790 research outputs found
Career Orientation Of Employees In Islamic Banks: Kingdom of Bahrain
The main aim of the study was to identify the career anchors of employees working in Islamic banks of Bahrain and to examine the similarities or differences, in the career anchor preferences of males and females, managers and non-managers, and among the three generations [baby-boomers, Gen X and Gen Y]. Edgar Schein’s eight career anchors formed the basis of this study. The study revealed that there is no significant difference in the career anchor preferences of the male, female, managers and non-managers. The main anchor for majority of these categories was technical/functional competence, for the second majority of respondents it was general managerial competence. The career anchors preference of babyboomers and Gen X, and Gen X and Gen Y was somewhat similar. However there was a variation in the career anchor preferences of baby-boomers and Gen Y. Majority of the baby-boomers and Gen X preferred technical/functional competence as their main anchor, and Gen Y opted for general managerial competence. The preferred anchor for the second majority of baby-boomers was security/stability, for Gen X general managerial competence and Gen Y pure challenge. The findings of this study would facilitate Islamic banks in Bahrain to develop appropriate career development plans based on their employee preferences. For male, female, managers and non-managers, career plans based on career anchors like technical/functional competence, and general managerial competence need to be made. Whereas for baby-boomers, Gen X and Gen Y relevant career plans based on specific preferences need to be formulated
Puberty - An Ayurvedic care
The functionality of Ayurveda reproductive system in women is initiated by onset of menstruation is menarche. The peak time being 12 years to 16 years, these are probable ages. There may be slight variation in individual cases because of age, that can be influenced by specific Ahara and Arogya. It is only in our country refers to the phase specific practices based on religion, community, geographical, area the practices differ. But these practices have root in Ayurveda. A playful girl menstruates for first time though indicative of reproductive system. Thus this period requires a special care, which could be a simple household remedy or specific nutritious food based on resources of local ate. There is Ayurvedic text refers to the ad vocation of regime. This article discusses the relevance’s of such practices. Further suggest simpler regime to enhance the further growth and development of individual. And also focus on the medical conditions occurs during this period. It is also important to give psychological support
Time-resolved and static NMR characterization of the structure and folding kinetics of the Diels-Alder ribozyme
Despite the well-known importance of ribonucleic acids (RNA) in cell biology, it is astounding to realize the pace at which new fundamental functions of RNAs have been discovered. One of the fundamental reasons for the multitude of functions of RNA is the property of RNA to adopt different conformations or folds. The primary sequence of RNA, a linear polymer built from four different repetition units, can fold into alternate secondary structure motifs which in turn form alternate long-range interactions in complex tertiary structures. Ligands such as metal ions or small molecular weight metabolites and also proteins or peptides can bind to RNA and induce the changes in tertiary conformation. For example, in the cell, RNA participates in gene regulation in the form of riboswitches. Riboswitches are found in untranslated regions of messenger RNA (mRNA) and adopt alternate conformations depending on the presence or absence of specific metabolites. If a metabolite is present above a specific concentration, it induces a conformational change in the respective riboswitch by binding and thereby alters gene expression. Another example is the RNA thermometer which participates in the cell translational mechanism by a similar strategy. Translation initiation requires the binding of RNA thermometers to the ribosome. The ribosome binding region is located in the 5’ untranslated region of mRNA. At low temperatures this region is prevented from binding to the ribosome by forming basepairs. At higher temperatures, these basepairs dissociate allowing ribosome binding and subsequent translation. Therefore, the characterization and delineation of the kinetics and pathway of RNA folding is important to understand the function of RNA and is an important contribution to fundamentally understand RNA’s role in the cell. RNA conformational transitions occur over a wide range of timescales. Depending on the timescale, various biophysical techniques are used to study RNA conformational transitions. In these biophysical studies, achieving good structural and temporal resolution constitute frequently encountered challenges or limitations. For example, single molecule FRET spectroscopy provides high temporal resolution in the milliseconds at high sensitivity but lacks atomic resolution. Recent advances in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy have enabled the elucidation of tertiary folding events to be characterized with atomic resolution. This thesis involves the use of NMR spectroscopy to characterize the folding of RNA molecules. Kinetics experiments require rapid initiation of the kinetics followed by monitoring of the reaction. In this thesis, two different folding initiation techniques have been applied and coupled to the subsequent detection of RNA folding using NMR spectroscopy, namely, photocaging and rapid mixing. The method of photocaging is well established (Kuhn and Schwalbe, 2000) and builds on the following principle: A photolabile moiety is attached to a molecule that prevents a specific interaction. Upon irradiation of the molecule with the photolabile group using laser light at a specific wave length, at which the molecule of interest is not absorbing, the protecting group is released. In our group, together with the group of S. Pitsch, ETH Lausanne, we could "cage" RNA at its equilibrium state by a photolabile molecule (similar work has been carried out in the group of A. Heckel). Rapid and traceless release of the photolabile precursor compound by a laser pulse releases the RNA to fold into its native state; the build-up of the native state of the RNA is monitored by NMR signals that are uniquely characteristic for the native state of the RNA. By optically coupling a laser source to an NMR magnet, the above procedure can take place in situ and the kinetics recorded by NMR. Several different molecules can be caged: The photocage can be attached to RNA. Then, a modified photolabile nucleotide can be placed at strategic positions of a target RNA whose folding properties is to be studied. The photocage can also be attached to a ligand: if folding is dependent on ligand binding then the ligand can be modified to carry a photosensitive unit whose degradation allows binding to RNA. In this thesis, an alternative method for photocaging is introduced. Here, metal ions essential for folding of the RNA are photocaged using the photolabile chelating agent Dimethyl-nitrophen (DMN). Photolysis of DMNr releases the metal ion, thereby RNA folding is initiated. In the rapid-mixing technique, one of (several) components required for proper folding of the RNA is rapidly injected into an NMR sample in situ by the use of a pneumatic injection device. ...Trotz der bekannten Bedeutung der Ribonukleinsäuren (RNA) in der Zellbiologie ist es erstaunlich, dass neue grundlegende Funktionen von RNAs erst vor kurzem entdeckt wurden. Einer der Hauptgründe für die vielen Funktionen der RNA ist ihre Eigenschaft, verschiedene Konformationen, auch Faltungen genannt, anzunehmen. Die Sequenz der RNA, ein lineares Polymer aus vier verschiedenen wiederholten Einheiten, kann sich falten in alternative Sekundär-Struktur-Motive, die unter Ausbildung weitreichender Wechselwirkungen komplexe tertiäre Strukturen einnehmen. Liganden wie Metallionen oder Metaboliten mit niederem Molekulargewicht, aber auch Proteine oder Peptide können an RNA binden und dadurch Veränderungen der tertiären Konformation induzieren. In prokaryotischen Zellen partizipiert RNA an der Regulation der Genexpression in Form von Riboswitches. Riboswitches sind Bestandteile der nicht-translatierten Regionen der Boten-RNA (mRNA) und nehmen unterschiedliche Konformationen an, je nach Vorhandensein oder Fehlen von spezifischen Metaboliten. Wenn ein Metabolit oberhalb einer bestimmten Konzentration vorliegt, induziert die Bindung dieses Metaboliten eine Konformationsänderung im jeweiligen Riboswitch. Damit ändert sich die Genexpression. RNA-Thermometer partizipieren in der Zelle am translationalen Mechanismus durch eine ähnliche Strategie. Die Ribosomenbindungsregion (Shine-Darlargno, SD-Sequenz) befindet sich in der 5'-nicht-translatierten Region und ist verantwortlich für den Start der Translation; im ersten Schritt bindet eine Untereinheit des Ribosoms an diese Region. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen wird die Bindung des Ribosoms an die SD-Sequenz durch die Bildung von Basenpaaren in der SD-Sequenz verhindert. Daher ist die Charakterisierung der Kinetik und der Faltungswege der RNA wichtig zum Verstehen der Funktion der RNA und ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Verständnis der grundlegenden Funktionen der RNA in der Zelle. RNA-Konformationsänderungen treten über einen großen Bereich von Zeitskalen auf. Je nach der Zeitskala können verschiedene biophysikalischen Techniken verwendet werden, um Konformationsänderungen der RNA zu untersuchen. In biophysikalischen Studien stellt das Erreichen einer hohen strukturellen und zeitlichen Auflösung häufig Probleme dar. Zum Beispiel liefert Einzel-Molekül FRET-Spektroskopie hohe zeitliche Auflösung im Millisekundenbereich bei hoher Empfindlichkeit, aber nicht atomare Auflösung. Jüngste Fortschritte im Bereich der Kernresonanzspektroskopie (engl. nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR) ermöglichen es, tertiäre Faltung von RNA mit atomarer Auflösung aufzulösen. Diese Dissertation widmet sich der NMR-spektroskopischen Untersuchung der Faltung von RNA-Molekülen. Kinetische Experimente erfordern die rasche Induktion der Kinetik, gefolgt vom der Detektion des Reaktionsverlaufs. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei unterschiedliche Techniken zur Faltungeinleitung angewendet, nämlich Photocaging und rasche Vermischung. Die Methode des Photocaging ist gut etabliert und baut auf dem folgenden Prinzip auf: Eine photolabile Schutzgruppe wird in einem Molekül so eingeführt, dass eine spezifische Interaktion verhindert wird. Nach Bestrahlung des Moleküls mit Laser-Licht einer bestimmten Wellenlänge wird die Photoschutzgruppe abgespalten. Zusammen mit der Gruppe von Prof. S. Pitsch, ETH Lausanne, konnten wir photolabile RNA-Nukleotidderivate entwickeln und mittels zeitaufgelöster NMR-Spektroskopie untersuchen (ähnliche RNAs wurden in der Gruppe von Prof. A. Heckel entwickelt). Schnelle und möglichst spurenlose Freisetzung der photolabilen Vorläufer-Verbindung mit einem Laserpuls induziert die Faltung der RNA und die Bildung des nativen Zustand der RNA wird durch NMR-Signale beobachtet, die charakteristisch für den nativen Zustand der RNA sind. Durch optische Kopplung eines Lasers an einen NMR-Magneten kann das oben beschriebene Verfahren in-situ erfolgen und die Kinetik durch NMR aufgezeichnet werden. Mehrere verschiedene Moleküle können mit einer photolabilen Schutzgruppe versehen werden: Die Photoschutzgruppe kann direkt an RNA kovalent gebunden werden. Solche photolabil modifizierten Nukleotide können an strategischen Positionen der Ziel-RNA eingeführt werden, deren Faltungseigenschaften untersucht werden sollen. Die Photoschutzgruppe kann auch an einem Liganden angebracht werden: Wenn die RNA-Faltung von Ligandbindung abhängig ist, kann diese Bindung durch die Photoschutzgruppe unterbunden werden. In dieser Arbeit wird eine alternative Methode für das so genannte "Photocaging" eingeführt. Metallionen, die für manche RNA einen wesentlichen Kofaktor für die Faltung darstellen, werden in der Form des photolabilen Metall-DM-Nitrophen (DMN)-Komplexes chelatisiert. Photolyse des DMN setzt diese Metallionen frei, wodurch RNA-Faltung initiiert wird. In der Mischtechnik wird eine der Komponenten, die für die Faltung der RNA notwendig ist, schnell in ein NMR-Proberöhrchen durch Einsatz eines pneumatischen Injektions-Gerätes in situ injiziert. ..
Nexus of Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation in India Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) Approach
Environmental Pollution is an important issue in the process of Economic Growth. The deterioration of environment begins to have direct impact on the quality of human life, or even a threat to the survival of human being. This paper is aimed at investigating whether there exists the famous inverted U shape relationship between per capita GDP and CO2 emissions as hypothesized by Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). For this purpose time series data for aforesaid factors along with FDI and Population density has been taken for the period 1991-2014 from the World Development Indicators. The findings of the paper revealed that there is 'U' shaped relationship between per capita CO2 emissions and per capita GDP. The paper concludes that, at Indian condition the EKC hypothesis has failed to explain the inverted relationship between per capita CO2 emission and GDP. Keywords: Co-integration, Granger Causality, EKC and India
Effect of 3-aminobenzamide on chromosome damage in human blood lymphocytes adapted to bleomycin
Human blood lymphocytes, pre-treated with very low (adaptation) concentrations of bleomycin for 48 h and then exposed to a high (challenge) dose of the same agent or X-rays, became significantly less sensitive to the induction of chromosome damage than those which did not receive the pre-treatment, indicating an induction of ‘adaptive repair' process. This repair process was negated when 3-amino-benzainide, an inhibitor of poly (ADP) polymerase, was added to the cultures immediately after the challenge treatment. The magnitude of negation in the adaptation response was greater in the case of lymphocytes challenged with X-rays as compared with those challenged with bleomyci
Effect of Isolated and Combined Practice of Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda on Distant Vision among Myopia
Myopia or shortsightedness is the most common refractive error of the eye. A recent study conducted at National Eye Institute shows the prevalence of myopia from 25% in 1971 to a whooping 41.6% in 1999 -2004. Present study was done to analyse the efficacy of Yoga Therapy and Ayurvedic Medicine on distant vision among myopics. 30 subjects were randomly selected for the study from SHES Ayurvedic Medical College OPD, Kalaburagi. 30 subjects were grouped in 3 experimental groups. First group were administered Ayurvedic medicines, second group was selected for Yoga therapy, and third group was advised Yogasana and Ayurvedic therapy. First group was given Triphala Ghrita and Pratimarsha Nasya with Abhijeeta Taila for a period of 8 weeks. Second group was selected for Trataka for a period of 8 weeks. Training was given for 6 days in a week, 15 minutes per day. Third group received combined Ayurveda and Yoga therapy. Snellen’s chart was the scale used to record the distant vision before and after the treatment. Good Response was seen in Group C (Yoga + Ayurveda) as compared to Group A (Ayurveda) and Group B (Yoga)
Patterns of protein expression in tissues of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus grandis
Fundulus is a diverse and widespread genus of small teleost fish of North America. Due to its high tolerance for physiochemical variation (e.g. temperature, oxygen, salinity), Fundulus is a model organism to study physiological and molecular adaptations to environmental stress. The thesis focuses on patterns of protein expression in Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis.The patterns of protein expression were investigated using traditional methods of enzyme activity measurements and recent proteomic approaches. The findings of the study can be used to guide future studies on the proteomic responses of vertebrates to environmental stress. Chapter 2 focuses on measurement of the temporal effects of oxygen treatments on the maximal specific activities of nine glycolytic enzymes in liver and skeletal muscle during chronic exposure (28d) of Fundulus heteroclitus. The fish was exposed to four different oxygen treatments: hyperoxia, normoxia, moderate hypoxia, and severe hypoxia. The time course of changes in maximal glycolytic enzyme specific activities was assessed at 0, 8, 14 and 28 d. The results demonstrate that chronic hypoxia alters the capacity for carbohydrate metabolism in F. heteroclitus, with the important observation that the responses are both tissue- and enzyme-specific. Chapter 3 studies the effect of tissue storage on protein profile of tissues of F. grandis. The technique of one dimensional gel electrophoresis (1D-SDS-PAGE) was used to assess the effects of tissue sampling, flash frozen in liquid nitrogen versus immersion of fresh tissue in RNA later, for five tissues, liver, skeletal muscle, brain, gill, and heart, followed by LC-MS/MS to identify protein bands that were differentially stabilized in gill and liver. The study shows that, in F. grandis, the preferred method of preservation was tissue specific. xi Chapter 4 focuses on the use of advanced 2DE-MS/MS to characterize the proteome of multiple tissues in F. grandis. Database searching resulted in the identification of 253 non-redundant proteins in five tissues: liver, muscle, brain, gill, and heart. Identifications include enzymes of energy metabolism, heat shock proteins, and structural proteins. The protein identification rate was approximately 50 % of the protein spots analyzed. This identification rate for a species without a sequenced genome demonstrates the utility of F. grandis as a model organism for environmental proteomic studies in vertebrates
Development of Low Cost Diagnostic Devices For Monitoring Public Health and Disease Prevention
The development of low-cost point-of-care diagnostic technologies might potentially save millions of lives and protect the population from a wide range of diseases. By providing safety for everyone, these gadgets can not only reduce the cost of healthcare but also raise living standards. These easily constructed devices hold great promise for underdeveloped countries, where a greater need for affordable, reliable instruments is present due to the widespread presence of diseases. In order to address the primary public health concern and build low-cost devices for disease prevention and public health monitoring, it is suggested in this work that material engineering be used at a synergistic interface. To ensure that food and water are safe for human consumption, it is crucial to monitor them for the organism that causes infectious diseases. Contaminated water can cause a number of infectious diseases, with underdeveloped countries having the greatest rates of food and waterborne illness cases. Assessing the quality of water and quickly identifying harmful bacteria continue to be difficult tasks in the fight to protect public health and stop bioterrorism
Nutritional diet in Balyavasta - An Ayurvedic Perspective
In Ashtanga Ayurveda, Kaumarya Bhritya has been considered as important specialty. Kaumarya Bhritya deals with the proper growth and development of the healthy child as well as treatment of the diseased child. Nutrition plays central role in growth and development of the child. Initial 6 months the baby is nourished with exclusive breast feeding, later periods only breast milk is not sufficient to provide the nutritional needs of growing baby. After 6 months, introduction of food supplements (semi-solid foods) along with breast feeding is necessary (to provide adequate and appropriate supplements) for proper growth and development and to prevent malnutrition. Introduce fruits and vegetables, which are rich source of macro and micro nutrients, hence help in growth and development of child, Prevent many diseases. After two years start normal diet. So Ayurveda gives importance on good nutrition at every stage of life, in order to maintain health. This article highlights Ayurvedic concepts of nutritional practice in Balyavasta
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