969 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of an Independent Study Kit to Train Home Care Workers

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    A descriptive study was done to assess the effectiveness of an independent study kit to train Home Care workers in basic skills, identify procedures essential to successful use of independent study and to document problems occurring with its use A two part instrument was developed, based upon guidelines of the Model Curriculum and Training Guide developed by the National Council of Homemaker-Home Health Aide Services, to assess changes in attitude and knowledge following the use of the independent study training program. Twenty-seven subjects completed the training program and the pre and posttests. Results were analyzed using the paired t-test to determine the significance of the changes. Significant changes in attitude and knowledge were not attributable to the use of the training program. Multiple regression between the changed scores and the independent variables was done to explain the findings. A group of sixteen variables were found to explain the changes in scores on the attitude test. On the cognitive test none of the independent variables made a significant contribution to changes in scores. The majority of the subjects were thirty five years of age or older with moderate to large amounts of personal experiences related to Home Care. Overall, attitudes toward the training program were favorable

    Kvalitetsutvikling: I hvilken grad kan dokumentasjon bedre behandlingen av sÄr i hjemmesykepleien?

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    Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i egne erfaringer i hjemmesykepleien, der det stilles spÞrsmÄlstegn ved dokumentasjonsrutiner i praksis. Sett i forhold til den daglige ressursbruk pÄ sÄr og sÄrstell, tar temaet og problemstillingen for seg ulike former for dokumentasjon, bÄde papirbaserte og bruk av EPJ. Det blir her drÞftet om dokumentasjon og dokumentasjonsrutiner kan pÄvirke kvaliteten i hjemmesykepleien, og eventuelt i hvilken grad dokumentasjonsrutiner kan pÄvirke sÄrbehandlingen. I tiknytning til dette blir blant annet kvalitetsutvikling og kompetanseheving tatt opp, og hvordan disse elementene mÄ sees i sammenheng for Ä oppnÄ en helsetjeneste av god kvalitet. Oppgaven er skrevet i form av en litterÊrstudie med en hermeneutisk tilnÊrming, basert pÄ Florence Nighingale og Jean Watsons humanistiske tolkning av sykepleien. Det belyses i oppgaven at dokumentasjon kan ha bÄde positiv og negativ effekt, avhengig av hvem som bruker den og hvordan den blir brukt

    Vintersildfisket 1961. (Stor- og vÄrsildfisket)

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    Measurement of renal functional response using iohexol clearance—a study of different outpatient procedures

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    Background: Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases after a heavy protein load; an increase termed renal functional response (RFR). Decreased RFR could be a marker of early kidney damage, but published methods are cumbersome in the outpatient setting. The present study investigates the use of iohexol clearance to measure RFR in outpatients using both one- and two-sample methods. Methods: Fourteen healthy volunteers with a mean ± SD age of 42 ± 12 years were included (six males and eight females). GFR was measured using plasma iohexol clearance with one- and two-sample methodologies. Four measurements in each individual were performed: one baseline test and three protein loading tests containing 80 g protein (commercially available protein supplementations from Myo Nutrition and Proteinfabrikken and 350 g chicken breast). RFR was calculated as percentage increase in GFR from the baseline test. Results: Mean RFR was 11.4 ± 5.4% and 12.1 ± 6.4% using one- and two-sample methods, respectively. The three different protein loads resulted in similar mean RFR but there was considerable intra-individual variability. One- and two-sample methods for measurement of RFR showed similar results with near-identical means, but there was some intra-individual variation that was similar for different protein loads. The overall 95% limit of agreement between one- and two-sample methods for calculating RFR was −8.7 to 7.3. Conclusions: RFR can be investigated using plasma iohexol clearance in an outpatient setting. Protocols using commercially available protein supplementation showed a mean RFR of about 12%. One- and two-sample methods for measuring RFR yield similar results.publishedVersio

    «La oss snakke om min virkelighet»

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    PERANG SALIB III (Faktor Penyebab, Peran dan Perjuangan Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi)

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    M. Iqbal Hasby A. 1411315000. PERANG SALIB III (FAKTOR PENYEBAB, PERAN DAN PERJUANGAN SHALAHUDDIN AL AYYUBI). Skripsi. Jurusan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam. Fakultas Adab Dakwah. IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. 2016. Perang Salib merupakan sebuah peristiwa peperangan yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu kurang lebih dua ratus tahun (1096-1292 M), yang mempertemukan Umat Islam dan Kristen Eropa demi mendapatkan kekuasaan atas wilayah Baitul Maqdis (Yerusalem). Dalam serangkaian Perang Salib ini telah memunculkan peran seorang tokoh yang cukup berjasa besar peranannya dalam mempertahankan Baitul Maqdis (Yerusalem), dia adalah seorang raja dan pahlawan umat Islam yaitu Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi. Sesuai dengan latar belakang yang telah di ungkapkan di atas, di sini penulis mencoba menguraikan rumusan masalah mengenai latar belakang perang salib dan sejauh mana peran dan perjuangan Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi dalam peristiwa Perang Salib, yang dirumuskan ke dalam pembahasan terkait latar belakang terjadinya perang salib serta peran dan perjuangan yang dimunculkan oleh Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi dalam peristiwa Perang Salib tersebut. Peristiwa ini memfokuskan pembahasannya pada peran penting seorang Shalahuddin dalam mempertahankan Baitul Maqdis (Yerusalem) saat Perang Salib III (1096 s/d 1198 M) sehingga tetap di dalam kekuasaan Umat Muslim. Untuk metode penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan Library Research dengan menggunakan metode heuristik, di mana setelah sumber-sumber informasi terkait diperoleh, berikutnya dilakukan kritik dan verivikasi kemudian dibuat alur yang logis dengan penafsiran-penafsiran agar apa yang penulis tulis memiliki alur cerita sejarah yang runtut dengan metode historiografi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat ditarik sebuah kesimpulan bahwa Perang Salib terjadi kurang lebih selama 200 tahun yang memperebutkan wilayah (Baitul Maqdis/Yerusalem) yang diangap suci oleh 3 agama besar (Yahudi, Kristen dan Islam) karena faktor Agama, faktor Politik (Kekuasaan), dan faktor Ekonomi. Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi menjadi tokoh yang paling dikenal dalam peristiwa Perang Salib ini, peran dan perjuangannya yang cukup berarti demi mempertahankan Baitul Maqdis (Yerusalem) dari serangan Pasukan Salib Eropa. Kata Kunci : Perang Salib, Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi, Peran dan perjuanga
