684 research outputs found

    Anatomy of a Spin: The Information-Theoretic Structure of Classical Spin Systems

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    Collective organization in matter plays a significant role in its expressed physical properties. Typically, it is detected via an order parameter, appropriately defined for each given system's observed emergent patterns. Recent developments in information theory, however, suggest quantifying collective organization in a system- and phenomenon-agnostic way: decompose the system's thermodynamic entropy density into a localized entropy, that solely contained in the dynamics at a single location, and a bound entropy, that stored in space as domains, clusters, excitations, or other emergent structures. We compute this decomposition and related quantities explicitly for the nearest-neighbor Ising model on the 1D chain, the Bethe lattice with coordination number k=3, and the 2D square lattice, illustrating its generality and the functional insights it gives near and away from phase transitions. In particular, we consider the roles that different spin motifs play (in cluster bulk, cluster edges, and the like) and how these affect the dependencies between spins.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/ising_bmu.ht

    Stock assessment of the Indian oil-sardinella (Sardinella longiceps) off the West Coast of India

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    The Indian oil-sardinella (Sardinella longiceps Val .) has traditionally played a critical role in the marine fishery economics of India, and in particular in the State of Kerala. It's production on the west coast of India exhibits large fluctuations over the years, though it continues to be commercially the most important and abundant pelagic resource (Table 1). These fluctuations have attracted the attention of many research workers. As early as 1910 Hornell attributed them to changes in diatom production or food availability to the fry and the prevalence of favourable hydrological conditions. Kesteven (1967) was of the view that the fluctuations are related to shifts in the migratory path of the fish, causing variations in the accessibility of the stocks to fishing due to the limited range of the fishing operations

    Outcome analysis of surgically managed unstable burst fracture

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    Background:Burst fractures are common injuries of dorsolumbar spine. In indicated cases, surgery is the treatment of choice. Significant controversy exists regarding surgical intervention for these fractures. Posterior decompression, anterior decompression and instrumentation, and combined anterior decompression and posterior instrumentation have been recommended in various studies. Here we are going to evaluate unstable burst fractures of thoracic and lumbar spine treated by isolated anterior decompression and instrumented fusion with TSM-Bone graft composite.Methods: Prospective study of thirty-six cases of unstable fracture of thoracic and lumbar spine treated in Sri Ramachandra Medical centre from January 2011 to January 2014. The inclusion criteria were burst fractures of thoracic or lumbar spine complete or incomplete neurological deficit and burst fractures of thoracic or lumbar spine without neurological deficit but with mechanical instability. The exclusion criteria were pathological fractures, chance fracture, stable burst, wedge compression and osteoporotic compression fractures. The results were analyzed during the follow-up using the Pain – Visual analogue scale, Fusion status and radiographic parameter – K-angle .For pain score were given as 3,2,1 for absent, moderate and severe pain respectively. Regarding fusion status score of 3,2,1 were given when fusion was good, fair and no sign of fusion respectively.Results:Mean pre-operative K-angle was 28o. Average loss of correction at final follow up was 3o.Mean correction of K-angle was 140.Moderate to severe loss of correction of K- angle was observed in 4 patients. Mild to moderate pain in 5 patients treated with analgesics. Average TSM subsidence was 3mm.Conclusions:Bone graft composite provides stable biomechanical support to deficient anterior column in burst fractures and allows early rehabilitation and mobilization. Neural recovery may occur after anterior decompression, stabilization and fusion with TSM-Bone graft composite in dorsolumbar burst fractures with incomplete cord injury

    New Samarium and Neodymium based admixed ferromagnets with near zero net magnetization and tunable exchange bias field

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    Rare earth based intermetallics, SmScGe and NdScGe, are shown to exhibit near zero net magnetization with substitutions of 6 to 9 atomic percent of Nd and 25 atomic percent of Gd, respectively. The notion of magnetic compensation in them is also elucidated by the crossover of zero magnetization axis at low magnetic fields (less than 103 Oe) and field-induced reversal in the orientation of the magnetic moments of the dissimilar rare earth ions at higher magnetic fields. These magnetically ordered materials with no net magnetization and appreciable conduction electron polarization display an attribute of an exchange bias field, which can be tuned. The attractively high magnetic ordering temperatures of about 270 K, underscore the importance of these materials for potential applications in spintronics.Comment: 6 page text + 5 figure

    Investigation of novel high T<SUB>c</SUB> superconducting oxides

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    Our results of microscopic and macroscopic studies of novel high Tc superconductors are discussed. They permit a straightforward comparison of the nature of the superconductivity in 40 K range (La2CuO4 type) and 90 K range (YBa2Cu3O7type) superconductors

    Competing risks analysis for neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of diabetic retinopathy incidence in the Scottish population

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    Background Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major sight-threatening microvascular complication in individuals with diabetes. Systemic inflammation combined with oxidative stress is thought to capture most of the complexities involved in the pathology of diabetic retinopathy. A high level of neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is an indicator of abnormal immune system activity. Current estimates of the association of NLR with diabetes and its complications are almost entirely derived from cross-sectional studies, suggesting that the nature of the reported association may be more diagnostic than prognostic. Therefore, in the present study, we examined the utility of NLR as a biomarker to predict the incidence of DR in the Scottish population. Methods The incidence of DR was defined as the time to the first diagnosis of R1 or above grade in the Scottish retinopathy grading scheme from type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The effect of NLR and its interactions were explored using a competing risks survival model adjusting for other risk factors and accounting for deaths. The Fine and Gray subdistribution hazard model (FGR) was used to predict the effect of NLR on the incidence of DR. Results We analysed data from 23,531 individuals with complete covariate information. At 10 years, 8416 (35.8%) had developed DR and 2989 (12.7%) were lost to competing events (death) without developing DR and 12,126 individuals did not have DR. The median (interquartile range) level of NLR was 2.04 (1.5 to 2.7). The optimal NLR cut-off value to predict retinopathy incidence was 3.04. After accounting for competing risks at 10 years, the cumulative incidence of DR and deaths without DR were 50.7% and 21.9%, respectively. NLR was associated with incident DR in both Cause-specific hazard (CSH = 1.63; 95% CI: 1.28–2.07) and FGR models the subdistribution hazard (sHR = 2.24; 95% CI: 1.70–2.94). Both age and HbA1c were found to modulate the association between NLR and the risk of DR. Conclusions The current study suggests that NLR has a promising potential to predict DR incidence in the Scottish population, especially in individuals less than 65 years and in those with well-controlled glycaemic status

    Organo-arsenic molecular layers on silicon for high-density doping

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    This article describes for the first time the controlled monolayer doping (MLD) of bulk and nanostructured crystalline silicon with As at concentrations approaching 2 x 10²⁰ atoms cm⁻³. Characterization of doped structures after the MLD process confirmed that they remained defect- and damage-free, with no indication of increased roughness or a change in morphology. Electrical characterization of the doped substrates and nanowire test structures allowed determination of resistivity, sheet resistance, and active doping levels. Extremely high As-doped Si substrates and nanowire devices could be obtained and controlled using specific capping and annealing steps. Significantly, the As-doped nanowires exhibited resistances several orders of magnitude lower than the predoped materials

    Graphene Photonics and Optoelectronics

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    The richness of optical and electronic properties of graphene attracts enormous interest. Graphene has high mobility and optical transparency, in addition to flexibility, robustness and environmental stability. So far, the main focus has been on fundamental physics and electronic devices. However, we believe its true potential to be in photonics and optoelectronics, where the combination of its unique optical and electronic properties can be fully exploited, even in the absence of a bandgap, and the linear dispersion of the Dirac electrons enables ultra-wide-band tunability. The rise of graphene in photonics and optoelectronics is shown by several recent results, ranging from solar cells and light emitting devices, to touch screens, photodetectors and ultrafast lasers. Here we review the state of the art in this emerging field.Comment: Review Nature Photonics, in pres


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    We solve the offline monitoring problem for timed propositional temporal logic (TPTL), interpreted over dense-time Boolean signals. The variant of TPTL we consider extends linear temporal logic (LTL) with clock variables and reset quantifiers, providing a mechanism to specify real-time constraints. We first describe a general monitoring algorithm based on an exhaustive computation of the set of satisfying clock assignments as a finite union of zones. We then propose a specialized monitoring algorithm for the one-variable case using a partition of the time domain based on the notion of region equivalence, whose complexity is linear in the length of the signal, thereby generalizing a known result regarding the monitoring of metric temporal logic (MTL). The region and zone representations of time constraints are known from timed automata verification and can also be used in the discrete-time case. Our prototype implementation appears to outperform previous discrete-time implementations of TPTL monitoring