles and hydrogen peroxide in reactions similar to the Fenton and Haber–Weiss reactions

    Результати хірургічного лікування хворих із метастатичними пухлинами субтенторіальної локалізації

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    Objective. To determine the indications for surgical intervention and treatment tactic for metastatic infratentorial tumors.Materials and methods. The study included 162 patients with metastatic tumors of the infratentorial location treated from 1995 to 2018. One hundred and two patients (79.7 %) underwent total removal along the perifocal zone of tumor growth, 9 (7 %) — subtotal removal and 8 (6.3 %) — partial removal. In 5 (3.9 %) patients tumor removal was combined with CSF-shunting; in 4 (3.1 %) cases, surgical assistance was limited to the installation of a CSF-shunt system.Results. The most frequent sources of metastasis to the posterior cranial fossa were lungs — 42 (32.8 %) patients, the mammary gland — 19 (14.8 %) and melanoma — 15 (11.7 %). A separate large group consisted of patients with unknown primary focus (32 patients, 25 %).Out of 43 patients with known catamnesis there were 37 (86 %) patients with solitary metastases and 6 (14 %) persons with multiple metastases (including supra-infratentorial). The average survival after surgery in patients with solitary metastases was 8.4 ± 1.5 months, with multiple (including sub-supratentorial) 5.1 ± 0.8 months. Survival more than 1 year was observed in 13 (30.2 %) patients (1 patient (2.3 %) with multiple metastases).Conclusions. Patients with infratentorial metastases as well as with multiple metastatic brain lesions should be considered for surgery even if KPS < 70, especially due to CSF obstruction. Posterior fossa decompression with CSF flow restoration leads to survival prolongation, patients condition improvement and affords for further radiotherapy, chemotherapy or radiosurgery.Цель: определить показания к хирургическому вмешательству и лечебную тактику при метастатических новообразованиях субтенториальной локализации.Материалы и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 162 пациента с метастатическими опухолями субтенториальной локализации. Критерием включения в исследование был вторичный характер неопластического поражения структур задней черепной ямки. Тотальное удаление по перифокальной зоне роста опухоли проведено 102 (79,7 %) пациентам, 9 (7 %) – субтотальное, 8 (6,3 %) – частичное. У 5 (3,9 %) больных удаление опухоли сочетали с ликворошунтирующей операцией. В 4 (3,1 %) случаях хирургическая помощь заключалась в установке ликворошунтирующей системы.Результаты. Наиболее частыми источниками метастазирования в заднюю черепную ямку были легкие (у 42 (32,8 %) больных), молочна железа (у 19 (14,8 %)) и меланома (у 15 (11,7 %)). К отдельной группе отнесены пациенты с неизвестным первичным очагом (32 (25 %)). Из 43 больных с известным катамнезом солитарные метастазы имели 37 (86 %), множественные (в том числе суб-супратенториальные) – 6 (14 %). Средняя продолжительность жизни после операции у больных с солитарными метастазами составила (8,4 ± 1,5) мес, с множественными (в тому числе суб-супратенториальными) – (5,1 ± 0,8) мес. Продолжительность жизни больше 1 года зафиксирована у 13 (30,2 %) больных, из них у 1 (2,3 %) с множественными метастазами.Выводы. Пациентам с метастатическими опухолями субтенториального пространства, тяжесть состояния которых обусловлена окклюзионной симптоматикой, даже в случае <70 баллов по шкале Карновского показано проведение хирургического вмешательства. Декомпрессия задней черепной ямки с восстановлением ликвороциркуляции позволяет улучшить состояние больного и провести комбинированное лечение, а значит, увеличить продолжительность жизни.Мета: визначити показання до хірургічного втручання та лікувальну тактику при метастатичних новоутвореннях субтенторіальної локалізації.Матеріали і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 162 пацієнта з метастатичними пухлинами субтенторіальної локалізації. Критерієм залучення в дослідження був вторинний характер неопластичного ураження структур задньої черепної ямки. Тотальне видалення вздовж перифокальної зони росту пухлини проведено 102 (79,7 %) пацієнтам, субтотальне – 9 (7 %), часткове – 8 (6,3 %). У 5 (3,9 %) хворих видалення пухлини поєднували з лікворошунтувальною операцією. В 4 (3,1 %) випадках хірургічна допомога полягала у встановленні лікворошунтувальної системи.Результати. Найчастішими джерелами метастазування в задню черепну ямку були легені (у 42 (32,8 %) хворих), молочна залоза (у 19 (14,8 %)) та меланома (у 15 (11,7 %)). До окремої групи віднесено пацієнтів з невідомим первинним вогнищем (32 (25 %)). Із 43 хворих з відомим катамнезом солітарні метастази мали 37 (86 %), множинні (зокрема суб-супратенторіальні) – 6 (14 %). Середня тривалість життя після операції у хворих із солітарними метастазами становила (8,4 ± 1,5) міс, з множинними (зокрема суб-супратенторіальними) – (5,1 ± 0,8) міс. Тривалість життя більше 1 року зафіксована у 13 (30,2 %) хворих, з них в 1 (2,3 %) з множинними метастазами.Висновки. Пацієнтам з метастатичними пухлинами субтенторіального простору, тяжкість стану яких зумовлена оклюзійною симптоматикою, навіть у разі <70 бала за шкалою Карновського показано проведення хірургічного втручання. Декомпресія задньої черепної ямки з відновленням ліквороциркуляції дає змогу поліпшити стан хворого та провести комбіноване лікування, а отже, продовжити тривалість життя

    Результати лікування астроцитом субтенторіальної локалізації у дорослих

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    Objective. To study the clinical and morphological characteristics of subtentorial astrocyte, to prove the recommendations for therapeutic tactics in adults.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis was performed on 232 patients with astrocytomas of subtentorial localization (Grade I-IV) undergone the treatment in Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute in the period between 1988 and 2016.Results. Overall, 20 (8.6%) patients had Grade I astrocytomas, 135(58,2%) – Grade II, 72 (31%) – Grade III and 5 (2.2%) – Grade IV. The main clinical manifestations included: headaches – 94%, coordination disturbances – 89%, nausea/vomiting – 47%. Morphological investigation has been performed. The basic clinical manifestations included headache (94%), disorders in static co-ordination – 89%, nausea and vomiting – 47%. All of the patients were operated. Ninety-seven (41.8%) patients underwent total resection, 51 (22%) – subtotal and 84 (36.2%) – partial. In the most of cases (142 patients), the tumor located in the hemisphere of cerebellum and in the vermis. A microscopic research demonstrated the variety of a histologic structure not only in the different cases, but also in the same tumor. Thirty-six (15.5%) patients were re-operated due to tumor.Conclusions. Regardless of removed tumors volume, generally the astrocytomas of fossa posterior have favourable prognosis. Nevertheless, they require further investigations, especially Higth Grade III-IV.Цель: изучить клинические и морфологические характеристики астроцитом субтенториальной локализации для обоснования рекомендаций по лечебной тактике у взрослых.Материалы и методы. Ретроспективно проанализированы результаты лечения 232 взрослых с астроцитомами субтенториальной локализации (Grade I–IV), проходивших лечение в Институте нейрохирургии им. акад. А.П. Ромоданова за период с 1988 до 2016 г. Проведены комплексные морфологические исследования.Результаты. С астроцитарными глиомами I степени злокачественности лечились 20 (8,6%) пациентов, II степени – 135 (58,2%), III степени – 72 (31,0%), IV степени – 5 (2,2%). Основные клинические проявления: головная боль (94%), стато-кординаторные нарушения (89%), тошнота и рвота (47%). Все больные прооперированы. Тотальное (по перифокальной зоне) удаление опухоли проведено у 97 (41,8%) пациентов, субтотальное – у 51 (22,0%), частичное – у 84 (36,2%). Наиболее частая локализация опухоли (n=142) – полушарие мозжечка и червь. Микроскопическое исследование выявило разнообразие гистологической картины опухолей не только в разных наблюдениях, но и в одной и той же опухоли. Повторные операции проведены у 36 (15,5%) больных с продолженным ростом опухоли.Выводы. Астроцитомы субтенториальной локализации, несмотря на объем хирургического удаления, как правило, имеют благоприятное течение. Требуют дальнейшего наблюдения и изучения, особенно опухоли III-IV степени злокачественности.Мета: вивчити клінічні та морфологічні характеристики астроцитом субтенторіальної локалізації для обґрунтування рекомендацій щодо лікувальної тактики у дорослих.Матеріали і методи. Ретроспективно проаналізовано результати лікування 232 дорослих з астроцитомами субтенторіальної локалізації (Grade I–IV), які лікувалися в Інституті нейрохірургії ім. акад. А.П. Ромоданова у період з 1988 до 2016 р.Результати. З астроцитомами І ступеня злоякісності лікувалися 20 (8,6%) пацієнтів, ІІ ступеня – 135 (58,2%), ІІІ ступеня – 72 (31,0%), IV ступеня – 5 (2,2%). Основні клінічні вияви: головний біль (94%), стато-координаторні порушення (89%), нудота і блювота (47%). Проведені комплексні морфологічні дослідження. Всіх хворих прооперовано. Тотальне (по перифокальній зоні) видалення пухлини проведене у 97 (41,8%) пацієнтів, субтотальне – у 51 (22,0%), часткове – у 84 (36,2%). Найчастіша локалізація пухлини (n=142) – півкуля мозочка і черв’як. Мікроскопічне дослідження виявило різноманітність гістологічної картини цих пухлин не лише у різних спостереженнях, а і в одній і тій самій пухлині. Повторні операції проведені у 36 (15,5%) хворих з продовженим ростом пухлини.Висновки. Астроцитоми субтенторіальної локалізації, незважаючи на обсяг хірургічного видалення зазвичай мають сприятливий перебіг. Потребують подальшого динамічного спостереження і вивчення, особливо пухлини III-IV ступеня злоякісності

    Wire Production Development of Special Aluminum Alloys Based on Electromagnetic Mold Casting Method and Continuous Extrusion Process Known as Conform

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    Изложены перспективы использования специальных алюминиевых сплавов для производства бортовых проводов летательных аппаратов. Приведено описание плавильно-литейного комплекса с электромагнитным кристаллизатором для производства непрерывно- литых слитков малого сечения. Представлены преимущества электромагнитного литья, структуры и механические свойства слитков и проволоки из сплава 01417м. Предложена технологическая схема производства проволоки, включающая в себя литье непрерывной заготовки в электромагнитный кристаллизатор и ее последующую пластическую деформацию способом конформ. Приведены преимущества данной схемы и перспективы ее внедрения в промышленностиIt sets out the perspectives of special aluminum alloys use for the production of aircraft onboard wires. The description of the melt-casting complex based on electromagnetic mold method for casting of continuously cast ingots of small cross section area. Presented the advantages of electromagnetic casting method for structure and mechanical properties of ingots and wire of 01417m alloy. Wire technological production scheme is shown, which includes casting method of continuous blank in electromagnetic mold and next step of plastic deformation process known as conform. Discussed the advantages of this production scheme and perspectives of its implementation in industr

    Activation of Tissue Reparative Processes by Glow-Type Plasma Discharges as an Integral Part of the Therapy of Decubital Ulcers

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    The results of a clinical study of the complex treatment of pressure ulcers using the method of activation of reparative processes in tissues by cold plasma discharges initiated by high-frequency current are presented. Activation was carried out with a specialized device generating cold plasma discharges at frequencies of 0.11, 2.64, and 6.78 MHz. It was shown that the process of activation in the skin and muscle tissues of the bedsore zone proceeds most efficiently when using a current with a frequency of 6.78 MHz as compared to currents with a frequency of 2.64 and 0.11 MHz. For a needle electrode with a diameter of 0.3 mm, the optimal exposure parameters were power—(5.0 ± 1.5) W and time—(2.0–3.0) s. The results of the analysis of histological samples, histochemical, and bacteriological analysis confirmed the effect and showed the dynamics of the process of activation of reparative processes in the tissues of the bedsore wound under the influence of cold plasma discharges and a decrease in microbial contamination. The most pronounced effect of activation was formed during the period from 14 to 21 days. The effectiveness of therapy by the method of activation of reparative processes with cold plasma discharges, according to the criterion of the rate of wound healing, ranged from 14 to 16%, depending on the etiology of the decubitus wound. It is concluded that the activation of tissue reparative processes by glow-type plasma discharges as an integral part of the treatment of decubital ulcers is an effective link in the complex treatment of pressure sores

    Activation of Tissue Reparative Processes by Glow-Type Plasma Discharges as an Integral Part of the Therapy of Decubital Ulcers

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    The results of a clinical study of the complex treatment of pressure ulcers using the method of activation of reparative processes in tissues by cold plasma discharges initiated by high-frequency current are presented. Activation was carried out with a specialized device generating cold plasma discharges at frequencies of 0.11, 2.64, and 6.78 MHz. It was shown that the process of activation in the skin and muscle tissues of the bedsore zone proceeds most efficiently when using a current with a frequency of 6.78 MHz as compared to currents with a frequency of 2.64 and 0.11 MHz. For a needle electrode with a diameter of 0.3 mm, the optimal exposure parameters were power—(5.0 ± 1.5) W and time—(2.0–3.0) s. The results of the analysis of histological samples, histochemical, and bacteriological analysis confirmed the effect and showed the dynamics of the process of activation of reparative processes in the tissues of the bedsore wound under the influence of cold plasma discharges and a decrease in microbial contamination. The most pronounced effect of activation was formed during the period from 14 to 21 days. The effectiveness of therapy by the method of activation of reparative processes with cold plasma discharges, according to the criterion of the rate of wound healing, ranged from 14 to 16%, depending on the etiology of the decubitus wound. It is concluded that the activation of tissue reparative processes by glow-type plasma discharges as an integral part of the treatment of decubital ulcers is an effective link in the complex treatment of pressure sores